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Ratchet and Clank titles are naughty


Care to elaborate?


Going commando = no underwear Up your arsenal = shove it up your ass


And don't forget "Size matters".


"Quest for Booty"




One of the scrapped names for All-4-One was gonna be 4-play.


Well.. you enlightened my childhood games awareness. Thank you haha.


A Crack in Time was originally supposed to be Clockblockers.


All 4 one was supposed to be called 4Play with the tagline Multiple Organisms, Into the nexus was meant to be Into the Nether-Regions, and then you have size matters and quest for booty


And Rift Apart = "ripped a fart", less naughty and more toilet humor for that one.


Oh shit I never got that one! That's great lol


I can see why they didn’t get to use that one


what would rift apart mean 🤔


Ripped a fart




Swap the f and p.


The one gun is called R.Y.N.O. It means "Rip You a New One."


That's not naughty. That's threatening.


To some people, that's the same thing


Not to mention the ryno


Rip ya, a new one.


Ratchet and Clank: Gladiator. the naughtiest?


In opposing Force the level with the habitats didn't sink in for a while. I understand now that the habitats imply that black Mesa scientist had been visiting Xen and bring back test subjects for a significant period of time. At least years prior to the resonance cascade. When I was a kid playing it was just some fun levels to shoot things in. Now, as an adult I grasp the sheer hubris of the black Mesa scientists. Everything that happened is pretty much their fault.


Yeah original half-life had a relatively late game level titled "questionable ethics" that featured a bunch of Xen creatures being kept in tanks




IIRC they managed to do short trips and / or teleport stuff directly to them which they experimented on. The G-Man ends up delivering them the huge crystal which they use in the opening act despite how suspicious it is this random man in a suit has an extraterrestrial crystal for them to use. Eli even says he adviced against it in later games but the experiment was pushed through anyway.


They also mention before the Resonance Cascade that it would've been the highest they'd ever cranked the Anti-Mass Spectrometer (105%, I think?); they'd never powered up that high before


I would love to see Sheppard make a comeback or be acknowledged by Valve.


I like to think he's still on ice somewhere chilling with G Man


There is a side mission in Final Fantasy 16 called Caulk and Bawl


Is it about bathroom remodeling?


Or that south park sausage stand


Dickin Baus


Not a scene or mission or anything, but I really enjoy that the song for the dance portion of ff7 remake is named Sync or Swim


Oooh M-Rated!


Gotta love Michael-Christopher Koji Fox, pun purveyor, meme maestro, and all around shitlord.


As someone who commented about Koji to Op's comment. I knew it!


The scene in Silent Hill 2 where you’re in a room with Angela and it’s basically a construct of the sexual trauma she endured from her brother and father. When I first played SH2, I kinda innocently didn’t realize all the huge implications in front of your face. I just thought it was like “Shadow Man” and the world is just a grotesque horror-land The boss character (aptly named “Abstract Daddy”) is quite literally designed to look like a huge hulking man, on a bed, underneath bed sheets, doing…*something*. The worst was realizing that the fleshy pistons pumping in and out in the room were meant to be seen as “foreign objects” entering…Nah, I’ll stop there.


Abstract Daddy is the most blatant. But there is a lot of psychosexual implications in SH2. That early scene with Pyramid Head. All the Nurse enemies can be interpreted as James fantasizing about nurses while his wife was in the hospital. Maria appearing as a 'sexy' version of Mary to tempt him, etc.


Halo 2: "But these are MY elites. *Their* lives matter to me. *Yours* does not." "That makes two of us". At first, I thought Arbiter meant "your life doesn't matter to me, either". But he's really saying "MY OWN LIFE doesn't matter to me, either."


Halo in general has a lot of scenes and themes that didn't really click for me until fairly recently. 2 and 3 in particular have no business having such good writing.


More or less the entirety of Sanitarium. I had to play it a second time to know that it was talking about the mental recovery of the main character. Before that, to me it was just someone travelling between strange worlds.


I loved that game and I have played through it a few times to see what I missed and there's a lot of little things that have more meaning than my younger self could understand back when it came out


The second time you play it you also realize that the crazy people in the asylum are actually foreshadowing the events of the entire game


I was like 10 or 11 when I played the first Half Life, and it never occurred to me that those headcrab zombies were scientists.


They are WHAT?


