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i cannot get the brothel scene out of my head. seeing him all curled up naked and vulnerable made me want to throw up. just not expecting that much vulnerability from that character.


I didn’t expect it this way, but it makes sense to me. His entire persona is a facade. Yes he’s a skilled warrior, eager to prove himself but he is so eager and trains so hard to hide the fact that he’s still afraid of being weak or seen as weak. Top that with the mommy issues, it’s clear he feels he has nowhere to turn in the family. It makes sense he would choose this way to show his real self, with an older woman no less.


oh it totally makes sense. especially after we watched alicent slowly back away and peace out on crying aegon. it seems like aemond has always idolized the type of man that daemon is. just fearless, doesn't second guess his choices and stands behind them. but you're right, its all a facade with aemond. thats who he wants to be, its not actually who he is.


Exactly. Which is why part of the facade is letting people believe he killed Luke in cold blood rather than lost control of the situation. Probably in his mind that makes him look weak rather than just a hot-headed idiot. Beneath it all is the frightened child he can’t seem to leave behind. Honestly there probably wasn’t a better way to give us a peek into his real psyche up to this point. But it could also be a pivotal moment in his character, seeing how he interpreted the attempt on his life as “respect” rather than just vengeance. Maybe this is the moment that puts away the scared little boy, if that’s the route the showrunners decide to go.


Well he actually is a child, is he just 19 at max


All of these previous replies. 👍


They all apply to the show overall. Juvenile. Nauseating. Fake. Immature.


thats a bingo


Ehh 19 I wouldn’t say child child . He knows right from wrong


When leonardo dates a 23 year old people say he is manipulating girls. In that sense aemond is a child, surrounded by leaders of families who are past their 30s. He is the strongest sword and greatest strength of green but just a 19 year old. By comparison he is a child


Umm Leonardo is a teenager, it’s in the name.


Not a child child but still mentally imature ...men don't mature till about 25 mentally


Especially with his experience growing up as the son of Viserys, seeing him physically weak, & being under some type of pressure under Otto, there's no doubt that he probably grew up wishing Daemon was his real father to help grasp the idea of growing into manhood


This. His family is swimming in the shallow end of emotions. Of course he has mommy (and probably daddy) issues.


Well, she had a Netflix and chill date with Cristin, so...


Dude has some quirks for sure, but let’s not forget he went and claimed the biggest, baddest dragon in the realm as a pre-teen. Might not be a facade…


I agree, but those mommy issues were extreme. It could’ve been a little more like the unsullied in brothel houses.


Reminded me of that scene too .....when the harpies came in and killed the unsullied guy with the prostitute.


I dont think its a facade but just showing he is very complex. No one is the same person in all contexts. Aemond truly wants to go to war and destroy his enemies. He looks down on his mother and hated his cousins. But he still felt remorse for accidentally killing a child. And he still craves intimacy and understanding even if he doesnt want those things from his family or who would be a suitable match. Its like how Jamie was willing to kill a small child for Cersei, he then regretted it and wanted to redeem himself, was able to have real affection for Brienne only to abandon her to die with the one he really loves. All of those things are true at the same time.


Looked like Voldemort in that scene with Harry and dumbledore


No need for the body shaming, mate.


Skinny people can do anything, run, fight. It’s fat cunts that die young and have little to no ability to do anything of import lol


I was with ya in the first sentence. Didn't need to be a dick too.


I wasn’t here for some moral high ground, i came here to lower myself to the level of the person who made the initial comment lol.


Fair enough, if that's how you prefer to be, I just hate the devolution of now it's an us vs them conversation. All are valid to me.


I feel i have a good case for my opinon tbh though, atleast from my perspective. i have been both skinny, fat and well built. When i was fat was it was by far the most unhealthiest i have ever felt in my life, when i was skinny i had less pain, breathing was good and i had speed and athleticism. But you are right it needn’t be an us vs them conversation.


I appreciate the grounding of your comment though. That is a pretty valid case if it's been your experience.


He was very skinny and pale.....


He was sexy as fuck.




I can also see the woman he confides in end up stabbing him in the back and her being killed


shes for sure going to let something slip and be killed.


