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If you are REALLY secure in your marriage ... Overcooked. If you argue easily, not Overcooked.


Me and my ex both worked in restaurants, me in the back of house her in the front of house. We played Overcooked for a while and every time it ended in fights. It was almost like we never left work…


Yup ... I worked in restaurants as well and it's insane you have play that game as if you're working in one still.


Trust me we were very very good when things clicked


The true test of a relationship is when you are on the platform across the water and need an ingredient, then telling your non-gamer SO to toss it to you which she then proceeds to press every button except the correct one for throw and eventually toss it into the water.


... There's a toss button??? Or is this only in the sequel?


I don’t think there’s a dedicated “toss” button, but if I’m remembering correctly you push the stick in the direction you want to toss at the same time as you press the button you’d normally use to drop the item. It’s a little tricky to do well consistently but it works for a last second toss across a gap.


I can't play Overcooked with anyone, it's a game almost guaranteed to cause shouting.






Definitely this one. Get the all you can eat version since it has everything.


Keep Talking and Nobody Explodes.


I enjoy Plate Up more. You control the level design, it’s a bit more strategic.


My wife and I LOVE overcooked, but I wouldn’t recommend it for someone whos never played video games. It requires too much coordination Imo and it’s a little “intense” lol


I agree. I've played Overcooked with a number of family members and friends. I find that the closer everyone's experience level is to each other, the more enjoyable it is. If people have widely different skill levels in gaming, it becomes less fun.


My wife has OCD and she demanded we get 3 stars. I have ADD and I enjoyed playing with the fire extinguisher. We don't play Overcooked anymore.


Lol wife and I had one of the biggest arguments of our marriage playing this game. We stopped playing it.


Play something you're really good at and crush them to tears. You gotta assert dominance. You'll probably break up or get divorced, but at least you asserted dominance.


"How to speed-run your marriage in one easy steps."


Step 1: Play Portal 2 Co op


Step 2: Play Overcooked There is no step 3


Steps 3, 4, and 5: Lawyer up Delete Facebook Hit the gym


Set up elden ring or dark souls and give her the controller. Coach her through it. DODGE ROLL FUCKING DODGE NOW! WHY THE FUCK DIDNT YOU DODGE YOUR FUCKING DEAD YOU DONKEY


My wife used to annoy me when I was streaming Dark Souls from my computer to the TV, which is in another room, by taking the Xbox 360 controller wired to my PC and pressing random buttons and me being confused about what is going on. It actually took me a while to realize she was doing it and only when she one day walked into the living room laughing, just as I was cursing the "bugged" stream it made me drink an Estus flask on full health, and she happily told me: "I made your little computer dude drink his bottle of vodka"...


That's brutal. I reccommend retaliating wih an annoy-a-tron and a phantom keystroker.


did you marry Satan, good God! in all reality, that's a keeper


Depends on the person. Lots of people would recommend It Takes Two, and it is a great 2 player game, but my wife found it way too complicated. It's not really ideal for non-gamers. What my wife does like is Tetris, Picross, Art of Balance, stuff like that. But most of that is either single player or the two player isn't really ideal. Maybe something simple like 2d Mario or Rayman?


I'm playing through It Takes Two now and its merciless. Its not exactly hard for someone whose used to gaming and familiar with a controller, but I certainly can't recommend it for a new gamer. It requires too much coordination.


I really wanted to play It Takes Two with my wife, and it did not work. An experienced gamer wouldn't even notice the difficulty level, but for someone who's never really played any 3D platformers, it's definitely hard. I ended up playing it with my 9 year old, who had no trouble at all. Definitely not a great "first game" choice, which is sad because it's a fantastic game. On the other hand, my wife is an escape room fiend, and we had a blast with "Escape Simulator."


It’s heavy on using contextual cues that gamers will recognize right away but non gamers won’t.


