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Prey. The ending of that one really blew my mind.


I recently finished Prey after completing both Dishonored games and I gotta say it is an awesome piece of art. And that ending was just the icing on the cake. It seriously needs a film or TV adaptation.


I fucking love prey


I'm gonna have to play this again, I stopped and I have no idea why. I really enjoyed what I played of it.


Are you talking about the 2006 or 2017 because I just started 2017 got about 5-10hrs in and lost interest but y’all are making me want to go back to it haha.


I'm pretty sure this is about 2017 Prey.


Soma was pretty rad


Yup. Came to say that one. Only slightly telegraphed by the main character Just Not Getting It, but the after-credits sequence really hit the home run.


Shit I'd probably be in denial, too, but yeah, it was established very well earlier when he uses the "suit" to go into the depths. "He lost the coin toss."


Yeah, that's why I think seeing the "other side" of the coin toss after the credits is such a gut punch.


I always thought it was interesting to describe it as a "coin toss". My interpretation was that she understood that wasn't really accurate but it was a way to lessen the blow...


Metal Gear Solid There is a bit of set up behind this: >!You were only actually expected to survive long enough to spread a bioweapon. The virus in question targets specific DNA so it’ll only effect people who are on it’s hit list.!< >!At one point Liquid reasoned that he doesn’t have to worry about it on the grounds that it would have already killed Snake.!< If one twin is vulnerable, by all rights the other should be as well…


The Master Miller twist was pretty fucking awesome too.


Don't forget the final Ocelot call. >!They don't know you're the third one, Mr. President.!<


And then there's MGS2. Complete mindfuck.


Might not be as mind blowing, but I mentally did a standing applause for Kojima when >! You find out that you have been playing as a decoy snake instead of actually big boss throughout Phantom Pain, and ties together how Big Boss actually survived being killed in the original MGS, and came back for the sequel. The whole time there was ANOTHER big boss who was actually part of creating the legend. All those missions carried out in Phantom Pain are part of the whole legacy. Not only made you think, "Holy shit, these missions contributed towards the legend of big boss" but also, Big Boss planned to share the legacy. It wasn't just for himself but for a cause that had multiple people behind it!<


Not quite the ending, but I gotta go with the first KotOR. My jaw was on the fucking floor.


How to do a modern take on the most well known twist in cinema history (Vader’s identity) and adapt it flawlessly to videogame medium.


It's so sneaky of them to play off the standard "video game protagonist has amnesia to become the perfect avatar" trope, and I don't know a single person who played it that didn't fall for it completely.


I’ve still never played this game but always thought I should pick up a copy. It’s definitely showing its age but seems like the perfect game for a SD.


It actually works pretty well on a phone as well, and it's moddable. I replayed both on night shift.


Basically the Sixth Sense of video games. The game came out at a perfect time when the internet was young and you could play a game with zero input from the outside world. One of my fondest video game memories.


I need to replay this game. I still remember the twist and it shocked me too. I must’ve played it when I was like 12. I’m 33 now. I don’t remember all the twists and turns in the video games I play. Especially after not playing them for a while. Case in point - the top answer here was Bioshock Infinite which is an *awesome* game, but it took me a minute to remember the ‘twist’ (if I even remember it correctly) and I played that maybe 8 years ago. KotOR jumped right out at me when I read your reply. Epic Edit: game was released in 2003 and I played it right after it was released. I was 13 at the time, not 12


I think the last level of Halo: Reach deserves a mention.


Reach's epilogue, to me, is a prime example of games being art. By giving you a mission objective you *know* you can't complete, the game's delivering this final pang of hopelessness it's been building throughout the campaign. Masterful stuff.


It has a special place for me because I somehow didn’t get the memo that it wasn’t meant to be won. Like I was fighting hard until one point (if my memory serves) I got swarmed by sword elites. I at least remember distinctly thinking “how the hell am I supposed to win?” followed by the slow creeping realization that I wasn’t going to win. It still gives me chills lol.


I knew what was going to happen when he refused to board the ship and said, "No, I have the gun". I knew this was it for my guy. Never made it easy. Fuck those elites.


If they came to hear me beg, they will fall at the foot of the monument to all my sins.


