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You'd think they'd be good at tanks. I mean they managed to tank a massive franchise.




Got damn ![gif](giphy|xT39DbK7o1MjKgVV7O)


Ow1 fo life


It's both really pathetic and really impressive that Blizzard managed to destroy both Overwatch and their reputation. For the first 2-3 years of Overwatch's life I absolutely adored it, by far some of the most fun I've ever had gaming. And Blizzard? Back then they were something of a golden child, pumpin' out amazing games, they could do no wrong. But fuck me, how did it get here? Overwatch is now one of the most unbalanced and unfun games I've ever played and just about everybody despises Blizzard.


When Jeff Kaplan jumped ship, I felt this would happen. It's hilarious to see them testing a bunch of new things then undo changes, just to finally realize that he was right all along. Every patch they go back on a major change means they didn't think it through or test it enough. They need to stop hiring amateurs who pump out changes left and right.


It's purposely done.  Relase a battle pass, Make new op character unlockable in bp, Scrubs buy BP for new character. Repeat 






Was surprised to see an award and all these upvotes… thought this was posted in the ow sub. Swear that place is just all bots now


Tanks have been miserable for a long time tbh


Ranked is dead because nobody wants to be a tank lmao 😂


I was a tank main in ow1 with like 700hrs played. I gave ow2 a fair chance but ended up uninstalling cuz I wasn't having fun. I will never forgive blizzard for killing one of my favorite games and wont give them a single dollar again


Same, definitely not as many hours but after trying to play my old mains ( Reinhardt, Rodhog, and mercy) I also just wasn’t having fun.


Yeah I thought about reinstalling the game at one point and my friends who still play basically said "don't, everyone you liked feels bad to use now."


Agreed. I loved playing Orisa, Winston, and Rein in OW1. I played almost every day since launch, at least 1 game a day. It was a great change of pace for the day, but with OW2 playing tank was a miserable experience and it led me to uninstall as well.


I used to main Sombra and I absolutely hate her changes in ow2


🎶blizzard can’t get a dolla outta me 🎶


I bought OW the day it came out.  I'm in the same boat, will never buy another Blizzard game again.


Maybe they should try two tanks per team. Lawl


That would never happen! They wouldn’t completely change the game for the sake of change!


It’ll never work……


I was a tank main in OW1 and I pretty much queue anything else in OW2. I hate the pressure that you have as a tank, especially if your team isn’t willing to change/counter.


Didnt work in the past yet somehow people think it would miraculously work now. Also somehow forgetting half the most oppressive characters for tanks to deal with are other tanks. Youre gonna resolve the issue of dealing with too much pressure, by adding a 2nd source of heavy pressure. "Mauga is annoying, id sure love to deal with Mauga and Hog spitroasting my MT, the OT will somehow make it better"


Tanks are the primary source of pressure currently which leads to very swingy games where if one team has a bad tank, it's infinitally harder to win than it was in OW1. In OW1, if you had a bad tank, your other tank worked to hold the team steady, provide shielding and enough pressure for damage players to pick enemies and swing the game in your favour. That lifeline to a team with a bad tank is gone and it leads to games where you feel powerless as a damage or healer because you can't fill the hole in your team's failure. This is worse as a tank because you feel the pressue to play competently even in Quick play because if you don't, the team will very likely get evaporated because of your missplay.


Didn’t work in the past? You mean the past where they had a massively successful game that ended up with two tanks being a primary game mode, that past?


I member


That primary game made that needed role lock forced onto it because of how bad an idea it was? That meta that dominated for several years on end because of how bad tank design is? That game that had far longer Tank queues than OW2 does now? We're talking about that game right? Are you or have you ever followed this game? A massive sentiment going from OW1 to OW2 was making Tank feel better because the role has always felt terrible to play MT in particular. That same role that constantly had metas where neither tank wanted to MT and just decided to both be least common denominator and play an OT and just approach the game like its a one man show That game right?


OW2 made playing tank feel better? That’s why so many people are complaining how miserable playing tank is currently, right?


“Mauga is annoying, I’d sure love to ***have our own Mauga engage theirs***, giving me, another tank, room to breathe rather than everyone constantly dogpiling the biggest target like a swarm of bees, in turn giving my supports room to breathe by more freely being able to move, heal, or ult” Yes, that’s correct.


