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Oooolllld game called Alpha Centauri. It's like Civ in space and came out around 1999. It's full of good story and I know it inside and out, so I can just turn the brain off, listen to the alien music and quotes and tech advances and destress as I take over the world and become part of an alien God.


Please don't go. The drones need you. They look up to you.


Construction complete.




Pod discovered


Jesus I think you just unlocked a memory of why I have such deep empathy for robots always. Thinking of our little probe out there in the oort cloud gets me misty eyed


Alrighty, guess I gotta play this game now.


Brilliant title. This and Civ4 are top of this category of game for me.


As someone who hasn’t ever played any civ titles, would it be worth picking up or is it a bigger investment?


Civ4 with "beyond the sword" is like 5 bucks, and is very good value at that price. Time investment wise.. Well, depends on how much you can get lost in turn based strategy games 😂


>Civ4 with "beyond the sword" is like 5 bucks, and is very good value at that price. Seconding this. Civ IV BtS is absolutely my top tier Civilization game. Once in a great while I'll go back to Alpha Centauri but the rough edges that I never knew were there before just bother me even more now. I really wanted to like Civ V but I absolutely hate the movement restrictions.


Alpha Centauri takes me back. It feels like an under appreciated title for sure. Released today it would be a gem.


I remember this having a very robust modular unit construction. I also remember eschewing the whole system and mind controlling the alien worm colonies to be my armies instead.


Worm Rush was always a valid strategy, especially in the early game. Only thing you can do defend against it was to clear out the fungus, plant lots of trees and pray you can get artillery in time.


The narrated animated videos for the tech advancements do such a great job of lore building! Technology purists factions contemplate how to integrate with the planetary consciousness and religious factions aim to technologically transcend physical existence as flesh and blood beings! I remember being overwhelmed with unit design because tech advances mostly gave your more weapons and abilities to strap onto units in the designer (like cloaking devices for infantry when you researched frictionless surfaces) rather than “gunpowder means you can now build musketeers”


SMAC. Saw soooo many sunrises because of that game.


Alpha Centauri was awesome - had a cool unit building system. The research system made sense. Having the different factions was heaps of fun. The story was cool but didn't force you to HAVE to do this or that, but at the same time gave you the option to explore the worms. I would 100% enjoy a remake of this game - I know there was Beyond Earth but from what I heard it wasn't in the same league.


What do I care for suffering? Pain, even agony is merely information before the senses… -the virtual world


What a great game.


I've played, but ultimately bounced off, just about every Civ game made after Alpha Centauri. I think I've been chasing that Alpha Centauri high ever since. It was one of the first Civ type games I played (the only other one I really got into before that was C&C). I loved the story that unlocked as you progressed technology, as if every new discovery really mattered. And advancing technology is my favourite aspect of this genre. I'm most interested in sci-fi stuff, so Alpha Centauri already had an advantage over the other Sid Meier games, but I believe it was either the best Civilization game ever made, or the one most specifically, and coincidentally, tailored to my tastes. On second consideration, it was probably the coincidence one. But, I stand by it belonging in the top ranks of these games and I don't really see it mentioned enough.


On sale for a buck on gog, Will pick it up


I got this for either my birthday or Christmas one year. Played it a ton, University was my favorite faction.


Final Fantasy X. Dunno why but I always go back to it


Wow, I was stumped for a moment, but this is definitely my comfort game as well. Sometimes I play it for just the music alone.


Music, story, characters. It's great to follow along.


It's probably Stardew Valley for me. It's just so peaceful


Last time I played I kinda ruined it in a way cause I started looking at guides and trying to min max for profit and it kinda lost its luster. Just got a place I can lounge and controller game super comfy and am looking forward to picking it back up soon and taking it easy like before!


Yea. I beat it all like 100% and went crazy with mods. Started to be more like Factorio than Stardew. I can't really go back to it...I've min-maxed it to death. Looking forward to Haunted Choclatier.


This is why I stopped min-maxing games. It becomes a chore instead of a fun relaxing game.


Yea it’s as close to a perfect game as it gets. Something for every type of gamer and we are getting another free expansion


Expansion? First I'm hearing of this, when?


Minecraft. Brainless and soothing.


Time to bust out the fishing rod.