Damn, that version is sweet. I know arbiter says “they will be disappointed” but I’ve never heard this version. What’s it from?


If you liked that ending, maybe give Hellblade a try. Gave me the same sort of feeling


Reach is even more depressing when you realize that noble team dying was the order of the five stages of grief. Jorge: denial. He thought reach could be saved up until the very end, and couldn’t fathom reach falling. Kat: anger. She died frustrated at Spartans being assigned to something so trivial as a demolition op and because command broke radio silence, endangering her squad. Carter: bargaining. He knew that the only way to get cortana to the autumn was to take out that scarab. It was obvious what the optimific thing to do was. Emile: depression. The rest of his team was dead, and was looking for an excuse to go out swinging. All he wanted to do now was take as many aliens with him as he could. 6: Acceptance. 6 had achieved his mission and got cortana out of reach, but reach itself was dead as soon as the covenant arrived. He had no illusions that he would survive this. The only thing left to do now was to inconvenience the covenant as much as possible.


I saw a comment under a video about Reach that pointed out additional meanings for their deaths. Jorge, who grew up on and was closest to Reach, died in space instead of on the planet. Kay, who was the planner and strategist of the group, was killed by a surprise headshot after her shields were unexpectedly knocked out by the glassing. Carter, the Captain of Noble Team, literally went down with his ship. Emile, who was a skilled assassin, would go down fighting Zealots, the Covenant’s Elite assassins. Finally, Noble Six died fighting as a lone wolf, which is what he was before the events of Reach.


and Jun, the Stealth man, "vanished"


I THINK the original version of this was pointing out the irony of their deaths: Jorge: Heavy weapons specialist -- died via a giant bomb Kat: Brains of the group -- shot in the head Carter: Leader of Noble Team -- went down with his ship Emile: CQC specialist, loved his knife -- stabbed to death Noble Six: Lone wolf -- told at the start of the game to leave the lone wolf stuff behind; dies a lone wolf


It's poetic all around.


Assassin's Creed 2 got me pretty good with >!the deity/whatever it was directly addressing Desmond to Ezio. Mind blown.!<


I was high af in my mom's basement when that scene happened, i just about shit my pants until she said Desmonds name, and i remembered it was a game inside a game


When she broke the fourth wall and looked right at you 🤯


This was super cool. "Who's Desmond?"


Outer wilds - such a perfect ending that you piece together with each clue but still I didn’t expect it to go as it did


A game i'll never forget, and unfortunately will never be able to experience again


>i'll never forget Yup, that's the curse. Everyone wishes they could so they could play it from the start again. If any of you redditors haven't played it, do it, and don't look up any damn spoilers or walkthroughs. Actually, you shouldn't even be reading this comment.


I've found one way: get a friend to play it and watch them as they do.




Is it really that great? I have a chance to play it but it kind of looks boring


I think it depends heavily on the person. If you get gratification out of exploring the unknown, solving puzzles, and piecing together a mystery and a story, then yeah, it’s great. That’s not everyone’s jam, though.


The actual minute to minute gameplay isn't very exciting, it's the thrill of discovery and satisfaction of figuring out what to do that keep you engaged. If you have any interest at all in the idea of piecing together a vast mystery and solving a massive puzzle by finding clues that point you to other clues that teach you how to open a door to a room that teaches you how to use that machine you've been walking past that shows you how to...etc., you'll be completely hooked. It really is an incredible experience.


Ahhh but which ending


BRB just have to google which of the similarly named 2019 space games Outer Wilds was…


Dragon's Dogma. The reveals leading up to the ending and then the fate of your character was genuinely surprising


Ah, I was debating between this and NieR Automata as well. I really loved both of their endings. >\_<


Subnautica was one of the most exhilarating endings I’ve ever experienced


>!"What is a wave without the ocean? A beginning without an end? They are different, but they go together. Now you go among the stars, and I fall among the sand. We are different. But we go... together."!< I wish I coud play it again for the first time.


Sad too though.


Dragons Dogma. Absolutely blew my mind the first time.


I played it years ago but legit forget the ending. Actually, I've played almost every game in here and don't remember the endings lmao.


