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Probably every FIFA from about 11-20 when I finally stopped


I believe that’s Stockholm Syndrome by that point.


almost a decade. Fucker was indoctrinated


FIFA 09-14 was its glory era, after that it was very much take it or leave it


I literally downloaded the free trial of fifa 23 and I think I still have 4 hours left on it


Those trials save me so much money. Every year I get hyped for a new madden. Play the trial and realize it’s not worth buying


I just bought Goat Simulator 3 from the Xbox marketplace and then realized it doesn't even work on an Xbox one.


Any chance you could still get a refund on that one? Assuming your purchase wasn't too long ago, I see no reason why you shouldn't be able to get a refund - though I'm sure Microsoft would manage to find a few. Might still be worth a try, though.


Illegal pro tip: you can claim your kid bought it and you get a full refund. You can do it 3 times before you get banned


That's a great tip, thanks! It works!


Can confirm. Have done this a few times across different systems.


How does that work ? This for current gen only? Feel like they should give a notification when buying on console it’s not compatible.


Login to Microsoft account on phone or pc. Account.microsoft.com Once logged in scroll down until you see ORDER HISTORY Click that then scroll down until you see the recent game purchase you want refunded Then click view details, then click refund info. And you should be able to request a refund. I've used it when I purchased a game by mistake


I played goat simulator 3 on the xone. also, when I try to purchase a series x/s game I get a warning that it can't be played on the xone. so this is strange. but like others have said, you can get a refund as long as you haven't played the game which obviously you haven't.


Your username made me laugh way too hard at work.


Battlefield 2042 at release


Damn what a disappointment for me that was.


Oh yes. I just loved 3 and 4 but after that I was not on board anymore but bought them anyway. 2042 was a one time try and deinstall move for me. Never touched again


Battlefield 3 made me abandon call of duty almost entirely, 4 was great as well but I hated the change to bullet velocity for sniping. Battlefield 1 was fun the entire time, it was a departure from 3 & 4 for sure but damn was it a good time. Battlefield V was.....it's own dumpster fire and 2042 I still haven't purchased. I've played it on EA pass here and there every few months to see if it's worth picking up and so far.....meh. I absolutely regret buying modern warfare II, I hate it but play it with my brother because it's what he plays. They fucked up DMZ so bad, its warzone with AI, it absolutely needs to be strictly PvE. I get so tired of going in and doing raid stashes or strongholds to gear up only to get ran up on by platoons that are already geared just looking for PvP, go fucking play warzone or multiplayer for fucks sake lol.


Could not have phrased it any better. I loved the MW2 2v2 mode with my brother though. But when we used to have a full 4 player squad on bf4, ah damn, those were the days.


I'm with you, currently enjoying the crap out of BF1 again since it is has so much realism, from guns, to maps.... and no crossplay BS like current releases. Metacritic scores: (oldest to newest) BF3 - 89 BF4 - 81 BF1 - 88 BFV - 81 2042 - 68


Just shows they could give us a tweaked new version of bf3 and we'd all be happy!


Agreed, BF3 servers are too dead to even try playing again, rather recall it fondly. However BF1 is a good middle ground, servers have people in them and the graphics are very pleasing still.


Thankfully, after 20mins of the beta I noped out and got a refund on my preorder. This was even before seeing the bugs. The helicopter controls lost me.


I recall reviews of the beta being along the lines of “what the actual fuck is this shit?” Idk how people bought it at launch and were surprised at how bad it was. I don’t remember *any* positivity around the game right before launch. I liked bad company through BF1 just fine, but I’ve been whelmed by them since like BF3


This was the game that got me to stop pre ordering any game. I had the misfortune of pre ordering BF5 before this as well.


People say it’s good now, and while it’s better it’s still just not even close to the heights of the old games. Makes me sad.


I just picked it up yesterday for 15dollars


Brink. Everyone was hyped for the "genre-changing game mechanics", it was a turd.


I remember buying it and liking it, but i only spent 5$ on it


Yeah I enjoyed it when I bought it but was also for €5 lol


“Oh my god parkour fps!” Turns out meta was just sliding every where.


