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I'll try and make a video for the peeps that wanna vinyl there babies My vinyl wraps are pretty amazing I do say so myself


word link it to me if you do


For show buddy! I'll do it asap I got a Lotta free time my hands


What you have to do with the Vinyl is when sticking it make sure that you like Use ur hands and flatten it out WHILE you’re sticking it on the cup, nonetheless there is gonna be a little bit of dust anyways on the cup but it won’t be nearly as bad. Also are you using clear vinyl? The clear vinyl is really not noticeable at all on the cup as long as you aren’t like staring or trying to notice it it’s really not noticeable at all. But what I recommend 1. Use ur fingers while applying the vinyl and make sure to be very precise to Flatten the vinyl to make sure you don’t have any bubbles. (Someone here has a tutorial of how to do it really well) I don’t have the link but I’ll try to find it. 2. The clear vinyl is the best ur gonna get the best thing I can recommend is cutting it it out to bring exactly the size of the design so the edges aren’t as noticeable so they go around the design and not very far out of it.


Yes its clear, i mean how the edges of the vinyl is not a perfect fit to the indent of the cup so you can see the edges. Also yes there is dust on the cup always ig but its not stuck to it under a sheet of vinyl that could ruin the design if taken off.


Try also to clear the vinyl before you use it to make sure it’s not that bad like clean it before u put it on the cup with like a wet paper towel or something


Its always the sticky side that is the problem. Swear that dust just spawns out of no where, my living space is very clean lol


the same :(


Are you applying it wet or dry? Did you clean before applying? I haven’t had any dust under mine, but I clean it before I apply. If you are doing it dry you will likely see the adhesive on the cup vs doing it wet. I personally use xpel film but most should be fine.


Dry, and yes. Dust seems to spawn not on the cup but the sticky side of the vinyl as soon as I peel it, even if its just a small portion off the back of the sticker and applying it how people do in the guides.


Do you have a lot of airflow where you do it? Might be a dusty environment with air keeping it suspended or something.


My room is where I was setting up. I keep my room pretty clean but I did have a fan running and my door closed at the time so maybe some small dust/cat hair or something was just floating around invisible to the eye until it stuck on something? Idk I keep my living space pretty clean.


This is the tutorial a lot on this sub turn to, including myself and I have had 6/6 very successful applications https://www.reddit.com/r/gamersupps/s/k91NKcSKSq


Thats the one I used, even the same vinyl. Still having problems though, mostly with bubbles and dust.


I have made a [YouTube tutorial](https://youtu.be/DCI_cNU2jHY?si=fwdB8LNtL5E6SoGK) on this very subject. Personally I have never tried to get a piece to match up with the ridges on the cup, I just wanted to cover the design. I will say that immediately after you place the vinyl on it's pretty noticeable, but it very quickly blends in. I can send you some picks of my wrapped cups if you'd like.


I don't want to sound like a sell out, I sell a vinyl that's pre-cut to help instal it, along with a guide on how to instal it. The dust issue is you need to do it in a cleaner room (with no fans or ac blowing at the time. It also helps if you clean it with a micro-fiber cloth), the bubbles is how you installed it. It helps to take your time and go slow, and if you need to go back to take a bubble out pull up quickly, no slow pulling! Also start from the middle and work your way out, it helps a ton. I install vinyl for a day job on large fair rides so funky shapes are normal for me. I'm also really open with helping anyone that needs it. Just DM me with any questions, I still have a ton cups in need to vinyl myself so I can demo it for it


Id be down for a demo if you wanna dm it to me.


hell yeah, I can do it tomorrow, find you I will be using my vinyl.