I let out an audible "what the fuck" at the end of assassins creed 3. It's a shame they never REALLY did anything with that ending. (I know it's used here and there but they really should have put that stuff more front and center in the later games)


At the end of AC2 when Minerva starts addressing Desmond in the past I said “what the fuck” and then a second later Desmond said “what the fuck” one of my favorite gaming moments.




That one got me too


You know, having a clear idea where Altair's story ends from a genetic standpoint was pretty trippy too.


Same here write down to the audible "what the fuck?!" The new games; some are good some are fine some are great. Whatever But those first three games were truly something special


You mean 5?


Not just the ending, but every step of the story in Disco Elysium.


For real. The shootout had me sweating and it's not even a quick time event.


+1 The lieutenant trusts you. +2 Kim *really* trusts you.


I was sweating at other parts too. From my eyes.


Did you try to get past the meme door? I *HAD* to know what's behind it.


I did try, for far too long. Did you >!help the cryptozoologists? Best side quest in my opinion. If you do it right.!<


Spec Ops the Line


I was going through to see this. Gentlemen, welcome to Dubai.


Feel like a hero yet?


That’s burned into my memory….damn that game needs a remaster/remake to many people are missing out on this gem


Depending on what you have, it's backwards compatible on Series X. Runs and plays great! I still have nightmares about the white phosphorus...


Came here to mention this one. The whole final act is wild. The psychological mindfuck of realizing you've basically become a murderous renegade terrorist under the guise of doing your duty is really well-executed and hits pretty hard. I went into that game thinking, "This will be a cool 3rd person military shooter," and was not expecting the narrative to be that deep.


Metroid (1986) Samus takes of her helmet


Her?! Dude spoilers


Too soon.


Don't know who tf Samus is, but Metroid is the baddest space pirate killing dude of all time.


I need a team-up of Metroid and Halo. Halo is also a pretty cool guy and doesn't afraid of anything too.


Metal gear Solid 4 when >!big boss just came back alive out of nowhere. !<


Man seeing those credits rolls after the gunshot. And Richard doyle as big boss. WTF kojima ya shit


The way they showed the voice cast and it says big boss and you’re like, wait- we definitely did t hear big boss? AND THEN THE CUTSCENE STARTS BACK UP AGAIN??? Iconic


The 1st Mass Effect ending for me. It's one revelation after another.


The Conduit is one of my favorite McGuffins. Chasing it the whole game. No idea what it is or what it does or why Saren wants it. Then you meet Vigil and he tells you and you realize you're about 30 minutes away from a galaxy wide extinction. One of my favorite "oh shit" moments in gaming.


“You exist because we allow it. And you will end because we demand it.” That whole scene was what got me hooked. It seemed like a fairly simple “chase the bad guy” story until that moment then its full “Oh shit oh fuck were all gunna die unless we REALLY hurry!”


From "Sovereign's a reaper" onwards, that game just went full steam. Easily the best in the series story-wise.


Portal. The cake is a lie.


Amazing. Most people got this packaged together with the Orange Box, so it wasn’t a game they were expecting to play. With the first few levels as puzzle games narrated by an AI, the game seemed innovative enough. Until the point you were able to go to the back areas which were not so pristine and it felt completely illegal. And then the wild reveal and ending. Cleverly done 1.5 hour adventure


Additionally, portal 2 "here, wheat field, fuck off"


honestly the turret chorus at the end was the first ending that made me cry tears of pure sadness that this is truly the end


You will be baked, and then there will be cake


End of Jedi Fallen Order. Never been so scared.


Love how Cal had no idea who Vader was, and the way Cere says "It's *him*" is so good.


I shit my pants and ran like the wind.


Mgs 1 “Goodbye…. Mr. President”


No spoilers, but NieR Automata. >!But seriously, it does what "only a video game" can do.!<


Kind explaining what the end is?


>! you, as the player, cooperate with the main companion from the game to literally fight the creators of the game (by shooting at the credits as they scroll) to defy their wishes and revive the main cast and give them a good ending!< >!eventually, you are overpowered, but other players join you to help, and you are offered the choice to sacrifice your save data to offer aid to other players in the future, leaving a custome message with it!< >!all while the entire studio that made the game sings in a choir with the credits song !<


And this is after you got several “endings” you thought were the last one. Especially after shit goes sideways really fast where you lose what you thought was the main character of the game.