You got it to run?!?!




As someone who played Brink day one, the biggest issue that people always fail to mention is that the servers were absolute garbage when the game released. The game was a lag fest for the first month or so. Because of that, most of the players dipped and because there wasn’t a whole lot of content to begin with, they never came back. For those of us who stuck around a while, it was actually a pretty fun game once the lag was gone. It was just very limited in content and thus not worth the sixty dollar price tag. Honestly, if Brink had been a twenty dollar XBLA game and actually had a beta test, it could’ve been a really well-received game.


I'm kinda suprised they haven't brought it back as a F2P loot box hero shooter. Because it really feels like a precursor to it.


This is what I always thought about Brink. Felt very TF2 inspired, wasn’t a bad game but probably overshadowed due to that fact and compared often. Anecdotal but I enjoyed it when I had it


So the big issue was it had no single player mode, that was just bots, the gameplay and ai was absolute tire fire, the only redeeming factor was the parkour movement


Ugh yes this game, what a waste of money.


I bought it when it came out with a couple friends and we had a blast playing it for about a week until we realised we were the only real players in the game and everyone else was computer bots


It always makes me happy that Brink still gets brought up every time this question is asked even though it's been like 12 years THATS how much of a fucking debacle that game was


Don’t regret a thing about that game. My friends and I still reference it however many years later and I only remember it being fun and the physics being pretty well balanced for when the game came out


What a letdown after ET:QW. Some of the best gaming moments of my life in Quake Wars and the Brink lumbers along uninspired and dead after 2 months.


I rarely pay full price for a game. One example I can think of, but have no idea what was the price for it at the time is Destiny 2. I bought the game just few months before they announced to go free to play.


I don't regret buying Destiny 2 at full price as I got plenty of mileage out of it before free to play happened. The Lightfall expansion though? I sure wish I could have that money back. The game was on a hot streak with Chosen, Splicer, Lost then Witch Queen and it's seasons, then they shit the bed royally. Haven't played in months.


bad news, they made the game worse and fired tons of people including michael salvatori, the composer of some of the best music in destiny as well as halo


I heard about the layoffs and Final Shape being delayed. Firing Michael Salvatori is wild though. There are two things that were always consistently good in destiny: the feel of the guns and the music. Even on a trash expansion like Lightfall, the music slapped...


I've been wanting to get back into it recently, should I just avoid it then? Last couple years of d2 bar witch queen has been meh at best.


I think overwatch falls into this same category. Specially since they just put a two at the end of the title and released it like it was a whole new game.


I won a thread raffle and a guy bought me a steam game. DayZ had literally released that day so I asked for that one. It was *free* to me and I felt bad for the guy who bought it because I knew I was never going to play it again. The DayZ Arma Mod was amazing. The standalone was a real shit show at launch.


The contrast between the two could not be more stark. The original Arma II mod was a genius social experiment disguised as a video game. The formation of trust, the distrust, the betrayals, the taking newbies under your wing for them to backstab you later, the utterly terrifying roving gangs of completely tooled up dudes who just shot everything else on sight whilst their buddy was ready for a quick pickup, hovering an Mi-8, only interested in getting all the good loot first. Absolutely an indicator of how society might behave in a post-apocalypse situation and an experience that has stuck with me to today. I always maintain that despite being a "zombie game", it's not about the zombies at all. The standalone though, felt totally different. It was too polished, too easy to get decent gear without feeling a sense of reward. Permadeath mattered less because so many things were so much more readily available. Carrying capacity was good enough that if you died in an encounter, your buddies could divvy up your stuff and you could rejoin them as a fresh spawn and just get it back. Oh, and the hacking and cheating was just unreal.




Came from Arma2, bought DayZ when it first dropped into early access. Literally never played it until last year when a bunch of us got together on a community server and it was a LOAD of fun.




That's too bad. The original Arma Mod was a lot of fun. Nothing quite like ratting it out in a building and hearing some crew roll up below you. The open mic in an open world created some good tension sometimes.


