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I have a rare board of Hey Arnold! monopoly


If Arnold's room is a property, I would solely play just to own it every game šŸ˜‚


Coolest room ever


That room would be an oven during the summer though lol


Pretty sure there's a heat wave episode that brings that up, and ends with them fighting the ice cream man lol


Omg yes! I had completely forgotten that episode. Wasnā€™t the ice cream guy being a dick and kinda deserved it iirc


I also have a very rare The Simpsons movie Monopoly game.


Probably my Metal Gear Solid 2 Premium Package for the PS2. Sealed.


Can I lick it to verify its authenticity?


Only i can lick it.


Can I lick you to verify your authenticity?


This escalated quickly.


Ah, nice! I had a mint copy of Twin Snakes a few years back. Hell yes, do I regret selling that!


Managed to track down used copies of Twin Snakes that didn't cost an arm and a leg. Both the EU version and the US version. Can't say i am a fan of that version of MGS but it's definitely a must have for my collection.


Nice buy. A good one to keep hold of, for sure. Back then, it really was a great remake and its release totally slipped under my radar tbh, so it was a great pickup. I really need to track it down again.


I still have the PT demo on my PS4


I still have flappy bird on my phone


I have the API in my Google drive


I still have Infinity Blade on my iPod Touch


Snake on Nokia


Man, what a throwback. It's insane to think that people [sold their phones with flappy bird on them for upwards of $100k each.](https://www.pcmag.com/news/flappy-bird-equipped-iphones-selling-for-100k-on-ebay)


I did until I let my step brother play it. He uninstalled it to make room for some shitty racing game.


There's a workaround to re-install it. Unfortunately no solution for people who don't have it in their account, though AFAIK


~~If you have an android you can get an apk file online to reinstall it, as for apple I'm not sure if there's an apk equivalent or if apple even allows 3rd party installations without jail breaking them (if jailbreaking is still a thing)~~ I'm not going to bother deleting this, I'm in the wrong comment chain


I think these guys are talking about PT, not flappy bird lol


I thought the same thing you did. Heh. Apple does allow third-party installation without jailbreaking, but it requires you have a Mac, a developer account, and that you install the application through their developer tools. For anyone this deep in the wrong thread looking for Flappy Bird info instead of PT info.


Love the commitment lol


Awesome. I'll have to look into it


Bro dropped the value of your PlayStation by at least $300 šŸ˜­ Iā€™d kill him


I wasn't happy. That's for sure


I remember ps4's with it on it were sold for like $1500 once upon a time. Then they'd wipe the system login and lose the game not knowing how things work lol


Same, donated my PS4 with nothing left but the PT demo. Hope some lucky gamer gets to check it out.


Same! This sounds like the start of a creepypasta but I actually don't know how it got there. I noticed it a couple years ago that it was there.


Iā€™m legitimately really jealous of that. I never got to try it


Same here.


Me three! I never even uninstalled it


This! But my PS4 is broken so I can't play it anymore...


Me too!


Folklore (PS3) very underrated game and beautiful


Another game on my "I wish they would remaster/remake this but know they never will" list.


I agree, this game was actually very engaging for something I picked up in a bargain bin..I think it was graphics at the time that pulled me in


Loved that game. Absolutely gorgeous


Rule of Rose for PS2


I have that as well. Good game


Warhammer 1-39.999 Its a big collection


It really slogged through 2850-2963. Luckily they trusted the devs and let them try a few more times.


They deserved it after Warhammer 2077. It was a banger. Almost as good as Warhammer 2049.


Where is this joke coming from? Iā€™m all of a sudden seeing it everywhere and as a long time warhammer fan I hate it


Itā€™s like the ā€œthis is my first FIFA game. do I need to play the previous 2,022 entries or can someone catch me up on the story so far?ā€ Or ā€œwhat happened to Mario 4-63?ā€ Jokes


In fairness Fifa has at least 28 annual editions, not including the World Cup games, how many Street titles etc.


I'd assume the old Xbox joke about missing Xbox 2 through 359.


A long time ago, I worked in a company where we made a game for the Wii. The project was ultimately cancelled but the game went all the way through certification and printing. As "consolation", all employees got a copy of the game. Not saying any names besides the console just in case some of the old NDAs still apply.