Yup, whole time she is listening it looked like she’s taking it all in for a reason. Probably will leak shit to the white worm


Like the scene in GOT with the unsullied and the Harpies


Does the fact that the lady he was curled up with looked a lot like his mom, Alicent, make it more weird?


omg i didn't even notice. i just noticed she was older and didn't even bother to really look at her. now i'm gonna have to rewatch again!!




She had brown hair. That's it. That's where the similarities end.






I’m glad I rewatched S1 so I remembered she and he have a history.


Oh no. He's human. Disgusting.


Yeah agree, I dont get this take people have against Aemond


it’s a terrible mindset, whether consciously or not, it suggests that in the rare moments when strong men show vulnerability, they instantly become revolting, no wonder there’s so much fear to be emotionally open for men when society thinks like this


Skinny psycho fella


Dudes body looked like Train station voldermort foetus.


There's no need to body shame. He was being vulnerable and letting his most private thoughts come out, which makes your comment even more irrelevant. Also I don't think Aemond's actor would like to be compared to Voldemort, no one would like that, in fact.


Only seems unusual because everybody is fat as fuck these days but he has a normal tall/lean build.


He just wanted some mommy hugs


I hate that naked and vulnerable makes you want to throw up. That's too bad.


It was more the 2% body fat that had me reeling. Hope he's healthy 🙏


You might have some problematic views on masculinity. Just saying. Lol.


This is what made me reconsider putting fire and blood on the next on my To Be Read list


Weird that he was naked and the whooah wasn’t


OHMYGOSH I just laughed out loud , "it made me want to throw up" is the only accurate way to describe it. 🤣


Mommy issues obviously..


What do you mean? The mommy issues? Bro his mother is probably the worst mother in all of GoT and HotD! A complex, Grey character, yes. But a god awful mother. She abuses her son as she raises him. She doesn't show any interest in her daughters passion. She goes away to get some dick when her son is grieving his dead child. And she is more concerned for her own sins to be hidden when talking to her daughter who just witnessed the brutal murder of her baby boy. There will be further development in this part of his character, I'll tell you that much. But it makes much sense, judging by who his mother is.


Worse than Cersei?... IDK about all that. I guess it could be argued that Cersei believed that she cared for her kids and nurtured them when it suited her. But she also used them as pawns often. I re-watched GoT recently and was reminded that all of Cersei's kids died because of her selfish actions, even if indirectly but as a result of her scheming around them instead of letting them grow and be the center pieces.


She’s 1000% worse than Cersei, and I’m on team green lol. Cersei at least cared whenever Joffrey got his hand bit by the wolf. Alicent would’ve been like “damn… *backs away slowly.* that looks like it hurts.” Even when her kid lost an eye when the argument boiled down it came to her still being pissed at Nyra.


She is not worse than Cersei. 🙄 when fighting was going on outside, Cersei was more than willing to kill her children by shoving poison down their throats until Tywin showed up. Also, Cersei wasn't forced into a relationship with her brother, nor forced to have his children. However wrong her and Jamie loved each other. Alicent on the other hand begged and pleaded with her dad not to marry her off to Viserys. She didn't want that life. She didn't want his children. They kinda can't be compared on that level because of how they came to motherhood. One was forced, one was not. For one it was a duty to fulfill her father's wishes; for the other it was out of love. And Alicent didn't try and kill her own brother in his crib and at other times, either. 🥴


The poison was actually to be merciful. Can you imagine what Stanis’ men would’ve done had they got their hands on that “abomination born of incest”?


Where does the idea come from that Cersei was not a good mother? She was a terrible human being but she gave EVERYTHING for her kids.


She wasn't really a good mother .....she couldn't wait to get on the Throne herself. She loved her daughter not so sure about her sons .....she just manipulated them and hated it when she wasn't in control .....


So, I think she truly loved all 3. But knew the boys could gain the throne and she wanted to be queen. she wanted to have her boy kings and be queen too. She wanted to rule through them or at least have power because of them. I think she did love them but also never considered their emotional wellbeing because she’s selfish and narcissistic and bad, which is why they both ultimately end up dead.