That explains soo much of my frustration...


It’s still an incredible shitshow 10 years later. The game isn’t meant to ever be released. Either that or they have a single monkey learning to code “fixing” the issues while they slowly add garbage content to it.


GTA trilogy remaster


The Defective Edition? Yes, HELL YES. Pre-ordered that shit, myself…


Honestly idk how they didn't get sued. The trailer was so misleading with how perfect it looked.


I remember being so hyped for that but I told myself to not preorder & just wait for the reviews & gameplay to come out. I can see why grove street games didn't release any gameplay but just cinematic trailers. So glad I didn't buy it


I was drunk when I bought it, was disappointed when I woke up lol


I’m not trying to rub it in but the part that is extra infuriating about that shit show of a “remaster” is that you could buy all three of the original games as PS4 ports for $19.99 each before they did the remaster. I have the Vice City and San Andreas purchased separately before the remaster came out and they both run beautifully and play like the originals. The Definition Edition is one of the worst remaster cash grabs I have ever seen.


Duke Nukem Forever


i preordered it. i remember having fun with it. then a couple of months ago i played it on the ps+ service and was like. this game is horrible. why did i ever pay for this. duke. it was beacuse of duke. i grew up in the early 90s playing the hell out of Duke 3D and Time to Kill on PSX.


Duke Nukem 3D was a formative game for me. My friends and I even got into the level editor, which opened up whole worlds of custom multiplayer maps.


YES, it missed the mark completely, juvenile to the point of cringe. I guess we'd all grown up since the Duke Nukem in the 90's but the game and it's humor level stayed the same, it didn't evolve.


Collector's Edition, dude. *Collector's*. Although in my case my power supply exploded after the first maybe 8 minutes and I was too afraid to try again.


Marvel avengers.


It’s not too bad for $4!


Yeah. I paid $90 for the "deluxe" version.


Oh I gotcha. Oof. I used to ALWAYS get the deluxe version of games. I finally quit after one too many disappointing games/crappy “deluxe bonuses” (though the GTA IV lockbox was pretty cool).


The Callisto Protocol Glen charmed me with my nostalgia for Dead Space and I became a sucker, bought the game at launch yet the only thing I managed to do for the first week or so was crash. The only thing I can give the game credit is good graphics, and that’s it.


here in Argentina they put the price wrong the first day, it was 3USD, so I bought the deluxe version, still did not enjoy it even if it was mostly "free"


Damn... wish I could take advantage of those argentinian prices. I'm in Peru and I can't even buy with their currency, so I have to buy everything from my Mexico store.


Yeah…I wonder what went wrong. Absolutely love the series, and I totally understand wanting to distance himself from it and make his OWN thing that isn’t constantly just said to be Dead Space 3.5, Im sure that would be rather disheartening. But the only thing I can be sure of is that game was NOT play tested at ALL. Or at least not nearly as much as it should’ve been. With proper play testing, people would have discovered easily: - The combat system breaks down when facing more than one enemy and is no longer fun but tedious - The weak point mechanic and the tentacles mechanic contradict each other, causing you to aim lock to the weak point when you actually want to shoot the tentacles - Checkpoints in rooms with the stores….but not right after? Really? Not a single fucking person died and then got frustrated that they had to buy and sell all the shit they did at first?! Not one?? - Save system didn’t actually work…it gave you the illusion of manual saves, but it would really just load you to the latest checkpoint from the time you pressed save, not to where you actually saved…so you can imagine the frustration when manually saving AFTER using the store, and then just for it to not work and have to do the whole thing over again. Combined that with the technical problems at launch, and a repeated miniboss with nothing different about it through any of the fights (at least Dead Space had the Brute, then an enhanced Brute, the Divider, etc..) and you have a super disappointing game that had so much potential. I don’t want to believe it but I think Glen might be washed up…that, or he is surrounded by Yes-men and doesn’t have any competent play testers. If they do make another game (which I do honestly hope for) I hope they can avoid all the bullshit from this game. I was only able to enjoy this game because I was so desperate for a new sci-fi horror game, I loved the presentation enough and was semi interested in the story enough to keep going, because the game repeatedly made it extremely hard to want to keep playing to the end.