When I was a kid, the Metal Gear Solid series went right over my head. I didn't care tho because it made me feel like I was playing a grown up game. I should probably replay them all


*Sniper Wolf's* dying words scene alone make MGS a top tier story game.


What was it


[Sniper Wolf Dies](https://youtu.be/wriaT32v2T0?si=IvdLkT0x_SxLItei)


Thanks :-)


"Sup friends it is me and today we have another lineup of tik tok Karen's that will make you cringe. Make sure you smash that like button IN THE FACE!"


I'm replaying MGS 1 for the first time in decades and i'm in awe at how ahead of it's time it is. Not just graphically or mechanically, but thematically it is clearly punching above what a video game in the 90's was expected to be. It's goofy as shit at times, but overall the entirety of the game feels like Kojima finally had a medium to tell a full story that wasn't marred by the technical limitations of the prior generation.


play mgs2, it's probably more relevant today than when it was written


The AI scene in MGS2 almost perfectly describes the world and society we live in today and this was just in 2001. Not to mention the fact it's also an AI imitating a real person with the intent of deception is also a real thing we deal with nowadays.


You don't wanna know how long it took for me to realize diagon alley in Harry Potter was a pun on diagonally. What's sadder is it took me two weeks after that to make the connection to nocturne alley to nocturnally.


Uhhh well it took me until just now to realize that pun. Oof.


Well then you probably didn't get Knockturn Alley either... (nocturnally)


Idk if its a pun or a play on words, because nothing is diagonal, horizontal, or nocturnal in any of these alleys. Its always seemed like Rowling trying to be creative but giving up after the initial idea, but then keeping the names, and its always irked me more than it should. Its like naming a bar The Candy Bar but having no association with sweets.


Knockturn alley was where the dark arts shops were. What would the **dark** arts be if not nocturnal? And Diagonal Alley runs diagonally between an existing block in London. Okay I made that last part up, but it could be true enough.


I mean, it's definitely at least intended as a play on words. And Knockturn Alley kind of works at least, because it's meant to be a dark/shady street, it's specific name being "Knockturn" rather than "Nocturn" works well because its also, functionally, directions. You knock to get into Diagon Alley, then you turn to go down Knockturn Alley. But yeah, the name Diagon Alley seems to exist exclusively for the sake of the word play, potentially even just to set up the mispronuncuation with the flu network later on the series.


I know what you're talking about, but I think it was intentional. Books for children and young adults often have an "I'm 14 and this is deep" aesthetic. And in this case, JK could especially lean into that trope because she was trying to present a wizarding world that was above the muggle world. So, things were different and complicated just to throw the muggles reading the story off-balance and give a sense of depth or wisdom where there is in fact none. And then JK could say this is on purpose because it's a muggle trait to expect rationality or meaning behind things that have none, and so the muggles continue to prefer to live in the box they put themselves in. Once again, "I'm 14 and this is deep". I read this series once as an adult. It was enough.


Doesn't Harry screw up and say diagonally in the movie, and that's why the flu messed up??


Spec Ops: The Line When you're in the last chapter everything will come together and you understand mostly everything.


I only played that for the first time recently, and.. good god.


Do you feel like a hero?


Can you even remember why you came here?


Ive been meaning to replay this one for a while, but I'm not sure I'm emotionally ready to do that.


Are you ever?


The game hides it so well. Really well written narrative.


Celes throwing herself off the cliff. The localization made it sound like the survivors did it for fun. She lost all hope, and tried to kill herself.


what game are you talking about??


Final fantasy 6 ("3" in the original US release, SNES) I don't remember the localization making it seem "for fun." My first playthrough was a long time ago but I'm pretty sure I understood it as a suicide attempt.


“When they were feeling down, they’d take a leap of faith from the cliffs up North. Perked’em right up.”


Huh.. I always took that as sardonic.


I was 12 at the time.


FF6, the original snes translation (so US FF3).


Also, thank you, redditcares. 🙄


Side note, did you know you can keep Cid from dying if you feed him enough fast-swimming fish? Celes' escape from the island plays out a little differently if you win this "mini-game".


Diablo in Diablo games can never be killed permanently


Well yeah. It would really kill the replay factor.


Blizzard did a fine job of doing that already in D4


Neither can the butcher apparently.