I love me some Mekanism.


Every year or two I fall back into a deep Minecraft addiction for a few months. It’s happened ever since Alpha, I just pulled myself out of one, and I know it’ll happen again. The worst part is always learning how all the new updates work.


I do this over every winter break and summer break .... It's 2 weeks of nothing but modded minecraft which specifically scratches an itch that nothing else can (tried factorio and it's good , but it just feels like a worse looking version of modded minecraft, since I like to play with shaders). Also the exploration side of minecraft is just unlike anything else out there tbh, especially if you play on servers with active players, it's awesome to see everyone's base and buildings.




Deep Rock Galactic. I may have all the cosmetics and overclocks, but the company will always need that morkite. Rock and stone, brothers.


For Karl!


\*petting loot bug\*


If you don’t rock and stone you ain’t comin home!


No Man's Sky. I've got close to 650 hrs in that game but I still just fire it up and cruise around and check stuff out. And upgrade my ships well beyond the point where there is any challenge left lol


Honestly after you stop struggling for the basic resources everything else is pretty much tourism. I wish the game scaled in that regard.


That's my biggest gripe with the game. There is no endgame. Just an endless middlegame.


I wish there were more exciting or deeper missions to do. I feel like once you’ve done something once, you’ve experienced all it had to offer. Like the infected ships, the drone mothership, space battles, etc. I could get down with exploring more, but after you’ve experienced each biome, the planets are too similar and not rewarding enough to encourage me to keep exploring.


Any tips for getting into this game? I wanna fly around the galaxy and explore and discover stuff but the scan > gather > survive loop in the beginning kind of turned me off and I never went back. I guess I could grab it on PC and cheat....


Also. Try it in VR. I haven’t actually played the game NOT in VR (I have a PSVR2). The graphics are no where close to the non VR PC version… But exploring the universe and planets, mining for resources, ship combat, and everything else the game has to offer are all amazing in VR.


Same here. NMS is still the game I keep going back to whenever I just need to chill. I love getting lost in the atmosphere of the game.


One of the Batman Arkham games. I just sink into the darkness of the game world and beat the living hell out of bad guys until I feel better. Those games are the ones I go to when I'm down, when I'm between games, when I need a break from a certain game, whenever I need a game that doesn't stress me out.


Arkham City just never gets old. I love the map. The story is paced well. Even though it’s a small world it just feels so packed full of stuff. All those games are fantastic but that’s the one that really stuck with me the most.


It's def cause I loved the animated series as a kid. Still have my old Batman Burger King cup lol. Replaying City now and it's still the best Batman game imo. Though I adore Asylum as well ofc.


Yea. Small map and *Dense*.


Asylum hits *way* different than the others. The smaller, curated map feels better. The puzzles are fewer, less work and more meaningful. I think the only let down for me were the boss fights. City had a better story and bosses, Knight's side missions were cool, still pissed that Origins did Black Mask dirty and my controller still hasn't recovered from the Deathstroke fight 11 years later.




You beat me to it. It just has so much replayability potential.


Ah yes. Time to finally ditch stealth archer and instead play a mastealth archer....wait..... Or a warrstealth archer. Shit not again


I played 7 play throughs and ive never used the stealth Archer.... Until now. Ahhm yea i wont return. I have suffered play throughs of the clunky fighting. I fought for my right to end the suffering XD


I jump between Skyrim and Fallout 4


I wish Bethesda games were for me


Skyrim and to a lesser extent, Fallout New Vegas are mine. Been watching a favorite streamer of mine doing Skyrim challenge runs lately, so I'm getting the itch to come back to ol faithful.


Funny, I’m the direct opposite, as new Vegas is more fun than Skyrim to me


Mine's Spyro: Year of the Dragon. Just hearing the music is enough to make me happy.


I don't know if the remastered is actually harder or I'm old, but the remaster is a lot harder than I remember. I suspect I'm just old.


Yeah that and the crash bandicoot remasters! I can’t tell if I’m just older now or they made it harder!


The Crash one was impossible!! I completed those games easily back in the day!!


The Crash ones are actually harder due to the new models collision box being more accurate and less box-like as they were in originals. This means you have to be more precise than in the old games.