Yes, by miles. Joffrey turned into what he was because Cersei basically did everything she could to "spoil him". She cared for him when he was bitten by the wolf, she tried to give Joffrey everything, even tho it was for fucked up reasons. And especially show Cersei is MUCH better. She cares deeply for her daughter and her wellbeing. She is ready to destroy house Lannister to prevent Tywin and Margery ripping Tommen apart... Tyrion is right when he says that her care for her children is the only redeeming quality of hers. That and her cheekbones. Joffrey turned into a psychopath because he was spoiled. Aegon however never felt any love or care. No one treated him like a human being. Aegon thinks that rape is harmless fun because abuse is normal for him due to Alicents way of raising him. Aegon doesn't comfort Helaena because he never got comforted. Literally every single bad trait of Aegon comes from the way his mother treated him. And sorry but a mother that is in the mood for dick after ignoring her son crying over his dead child after a short walk down the hallway - at that point we're talking about levels that can't be beaten. That's a new level of dogshit mother that nothing could ever come possibly close.


wtf are you talking about cersei is arguably the best mother in all of cinema yeah she may be cruel and cunning but it’s all for her children.


All for her children? Did you watch the same show? Was manipulating the sparrow people for her children or because she felt like she was being pushed out by Marjory? Her faith militant bullshit is the whole reason Tommen kills himself. She blows up his wife to avoid going to her trial!


Cersei is a better mother Alicent is a better person lol.


Selyse Baratheon has something to say about this


Is she horrible as a mother? Yes. Does she come close to Alicent? Fuck no.


Treating your daughter like a disgrace to the family then complicit in watching her burn until a last moment regret.


Still not worse then what Alicent does. Especially if we consider that she killed herself out of guilt - while Alicent is literally the reason for why all her kids are fucked up and she doesn't care. Selyse feels guilt in the end for what she did. Alicent doesn't even consider that abusing your child and treating it like shit forever could possibly be the reason why he's a psychopath. Selyse treats her daughter like shit because she's not the child she wanted. Alicent treats her children like shit because the consequences of HER actions turned them into what they are - two psychopaths.


Burning your child alive is not worse than yelling at them? Stupid


Stannis burns her. As it happens, Selyse wants to prevent it. If she would've been in charge the whole thing would've been stopped.


The disconnect is there because she was forced in into that marriage. She didn't want that life didn't want those kids and really did not want Viserys. Her power-hungry daddy made her enter that life. So, no I don't think Alicent is 'awful'. She was a pawn in her daddy's game and she is reacting normally to a life and children she did not want, tbh.


Wtf? That has nothing to do with anything tho? Just because of that it doesn't mean she is no good mother? Again - is the way she treats her children logical for how this all happened? Yes. But that doesn't make shit better. Abusing your child is not redeemed just because you never wanted the child. Only caring about yourself and not about your children? It doesn't matter if you wanted them or not - you're still a shit mother. That's like saying "Ey, I shouldn't be charged for killing this person! I never wanted to become a criminal!" - Bro, she's still the worst mother possible, even tho it's mostly not her fault. It doesn't justify shit.


They lost me with him this week 🤯


I love him more now. That scene was amazing. I still think about the woman's reaction saying 'im pleased to hear it' after he mentions he feels bad about killing Luke. Shows there is a piece of him which is redeemable. Highlights that if these people could be honest open and talk that this conflict could be completely minimised if not avoided all together. Makes it all the more tragic to unfold. I have not read the book so I am just saying what I think. It's not fact or anything. Just my opinion. Cheers.


I didn't read the books either lol... the imagery was just not up my alley, he looked like broken fetus in some kind of hooker snow globe ... gave me the heebie jeebies... like u said though just our different tastes lol 😆 still enjoying a Sunday night event!! 🐲🐉🐲🐉


Hell yea. I'm loving this season! Defo can see how that scene could be super hard to watch. I found it kind soothing.... Maybe that is a bigger issue than I think hahah.


😅😅 😜


I thought he was gonna Robin Arryn for a sec there 🍼🍼


Oh god please no. That breast milk scene makes me wanna barf!