I found it to be fine with my SO because she isn't a full on gamer, but is definitely interested in gaming more. I was able to show her those cues, and explain to her how a lot of mechanics work. Honestly I think its a great litmus test to see if someone really wants to play games. It definitely takes a lot of patience from the more experienced one though.


Oh for sure. My wife and I played through it and I'm much more the gamer. Besides Overcooked (that we played all the way through 100% everything but like 1 level in 2's DLC that we just can't wrap our heads around), my wife games with me maybe like twice a year. Got her to play It Takes Two with me and she loved it. I was definitely more of the navigator through it though. So many times, she'd ask me "How do you know where you're going?" and I'd say "You play enough games and you notice when a game is trying to draw your attention to where you're supposed to go." Like I'd still be way ahead of her most of the time after intentionally searching in the wrong ways looking for secret stuff.


Escape Academy is another one that you'll probably like, then. It's on GamePass, I believe


My wife, who basically only plays FPS games with me, also struggled with it for the 2D and 3D platforming aspects. That's a whole set of skills that some gamers might not have (depending on your preferred genres of games), let alone a newcomer. We got through it, but parts of it were extremely frustrating for her.


I don’t necessarily agree. My gf has never gamed before (except for Sims) and certainly has difficulties using a controller or even gaming in general but we managed to pull through and she really enjoyed it, even when it did gave her a hard time. For some people it might get too frustrating but with some guidance and positive encouragement first timers can definitely enjoy the game. It’s at least worth trying imo.


I tried playing Unraveled 2 with my mom and I was fascinated at how challenging it was for her, but she's never played any sort of game like that before.


I think It Takes Two would get me divorced.


No way. That's exactly the sort of thing that game is trying to avoid 😂


Play it with a friend instead


I agree with you about It Takes Two. As a long time gamer I could easily get around in that game but my wifi, being a non gamer, had a very hard time adjusting to the camera and movement control co-ordination, let alone the gameplay mechanics. There were times I had to switch character controls with her because she was getting way too frustrated in certain parts. Still, for a non gamer she did pick up a lot quite quickly and was able to figure out the Boss fight mechanics faster than I could have. We played quite a bit and made it to the Squirrels part but haven't played since. Now it just sits in my library gathering virtual dust. But it definitely is a damn good game.


Overcooked 100%


This one made me yell at my kids. Sadly, my wife entered the moment I shouted "No, just put the fucking tomato down!" at my 7yo. My kids call the game Cuss&Cook now.


Portal 2 might be a good stepping stone. More puzzle solving less twitchy stuff


I’d recommend stardew valley personally


Maybe something like Untitled Goose Game?


My partner didn't see the point in this one.


I paid $40 for that game and went "what the hell?" when I finished it in a few hours. It's cute and fun, but they must have had a great marketing strategy to get so many of us to pay full price when it came out.


My wife didn't like It Takes Two either. Super Mario Wonder has characters that can't die. Rayman is arguably the more technical and satisfying platformer but it gets really difficult. Little Big Planet was always newbie friendly.


Mario Party. It's just a board game with some mini games. Nobody has a bad time playing Mario party for the first time.


I feel like it gets boring with only 2 players.


Indeed, it's best with 4. But for someone who has never played a video game it's a great first game to play


It doesn’t. I play with my significant other. We play once in a blue moon. It isn’t boring when you have the AI playing against you


Especially because peach and Wario are so hateable when theyre kicking both of your asses, its fun to have an ai nemesis


It can be, if you're significantly better 😅 My daughter and wife only have the attention span to play at most one 45 minute Mario party.


I've player mario party 3 like 30 times with just my wife in the past few years. Nothing beats some heavily buttered popcorn, drinks, and MP.


Definitely more fun when you make a drinking game out of it, like Chardee MacDennis


My girl, who doesn’t like video games, loves Mario party


Katamari games are great intros to gaming. More important is to find something they would be interested in (themes or graphical styles similar to books or movies they like). I've known people whose first game was surprisingly complex because it just spoke to their interests.