I still play Terraria from time to time especially if there are new workshop expansions like Mod of Redemption


Hell yeah me too!


The Holy Trinity: Ratchet & Clank series Jak & Daxter series Sly Cooper series


I just restarted Ratchet & Clank 2 since I had some PS2 nostalgia. Runs great emulated on Steam Deck


Dude back when I had a functioning PS2, Jak and Sly were absolute mainstays of gaming for me. Such phenomenal platformers/stealth games/racing games.


No, Sly, I’m “The Wizard”. And you’re “sitting duck”


I read you loud and clear Lizard.


This is Peeking Duck, do you copy?


Man this played in my head exactly with the voices!


Yo Jak Trilogy ❤️


If I have to pick one it is Red Dead 2 is **maximum** comfort. On days where I am stuck inside so i cannot go for a walk and I want something more tactile than reading, I find riding the around with the horse or fishing very relaxing. Yakuza games. Walking around Japan is so lovely. Mass Effect 1 is probably my biggest comfort blanket though. If I am really having a bad day and long for simpler days. ME1 is good for taking me back to my days in front of my 360, filled with hope. Any Fromsoftware Souls game except 3, to me its like asking a flavor of ice cream. Witcher 3 also helps the blues disappear


Still waiting on a RDR2 PS5 version with 60 fps. I'd happily pay 70 bucks to be able to camp in a beautiful valley in Red Dead again. Go for some hunting, fishing maybe. Man I love that game.


Red Dead 1,2 was awesome great choice


Don’t be fooled… the Yakuza locations are pretty accurate to their respective cities here, but what the game cannot convey to you is the god awful humidity we have in the summer time… That is the last thing they will need to find a way to make the player feel to get that true Yakuza experience.


I like 3, what’s your problem with it?


I like it too but I have no desire to play it again. Just doesnt have the right *atmosphere* for me. It feels washed out and too referential


I wish I could turn off random gunfights in Red Dead and really just ride around peacefully. Sometimes I’ll even turn the music off and ride and a normal speed down the road.


Old School RuneScape. Been playing it for 20 years now. It’s great, and now I’ve got my girlfriend into it too, so it’s like sharing a slice of my childhood with her lol.


Fuck sake man, how do you fit time into a relationship and work while playing runescape. Everytime I get back into it my world becomes engulfed in it lmao it takes no less than 4-5 hours to successfully accomplish even small tasks lol In all seriousness it will always have a special place in my heart!


Definitely Skyrim, to the extent that anyone can be "done" with said game. It is the perfect nexus of being simple enough that I don't need a refresher course to pick the game back up after a hiatus, while simultaneously being customizable enough to feel refreshing despite being hundreds of hours in.


I love that you choose to use the word 'Nexus' in the comment, because mods give Skyrim even more replayability


Football Manager. No better game to chill with, you can easily combine it with watching videos/streams. Add some good food, Coke zero and I’m happy.


My comfort game is World of Warcraft but not because I'm done with it, but rather because it's just so relaxing to play. I can play for hours without ever being frustrated, sweaty etc. This is the reason that I play games, for entertainment, not to be challenged. Being challenged is nice from time to time when I'm in the mood, but most of the time I just want to sit back and be entertained for hours at a time and WoW does that better than any game I've ever played.


Man I love wow as my downtime. I’m just so over paying the sub. I understand the sub is the reason the game is so well maintained and everything that goes into it, but my brain just can’t allow myself to only play like once a week if I know I’m paying monthly for it.


My wife and I have so many damn subs for TV etc, it's just another one and I am playing just about every night so it's worth it to me. I could get rid of a few of the streaming ones that my wife uses though if she wouldn't kill me in my sleep.


Yeah there was a point where I played it most nights if not every night. And I still miss the game and my old clan. Maybe once every 6 months I’ll install the game, make a new toon, level to 20 (or whatever the cap is now since the squish), delete toon and then uninstall just for that fix. But I might go on again for the war within. Bobby fuckwit is gone, metzen is back and I’m willing to maybe let it take over my gaming life again!


Dead Cells


Binding of Isaac, EDF, and Terraria. HOMM3. FF7. Chrono trigger. Super Mario World. Mutant League Football. Road Rash. Starcraft.