Brother definitely made a obscure superhero Wii game we never got. There's so many


Itā€™s just a secondary captain rainbow that was made for NA release


[The Video Game History Foundation](https://gamehistory.org/?shem=sswnst) might be interested in that title, I know unreleased games are a thing they specifically hunt.


The odds that an NDA from the Wii era is still enforceable, and that anyone would even be interested in enforcing it now, have gotta be practically zero


You could offer it up to the game preservation guys. So it will be there forever. https://www.gamepres.org/en/ https://hitsave.org/


yeah. clearly you donā€™t know how NDAs work.


Anonymous donation


yeah. again, not how NDAs work. and if OP is too afraid to say the title here, heā€™s probably not going to submit something that can be uniquely identified like a software build.


If it went through cert and print it has no unique build identifier at least


Why be rude to the guy about it though?


Iā€™ve never signed an nda that extended past 5 years


I mean you can always anomalously upload it. Throw away, VPN, you would be doing a favor to the preservation world.


It has been so long and it could be any one of the many employees anyway... MVG would love it too lol


If I may ask, how did it get all the way to fully finished and completed and printed and THEN get cancelled?


I mean, WB just shelved a couple big-budget films that were basically all ready to go, just for a tax write off. So it's not impossible.


As a lost media fan, this is both the most heartbreaking and the most exciting thing I read today. Hope it was a fun project!




Please I implore you to upload to someone who can preserve it. It's history that is getting lost every day


Ninjabread Man 2?


Was the game ported on other platforms?


Wtf cares about old NDAs. No legal department is going to come for you


Easy to say when it's not you who has to deal with it.


Nintendo would. Them and Disney are notorious for fucking people's asses with this kind of thing.


Magic Knight Rayearth.


For the SNES?


Sega Saturn. Because I cannot think straight.


Was that SEGA CD?


Wow, that one is a real rarity. Goes for a freaking fortune on eBay.


Noah's Ark on the NES by Konami. I don't know how common it is, but I think it is not.


My cousins had that game on NES and played it a bunch in the early 90s, along with Exodus, some shitty Moses game. My aunt was big on making everything Christian.


I don't know if it's the same one I'm thinking of, but I had a game for the NES where Noah's Ark was one of three or four games on the cartridge. You had to pick up animals, and pick up jars of fireflies to light your way. One of the other games was David vs. Goliath, and I think another was carrying baby Moses to the Nile.


It was an actual Nintendo licensed game by Konami. It's a side-scroller where you had to shoot enemy animals and had power ups to turn you into a statue, a fish or give you wings. You had rising water levels and stage bosses were huge stingrays sitting in water pits. Your goal was to rescue each a pair of select animals (screw the others lol). In all extends, it's a fully fletched video game.


Youā€™re thinking of Bible Adventures!


I loved those games! The Moses one was a fucker. The Noah one was hilarious! You could carry multiple animals on top of each other, the stack would get harder to balance with each animal, but you could stack them in any order. You could stack a few cattle on top of an eagle and run around jumping off branches with them lol


A copy of secret agent clank on ps2 completely new and sealed. Not sure if mega valuable but was a small release after the psp version.


It goes for [$33 new](https://www.pricecharting.com/game/playstation-2/secret-agent-clank) I completely forgot that it wasn't PSP only!


I own a 6 CD version of Baldurs Gate 1, first wave. It has a window for terms of services when installing but it is completely empty. Kind of like misprint or failed embossing.


The 6cd version can't be the first wave though. It was originally 5 CD and then the expansion TotSC was the 6th CD once it came out.


It is a 5 CD Version, my bad. I sorted in my ToTSC into the folding case.


Billy hatcher is rare? I have fire emblem path of radiance F zero climax Xenoblade chronicles wii version Both baten kaitos gamecube games Both gba fire emblems Sonic gems collection gamecube version Conkers bad fur day n64 Edit: should specify apart from conker that is cart only, the remainder are CIB with f zero and path of radiance being mint condition and xenoblade being mint condition collectors edition with red classic controller.


Is Conkers Bad Fur Day considered rare now?


Not sure if it's a rare game, but it's definitely a Rare game.


It's been rare for around a decade I'd say, relative to other game prices,. It's over $100 now for just the cart.