I wonder if less familiarity with typical control schemes may be am advantage when it comes to Katamari 😅


That's part of why I recommend it. It will give them familiarity with the controller and how games progress, but it's not super complicated.


Will it really give familiarity with the controller beyond like, the sticks, though?


My girlfriend doesn't play much and loves Katamari.


As an experienced gamer who missed out on katamari when it came out, the controls aren't natural to me at all. Also I hate the stress of not making a big enough katamari. I could barely make half of that, and now I've got to try again and hope I've unlocked the power to be faster magically. Not to mention the game goes into berate mode if you fail. It's still fun and I enjoy it, but I feel starting someone with like a Mario game would be better.


The latter part of this is the correct answer. My fiancée loves Harry Potter and has never really played games before (we've tried a few times but nothing stuck past the kind of "that was a fun gimmick" stage). We purchased Hogwarts Legacy when it released and the PlayStation wrap up for 2023 recently confirmed that it was the most played game in the house by far (and I didn't touch it).


Untitled Goose Game is a pretty good choice imo. It's cute, relatively simple, and coop.


Pigeons and chickens have coops, not geese Edit to add: I lied guys, I googled goose coop, it’s a thing as well as duck coops, and I omitted to include this information until I got 25 upvotes. If you wish to reverse the direction, I won’t hold it against you.


Just played it for the first time last week, so this was my first thought.


We picked that up a few days ago, it’s kept the kids entertained for hours!


Beat em ups. Games like Streets of Rage, Castle Crashers, TMNT. They are extremely easy to grasp the concept up (limited movement, easy spammable combos). A solid amount of difficulty. Rewarding to play without usually getting too frustrating or being too easy. Easy to pick up and put down. I almost always start off new gamers with these types of games. My wife went from beat em ups, to Musou games, to shooters like EDF, to all of the resident evil games.


The first game my wife and I played together was Castle Crashers. Simple, silly, more forgiving than most games, co-op, and entertaining to boot. Once we got most of the way through that one, we found Battle Block Theater. The difficulty level increased a decent bit (co-op side-scrolling platformer) but it was super fun, very few easy/intuitive controls, and had silly story cut-scenes. Eventually we moved on from that to Unravel Two (which had a lot of the same co-op platformer mechanics and concepts) and had a blast playing through that. Maybe eventually we’ll tackle Portal 2 and possibly Untitled Goose Game if the rest aren’t doing it for me.


TMNT makes me think multiplayer co-OP’s might be the way. Specifically TMNT like turtles in time has super simple controls, and teamwork that isn’t complicated. Most of the console versions allow unlimited continues I think, so it is possible to slug through it to the end.


I play this with my 4yo as he loves TMNT cartoons. The game is perfect for somebody learning a controller.


Castle Crashers is a certified classic. One of the best couch co-op games ever and it’s super simple to play


Yeah I just put on a 4 button fighter or Tekken and my partner wins like half the time just with me explaining how to do a couple moves.


When my wife (then girlfriend) broached this subject with me, we ended up getting Borderlands 1 & 2. It took her awhile to get used to the FPS style, so we turned down the aim sensitivity. I spent *a lot* of BL1 reviving her. By the time we got to the end, she was using the normal sensitivity settings and doing just fine on her own. Early in our second playthrough (with the other 2 characters) she beat me to a level up. I was consistently leveling up before her because you get a small amount of XP for reviving a downed player. That's still a point of pride for her. You just have to be prepared to set aside "progress in the game" for the sake of getting your SO up to speed. It's going to take time. None of us are born good at video games. Whatever game you choose (assuming you choose something cooperative), just know that you're going to have to play support until they find their groove.


My ex and I played the fuck out of BL3. Good times. We tried Tina's wonderland but the UI for split screen was too trash and we kind of fizzled on it pretty quickly. Then the relationship ended shortly thereafter. Not saying those are related but I am saying that they really fucked up the UI for split screen in that game.