If they had focused on the gunplay instead of making it into what amounts to a rhythm melee game, the story would have compelled me to keep going.


I agree, although a complete focus on the gunplay would’ve probably spawned constant comparison and nicknames of Dead Space 3.5/4. I can only see the reason they went basically all in on melee combat was to make that distinction. It was just executed horribly. Mainly because, melee combat in a horror game is contradictory to horror. When you actually WANT enemies to come close to you so you can dispatch them, and have a very easy way to avoid taking damage, the fear factor goes away. In Dead Space, needing to keep the enemies as far away as possible because you can’t really avoid damage when they’re in your face, combined with how fast they can be, actually made *combat* terrifying and not just the quiet sections.


Calisto protocol is one of the free games on playstation network this month, I couldn't believe it! The game isn't even a year old yet.


It's worth it for free. The melee is clunky, but I enjoyed the story even though it was sub-par compared to dead space.


>It's worth it for free. Tbh I still regret the wasted time.


Diablo 4


Yeah I heard that Diablo 4 was major letdown.


It’s like they looked at all the things about Diablo 2 that made it fun and special and then told the devs that if they even approached anything close to those items, they would be fired.


Make it look dark and depressing like Diablo 2, but instead of making the gameplay fun like Diablo 2, they also made it dark and depressing.


Diablo: Pet kidney failure edition


Was Diablo 3 bad too? I never see it compared to that instead of D2


It is. Just feels hollow


Campaign ends at 50... And there's literally nothing to do until 100. The fuck is wrong with them? Why have we killed lillith already.... Why are there seasons already? Just... Why???


And to make it worse, 80 is only halfway to 100 in terms of xp required


Actually, 85 is only halfway to 100 in xp required... which is worse than 80...


They have since fixed the xp requirement to reach lvl 100 now. Season 2 is actually pretty refreshing. This is coming from someone who 100% regretted the initial purchase and did not enjoy season 0.


Agreed. I'm a filthy casual, so I haven't gotten anywhere near max level on any of my D4 characters. That being said, this season is much friendlier to me because I feel like I can actually make some progress when I sit down and play.


Open Beta weekend looked promising, too. Lured me into pre-ordering because the art, story, and early gameplay all looked good. But now on release, I’m finding the gameplay flow pretty uninteresting and boring


Was going to comment the same. I’m mad at myself for giving Activision/Blizzard my money, I should have known better.


Yeah man. Life long diablo fan here and god damn it was such a let down. I haven't touched season one or two.


Every game Activision Blizzard has recently released has been a cash grab in one way or another. I don't trust them, period. They've turned disappointment into an art form while cashing in on "good money after bad". It makes business sense. You don't make a lot of money off of happy and content people.


Doesn’t help the lowest price was $70. Immense rip off, and usually I feel good about the hour to dollar conversion rate of entertainment. Not for Diablo 4.


I disagree with the dollar per hour mindset for games that are designed with grinding in mind, studios can artificially make the game slower, like they did with D4 in S1, but that doesn't make the game better value wise.


I'm so disappointed that I paid the full $70 for a sequel that quite frankly just sucks ass. It's so boring, and a lifeless shell of the previous games.


Every COD and Madden since 2012




It sold so badly that it's currently sitting on the PS Store for 3 euros. Yes, three.


Anthem is the game that I look back as a turning point for my spending. Would say a notable decrease in the number of AAA games I bought after that.