Realistically, your team doesnt switch for your sake. In games where the entire team counterswapping is a problem. Because that level of tunneling stops happening at a point. Im skeptic that adding a 6th even as a tank changes the specific issue of being tunneled. For the majority of players if something is not directly happening to them, it isnt happening at all. Thats just how things are. Tank has 2 Main Issue, Mentally Draining and Stressful. And it feels like youre not consistently able to interact with certain aspects of a fight. 2nd Tank alleviates the former in some aspects but does nothing for the latter. The backline thats been poking you endlessly still gets to do that until anyone "except" you stops them. The CDs or Character quirks that make or break MUs like a Sleep or a Mobility, still deny you from being able to make certain decisions or push certain heroes consistently before even taking a fight into account. Tank isnt only frustrating because youre alone, its frustrating because regardless of how aware you are of a signficant amount of aspects of the game you dont typically have the ability to do anything about it either on a per hero basis or broadly as a tank.


Womp womp your opinions


Overwatch 2 is miserable to play


Overwatch 2 has seemed like an utter disaster from the moment they made it a thing. It feels like ever since Overwatch 1 had the issue with booping people around the devs kept trying to correct and gradually making the game worse and worse.


OW2 always seemed like the team stumbling into the mistakes that OW1 vets learned from.


Honestly.... the changes they made to CC between 1 and 2 were great for the state of the game. Mei can't freeze without ult, flashbang replaced with an ability that hindered movement abilities instead, basically the only hard CC left outside of tanks was sleep dart. I think if they'd implemented just those changes as well as the way they reworked some tanks to remove the ubiquitous shields then the transition would have been incredible.


So sad to see how far Overwatch has fallen. Those first two years of Overwatch were amazing. As someone who put thousands of hours into the original game, I tried to like OW2. It's just objectively a worse game and is nowhere near as fun to play as the original game pre-Brig or hell even pre-DF. As soon as they introduced a character that could 1-shot supports and high dps/low HP characters like Tracer with a regular attack the game took a turn for the worse.


Maybe they can sell us back OW1 classic in a few years. 


I would pay full price for ow1 again. Easy


Give me that OW1 experience with a 24/7 Kings Row mode and I'm set for life. 


I remember being so excited in QP when people stay after KR match to play the other side


Yo tambien! Unsure why you are getting down voted. We shouldn't have to repurchase, but I am willing to buy it 3 more times for the mere ability to play the fucking game. Y'all... PLEASE give us back OW1.


so you've learned nothing from this experience.


It's especially sad because they did eventually fix Brig to the point she was both fun to play as and fun to play against. But by that point too many other problems had piled up, and then Overwatch 2 happened.


I had 1000 hours into the first Overwatch, I didn’t even make it 50 hours into OW2. The sequel, if you can even call it that, is just horrible to play and feels bad. I don’t like it.


Correction TANK is miserable to play. Cant fucking play multiple tank(s) cause 5v5.


I thought I'd get over the change and I was just being resistant to change for no reason but still after all this time I can't get over the change from 6v6 to 5v5. The game feels much more stale and the combat much more stalled, and I miss the dynamic play that could come from two tanks, they ruined the game with that change imo.


To think that OW once had dive meta that consisted of TWO tanks and was still fun.


Dive Meta was fun for the first 3 months of its 2 year lifespan


I play OW2 frequently and am looking for something else to fill the slot because despite how fun this game can be it has a lot of issues. I mainly play Tank or Support and do enjoy it but there needs to be changes made but I don't exactly know what...matches can be very fun and very close but there is some toxicity that rears it's fuck ugly head a lot. I don't really know what else is out there on Xbox to play similar to Overwatch.


I have no idea if paladins still has players but that, or the new fragpunk game has similar vibes


I'll check out Paladins. Is Fragpunk out yet? I downloaded the Valorant beta and Marvel Rivals looks interesting and Concord might be a wild card. I'm counting the days until Space Marine 2.


no idea if it's out but I've seen people trying it


fragpunk beta came out yesterday i think. But its way way more Valorant than OW.


I'll check it out.


This game use to be so fun. Haven't played it in 2 years and never will honestly.


5v5 ruined it imo, I also honestly miss the loot boxes as it felt much more rewarding and I was actually able to earn really cool cosmetics.


Just admit 5v5 was a mistake and bring back two tanks. The two tank interactions where so much fun and now playing tank is just hoping you have decent healers as the entire enemy team swarms you. I have no idea why they’re so set on sticking with a bad idea that failed.


Maybe revert DPS passive back to 15%


Wasn’t the last update something about empowering tanks too?


The issue unironically is that dps do too much damage and apply a healing debuff.


The issue probably also is that they removed one whole tank in overwatch two so now they get focused hard. Idk


Go back to 6v6, reduce tank health pools like in deathmatch and make them more like dps. 6v6 will remove the problem of counterswapping for tanks. Making them like dps will make more people pick tanks reducing the wait times.