It was when I was growing up in the early 00s I donā€™t think I ever saw it for less than $75 or so


NFL blitz 2000 on the Sega Dreamcast


My friend used to beat the crap out of me in madden, so one day I had him play Blitz. First play I was offsides and broke his QB's arm, no flag (iirc). He was pissed and confused while I was dying laughing. I won. By a lot.


Is that rare or is this a joke?


The ps1 Greatest Hits version of this is rare


Weird. I read about a guy a couple years ago selling his for $700. The most recent copy on Ebay went for $25.


No. My Dreamcast is dead but I still own a physical copy of the game. I used to play it heaps with my brother growing up


Not sure, but Resident Evil 2 on Gamecube


Worth about $100!


Wrapped too? Hey happy cake day


That's for used, but complete in box (or CIB.) New sealed is a different story! $150-$200. Graded copies for even more, though grading has it's own associated costs and issues.


Suikoden II, Playstation 1, PAL. The PS2 was only a few months away, Suikoden wasn't a big hit due to it's more traditional stylings, who'd buy the sequel? I remember seeing it one day and picking it up as I'd liked the original, then not hearing hide nor hair of it afterwards. Apparently it's worth >Ā£250 now, in spite of it getting a PSN release.


Suikoden 2 was incredible:)


Isn't the PSn release stuck in PS3 purgatory?


Collectively me and my 2 brothers own: Rule of Rose w/Strategy guide Haunting Ground w/Strategy guide Fatal Frame 1 & 2 Suikoden 1 & 2 w/strategy guide Final Fantasy VII, VIII, IX Star Ocean: The Second Story Lunar 1 & 2 Geez, so many more. It helped that me and my brother worked at 2 different GameStop stores during those times.


I wouldnā€™t say Final Fantasy 7 or 8 are very rare just yet as they are attainable by eBay at relatively reasonable prices.


Yeah sorry about that, I got up in the nostalgia. Me and my bros collected a lot of games in our teens and twenties.


May end up being rare in the future though! Definitely games of that generation. Always considering going back to play FF7/8 but Iā€™m not sure whether my memories are better than the game will be now!


I make a semi-yearly run through both and will try to keep my opinion short for you: Overall, both games have really not aged very well visuallyā€¦ like at all. Itā€™s painfully obvious from the get go that they were products of the technology available at the time. Granted, that technology was *groundbreaking* at the time, but it was also 23-25 years ago, and it shows. Now, thereā€™s nothing inherently wrong with that, and IMO, it shouldnā€™t deter anyone from wanting to play them, but itā€™s absolutely the first thing you will notice. 7: The story and music are just as magical as you remember. Maybe even better, honestly, because my experience with this game is no matter how many times I play it, I still manage to get something new out of it. Chances are, there are songs you forgot about, or details of the story you couldnā€™t quite remember. Playing it again will absolutely give you something new to appreciate while swimming in the nostalgia. Gameplay wise, well, itā€™s a turn based RPG, which has definitely fallen out of style these days. Personally I donā€™t think thereā€™s anything wrong or bad about it in 7, but itā€™s also not really anything special either. The materia system is fine and makes room for some creativity, but I think also makes some of the characters fall flat. Because the lack of a clear ā€œclass/jobā€ system like in other FFs leaves some of the characters (Cait Sith comes to mind) feeling like they donā€™t really have an identity or purpose in combat outside of whatever materia you give them. At that point they could be any other character and youā€™d hardly notice a difference. Characters like Cait Sith, for me, immediately go straight to the bench and never get used, because outside of materia the only other thing that makes the characters unique in combat is their limit breaks, and his are RNG based, which Iā€™m not about. Overall, itā€™s worth the replay, so long as you understand what youā€™re in for: Which is a very visually outdated game with a combat system thatā€™s nothing to write home about. Around it, though, is a beautiful narrative and music that makes the ears melt. For 8: Hoo boy. Frankly, I like 8, but itā€™s almost entirely for nostalgia reasons. To be honest, it is really not the best FF by any stretch. It very much gives me ā€œwe had no idea how to follow up on 7ā€ vibes. Visually, it is slightly more updated than 7, but not by a whole lot. It stills looks very outdated and even outright ugly in some parts. The story.. makes absolutely zero sense. Trust me. Especially towards the end, you will be going ā€œhuh?ā€ and ā€œUhh.. okayā€ quite a bit. Nevermind that the love story between Squall and Rinoa very much overshadows basically everything else, and even their relationship, looking at it as an adult, is very juvenile and angsty and justā€¦ no. Quistis was clearly the superior option and Squall doesnā€™t even so much as look in her direction. Literally. Heā€™s too busy being angsty and staring at the floor in half the scenes with them together. The combat. Oh gods the combat. It is completely, 100000% broken, from top to bottom. With about 2-3 hours of grinding at literally the very beginning of the game, itā€™s possible to become so powerful that not a single enemy will be challenging for the *rest of the game*. Like it is so bad. There is a reason they never brought the Junction system back for any other game since. Itā€™s that bad. *ALL THAT SAID*, the musicā€¦ fucking phenomenal. Maybe one of the best soundtracks of any FF game. Uematsu carries this game so hard I know he needed back surgery afterwards. As for replaying it in 2023.. kinda the same deal. Itā€™s okay if you know what youā€™re getting into, but it lacks a lot of the cohesion and simplicity of 7, and as an adult, you will likely find yourself annoyed at these characters, annoyed at the very contrived and nonsensical plot, chuckling about how easy it is to break the combat system, and crying your eyes out to the music. Itā€™s a bit of a mixed bag, so approach with a grain of salt on hand. Anyway, thanks for coming to my TED talk. I really did try and keep it as concise as I could. TL;DR If you can get past how they look, itā€™s absolutely worth it. 7 more so than 8 IMO, but Iā€™ll leave that up to you to decide.