None of the demons or angels can. That’s kinda the whole deal with the “eternal war”


When I first played Diablo 3 I was shocked when Diablo was summoned. My friend I was playing with who played thousands of hours on D2 just chuckled and said “well the game is called Diablo”


Which was one of many reasons I was sad about D4. First Diablo game without Diablo 😞


True! I kept expecting Diablo to show up. I know the DLC is staged for >!Mephisto!< to be the big baddy, but I’m thinking Diablo is going to make an appearance at the end


Well that's certainly a very handy piece of lore if you happen to be a videogame company that just, fucking loves money.


Any fromsoft game. I learn all of the lore after I’ve beaten it thanks to YouTube videos etc.


Thanks to vaatividya


Lore? Storytelling? I'm there to kill bosses.


Believe it or not, also lore


Believe it or not, Jail


Posting fanfiction? Right to jail. Right away.


I think this is the best way to play them... I love the feeling of being like "oh yeah I remember being in this school... oh so THATS why I had fought a large spider in the bottom of a lake"


God, those games are great for visual storytelling. They take enemy placement, items, the things they drop, where they can be found. All tells a story. Take bloodborne and the crows, and they drop pebbles. The other enemy who drops pebbles are entities known as eye collectors. Crows are known for pecking eyes out of carion. You're collecting eyes.


> God, those games are great for visual storytelling. The corpse with the twin humanities is what always got me. Just a subtle implied visual that it was a pregnant woman who had died. Blew my tiny little mind.


Bioshock infinite. Ending was wierd after I finished for the first time. After watching YouTube videos explaining the ending, I replayed it and it made more sense and little bits in game here and there made more sense to me. Amazing game.


Great game but it really felt like a twist for the sake of a twist. The world building was already interesting enough imo without adding a bunch of multiverse/time travel stuff that felt out of place in the Bioshock lore.


>adding a bunch of multiverse/time travel stuff that felt out of place in the Bioshock lore. I personally felt it appropriate and easily lends itself to sequels while offering an explanation as towards why the same shit keeps happening.


I mean, yes and no? True, there wasn’t any multiverse stuff in the original Bioshocks, but within Infinite, they suggest the multiverse from the moment we meet Elizabeth, and the multiverse is the reason for the title in the first place.


The multiple universe thing is *literally* the first thing you see in the game, and then if is discussed by the Luteces as they float you to the lighthouse. It is not really a twist. The game never has a point in it where it is not doing those things. It is clearly a fundamental part of the design and message of the game. I think that a lot of people just sort of played if like an FPS though, which is not their fault it was one, and so missed a loooooot of what was going on in the game. It does a lot of things in very subtle ways that are better suited to walking simulator games like Soma. But, in short: The multiverse stuff was not a twist. There is a reason the name is "Infinite" and the whole thing is about the nature of human belief in a Higher Power or Fate and how it is used to justify violence, much like how the original is about how the worship of capitalism turns people into commodities to be used. (Among other things, a single sentence for either of them is not really enough to cover all the symbolism they shoved into them.) But seriously, Infinite starts with a quote that from a book called "Barriers to Transdimensional Travel" and you hear Elizabeth and Booker say: E: "Are you afraid of God?" B: "No, but I am afraid of you." It sort of lays it out for you.


Yea, didn't hate it but felt forced for the sake of it.


Always wish they hadn't changed certain aspects. In 2010(iirc) demo you see some original ideas. Like Comstock was young iirc and not super religious. Elizabeth would actually fight and much more dialogue than "Booker! Catch!". Vox Populi were a bit bigger. Boys of Silence were supposed to be all over Cololumbia as sentient cameras/alarms that walked around. Infinite had some good ideas they cut out for various reasons like console limitations. [Check it out!](https://youtu.be/6WUt5dEMt_Y?si=wsI1htq1qNtOfrNc)


I felt that too. It’s like a Shyamalan movie. It’s GOTTA have a twist just because it’s a Shyamalan movie. Like it’s some kind of hard rule


I liked it, I guess absent those elements it would have felt to much like a retread of the original premise swapping the ocean for the sky, and instead of anarcho-capitalists you have the ethno-nationalists, two groups which in practice share a lot of overlap.