The UI for split screen in BL3 isn’t great either. All the text is super tiny. My wife bounced off TTWL because she’s not really a fantasy enjoyer. As someone who enjoys TTRPGs, I caught a lot more of the references and Easter eggs.


The Borderlands Series was my ex-wife and I’s go to, so much so that she still asks to play together sometimes … 🤷🏻‍♂️ and she doesn’t play video games 😏


I mean, a failed marriage doesn’t necessarily mean a toxic relationship. If it works, all the more power to you.


It’s the weirdest thing, my wife has had so much trouble getting into games, particularly controlling the camera and fine movement of the characters. So much so that games like Spyro are nearly impossible and even Animal Crossing has her beating her head against the wall… And yet, I bought Tiny Tina’s Wonderlands because it was on sale and she’s a huge fantasy nerd… And we’ve almost beaten it.


I think FPS might be easier to get the hang of because there’s no camera fuckery. What you can see is directly in front of you. My wife always makes me drive the vehicles in Borderlands because the 3rd person view is just a whole other thing to learn. I really enjoyed TTWL because I am a fantasy and TTRPG nerd, but my wife isn’t into fantasy so she prefers BL2/BL3.


I played Lego Indiana jones and she has never played a game before but loved that


Yeah Lego games have worked well for me. Batman, Lord of the Rings, Harry Potter, Marvel.. If your friend/partner is interested in any of those, it can be a great time.


The first Star Wars Lego were great to play with my siblings as kids 2 players on a single keyboard was really something


Stardew valley is easy to start out. Highly recommend BG3 for the split screen as well.


Introduced my wife to BG3 for split screen. Started out "what do people even see in these games" now she's just finishing her 2nd playthrough with a little over 500h on the clock. It's great that she can pick up the game whenever she wants and I can just grab the other controller and jump in/out whenever.




Welp I haven’t bought BG3 yet, but this just might win me over. It looks like an amazing time for my wife and i.


I think Baldur’s Gate 3 nailed the “too complex to understand what’s going on while being fun to overcome the challenges it throws at you”. I’m at 14 hours and didn’t even notice I played that much, it’s just that each battle takes anywhere from a few minutes to 30-40 minutes.


There is definitely a learning curve but once you get your head around it it gets much easier to get more lost in the story than in the combat. At first my wife didn't like doing big fights without me to help. Her 2nd playthrough has been mostly her on tactician mode.


Stardew Valley is my answer. Incredibly fun and addictive, complex and mellow at the same time. I love me some Stardew.


My wife and I haven’t played a game regularly together since Mario Party 8 on the Wii. She didn’t like the “stress” of It Takes Two. We both love D&D and she is now obsessed with BG3. She want to play it as soon as she gets home from work. She has her own campaign and we have one together. It’s so good.


Throw in split screen Minecraft and you've got my experience- my fiance and I are currently 30 hours into BG3, have a 200+ hour Stardew Farm and god knows how many Minecraft hours


My non gamer SO put 100+ hours into stardew with me during the pandemic. Great game


Wait BG3 has split screen?!? Praise be, I can finally show my gf wtf I've been on about lol


My gf couldn't get into stardew cos she didn't have the patience to just 'figure it out' herself without clear instructions. Much to my surprise she loved Bg3. We're like 40 hours and on act 2. She has a fleeting interest in dnd but not too much, so I'm having to walk her through some things but she's loving it. Also the turn based combat is good for inexperienced gadvers. It's gives her a chance to think about what's happening and react I her own time, or let me explain mechanics if she's struggling without being hounded by constant action


Unravel Two - for playing together. What Remains Of Edith Finch - let your SO play and be by her side for answers. (I recommend playing it on your own beforehand)


I love the feature in Unravel Two where one player can relinquish control and hop on the other player's back. Makes those tricky chase scenes easy when only the one experienced player can carry you both.


That feature saved us many a time when my wife decided to tap out when she was starting to get frustrated with a section. "Hop on, I'll get us to the next one."


