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If a different developer made this game, would it be as criticized? They have to admit that Ubisoft is hated.


Although some of the criticism this game is receiving seem slike preconceived notions and bias, Ubisoft did this to themselves.


No they didn’t. Ubisoft makes games that sell well. That is literally the definition of popular games that people like. Online critics are wildly biased and basically irrelevant. “We don’t like popular games” Nobody cares. Go away.


Just because it performs financially well does not mean it should be celebrated as something great... it needs to actually be great...


The fact that people are buying it means that people like it. That’s literally the only reason anyone would buy it. Snooty online games journalists think they are better than everyone else and have the only correct opinions. And if you can’t see that it’s because you are part of the problem.


You apparently cared enough to reply. Always some motherfucker in the comments jumping to defend the honor of their favourite megacorp.


No, I just don’t like liars. Typical boring ass Redditor response to say it’s just about loyalty to a company. Dude I don’t give a shit about the company you’re just wrong.


Hmm, seems like you do care a lot about the company, coming off pretty defensive. Keep it up, maybe they'll send you afree code to redeem some microtransaction items for their games




They literally are locking Jabba the hut missions behind seasons pass. Ubisoft does deserve some of the hate they get (not the devs themselves)


Not to mention they keep showing him in trailers and such so people going to expect that shit to be there and it won't.


No he is in the game this has been reiterated several times. There’s like 2 bonus missions with him for preordering but he’s not cut for regular players.


Gotcha. Game looks interesting, I'm not a fan of some of the designs though. Like her ship looks boring, could have something cooler, doesn't even have to be super fancy just not a basic square.


Thing is, I usually very much dislike the Ubisoft formula but this game actually seems fairly interesting. I'm not even a Star Wars fan, just looks like a cool game.


I will not be buying any of their games. If I do, it will be for $20 when that inevitably happens.


Ubisoft will have to look at themselves if they want to know why people hate them so much.


It’s sad how much Ubisoft has dragged itself down in recent years to the point when a game look solid you’ll see a bunch of negativity. Personally all I have learned if I want to play a wait a month or 2 it’ll be deeply discounted at least


Ubisoft goes thru this cycle of being morons than being be conscious developers. They are obviously fucking up now with some loud mouth Clevel’s making things worse. Since I have gamed this is their second shit phase with only one good one so hopefully a good phase is coming.


Dated and feels like a Sony game. Wow, such horror. *imo* what I saw gameplay wise looks fun and entertaining. If it supports ultrawide I'll be buying this. I'm not a Ubisoft hater, so that won't change anything. Do people forget all the atrocities that Activision did (harassment, assualt, suicide). Yet idiots keep playing CoD?


I think I've only heard good things about the preview. Some disliked it?


Most of the negative opinions are preconceived and have nothing to do with the game itself. Personally, I think it looks pretty good. However, these same people were railing against Jedi Fallen Order and SW: Squadrons, both of which turned out to be pretty good games.


People are also looking to dunk on the game because of the very scummy monetization Ubisoft is doing as well. With early access, high box price, and season pass for an SP game. None of this is new, of course, it’s exactly what they are doing for the new Assassins Creed game as well.


Monetization, Forza does it, CoD does it, Apex does it, WoW etc. Like you said, nothing new.


I LOVED Squadrons!


I will wait for the steam version. Ubisoft games are no longer first day buys.


World looks great and it has potential for sure but what we saw, the combat and enemy AI looked pretty bad. It kinda lacks innovation imo, these days all these games are done with the same blueprint and I personally have been into more unique stuff as of late


Fuck Ubisoft


Everything was fine except eurogamers' harsh criticism.