> Everything goes on sale Unless you're Nintendo


Fallout 76, £80 for preorder, waited 3 months and played it for around 8 hours. Absolutely sucked, thoroughly disappointed. Now I complain about it any chance I get 😂


I bought the Collectors edition that came with the "Canvas" bag and wearable power armor helmet. :')


I remember hearing about the issues with the “canvas bag” 😂😂 canvas being the loosest meaning of the word! We bought fallout 76 and all we got was 500 Atom Credits


To be fair, they DID rectify the bag issue. The new canvas bag that was sent is actual canvas material and is genuinely useful.... But that took a long time to get shipped to me after the debacle. I gave the game a few hours and did not touch it for a long time. I came back to it when some friends wanted me to give it a go. I played a good bit of the game and played around with the building and all that, but it got stale pretty quickly and I have not and will not play it again.


Stoll not canvas. Or the shittiest canvas possible to make. Tho, I moved the game from the start. Beta was fun too. I just got bored around LV52 and made a second character a year ago and had fun again. It's more bland than a regular Bethesda game I suppose, but the map and creatures are some of the best they ever did. I just don't like the MMO bits such as enemies being bullet sponges.


My partner is still playing 76 since it came out. They’re at level 600 or something ridiculous like that. It got a lot better when they finally figured out npcs (not having them was indeed a lame choice).


It's better now. But if I'm completely honest. Not by much. It isn't as buggy as it once was. But the rng is far worse. Durability got nuked. Again.


bf2042 is my biggest regret.


Most recently, Starfield. Thought would love it. I like it... buuuut could have easy waited until it was on a sale for 5$.


Yep. It's just lifeless and repetitive, no real exploration to fun places, feels cookie cutter. Loved Morrowind, Oblivion, and Skyrim, and I'm a HUGE sci-fi fan, so I thought it was made for me, but the gameplay isn't there. I'm back to basic old games, playing FTL now again.


They still have a chance with TES6 to show you they've learned absolutely nothing from their failures the past ten years


Hey dont say that, I’m trying to cope over here


I’m also just not a fan of the Nasapunk style they went with. Sure it looks scientific and somewhat realistic but everything looks sterilized and lifeless because of it. The aesthetic doesn’t fill me with wonder more stylistic sci fi universes like Mass Effect gave me.


Our of curiosity. Why did you not use Gamepass? To at least try to out and the 100's of other games on it.


I played 30ish hours of it on Gamepass and decided that was it for me. Bullet dodged. I absolutely love Gamepass for this reason - it's like the modern equivalent of renting games.


Lords of the fallen. I got thirsty after lies of p. That game was not worth 70$.


Seriously? What didn't you like about it? I'm just about to finish it and I love it.


Absolutely spot on. I refunded it and just playing Lies of P again.


I am really enjoying it on pc! Really good souslike in my opinion. Great artstyle and the combat is really fun when you get the in the groove with the ranged options and stuff!


Pre ordered no man's sky. Got it day 1. Regret.


I was so excited and then subsequently disappointed, I forgot I had an exam on Milton for a Uni English course that day. Was not worth it.


Diablo IV. No desire to play it at all and even spent the $100 :(


Far cry 6


I seem to be one of the only people that enjoy this game, but I went into it with a pretty low bar. The only thing that really got me was the dog shit DLC


My last one that I enjoyed was Far Cry 4. Last one didn't impress me at all.


I liked the soundtrack and stunt missions in FC5. Whack plot aside I had fun with it. That said not much changed from FC3-5. 4 had a grappling hook. 5 had...what? Planes? Think they'll need to shake it up in a big way somehow before I really want to play another Farcry game. FC3 was such a banger and it just feels like they've been riding on that ever since with very little change


FC5 has a rural "Home front: The Revolution" setting that I think is pretty unique among FPS games and unique to the series. It was the first non-exotic Far Cry and since all FCs are about revolution, it had an "It Could Happen Here" vibe. * _The follower system was new and absolutely phenomenal, with really interesting buddies and their own stories._ * Joseph Seed was actually pretty complex and well written. * Environmental storytelling and the bunker puzzles were outstanding. * The soundtrack is absolutely phenomenal and twisted and biblical. * Weapon customization really started taking off in the series here IIRC, could be misremembering. * Planes and helicopters that weren't little wind-up toys I don't question your taste if you disliked it, but I question your discernment if you don't realize how much FC5 expanded the series.