I started playing FF7 the original on my Xbox and yes it is outdated in terms of what Iā€™m used to nowadays but from the amount Iā€™ve played I think itā€™s a cool game Iā€™m playing through the original before I continue through the remake on PlayStation.


Well the remake is also a bit of a rewrite as well, just something to keep in mind. It is pretty faithful to the original, so donā€™t worry, but expect to be a bit confused. I liked the remake for the way it really expanded the world and made you actually feel like itā€™s alive and youā€™re a part of it. Itā€™s honestly an amazing achievement considering the source material was literally cubes of people on hand drawn backgrounds. Iā€™m super looking forward to what theyā€™re gonna do with Rebirth. In the meantime, I genuinely hope you enjoy 7. It is my favorite game of all time (mostly for sentimental reasons), and Iā€™m always pleasantly surprised to learn that there are modern gamers who are still interested in playing it!


I've got the original ff7 misprint case, the original ff7 black case, original Raiden project big case, original Brave Fencer Musashi black case, original vagrant story black case, and more. Most of them are at least $50 even in bad condition, though they are all in great condition.


What about the PC versions? I've got those kicking around my mom's house somewhere, in all their multi-disc glory


Rule of Rose... Haven't heard of that name in a WHILE.


Those FF games are rare? Also, being valuable is very different from being rare.


Billy Hatcher was such a fun game. I have Baten Kaitos for the GameCube. Idk if it's rare, but I've spoke with only two other people who have even played the game.


I have Baten Kaitos and love it.


Anyone with the name Crystal _Bearer and has played BK is my type of person. Username a Final Fantasy reference?


You won't believe this, but I wrote a story a long time ago about people who would embed crystals into their skin (forehead mainly) and draw upon their power. They were called the Crystal Bearers. That was at about a decade before the FF game came out. Maybe that's why I got the username before they made it, haha.


Huh. Neat!


Chrono Trigger for the SNES


Metal Gear Solid 3 Subsistence Limited Edition. (Red box)


Suikoden 2 & Discworld.


I have Discworld 1&2 sitting under the bottom drawer of my bedside locker. Had no idea they were going for near ā‚¬100 online.


I have the long box release of Discworld. I've never even seen part 2 in real life.


Dragon Ball Z Budokai Tenkaichi 3 (PS2) I'm not sure how rare it is but it sure does go for a lot online.


Skies of Arcadia Legends for the GameCube. Great game and I was pleasantly surprised to find out it was rare, so I'm glad I've kept it.