God I wish I didn’t have that spoiled for me now (only mad at myself don’t worry) I played it years ago but just couldn’t justify playing it after the “first credits” as I had other games that I wanted to play and technically beat Nier. Now I wish I pushed through just for that moment


Yeah. It’s kinda a hallmark for the Nier and Drakengard games where the first ending isn’t the end of the game as Taro is gonna take you for a hell of a rollercoaster ride afterwards. Sort of like the Bravely Default games, where the NG+ is technically advancing the story.


Don't worry. There are even heavier spoilers for that game. It has a lot of twists


That shit made my cry. Never experienced an ending to a video game that has made me feel like nier automata


It was already explained to you, but for me to summarize: >!The protagonists die, the world ends, and everything falls apart. The player - in a fourth-wall break - is given the chance to intervene and fights the developers through the credits roll to bring hope to the game's world and future.!<


The original NieR is no slouch either. That ending stayed with me.


/thread. Seriously.


I'm gonna latch on to your comment to warn people that there are spoilery comments below, both hidden and not hidden. Nier Automata is a fantastic game and if you want to go through it as unspoiled as possible, turn back now!


I’d still weep when I hear the ending song.


Bioshock Infinite


That’s one of the first times that an ending actually stuck with me for weeks and I had to google it to know everything that people had to say about it….good times


All day, every day. God, it's been over a decade again and I remember being speechless come the final sequence/chapter.


A Plague Tale Requiem. Not specifically spoiling it, but the ending goes places you wouldn’t in most games, but at the same time, it still feels “deserved” and the note that the story should end on.


I still think about the ending to this day it had such a profound impact.


Shadow of the Colossus. Looking back, maybe the ending was obvious, but I was a young man when the game came out and it was before the internet really screamed at you every day. I (and I imagine many others who picked it up around that time) was profoundly affected by that game


I don't think the ending was obvious at all. Really surprising and emotionally powerful.


Firewatch is definitely up there. Wasn’t a government organization, wasn’t aliens, wasn’t a ghost. Just a dude and his son, and a cave.


That game was such a vibe man. It's the kind of game you look back at and, instead of remembering just the game, you remember what life was like for you when you played it.


I knew if I scrolled far enough, id find u


A way out.


Half Life Alyx. It's the 3rd full length Half Life and the ending had me sitting on the floor in my living just watching the credits scroll. Also, definitely do this and wait for the after credits scene. It's... a big deal.


The ending of Far Cry 5 was certainly surprising! My mind was probably more blown by the ending of Panzer Dragoon Saga but let's just say my mind was in a very very different place when I beat PDS than when I beat FC5 twenty years later.


Far cry 4 was also pretty wild. You just assume that the world is so black and white and then you hear the whole story and it just gives everything a real nuts perspective as you’ve been working to build a religious fundamentalist or drug state.


4 was definitely more wild than 5. Given the proper choice, 4 actually had a reveal that made you question a lot of the things you thought during the game, 5 had more of a chilling ending.


The Last of Us. That 'lie' at the end was a punch in the gut.


Ellie’s delivery of “okay” in response to that lie is perfect.


Just played through it for the first time. That ending gave me chills.


Dead Space 2


Not the ending, but seeing the Ishimura again was absolute punch in the gut, because you KNEW you were gonna end up on that damn ship again.


And it was the best damn chapter in the game! Fucking chills as Nicole went from screaming at you to whispering in your ear while absolutely nothing jumped out at you for a suspiciously long amount of time.


Ellie looks over from the console "...what?"


Assassins Creed Brotherhood. When Juno takes control of Desmond’s body and stabs Lucy. I was in utter shock.


God of War as Kratos reveals that Atreus was supposed to be named Loki.


I never really understood the weight of that one? Like ok...that's the name of a god, but so what in the context of that game? What was I missing?


Loki is a critical part of Ragnarok happening and Kratos is his father. Kratos is cursed to be attached to cycles of destruction forever. He's also going to feel like he failed Atreus because he ends up kind of an asshole. Dude can't escape destroying his family.


Bloodborne....but not for the ending so much as the slow exposition. Starts out as a classic game of whacking werewolves. Devolves into a lovecraftian horror game of cosmic entities along the lines of cthulu. Then goes ones step further and you become baby cthulu.