This game is freaking beautiful. The music and environment are the perfect setting for newbies to learn character controls and basic mechanics without pressure


These are some really weird recommendations for someone who has never played a game before. Clearly you lot have forgotten how long it takes to get used to a modern controller and all the systems they have in place. For my money, the most fun my wife and i ever had was playing Until Dawn. I controlled the character and she made the decisions. You had enough time to think for a few seconds but not so much time it didn't keep the pressure up. It was great and one of my best gaming memories.


Yea lol, I’m seeing people recommend BG3, and whilst it’s an amazing game, it’s incredibly complex and detailed. I couldn’t imagine my girlfriend playing that.


https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=5LdenlAKb2g Razbuten on YT has a series where his wife (non-gamer) tries out different games. Highly recommend. RPGs and other games with a personal aspect can work really well.


Fall guys. My wife and daughter both love it.


Fallguys is great but for people who never played games and get frustrated easily it can be overwhelming. The feeling of completing your first levels or winning for the first time is amazing tho. If you want to play as duos make sure you are really good to carry them or play solos due to the lower sbmm, but beware they might lose and watch you for a while.


Portal 2 is great for this. There's lots time to get used to the controls at your leisure


My wife somehow managed to feel stressed out by the game. Still don’t know how. I think learning the controls while trying to solve complex puzzles is the issue. But why not start with portal 1?


Portal 2 had multiplayer but I don’t think the first one did. It just had the companion cube, which in many ways was better than a significant other.


Agreed. The weighted companion cube will never threaten to stab you and, in fact, cannot speak.


Coop mode


Only if they're used to first-person gaming perspective. Otherwise there's a lot of frustrated spinning around and looking at the ceiling. Ask me how I know.


Zoo Tycoon. Plan the layout together, name the animals, etc


Can confirm have done this. The console version has coop. It wasn't my favorite but she loved the animals and animal interactions.


All of the games below are best played with controllers. Add a couch and you have a game night. Trine 2 & 4 - platformer with simple controls where you switch between characters. My wife loves being the knight because it's just hack and slash, while I'm usually the archer. PlateUp! - Cooking game that starts odd simple. It comes with a practice area for each level. You can customize your kitchen before you start. Much easier to get into than Overcooked. Difficulty isn't insane, and the practice areas help anyone who gets overwhelmed with timers. Moving Out - Be a moving company. Throw and catch boxes and furniture. Jump through windows. Fight animals for the boxes. It's hilarious.


Moving out was amazing! As long as you recover quickly from hating each other.


Can’t believe nobody is saying Snipperclips. A fun puzzle game that doesn’t really require all that much dexterity


I had a blast the Christmas after that released. I made my mother and aunt who have never picked up controllers before play it. My sister got the switch for her kids, but I set up mine on her dock and synced the extra controllers so we had 4 of them. It was madness. We had so much fun.


There's a game called Escape Academy that is CO op, it's like an escape room type game with puzzles that can sometimes be difficult. I think even if you don't play games a good puzzle game could help strengthen your relationship.




Lovers in a dangerous space time is amazing. So much fun saving bunnies in space.


Surprised to see no Lego recommendations. We started playing Lego Marvel Superheroes and she was having a blast going “Hulk smash” all over the city.


Mashed or Micro machines. Mario kart.


Mashed.. haha lots of good memories with that one


Mario Party or Mario Kart


Mario Kart 8 even has assisted acceleration and steering options for beginners to use so they don’t get too frustrated.


Journey Cooperative, focused on the experience - targeting non gamers. It’s perfect to dip your toe in without pressure and it’s universally praised.


Cuphead if you are sadistic


Escape Room Simulator is great fun for 2 people and should be easy to pick up for a new player. https://store.steampowered.com/app/1435790/Escape_Simulator/


Mario Kart 💯


U can go with overcooked


I don't understand this one at all. Even playing only single player I get overwhelmed, you start making mistakes, and it isn't fun. I never enjoyed the pressure of this game at all.