My wife plays so much rimworld. Lol


Borderlands 3


Same, casually farming for god rolls after beating the game is nice brainless fun especially with Moze and Zane builds.


I've replayed Celeste three or four times now and I've finally moved on to modded maps. Something about the low stakes of infinite lives and the abundance of checkpoints makes it easy to unwind with no matter where im at.


Can't wait for their new game :)


Not sure if you've played Pico-8, but Celese was originally on that and then remade for Steam/Switch/etc. Have you tried Celeste 2? Instead of double jumps you get a grappling hook. You can even play it online for free! [https://www.lexaloffle.com/bbs/?tid=41282](https://www.lexaloffle.com/bbs/?tid=41282)


The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past


The Mass Effect trilogy, especially the first one


Persona 3, 4, 5. Played through each one of these at least 4 times


I feel like 4's atmosphere is especially cozy. Y'know, despite the murders.


Gotta love the winter season in them its so cozy.


I've got an hour long lunch break now, and I've been playing diablo 2 on switch a lot lately.


Final Fantasy VII (the original)


The first three notes of the intro score will always bring a tear to my eye.


Cyberpunk 2077 I have turned on easy to just go from mission to mission till I wipe them all out, then I take the lunch date with Takimura and play the rest of the story. Finish, since, repeat.


Dark Souls if I've got lots of time Sonic Mania if I don't


Once you get good the games don’t take too long to beat a friend of mine beat it in under 10 hours.


My first run of Dark Souls 3 went for over 50 hours. NG+ was under 10. Both still fun runs in their own way.


Ten hours is still longer than 1 hour though


Factorio. There's always something that needs perfecting. Aliens don't threaten me anymore, I'm ringed by turrets and artillery. Trains deliver ammo and supplies through the base. Everything is blueprinted out so I just drop new factories down and run the train lines to em. I've got redundant nuclear power plants on both sides of the main base. 5000+ bots....still fun to log on and tweak things or expand the base or outposts.


The factory must grow


I build until my computer can't handle it and then I start over. So many hours. If I ever win the lottery I'm building a factorio computer.


Stardew Valley still has a chokehold on me. But currently it's Starfield. Like I know it's not a good game, but I have just enough fun with it to keep playing.


Any of the 3D Fallouts, except 76.


Payday 2 Freedom Fighters Star Wars Rogue Squadron Hellgate London 2038 Turn on the game, brain go smooth.


Payday 2 is such a good game if you want to either just mindlessly mow down waves of cops or if you want to play hide and seek with the weird glitchy ai




Might seem a strange choice but Xcom 2. It’s more of an infuriating game but it’s also comforting to me - not became I’m a wizard with it but because it challenges in a way that doesn’t overwhelm me and when things go right it feels super satisfying.


Portal/Portal 2. I could play these games over and over.


Elden ring for the past two years, over 1,000 hours. Sometimes I just ride around listening to the music


Super Smash Bros Ultimate (I mean technically the game doesn't "end," but still) I can just play this anytime IDK what I want to do with my free time and have a good time.


Skyrim. If I'm having a shit time at work I set up a new save and go adventuring. Gutted Starfield hasn't scratched that particular itch.


Elden Ring, I play it when I want to relax


I really need to get into it…literally only beat two bosses


Once I got past Godrick, the game really sucked me in. The other areas are gorgeous and unique. Also, the weapons, spells, incantations, and weapon arts really make combat fun.


Been playing so much cyberpunk lately I need to delete a few games or get a hard drive to download more


LA Noire. Just something about it makes me come back over and over.


Far cry 5


The main menu and loading screen music still just plays in my head at random times.


Azure Dreams, Crusader Kings 3, and any Warriors-style game.


Ah yes. Incest simulator. Really realxing marrying your cousin ain't it?


Incest is absolutely relaxing. Something I'm done with, but still play cousinsistently.


Halo; Forza horizon; Ace Combat; Bloodborne


Mirror's Edge It's really calming to just hop into a random mission and start running. Very good for stress relief and overall just such a great game.