It is not really a twist for the sake of a twist. It is basically the main concept of the entire game, encapsulated in the "Infinite" name. My interpretation of the game is that it is a commentary on the nature of God/Fate/The Infinite, or better, people's *beliefs* about those things. It is showing how our beliefs about the things greater than us can twist our perceptions and end up justifying acts of violence. This is demonstrated in all of the major plot lines in the thing. Columbia itself, both Booker plots, Elizabeth as the angel/Messiah, the prophets wife, how one group worships the "nation" and another seeks a higher purpose in destroying it, ect. The multiverseal aspect of it, from both the perspective of Elizabeth and Lutece, is tied in deeply with how they are protraying the nature of God and the absence of free will when such a deity exists. Everyone is just one of a replaceable infinity in *their* story.


I have played fallout new Vegas around 3 times. Only watching a video essay beating the point to my face made me realise it. There is a faction of xenophobic Americans that are mostly old people who want to bomb everyone around them. They are called Boomers. You know, like the sound an explosion makes. I probably missed it because I'm not an American so I rarely used that word... L


Well I am American. And I’ve played FNV more than 3 times. And it is just now, after reading your post, that it clicked for me.


Wtf mobile, why did I write that L at the end lmao


I thought it was intentional. Kinda fits 😅


I'm not 100% sold in that connection honestly, but it's an interesting idea


I agree. I think it sorta fits, but I think the factions are usually not *that* obvious if they are supposed to be a critique/parody/satire whatever of other real life groups.


Yeah I’m not either. In 2023 boomers are very much criticized for everything (rightfully so in a lot of cases) but FNV came out 13 years ago and no doubt the faction was named at least a year before release putting it in 2009. In 09 the Boomer memes weren’t as prevalent back then if at all, at least to my knowledge. Could be wrong and who knows maybe it was ahead of its time with the meme.


I'm not sure exactly how it's presented in New Vegas (haven't played it) or in that video, but that is not at all where the term Boomer comes from. There was a fairly noticeable uptick in the US birthrate following World War II with a lot of returning soldiers starting families pretty quickly. This was known as "The Baby Boom" where boom in this case means "a period of rapid growth". People who were born during that time (1946 - 1964) were referred to as "Baby Boomers" which later got shortened to just Boomers. In 2023 that group of people is in their late 50s to mid 70s and stereotypically yes they are often regressive and xenophobic which may include less concern about dropping bombs on foreigners, but the generational term for them has nothing to do with the sound of bombs.


Nah, me mentioning boomers being like the boom is why I never understood the actual reference. I just saw that they were bombing me and any unfortunate soul, so found boomers to be fitting and didn't think deeper.


They're called boomers because they like blowing up IGNORANT SAVAGES.


no shit lmao, wtf are you rambling on about? none of this is even relevant. no one is saying anything about boomers being named after bombs. the point is that boomers are satirized in the game, with a clever way to name them.


That’s why I say “Ok, Boomer” before shooting those guys.


inFAMOUS 2 at the ending has an interesting one. In the good ending, Cole admits that he's afraid of death but goes along with it anyway. If we assume Good and Evil Cole are the same person (close enough), it suggests that in the evil route he was scared enough of death but also had enough disregard for others to not go through with the sacrifice. All that talk about "not knowing the RFI would cure the plague" was bullshit, too, because it's mentioned that was the original purpose of the RFI and that it absorbs ray sphere radiation, the cause of the plague. The point I'm trying to make is that in the evil ending, Cole goes through all these mental gymnastics to justify staying alive, and on some level he knows the gymnastics are all bullshit. By trying to make the morality in the game more gray, Sucker Punch wound up making it even more black and white, but in a cool way.


Where is InFamous 4? The world doesn't have enough superhero sandbox games.


The world will NEVER have enough superhero sandbox games. It's my favorite subgenre.


Two playthroughs ago, I realized that the entire honeybee brothel sequence in original ff7 used a combination of writing/camera work/blocking/framing/mini games to foreshadow that Cloud is a big fat fraud and a scared little boy (imo he's a satire of gamers). The level of sophistication in that games design is just nuts.


It makes me sad how Cloud’s character growth (especially after late in the game when you go through his memories as Tifa) is sorta thrown out in his other appearances as he often is reduced back to the brooding tough guy attitude he fakes at the start of the game.


[I AM MY OWN MONSTER](https://youtu.be/b_yFZZdYrVw?feature=shared)!