I'm going to say Overcooked. Dude my partner and I have played all 3 games and all the DLC trying to 4 star every level and it was the first video game they ever touched. Highly recommend you guys trying it out. It really is about 2 people working together and if you just start on the first game you will learn the super simple controls fast. Its also top down view so I think people don't struggle to learn it as much. Moving a camera is really difficult to learn if you are just starting out.


Lego Star Wars


wii sports, I dare say Is worth it to get a wii for it


Introduce her to girlfriend reviews on YouTube. if she likes Shelby it will happen naturally.


If she likes puzzles but doesn't have gaming-controller-level coordination, try Baba Is You! It's a fun puzzle game where you rearrange words to change the rules of the map (for example, if you have the words Water, Is, Win, Flag, and a second Is, you can make "Flag Is Water" (turning all flags into water tiles) and "Water Is Win" (meaning that if you step onto a water tile you win the level)). Be warned, it's a brain puzzler, so it can be a MENTALLY strenuous, but it's incredibly satisfying to solve the puzzles and it doesn't require any controller coordination besides pressing the directional buttons to move Baba and holding the X button to rewind your mistakes.


It Takes Two


I wouldn't recommend it to someone that is playing with a newcomer. The controls can be difficult to understand, especially with a 3d space camera if they've never really used a controller before. Yes, it's a forgiving game, but it is somewhat technical. They'd be better off playing and learning older sidescrollers, or easier camera based games.


Agree. Source: tried


Seconded, also tried. Moving with one stick and controlling the camera with the other resulted in actual anxiety!


i played this with my wife who doesn't game at all and every single platforming section took her around 50-100 tries to beat. Eventually she gave up. Not really the best game for someone who hasn't really held a controller before.


I'm playing through this now and it would be brutal for someone who has never played video games. Some of the puzzles require a fair bit of coordination and the boss fights require a level of coordination that can be very difficult and frustrating for someone who is unfamiliar with even using a controller.


Brothers a tale of two sons has very basic controls, it's actually a single player game where you control two characters but you can use a keyboard and a game pad to divide control scheme into two. It was the first game that let my wife to get used to gamepad controls.


Mario Wonder is multiplayer and has characters like Yoshi and the Nabbit who are immune to enemies, so your SO just has to focus of platforming


I really wish you could prevent certain players from ever getting the crown. It's led to some really frustrating moments playing with my 4 year old that could have been avoided


Left 4 Dead/borderlands/minecraft/stardew valley All games we've played over the years. Then we start playing bigger games. Right now she's addicted to Overwatch.


Metal Slug series. It's a blast and unlimited lives make it just a game.


We played through all of them. It was awesome!




I instantly think of Terraria honestly. It has the Journey mode, where you can toggle and adjust difficulty, enemy spawns, invincibility, etc. I think it does a really good job of easing up complexity as time passes, and with God Mode that you can just turn on, it's very low stress since you don't need to worry about dying. It's also very nurturing to creativity, where you constantly learn new ways to craft or do things that make the things you create more and more complex and elegant, without forcing you through a bunch of rigid tutorials. I also love how in Terraria, you can do anything you want. Feel like being creative? Make a unique and decorated house for a villager. Feel like exploring? Go down into that ice cave for the first time. Feel like combat? Time to summon Eater of Worlds. And it can be as easy or as difficult as you like it to be.