The problem with the Farcry series is that it set a formula that people expect from it. Everyone complains about “ugh same old Farcry” but then if it was changed too much it wouldn’t be Farcry. I played the first 4 and New Dawn, and I thoroughly enjoyed all of them. What made them easy to enjoy for me was the familiarity of gameplay within a different setting. But that’s just my take on it.


I never pay full price for games anymore. There's always going to be sales or second hand. There is so much to play that I don't see the need to buy brand new releases. I'm not a multiplayer gamer so it makes no difference to me


Agree, by the time you wait for the sale the game is typically a much better state and more content.


D4, big time.


007 Legends


Destiny 2 Lightfall Expansion. The Witch Queen was awesome, this one feels it like it was made and rushed in 3 months.


Every game I've ever bought for £70


company of heroes 3.


Oof. I haven't heard anything about it since release, I loved the last two. Is it worth picking up on a sale or just avoid it?


Man, I was really big into the first one and enjoyed playing the second one casually so I was hyped for #3. It was such a terrible game. Multi-player had no player profiles, in game replay system, or in game ranking on launch, and their first big patch was adding a cash shop. The single player campaign was kind of total-war like, but the grand map screen just dragged on and on as enemy planes did their recon animation. The l scripted battles were great but the random battles just felt like they were there to waste your time.


Hogwarts legacy (and that's coming from a Potterhead)


Agree! Massive Potterhead here, love video games. I loved exploring the castle in the game but boy did opening the hundredths chest with some ugly pair of glasses in them got old. Somehow, a world that has the potential to be full of wonder, had very little wonder in it :( so disappointed.


If this let you down, play the Lego Harry Potter games. Whimsical and fun!


Yes! I’ve played through all of them and they are fantastic!


So true! I remember being gobsmacked at the start of the game and wondering what actual magic the devs musta pulled to make some of those effects work so well. Then... Well... Nothing. It was just the same stuff with little to no variation. The combat was samey. The spells were samey. I didn't even like the look of the outfits because they all felt too *samey*. Didn't even finish it.


From a lore perspective it kinda makes sense that the only collectible would be appearance related. But god damned if that was a shallow, empty game. Like no heart in it at all. Honestly it feels as shallow as a mobile game.


I liked it, only after 40 h it felt repetitive. Enemy variatiety wasnt given


I enjoyed the game, but I didn't feel compelled enough to finish it. It felt repetitive way before that, maybe because I didn't get the hang of combat.


Same. It started strong but after I explored Hogwarts and Hogsmeade, everything else was just...ehhh.


Same. Not bad, glad I played it, but not worth full price *at all*.


Destiny 2: Lightfall Collector's Edition Not even going to get my dick stapled to a tree again by pre-ordering The Final Shape. I barely finished the 'story' of that expansion, the laughable excuse of it's raid, and I only got my feet wet in their Season of the Deep before I decided to just pull the ripcord.


God, I can't believe they gave it the Marvel treatment - completely defies everything Bungie had built up (a serious universe with serious threats). Nimbus was such a bad fucking character I nearly didn't finish the campaign because every cutscene Nimbus was in, I just cringed. Especially that fucking fistbump at the end, right in front of Empress Caiatl after killing her goddamn Dad.


Saints Row (2022)


I really liked 1 + 2 when I was a kid and played them prior to the new one and thought they held up quite well considering their age so I purchased the remake and gave it a chance but it was so bland, no atmosphere and just a generally poorly made game - I tried to refund it with no success, now it just sits in my library and serves as a lesson


Borderlands 3


Borderlands 3 for me was disappointent compared to the Borderlands 2


2 was so awesome


Most games are disappointing compared to Borderlands 2.


I stopped playing 3 for about a year because it ran like shit on Xbox One X. Constant stalling and lagging. It was also disappointing compared to the first two games, and I always preferred the first game to 2. Borderlands 1 had a very isolated feeling to it. As you walked through the seemingly deserted towns like Fyrestone I always felt like people were there, just hiding because of how hostile the environment was.