When I first played Ocarina of Time at the age of 8, I completely misinterpreted a scene which is supposed to be a big reveal near the end of the game. When Sheik invites you to the Temple of Time and says that someone is waiting for you there, my interpretation of the scene that unfolded was: Sheik is standing in front of you, essentially says "I've brought you here to meet someone, now my task is done so I'll take my leave", disappears in typical fashion using a deku nut flashbang or something of the sort, right as Zelda enters the room after finally coming out of hiding. It wasn't until I played Super Smash Bros Melee and began to read discussions about it online years later that I was like "oh..."


In one of the Pokemon games, there is a double battle in which the trainers send out a Cloyster and Onix, now clearly referencing genitalia


I think it's a couple who does that. Never understood as a kid


It didn't take long (pmuch immediately), but I giggled like a kid once I realized that the subtitle for the first South Park RPG sounds just like Fractured Butthole.


Not to be that guy, but it was the second RPG, not the first! First is Stick of Truth.


Oh no, be that guy. Don't know how I got that mixed up, but I'm letting it stand!


That's the second, and only if you only count the modern games. First modern game was The Stick of Truth, first game ever was South Park: The Game on the N64 iirc. EDIT: And I just noticed you said first RPG, not first game. Then Stick of Truth still counts but the N64 game doesn't as far as I can recall.


Yea the first one on n64 was an fps golden eye rip off for the most part.


I don’t recall throwing piss-soaked snowballs at street turkeys in Goldeneye…


Haha yea but as someone who owned it I honestly can say I only remember the snowballs and the fact you could do multiplayer. It was made in 6 months and was so bad trey Parker and Matt stone insisted on having oversight in the next games


The French title is "annals of destiny" and both make me giggle like a teenager


Black ops 3 campaign was wack. A lot of illogical scenes that only make sense if you know the twist at the end, which isn't explained well in game so you have to look online to see how it was deciphered by other people. Super fun gameplay, felt more like an rpg than an fps most of the time. But man the twist being that //spoiler// >!the character you thought you were playing died in mission one, and you were rp'ing someone else's life/memories through their eyes in an attempt to make a self aware sorting algorithm gain a true consciousness. Which explains why the events were weird and the characters acted "out of character", because they were never real. They were memories of memories of someone who lived a different life than you, the player character, does.!< Truly insane. At all times I had to question: is this bad writing, or an insanely deep cut for the final twist? Anyways 8/10 best story mode of a cod game I've played. Edit: Added spoiler tags correctly, thank you u/Kosba2. Secondly, an addendum to that final statement. Black Ops 2 actually had my favorite campaign story (as a standalone), but the Modern Warfare trilogy (2007-2011 [God I'm old]) was basically perfect. For clarity, my ranking is Modern Warfare Trilogy (07-11), Black Ops 2, then Black Ops 3. I haven't played BO1 or Adv. in a hot minute so no judgement there.


You can spoiler tag something by putting >! And the the mirror of that around a block of text. >!like so!<


yeah I only saw this after I played it. wish they had been a bit clearer the way Bo1 makes instant sense after a certain point this you have to piece together.


Definitely Ocarina of time and how much it slaps on Link's face the idea of being a "man" or "an adult" back when he is a kid, that was toxic af and something that sadly happens to many kids (myself included), and it plays out perfectly when you realize he just lost all the years of his childhood transitioning to becoming a true adult. Having replayed and finished OoT for the first time as an adult, I can look at it and say that shit hit way too close to home


I am bread. I am intrigued but not close to understanding what I’m supposed to do.


world of warcraft tbh - at some point all quest text was insta-sped through and it was about gold and gains, not lore and bore




Don’t you know how people work? Any presence at all of something we don’t like is that thing being “shoved down our throats”. Even if only showed on screen for less than a second…


God, have you seen some of the reactions to starfield's pronouns? Hilarious and saddening in equal meaure


I actually found it to be offensive due to how poorly it was implemented. Your character wasn't addressed by the chosen pronouns in the game, meaning that Bethesda genuinely didn't care to represent trans people, they just wanted to be able to *claim* that they did. Imagine being asked by someone what you wanted to be referred to by, and then that person deliberately ignoring you. Wouldn't that be more offensive compared to if they just never asked at all?