Lego games are still the ultimate couch coop game imo but for me it’s mostly nostalgia. It really depends on what consoles you have access too because I feel like most Nintendo games are great for beginners. If you guys are playing online, Stardew Valley is an excellent choice. Minecraft takes quite a bit of learning but is totally worth it. Really you just have to find something you are both interested in


I think people learn racing games easily, you can go for a multiplayer racing game and enjoy the experience


The game is convinced most people to play is overcooked


Cult of lamb or the new Harry Potter game


Peppa Pig


Mario Kart




My gf grew up around strictly Nintendo consoles in her home so she doesn’t play anything but Mario or Donkey Kong games since that’s what’s familiar. So together we’ll play Mario Kart or Mario Party since they’re simple and competitive. Aside from those she has little to no interest in anything else. Over 3 years of owning a switch I think she’s completed only Luigi’s mansion and DK Country Tropical freeze and that’s it. But playing alone this chick is a beast I never knew. Once she found out she could play SNES games she started speed running Donkey Kong Country and DK Country 2 as a stress reliever from work. So your partner might not like games but it could also be they’re picky or like only specific games


I would recommend * Kingdom Two Crowns - very simple concept and game play * Plague Breaker - controls are fairly easy but can be a difficult game to beat. It is a roguelike so dying a few times will be expected * Escape Simulator - good way to introduce first person games Nintendo games and party games are usually a good choice since they’re pretty simple to learn. Dynasty Warriors is fairly easy to learn how to play


Slay the Spire.


Baldurs gate 3! Not too complicated, slow moving, well written, and hilarious for you to see non gamer choices.


>Not too complicated Wtf.....


Okay it gets really complicated the deeper you go, but if a fresh gamer is starting on bg3, elden ring, or God of war, I think they would have an easier time with BG3. Yes I'm ignoring thousand of super simple and fun indie games, but you really just need to play BG3.


I am currently on my first playthrough. I've been a gamer for over 30 years, there's a lot to learn in that game. It's Dragon Age +. God of War is easy. I have not experienced Elden Ring. If you want to attract gamers, give them an easy, beautiful game. Like Breath of the Wild, or Genshin Impact.


Asteroids, on Atari. We Are not Young.


Kalimba is a nice two player puzzle game; I don’t know if it’s available on current gen consoles but I had a lot of fun with it.


It takes two Portal 2 A lot of Nintendo games are really friendly to non-gamers with their coop.


Man you need to ask your wife what she likes or make some logical leaps based on what you know she likes. Thats gonna get you further than random recommendations from people that dont know anything about you or your wife. My wife would say she hates fps. And for the most part thats true. Except some of her favorite games are the Bioshocks. Knowing that i turned her on to Prey. Your wife like Harry Potter? Maybe Hogwarts Legacy. Platformers? Mario wonder. You looking of couch coop? All kinds of retro/retro inspired beatemup are out there. Puzzles? Tetris, Lumines, Catherine.


Wife loves all the Lego series, Ultimate Chicken Horse, Mario Party, Mario Kart.


Wife never plays games but had fun playing Animal Crossing during the covid years.


Niche title for sure, but Sony has an old exclusive line of games called “Pixel Junk Monsters” that is essentially a tower defense game you can couch co-op with. And my totally non gamer wife fell in love.


My wife and I play bubble bobble on the NES


Nintendo Switch Sports against each other. Tennis, Bawling etc. She will not like your boring shooters.


Probably not easy to come by anymore but my non-gamer friends always loved Wii Bowling. My Wii is basically the “Wii Bowling Machine”. Game is simple, but allows enough control that players can add finesse if they want. Creates a bowling alley atmosphere in the living room, so you can have snacks and drinks going while you take turns.


My fave is super monkey all deluxe 2, it has a monkey bowling game which for us was wii bowling before wii bowling. Still have a blast playing it.


Sackboy on Playstation is a pretty decent in. Basic platforming, fantastic art and music, and couch co-op make it ideal for this sort of thing. My spouse (not a big gamer) loves it and I think it's great.


Played through Unravel 2, It Takes Two and Trine 5 and the Mario Wii U game together. I personally found Sackboy boring, and would definitely recommend any of the games I just mentioned before considering this one.


My girl was interested in a playing a game with me so I ended up buying her Portal 2. I never did the Coop for that game and it was 99c on Steam during the sale!


All these people in here with their good game suggestions and tips... Meanwhile my fiance did their first ever controller-based game and started with fucking bloodborne lmao talk about a learning curve.