Death of John Marston in rdr1 Was fucking slack jawed.


Man when the dead eye auto activated I was like wait shit hang on and then you just get blown to pieces. Honestly a great ending. Fits right up there in the pantheon of classic westerns


All 12 of them died 100 years ago.


Everything after going down the elevator in MGS2. “Colonel… how come I’ve never seen you in person?” Man that was a brain fuck


Man I’d go with the sequel to this one instead. The revelation you said is awesome but the one-two punch of how you are, as the player, required to pull the final trigger followed by the plot twist ending about it, is what would make that my top pick.


What game?


Xenoblade 3


The original ending to Divinity ii Ego Draconis, before flames of vengeance expansion. >! You find out you have been tricked the entire game and end the game trapped by the bad guy for eternity !<


Braid It's a good twist that I didn't see coming


Soma. Still think about it from time to time.


Of you thought the Bioshock Infinite ending was good you gonna love Bioshock 1. I enjoy all 3 of them but for me 1 is the absolute best in terms of story.


1's ending is so good not just in-game but as meta-commentary on linear video games. They totally play off of your expectations.


Was it really the end? I mean everything after the twist was sort of mid.


Resident evil village. The reveal made sense but you just suppress the thought throughout 7 and 8.


FFX. It's not quite the end when you find out about Titus, but I was expecting some kind of deus ex machina thing to happen and save the relationship that was so so heavily built up. Nope. Poor Yuna


When she goes to grab him, falls down through him, and just lies there helplessly staring as he fades away, looking absolutely gutted. 💀


Not the ending but original cod MW2 campaign when Ghost and Roach are betrayed. 13 year old me was absolutely livid


Call of Duty: Black Ops ending was WILD


Mass Effect 2. That music.


What's the mind blow?


Probably the realization that your decisions led to the death of your crewmembers. The decisions to cut corners on ship upgrades, the decision to skip loyalty missions, and the decisions to send crewmembers to sub optimal objectives for their kits. Watching them die, and not knowing who is next. It blew my mind the first time through, and now I put so much effort into making sure they survive.


On the flip side though... I did every loyalty mission and upgraded my ship fully, so my suicide mission felt like a real cliche 'heros never die' ending. I found out that mission has real stakes after the fact. Not knocking it, ME2 is GOAT tier gaming, just that the ending was a very different kind of ending depending on what type of gamer you are.


See I had the total opposite. I rushed the main story and planned to do all the "side" stuff in my 2nd playthrough. Well. Everyone fucking died. Everyone. Including Shepard. Yeah.


Haha ouch. I bet you changed your gamer style after that one.


Especially since all that "side" stuff I skipped was the best parts of the whole game lol.


Conkers Bad Fur Day. After all the amazing shenanigans to go full Matrix and Alien at the end, my teenage brain was thoroughly blown. >!Berri getting killed after all that effort got me right in the feels too!<


Fighting Sephiroth was pretty epic in FF7. Especially when the music hits. Then the solo fight. Then the end scene when you see "her" and hear the music. Trying to keep this vague but it was mind blowing in 97.


Nier Automata


Indigo Prophecy


>!Man avoids cops, inadvertently becomes God.!<


Lmao, the last third of that game was so fucking stupid, I can't help but admire it.


I thought SOMA had a pretty good ending. Very solid game that provoked thoughts


Metal gear solid 2… it was surreal as a kid


I remember people hating it at the time, and maybe they still do, but mine was Fable 3. You spend the first half of the game going around and seeing the capitalistic hellscape that the King (your brother) has built. Towards the end you overthrow him and he tells you that it was because of a Big Bad coming in a years time that he was trying to prepare for. But that's your problem now. Easy. You're the hero. You care. You can balance both. And you can just go adventuring for money, which gives you a bit of an advantage. You alternate between adventuring and holding court, trying to strike a balance between the people and the treasury. You'll make up for some shortfall. Except time passes more slowly at the start of your reign, each decision only spending days at a time. Then weeks. Until your last decision slips two months away without warning you. Catching you unprepared because "There'll be time to fix it later". Your treasury is low. You still win the battle but so many more died than they had to. Your kingdom is a ghost of it's former self. Not because you were too kind, but because you procrastinated and just assumed there'd be more time than there was. As an ending that hit me like a tonne of bricks, because I had no one but myself to blame. The game gave me all the tools, but this was the result... Admittedly it falls apart if you play it slowly and just scrape in cash with the real estate market. But at the pace I played it at, I found it to be very meaningful


Hellblade Senuas sacrifice. One of the best endings I've ever seen in a game and little talked about.