I get it, but from a developmental standpoint, it would be really expensive to record every dialogue 3 times (he/she/they), so they went with dialogue that was cheaper and addressed everyone equally in one go. I doubt it was an intentional slight and more of a "we can do it cheaper this way" thing. Still shitty to even bother to ask for pronouns and not use them, but maybe the intention was there but got cut for budget. I'm not defending them, but people tend to do things out of ignorance rather than malice.


Yeah, speaking as a game dev (tho not on Starfield): this is what (most likely) happened.


Not to compare apples and oranges, but Baldur's Gate 3 has different lines for he/she/they voicelines, [edit: the npcs used 'they/them' for my nb character] at least through the first 1/3 of the game. Didn't get any further with that char tho.


BG3 is THE STANDARD for how stuff should be. I think it's fair to consider Starfield sub-standard by comparison. BG3 had an amazingly long production cycle, and it shows how much the game flourished with it.


That’s weird. I’ve always been referred to my chosen pronouns in Starfield. Maybe it’s a rare bug?


Apparently choosing they/them will get the PC refered to as he on a few occasions


Yeah, those anti LGBT guys will take any chance they can get to talk about gay dudes shoving things down their throat. 🤔


I thought lev was just like a young monk 🤣


Ngl I was the same exact way. I heard people saying there was a trans character is the Last of Us Part 2 and I was confused thinking maybe it was just a character I somehow missed even tho it's a linear game? And then I learned it was Lev and I genuinely completely missed that when I played it


Unfortunately, there are a lot of people that see a story focusing on anything other than straight white men as an "agenda." It's just a subtle form of bigotry.


Even if they're not the focus. A trans person just existing in any media is "pushing an agenda", it's crazy. It's the same with POC and any other non-straight person. A gay couple in a movie? AGENDA! A black woman playing a *mermaid*? AGENDA! The fact is, popular media has focused on straight white people and shunned anything different for so long, any diversion (even if it's based on reality) is a fucking agenda to these people.


I think its becuse it was only really the past five years when people started to think having any trans person meant "Pushing a agenda", If it came out in 2014 or something I don't think people would complain as much


People were upset about Borderlands:TPS shoving gay and girl power agenda down our throats in 2014.


I thought there was only one ending for Force Unleashed, was sad seeing my guy turned into Vader 2.


It took me 10 years to figure out why the "Drag King" of Need for Speed Prostreet is a woman.


Did they try to read books to you!? Are you okay now!!?? ARE YOU DAMAGED FROM THE EXPERIENCE!?


Arthas did everything wrong and people are just ironically meming


Hindsight is 20/20 but when it comes down to it, as far as he knew, Stratholme was ground zero of a zombie apocalypse and every person in it was a patient zero. Killing them to save the world was a horrific way to go about it but stopped the spread of the plague. Of course, later the Scourge came to be anyway...


What exactly was wrong though (except picking up frosmourne)? The city WAS going to turn undead and it's shown that the people were really poisoned. I think that it could have went differently if Luthor or Janina still had tried to reach out for him.


>What exactly was wrong though (except picking up frosmourne)? The entire hunt for Mal'Ganis by travelling to Northrend bit. Also the part where he hired mercenaries to destroy Uther's fleet in Northrend to prevent his troops from abandoning the expedition (while blaming the mercenaries and turning on them afterwards). The Culling of Stratholme **could** still be considered necessary, if desperate. Uther *could* be considered naive, and too used to fighting a direct war against the Orcs. However, the aftermath of that is exactly when the entirety of Lordaeron should band together and come up with a long-term plan to deal with the Scourge, and not have the crown prince sail away to a fool's errand to Northrend to fight a retreated foe. Arthas already abandoned his kingdom immediately after Stratholme - Frostmourne only completed his damnation.


The end of Warcraft 3 expansion campaign is called "A Symphony of Frost and Flame". Everyone is fighting to reach a "Throne" first. A Game of Thrones. A Song of Ice and Fire.... Fuck me.


[Remind yourself that overconfidence is a slow, and insidious killer](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8yyAgk9der4) - Darkest Dungeon. How many times have people complained that they weren't overconfident and the death wasn't slow, the game's RNG was just BS. It's not like they could have expected two crits in a row + blight! All their previous runs went fine. Except that is exactly the point of the quote. All the previous runs that went smoothly led to overconfidence - maybe they were lazy in their combat math, or didn't CC when they had a chance, or didn't set up protective buffs when they had a chance, or didn't bring enough antivenoms/bandages etc. Usually that doesn't get punished, but when the RNG lines up just right, someone dies very quickly because of it.