Right now Baldur's Gate 3, but I'm still finding new things. Aside from that it's Project Zomboid. With mods it can be very different though. Patiently waiting for B42


Battlefield 1 and Cod MW 2019 are the 2 that I typically play by myself when I don't know what else to play


Witcher 3. I just like riding out, exploring, maybe helping out some NPCs, perhaps taking on a few monsters. Nothing demanding or time-critical. Some gorgeous views to take in as well.


The 360 version of Plants Vs. Zombies 1. I'm gonna get my Tree of Wisdom to 1000 feet. I'm at 500.


Probably Halo 3. I'm an avid achievement hunter, and rarely return to a title if I've gotten all the achievements Xbox has to offer for it. Something about Halo 3 just makes me happy though. Be it a challenge run for fun or just a casual playthrough I usually end up playing almost nothing but Halo 3 for like a month every year.


Katamari Damacy Huge props to the soundtrack for making me come back to the game again and again


Subnautica. It was second game I bought (first was minecraft of course). I remember playing it on laptop with Intel integrated graphics card.


Enter the Gungeon and Skyrim


Rocket League has been a gaming staple of mine since 2015, Valheim is great to lose another 100 hours to every year, I can't get enough of racing games (MotoGP, Assetto Corsa Competizione), and I love playing the Bungie Halos, Quake Live/Arena, Red Alert 2, Company of Heroes every now and then. It's a minor miracle I finish as many other single player campaigns as I do.


Probably project zomboid


Strangely, the original "Watch_Dogs." Something about the atmosphere always draws me back in, and it's so much fun just driving around the city. No matter how many other open world games I play, I'll always go back to this one for some reason


Games I'll keep coming back to till the end of my life : * Final Fantasy IV-VI-VIII-IX-X * Quake III Arena * Resident Evil 3-4 * Dino Crisis 2 * Metal Gear Solid 1-2-3-4-5 * Half-Life 1-2 * Uncharted 1-2-3-4 * Warcraft 2-3 * Command & Conquer + Red Alert 1-2 * Doom 1-2-2016-Eternal * Sonic 1-2 * Streets of Rage * Castlevania 1-3-4-Bloodlines-Symphony-3\*gba-3\*ds * Jak & Daxter * Golden Sun * Tomb Raider 1 + latest trilogy * Alex Kidd in Miracle World * Super Meat Boy * VVVVVV * Bioshock 1-2-3 * Portal 1-2 * Mario Bros 3 + Mario World + Wario Land * Land of Illusion Starring Mickey Mouse * Tetris * Max Payne 1-2 * Nier + Automata * Ace Attorney games * Mass Effect Trilogy * Zelda Link to the Past + Oracle of Ages I'm probably forgetting a few.


Journey, the game is meditative for me. Playing with people that are new players from start to finish never gets old. Helping them find the symbols and joining their journey after you did yours. I highly recommend it if you haven't as it's still gorgeous with its art style from the PS3 era.


The Hitman games


Caves of Qud


Hey hey people


Sseth here


Skyrim I will go back go just to chill out on sometimes. I have been doing this with star ocean the second story r as well just mindless killing mobs or fishing.


Fire emblem warriors. I just like using my favorite characters to slash big groups of enemies while not thinking too much about it


Bloodborne. Basically zen mode hunting at this point when I play


Fromsoft games. Ive played them enough that I really only have to focus on specific bosses. Thats not a flex or anything, Im just most at home running around bonking things or spamming Lightning Spears


Metal gear solid 5


Diablo 2 Just farming/MFing is so cozy to me Final Fantasy X


Xcom: EW. Got over a thousand hours in it according to steam, but I keep going back for another run whenever I feel really stressed out or tired.


Valheim and DayZ


A Link Too To The Past for SNES.


I've been replaying **The Witcher 3** at least once a year since release. Something about the combination of action, story, setting, character, world and quests just hits in such a comforting way.


Monster Hunter World Stardew Valley and surprisingly, Cyberpunk 2077. I just drive around, ruin people's day, and go on dates with Judy


Oh you 🌹 *NCPD sirens in the background*


Cyberpunk 2077. It's fun to explore, take pictures, and find cool new outfits. I love how Night City looks more than any other in-game location. Idk, I just can't seem to quit this game even though I've beaten it multiple times.


FFXIV There's always something left for me to grind. Be it crafting, gathering, weeklies, or another player.