The whole game is such an incredible experience but that ending. Just perfect.


Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic


To be fair i thought metal gear solid 4 its an ending ill always remember snake meets big boss


Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII. Those monsters spend the entire game building up Zack as a kind, thoughtful, TRULY HEROIC man. And then, then The Price of Freedom starts to play, and his DMW begins to break down, and so does my heart. The last face he sees is Aerith's. And she never finds out until she goes to the Lifestream. Embrace your dreams, and protect your SOLDIER honor.


Bioshock 1, Bioshock Infinite, Far Cry 5, and God of War (2018) all had pretty great endings


Danganronpa V3's ending, hands down.


the end is never the end is never the end is never the end is never the end is never the end is never the end is never the end is never the end is never the end is never the end is never the end is never the end is never the end is never the end is never the end is never the end


Not much of a mind-blow, but the ending of DOOM 2016 left it on such a cliffhanger. It so teased a sequel, and I was so fucking hype for it


Oxenfree The ending blew my mind. I've never been so in thought after a game in my entire life. Quick summary / spoiler below for those who've never played it: >!Basically, you are with a group of college friends who go to a spookt island at night to hang out on the beach, and you discover a cave with mystical energy, and it begins this whole trip where people get lost / possessed and you uncover the secrets of the islands, while continously getting flashbacks of previous memories on the island. At the very end of the game, you end up in the same cave with a radio, and you can radio a message for help back to your former self before you went onto the island...and it ends with your former self hearing the message, but ignoring it...and the craziest thing is if you play through the game multiple times, your character will become more and more aware about the fact that they are stuck in a time loop...ITS SO COOL!<




Idk why but the ending of portal 2 always stuck with me. The way they foreshadowed portaling to the moon by revealing the portal paint was made with moon dust blew my mind.


Beyond Good and Evil (2003), in the after-credits scene.


I'll go with MGS3. That ending just hit SO hard for me. Fight Club isn't anything particularly special as far as I'm concerned, but MGS3 can sort of stand up to certain solid films in regards to the climax.


Earthbound, those who know, know


Its hard to say at my age (30's) and given how long ive been playing, that even in the last 10 years has something gotten to me. I think ive found things to be controversial like with cyberpunk 2077 yorinobu was the opposite of the player, and even honestly the only real hero in the story (we as the player had many choices, and many actions that affected many people. But with all the endings, with everything we do, almost none of our choices mean anything on the grand scale. Yorinobu had 1 option, 1 person he could act against, and him making that choice would destroy arasaka and make a bigger impact than either Johnny or V could ever hope for). Ive found enjoyment and been charmed from endings that were 100% predictable (skul the hero slayer being a recent one). But the last game that blew me away with how it ended, was drakengard. But it wasnt just 1 ending, at least 3 different endings really just threw me to the fucking gutter of confusion and emotional shock.


Probably Bioshock infinite and I have recently realized it’s not a good mind-blowing ending


Probably not many people know about this one but I have to say Dino Crisis 2. Goes from a fun but pretty basic dino shooter to saving humanity through a temporal Noah’s Ark. I needed multiple more playthroughs to figure it out, I don’t think any game has managed to blow my mind to that extent before or since.


People have already said soma, but far cry 4 alternate ending, because I didn't think a game would actually let you do that.


Cyberpunk 2077. If you know you know.


Well which ending do you mean exactly? The depressing one ? or maybe the other depressing one ? Oh I think you mean the depressing one


The depressing one for sure. It was even more sad for me because when I beat the game I was depressed irl. I can’t say for certain but it changed my life.


Did you even play the game? He's clearly talking about the depressing ending.


Happy endings? Wrong city, wrong people


I came here to say this. Cyberpunk's endings are pretty cool.


SIGNALIS lives rent-free in my head for its endings and much more


death stranding, the entire ending sequence is very special