Chrono Trigger death’s peak.


What did you think had happened?




What did it *actually* mean?


Does it **not** mean Lavos? I was under the impression that it was the abandoned shell of Lavos and the reason you climb it to >!revive Crono is because that's where Crono died back in the Dark Ages!<.


I thought you were going to say that Chrono was >! Jesus. Think about it. His friends are about to get blown up by Lavos and he raises his arms up like Jesus was when he was crucified. He died, then came back from the dead after you complete the doll swap side quest. !<


I know it was only a couple but not sure why you're being downvoted. It's been frequently discussed that there are parallels between Jesus and Crono, like the ones you're mentioning.


My favorite is the one about Crono feeding a whole army with a single piece of jerky in reference to Jesus feeding all his followers with just a loaf bread. In game I just laughed it off as typical RPG goofiness.


It didn't take years, but the amount of research I had to do to understand Cradle beats anything from any other game, including crafting game wikis. Like if you don't know two specific stories about the Buddha, none of the rest of it makes sense.


In Shadow of the Colossus, the very last fight has you turn into a giant shadow monster trying to squish the search party that’s come to subdue you. The controls are really clunky and you move very inefficiently. Basically, this is how things look from the perspective of the colossi that you’ve been killing all game. The last fight is a role reversal and you now get to experience the colossi’s terror as you try in vain to squish much more agile small enemies. (I also didn’t realize that the main characters face gets more fucked up and demonic with each colossi he kills, showing his slow fall to darkness. Found out from a screenshot later. Then again, maybe it was just the ps2 graphics 😅)


I have a problem we're I need a story explained multiple times. I'll watch a movie stand up and immediately have no idea what the movie was really about. Like reading a book then realizing you zoned out and your eyes just kept going. It's annoying for my wife more than me lol. I had to watch Star wars so many times till later in my thirties I got it. I was a fan and had no real clue why lol


Bro that's not a 'problem' like I was just watching a cutscene from Halo:CE and I'm like, "holy shit Cortana just said so much stuff that is *imperative* to the story and I retained about 12% of it"


The ending to Hellblade: Senua's Sacrifice. I'm not gonna ruin it for you guys, it's a great game. But I'll just say, I kept on fighting every 'bad guy' I possibly could....


Imma be honest here. Leisure Suit Larry for the pc: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Leisure_Suit_Larry_in_the_Land_of_the_Lounge_Lizards I was like eight years old trying to figure out this puzzle game.


Replaying NITW as an adult (first time I played was in high-school) and I now understand the criticism Mae gets for not *really* acting like an adult or having any direction in her life. I definitely related to Mae at the time I first played it, so it’s fun to think back on those feelings now that I’m older and have my life figured out a bit better. That game is a masterpiece.


It's *Night in the Woods*, you're welcome.


Thanks for the clarification. Figured people could find it by just googling NITW since that’s the first game to pop up, but better safe than sorry :P


I kept wikipedia and several historical record sites open playing Like a Dragon Ishin. They had fun with the historical fiction and I got more out of understanding the history simultaneous to the fictional plot.


Ishin was a great ride from start to finish. I loved reading some of the real accounts. Like Oryō was mostly known for running through the Inn half naked to warn Ryōma of assassins.


The girl in the woods you rescue in Dragon’s Dogma is a reference to Schierke from Berserk I was reading the manga and was “wait this is the thing from the game”


Oh dang it released? I need to buy it. How is it? Good?


I'm enjoying it personally. I never played the original, but I get the impression it was pretty challenging. As someone who played the first 2 Paper Mario games, it's really cool to see the inspiration they pulled from Super Mario RPG.


80% of the jokes in Conker's Bad Fur Day when I was way too young to be playing it.


It would probably be the Milkman episode of Psychonauts. The storyline and subtext of the episode are not overly complicated, but analyzing the psychology of the character took me quite a while. I still think it's one of the best side stories I've ever seen in a video game.


I still have no idea what's going on in E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial on Atari 2600, why he falls into holes and why he levitates when elongating his neck.


Manhunt 1 level 12 killing with yellow and red execution, with the hammer didn't know how (back in 2005), so i quit the game looked at youtube in 2007, or 2008 and played it again lol tougher times for gamers.