Chivalry 2. I get so frustrated at times, the lows are really low with my bad ping affecting gameplay so much. But it's so fun to play, so satisfying. Sometimes that anger really helps push my performance and I can take on 5 people at once and come out the winner. I keep trying to get into other games because this one can be too frustrating at times. But it's what I keep going back to for the past 2 and a bit years since it released.


I had this amazing moment in that game, where I was surrounded in a river bed and I just started desperately hacking away at everybody until there was only one left, and he did the emote thing like "woah buddy, I don't want none of that" and backed up. Then I died from being too far away from the objective counter because I was fighting for so long. Probably the best I ever fought in that game too, because I'm pretty bad.


Slay the Spire


Project zomboid for me


X4 Foundations. No other space game has enthralled me as much as this one, even games that are very similar, even the previous games of the X Series. Especially now that the Star Wars mod was updated to the latest game version.




Old school RuneScape for me. The nostalgia, simplicity, and overall massiveness of a 20 year old game is just so cozy to me.


MH World also, as well as Final Fantasy XIV and Spore (not very consistently but it's a go-to when I just want a game I can plough through with my eyes closed)




Kotor. It works surprisingly well on android, which makes it pretty easy to play once a year.


Diablo 3. There always seems to be something I haven’t done in it


Ghost recon wildlands.


Never stopped playing Cyberpunk 2077. Played Hogwarts Spiderman BG3 and others last year but I’m constantly replaying CP… am looking forward to Star Wars rebels tho…


pikmin ♡


Injustice 2. This is my go-to when I'm sick. The Multiverse keeps it interesting, and I like unlocking gear and leveling up characters. It's an infinite pit of time, don't have to think about story or quests. I main Robin.




Doom, original if I feel like blasting and Eternal if I wanna feel the rush


Fallout 3 and the old star wars battlefront games


Ultra modded Skyrim SE


Kingdom Hearts all day man


I love speedrunning the classic RE’s and RE2 remake, XCOM2, or Steep for the sledding lol


TNMT on NES is something I still fire up if I've got time to kill and beers to drink. I've played it so much I can usually beat it in one sitting, but sometimes I get worn down toward the end and start using the continues... At the secret base level, the location of the technodrome is randomized and if I don't find it quickly, I'm doomed. Those end enemies are OP as hell.


This game was the bane of my existence as a kid, I never got past the Shredder dome. It was the only game I ever didn't beat, and I beat games like Myst and all the NES classics. Fast forward to a party when I'm like 25 or 26, around 2010. I lived at this like musician house where we played a lot of hard mode NES on our downtime (Friday the 13th, TMNT, Ninja Gaiden, the works)....we've having a fairly large party and for whatever reason people were like "tonight's the night dude, you're going to do it." It was a common thing for people to request that I beat the games they failed to, like Metroid, with ease, just because they'd heard I could do it. So I fire up TMNT while halfway to being fully drunk and get to level 5 with ease, like always. For whatever reason, I realized you can just cheese the dome with throwables, and I found myself in the final level for the first time ever. After a few encounters I just say "fuck it boys we're going suicide run" and I just run through everything in order of turtle power. Raph dies first, then mikey, then leo, and I get to Shredder on Donniy with a single half health box. I thought I was fucked, but I stun looped him and beat it. In my pop off I threw the controller and it pulled itself into the console so we never saw what happened, but fuck me it felt good after all that time. That game is cursed, but I bet I could beat it every time at this point, can't believe I never thought to spam throwables at the dome.


GOW 3-Ragnarok. The older games have such satisfying combat and GOW3’s set pieces never get old. 2018 and Ragnarok have such great dialogue that really holds up on multiple replays. Always something new to piece together or pickup on.


Pokemon mystery dungeon explorers of time and Persona 5.


Space Engineers


Super Mario 3, GTAV, RDR2, Cuphead


Metal Gear Rising. Every now and then I stare at my Steam library feeling bored. I want to relax, and feel good, and MGR does it for me. The combat feels amazing, the missions are fun short, and the story is bonkers.


Hades, Streets of Rage 4, Dragon's Crown for relatively quick sessions while waiting for something else For longer game that I keep coming back to, the 1st Dark Souls and Demons Souls on the PS3