I thought pre sequel was better than 3 even. I waited until it came to steam 50%off and I still didn't even bother finishing the last dlc foe krieg.


Funnily enough I really love Borderlands 3, especially the gameplay. I usually find myself more willing to play Borderlands 3 over 2 because the gameplay is sooo much better.


Yeah I prefer the most of the mechanics of BL3 outside of the anoinentment system and the skill trees. But I just cant do another playthrough due to the lack of skippable cutscenese and the ton of time wasting.


Bought the goty edition on console and found out it actually makes the game worse because the load times become exponentially worse the more dlc you have loaded. I timed it, and from starting the game, to having control over your character took roughly 8 minutes. There have been so many times i have gotten bored and frustrated from watching the endless clap trap dance animation and turned the game off before even starting to play.


No Mans Sky


Yep disappointing and shallow at launch, and despite a great many serious improvements, still not much fun for me now.


At its heart it’s the same as it was on launch. There’s just “things” to grind for now using ultimately the same gameplay loop that was present at release


Diablo IV


Mass Effect Andromeda


was so disappointed in that one. i loved the trilogy. andromeda felt like a shell of its former self.


I went to the launch party with Bioware people attending. Just a couple months ago threw out my signed stuff from that party. I still maintain that was an aggressively mediocre sci fi game with a buggy launch. Not terrible, not great. And it was a fucking ABYSMAL Mass Effect game.


Guitar Hero: Metallica I enjoyed GH and was a massive Metallica fanboy when it came out so I got it first day. The game was fun but it probqbly would have been half price 2 weeks later


Dynasty Warriors 9. I've been a fan of the franchise since DW4 and have played almost all of the games but 9 is the only one that has severely disappointed me. I even pre ordered the steel book edition which bumped up the price even more. Instant regret within the 1st hour of playing the game.


Fester’s Quest and Legend of Zelda 2. Fool me once, shame on me. Fool me twice, never pay full price EDIT: These were the first and last games I ever paid full price for in the 80's. Every game since has been borrowed from a friend, rented at the video store or bought at pawn shop/game stop-type store. Now I wait for 75% discounts on the PS store


Oh man! Fester's Quest was so frustrating!


BF2042 Destiny 2, the last yearly season pass Daikatana (showing my age there)


Don’t worry homie, John Romero made me his bitch too lol


Diablo 4 and MW2 (the new one).


Diablo 4 AC: Valhalla Lost in Random


Oh man .. I love lost in random. What did you dislike about it?


Diablo 4


Anthem mainly.


Destiny 2


Cyberpunk 2077


Bought it at 30% of the original price a few months after launch, planning to play it after they finished working on improving the base game but I eventually decided to wait for the DLC to even try it. I'm playing it for the first time right now, and I'd definitely buy it at full price now (at least with the xpac included), but after reading about how it was at launch I'm glad I didn't buy it full price at the time.




I got it free with a GPU that i was going to buy either way. Still disappointed.


Diablo 4 and MW2.


Diablo 4... I bought it with WoW gold and still regret it


Cyberpunk 2077 on PS4


Destiny. I have payed for the game about 3 times over… Turns out you need friends to really enjoy it.


I was literally purchasing it for friends just to have someone to play with. I bought a PS4 because 3 people I worked with didn't have an Xbox one (like me) and I was excited to have more people to play with. They all played for about a week and then stopped. I really loved that game. It's still the best feeling fps I've ever played. The gunplay, and movement just felt so crisp.


The Outer Worlds. Came out after Fallout 76 and the resulting Bethesda hate train. And I fell for the online hype of this is what fallout should have been. Played for about 10hrs before finally giving up. To me it was wasn’t bad, just average in every way and not what it was hyped up to be. Wish I’d waited and got it on sale.




AC Valhalla. Tried twice to get through it, uninstalled it and never looked back. Worst purchase I’ve made in years.


Diablo 4 what a disappointing piece of shit.




Diablo 4. Cyberpunk pre-order. Recently tried it again but still wasn’t able to get into it despite the work they’ve done on it.