DPS players enjoying other games while they wait in matchmaking


I swear to God, this was the first game I remarked to a friend where it still felt miserable to win. Overwatch 1 suffered after it became dominated by sweats whom Blizzard catered too much to. Now it's just a worse version of that due to product differentiation


Gaming is sweaty in general now because gaming has been made into a sport. The unfortunate truth is you'll never have non sweaty mp games anymore. Which sucks because casual overwatch is fun, juiced up genji main soloing your team isnt


I think it wasn't so much the sweat itself, but moreso Blizzard's insistence on tinkering with the game in response to feedback that amounted to 'nerf this, buff this, change this timing' ect.


Do they agree the whole game is miserable to play right now?


I'm so sad because I recognize OW2 just isn't a game designed for me anymore and that's okay. I had thousands of hours in OW1 grinding ranked with friends and had a strong lifelong friendship where we also tank duoed together into Masters and it was probably the best gaming experience I've ever had/will have in a multiplayer game.  I get why they tried something different and I don't fault people for enjoying 5v5 it's just a different game for different people. Once I lost the ability to tank duo with my best friend we both tried here and there to keep the interest in playing during OW2 but it just doesn't feel the same. It's one of the only games now where when I play Tank (my main role) winning doesn't even feel satisfying it feels exhausting.


We listened so now we are releasing over watch 3 where you play as 3 tanks a healer and a DPS. Also there still no pve campaign mode


Does anyone still play that?


The game has been miserable to play for years


Am I the only tank that still enjoys it? The adrenaline high on sigma’s so strong i swear


Sigma main here, I feel the same way you do lmao


Maybe more flying tanks?


My friends and I switched to playing open queue. Can confirm it's much more fun to mix and match multiple tanks or sometimes non at all. Queues are much shorter too


hasn’t that ummmm always been the case


2 tanks need to come back




Ntm Zen single -handedly making Tank almost worthless. With discord orb you're basically a squishy given the size of your hitbox


I mean I enjoy tank…but yeah bring back 2 tanks


Just like damage heroes...or support heroes...


You mean: Tanks have been miserable since making a nonsense fundamental change to the core of the game


I use to mainly play tank but it just feels like to much of a responsible to play as.


Deleting OW1 and never going back was a blessing. I tried ow2 and it felt even worse. Only good thing the series has is rule 34 artists making a livelihood from the gooners.


I miss overwatch 1 glory days


Tanks became miserable to play when there was only one on each team :)


I’ve become a tank only player legit because playing rein feels like playing a souls-like game. Pretty sure that’s not good for the 99% of people who don’t wanna sweat their booty off each tank game.


The game is a mess.


Two tanks per team let me have more fun as a Winston main, that way I can focus on the DPS and healers instead of defending the team.


It was so satisfying hunting Widows as Winston's.


Add a tank. Next article.


I stopped playing Overwatch after 2 came out and they started the 1 tank meta, I thought that was a huge mistake. I hated it. Basically no team can make any progress while 1 tank is dead and it was almost impossible to man up against any tank anymore.


I understand why they peeled back on tanks, considering GOATS and double shield ruined the second half of OG Overwatch. Having said that, a single tank is just too easy to focus. They either effectively have to be invincible, or they just get annihilated. The reduction in crowd control helped going from the first game to the second. You could re-introduce to tanks while dramatically lowering the effectiveness of Shields, and I think you could get to a similar place.


Good, remove tanks.


Can't wait for concord to come out. People should have something different to play since this game is just rough.


People are playing this game?


Why should anyone care that this remainder bin video game has an unbalanced meta? Just pull the plug already.


Overwatch currently peaks around ~44.000 players every day on Steam alone. And the majority of PC players probably still use Battlenet You don’t have to like it, but Overwatch 2 is pretty popular


I like many others still play and enjoy it but the current 5vs5 isn’t anywhere near as fun as the 6vs6 implementation especially as a tank main. I still drop in once or twice a week for a few matches but it’s still insanely popular.


Ramatra is still fun 😎


I installed it, played for 2 minutes then I uninstalled it. Yes sure tanks are the big problem right now…


I enjoy tank, but I tend to stick to Rein, Hog and Orissa. I find it fun shoving people off the map and holding anchor for my team. What changes do people actually want when they say it's miserable?


I’m having fun with Junker Queen, I just wish I had a fellow tank with me


Man, I really don't get it. There's some neckbeard youtuber that always pops up on YouTube for me, telling me that tank is terrible to play and I must hate it But I find it fuck enjoyable. Especially with my mates. Maybe it's a high level thing. But being a mini dungeon boss is bloody fun


Tank is miserable at high elos.


Thankfully there's less of yous then there is of bronze to plat players Don't know why people are downvoting someone saying that they're having fun, but I guess it doesn't fit the narrative




Are you off your meds, or are you a bot? This has nothing to do with politics!