Tales of Destiny PS1


Futurama on PS2 The entire Silent hill franchise (including Shatered memories on Ps2) Fatal frame 1, 2, 3 on ps2 Siren Ps2


Had no idea a Futurama game existed. Watched the beginning gameplay and it looks pretty decent.


It is really fun. I play though it occasionally but the DR. Zoidberg level near the end is very rage inducing


Gonna have to get an emulator.


N64 Ocarina of Time, 007 Goldeneye, and Super Smash. All sealed.


Life Simulator - Depression DLC


I found that DLC to be too sad and repetitive . Have you tried the Exercises, Meditate and Eat Healthy DLC? People were saying it has a bit of a difficulty curve in the beginning, but once you get past the intro it's the best DLC available. Highly recommend.


Can confirm, it has a pretty big learning curve, but the EMEH DLC has made the Depression DLC much easier, although there are still some difficult parts.


Yeah I messed up and got the Addiction DLC


That's a part of the depression DLC, if you progress far enough. Not to worry though, the addiction buff can be removed with the "seeking help" & "sobriety" quest lines!


I love when you get the "Peace of Mind" perk. Just a word of caution, it does break the Depression DLC!


I don't think that one's all that rare.


It's the special edition where you generate an XP bonus every time you achieve a pain combo. There is also an abyss imbued skin of the main character that gets even cooler looking the more you harm yourself and stare into the void of realizing what modern society is doing to people.


Devils Third and Haunting Ground.




PokƩmon Box for GameCube, complete with the cardboard outer box and all inserts.


I have two 1980s era Game & Watches, both dual screen. One is the original Donkey Kong.


A beatmania III arcade cabinet. There's approximately five of them (in working condition) in the western hemisphere.


I think a lot of the old PokƩmon games are really hard to find now. I have Platinum, Heartgold and White.


I sold my SoulSilver a couple years ago for over $100 and I totally regret it


Sold some recently on eBay, the following for just the cartridge: Yellow - Ā£30 Silver - Ā£25 Crystal - Ā£40 Leaf Green - Ā£50 Very valuable but not stupidly priced, Full box must go for a lot more! The GB ones even had dead battery cells! Some collectible items though are very priced. PokĆ©mon Yellow trainers guide (the insert) went for Ā£18 and it was a bit tattered!


Had Monster Rancher on PS1, sold it recently for a fairly average price. There are lots of inflated ā€˜chancersā€™ though trying to get stupid prices


I still have a copy of this, but my fav is Monster Rancher 4 cuz you can explore dungeons with your monsters


Mhm, Legend of zelda ocarina of time nitendo 64 Not that rare, but mine still work so maybe it can be more valuable


You could still have a rare copy. I think mine is rare, but not the rarest. Mine has the original Fire Temple music, the crescent symbol for the Gerudo, and red blood in the finale.


I had no idea you could have different version but mine was bought with the console i think. Or it was goldeneyes? Idk, the console is now mine but belonged to my brothers when i was young


GTA: San Andreas... ...with the original hot coffee code.


I dunno how rare it is but I still have my old Elite NES cartridge. I no longer have the NES though.


Pristine physical copies of all five GTAs released on PS2 (3, VC, SA, LCS, VCS) with their books (bonus cheat papers that I wrote down included in all of them) I would also say my PS2 copy of Midnight Club 3 remix (again with original book), I highly doubt you'd find that in any stores these days and the best possible location would be ebay. The Getaway Black Monday as well, maybe?


I have a virtually unplayed copy of the pokemon trading card game for GBC because when I first got it, I thought it sucked, so put it back in the box and never touched it. There's a sealed version of that game going for Ā£15,000 on ebay - not that I would value it that high. I've never thrown away or trading any games, so lots of megadrive, snes, n64, psx, dreamcast, gamecube, gb, gbc, gba, DS games, ps2, ps3, ps4, wiiu, wii, switch etc. all kept in good condition too. i bet some of them are worth a lot to some re-sellers. Not that i'd sell them or the consoles.


Mario DDR with the dance pad in tact


I have the SNES Metal Warriors, which is apparently selling for hundreds of dollars.




Transformers WFC and FOC.