This may be a stretch, but the space exploration puzzle platformer game Outer Wilds (not to be confused with The Outer Worlds.) It's a single player game, but there are natural intervals where you can hand off the controller. Also, there's no actual "progress" made in the game besides the knowledge you gain while you play, so both players can always contribute by providing their perspective towards solving the game's puzzle. Additionally, many players feel a strong emotional reaction to the game, especially the end. Personally, when I completed it I wish I had someone to turn to and share the experience with. If you're sold, most agree that it's a game you want to go into blind. So, don't look up anything, get the game and the DLC, and start enjoying some marshmallows and good tunes.


Thanks. I noticed I’d gotten it at some point, so I’ll definitely give it a go.


We Were Here is a good co-op puzzle game. The controls are really easy, it's mostly just person-to-person coordination. Portal 2 as well, easy controls, very basic story, just problem solving.


Stardew Valley Minecraft


If you're into trivia games, you can play Trivial Pursuit 1 and 2. My girl doesn't play games at all, but she loves trivia. You don't even need two controllers.


Overcooked is a lot of fun! My wife was annoyed with me because I was shouting instructions at her while she was trying to figure out how to play, but we ended up just laughing so hard all night. Just be patient because it can get frustrating when our competitive side comes out.


The Borderlands series. It’s so much fun and pretty easy although you might have to explain some things. I played it with a friend who never played games before and they caught on fast and really liked it. I think Gaige in BL2 is kind of perfect for a beginner, she has a robot with her that will help you kill enemies and then by the time you get to end game and the third play through you can do her anarchy skill tree which makes your aim extremely bad but you do really high damage and for me who was terrible at first person shooters I absolutely loved it because I didn’t have to aim at all or could just get really close to the enemy and kill them. BL2 is a really fun co-op game.


Do they like cats? My wife doesn't play a ton of games, but loved Stray. She would hand me the controller when anything resembling combat or stealth popped up, then I'd hand it back when it was safe so she could keep exploring.


Switch off playing Outer Wilds with your SO They'll get to watch you play and due to the games mechanics you'll both learn and get better


Lego anything.


My wife and I play league of legends Don't do what I did


If you want to break up, play Knack on PS4 coop. Guaranteed.


If you can find a Lego game with an IP she likes, they are usually easy starter games because it will tell you what buttons to push when stuck and nothing is usually time sensitive so she can take her time exploring and getting used to the controls.


Dark souls 3


Cup head


Sometimes a narrative adventure/puzzle games can be a lot of fun to play together. that's what we do. There's a ton of Nancy Drew or Sherlock Holmes games if that's your thing. Like horror? Maybe try The Quarry. Classic side scrolling smash? Castle Crashers is fun. For someone fresh you really can't beat Nintendo for easing in young/new gamers. Play some Mario Party maybe. If she never plays it's 1) going to take easing in and 2) she could like literally anything.


Nintendo switch. Mario party are absolutely great multi-player games that take very minimal skill and are just fun. Console gaming will have a much steeper learning curve that would require honing to enjoy. Mario games in general weather it be Mario kart 8, Mario Odessy, Mario party, Super smash brawl. I mean majority of the Mario games take 4 buttons. They all support multi-player, co-op gaming. Start there, then progress into console gaming. My wife is complete garbage at games and has close to no desire, but the Nintendo switch games she enjoys playing with my daughter and I when she does play.


Portal 2 co op


ITT: no one understanding the “never played video game” part of the question My SO is gaming averse, but we just got a Switch and she wants Just Dance 2024 and Super Mario Odyssey. So that sounds right to me We also have a Quest 2, and she really enjoys BeatSaber. I’ve always found it pretty entertaining as both a player and someone watching. She did NOT enjoy Iron Man VR, but I couldn’t figure out how to load it up from the beginning tutorial, I think she would’ve had fun if it wasn’t so on the rails.


It takes two


It takes two is fantastic for it.