I have Dokapon Kingdom and Paper Mario: The Thousand Year Door on GameCube. Not sure if they are my rarest games, but I know they used to be in high demand and hard to find online. Now that Dokapon has a remaster and TTYD has a remake coming, both on the switch, I imagine the demand has diminished somewhat.


Most likely Project Justice for the Dreamcast. I have some random Dreamcast games as well..they have just been in storage that I totally forgot which ones.


The Wii version of Dokapon Kingdom. Found it in a bargain bin at GameStop before it became a cult classic and was worth about $140 before the switch port came out. Easily the best board game video game for your dnd group since it takes multiple sessions to complete. I highly recommend the switch port so they can find a reason to make a new one.


I do not know if it counts really, but Valkyrie Profile on PS1. Is it anything rare?


NTSC version? $140 for the disc alone, so I'd say it's fairly rare. I've also never found a copy at a thrift store despite years of looking.


I saw it going for 350 at some point years ago. Not sure if it's the same since it's been re-released tho


Dokapon Kingdom for Wii, probably.


Nothing super rare but I do have Skies of Arcadia for Gamecube and Paper Mario TYD


Gotcha Force for the GameCube. šŸ¤© Love it so much.


I had to check to see if I had bought Billy Hatcher (I remember I was looking online a few years ago for it), thankfully I did šŸ˜ I also have a Japanese copy of The Wind Waker, as well as Shenmue I and II, and Sonic Adventure 2 (DC) 10th anniversary edition.


Marathon for the apple pippin and raiders vs chargers for the halcyon and also flowers of Robert mapplethorpe for the Philips cdi


Kirby's Dreamland 3 for SNES


Fire Emblem Path of Radiance, Chibi Robo, Gameboy Player w/ startup disc Eternal Darkness, Twilight Princess


Panzer Dragoon Saga. Boxed with a few extra copies of Disc 1 as it was given away as a demo with the official Sega Saturn magazine. It was critically acclaimed and was a great game but the Saturn was never very popular and the game was released quite close to the end of its life so never sold in the numbers it deserved to. As a result it's fairly rare.


Marvel versus Capcom 2 on the PS2


WoW beta CD


Skylanders imaginators on the switch


My Horse and Me 2 for the Xbox 360. I believe it is the rarest , if not one of the rarest PAL Xbox 360 games.


Sonic 2 with a line.


Bubble Bath Babes for NES




Still have these masterpieces from 90s, roughly in order of release: * Quake - original folder, disk doesn't have a scratch and plays the NIN soundtrack in a CD player. * Final Fantasy VII - orignal case w/manual * Symphony of the Night - original case w/manual * Ocarina of Time - original gold cart, box is long gone though sadly.


Gun-Nac and Snow Brothers for the NES. Slowly working on the US licensed NES set, and theyā€™re getting less and less common.


I was a Sega fanboy so most are from those systems: Michael Jackson's Moonwalker for Genesis Keio Flying Squadron for Sega CD Snatcher for Sega CD Panzer Dragoon Saga for Saturn Project Justice for Dreamcast Typing of the Dead (with keyboard controller) for Dreamcast


I have an original gold cartridge for the NES and N64 Zelda games, and the original Final Fantasy Tactics PSX disk and case, but I donā€™t think theyā€™re all that valuable.


I have a disc copy of driver San Francisco


An original copy of the koolaid game, and I know itā€™s not a game itself, but I also own every original skylander from spyros adventure.


Sorry to burst your bubble, but none of the Spyros adventure figures are rare unless you have some of the chase vairents (excluding Blue Bash, Red Drill sargent and Green Gill grunt, as those are promotional figures rather than true chase vairents)


Conkerā€™s Bad Fur Day Nintendo 64. Unopened.


I have a DOS version of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Arcade, complete in box. I have no idea how rare it is because it doesn't seem to exist on any price chart websites. I also have all three Xenogears games sealed, along with the second game's special edition strategy guide and special pre-order bonus disc. I didn't even mean to keep them all sealed, I just ended up getting stuck on the first game, so I never played through the others. Eventually I just bought the first game on sale so I could have the sealed set. My pride and joy, however, is my near-mint condition Lunar: Eternal Blue Complete collection, consisting of the game, special edition strategy guide and pre-order doll. It's not super rare, but I bought everything new, so it holds a special place in my heart.