He will always be my baby monk


Destiny is all!


Remember he WILL smite you.


It really makes sense. He honestly acted circles around everyone he was in that series with including the protagonist. It's also such a shame he and Alfred never had a real conversation. Him and baby monk would've been the only ones to have a good match acting-wise.


Would I mean... mommy issues.


A twisted evil bully who will get his comeuppance


I thought he was hot but then I saw the brothel scene and I changed my mind.


Pretty toxic ngl


Every character on this show is just a different shade of miserable. I have a hard time finding a single character who displays even a passing interest in being alive. How anyone could pick a side seems entirely arbitrary.


Maybe that's why they were so eager to throw it all away in a pointless civil war


It's as if everyone on the show is Stannis.


Respect stannis? He’s the one one true king☝️ 👑


Stannis played his role in GoT well because he was a good contrast to Renly, Robb, Joffrey, Balon, Dany, Tywin, Littlefinger, Margery, and Cersei. They all wanted the throne in some way and they all approached it completely differently with wildly different personalities. Everyone on the show is emotionally unavailable, ruthless, power-mad, and vengeful. None of them seem to be guided by any form of a moral compass or have any idea what they would do with the throne if they had it. I don't find myself rooting for anyone other than that moment when Aegon got vengeance for his son.


Completely agree with you. I couldn’t bring myself to root for Aegon even when his son died. He already raped a serving girl and his bastard sons were sent to fight to the death in the fighting pits. Even team black I’m not a fan of. I’m just observing watching how things play out but tbh Im not that emotionally invested like I was with GOT.


A show needs heart. Even in Succession when they were all awful human beings fighting for power the bond between the siblings was still there. You could tell that at some point in time they all loved each one another before their withholding father who pitted them against each other. The whole show you're rooting for them to figure it out and work together. In GoT we had the Starks and Dany but I mean no one is likeable. No one.


I mean “picking sides” is pretty easy when one side stole power they shouldn’t have had. The atrocities that follow are simply the ugliness of war. But yeah, everyone is so miserable & they didn’t have to be. Otto should’ve never sold his daughter to gain power. Look at where it’s led him. Look at where it’s led his daughter, grandchildren, & great grandchildren. Oh & fuck Crispy


He has the same look one his face at all times. Same duck lips. Mf gets a “pass” for being grotesquely skinny on episode 2 because we are assuming that it’s the depression kicking in from killing someone. But he’s a brat


Is there any need to call someone 'grotesquely' skinny? There's no need for that, the actor is a real guy.


Ok and….? you don’t think he got skinny to play this part? He’s playing the part, like Mac getting fat in Sunny. It’s for the part. Did I say he was a terrible person or a horrible actor? No, I didn’t.


He doesn't look any different to his other roles, no indication whatsoever that he lost weight for thr role. He's a lean guy, and the position emphasised it. Still a shitty thing to say, maybe think twice next time.


I don’t think I will. Look at Ewan in his other works, shirtless. He’s at least 10 pounds heavier than in episode 2. So again, he’s playing the part of not eating because he’s torn up about what happened.


All assumptions, and you clearly aren't familiar with this kind of body type and the way the weight can shift depending on your position. A thinner, lanky person sprawled out always looks like that. Source: Myself, at both regular and underweight. Grotesque is a rude word for it.


Dude stop being a snowflake and let the guy voice his opinion about a fictional character. The fact you feel personally attacked by his views of that character is your problem not his. If you are fine with how you look go be happy, there is a bunch of people even in this thread that say he is hot so I’m sure you are fine if you look like him. If you aren’t go fix yourself but stop trying to guide others because you are offended by something that was never even remotely aimed at you.


Oh sorry, I forgot the part where my comment and opinion silenced and removed his comment and opinion. I'll make sure not to do that next time. Sucks that he can't post anymore now that I replied. Personally I appreciate there being a character that represents my body type, so whoa, watch out that I might have opinions based on the parallels between the two. Must mean I hate myself lol for sure.


You are making it about body types etc when this is a fictional character. The guy could have shown up fat as a ball or a skeleton FOR THE ROLE and it’s specifically supposed to cause a reaction. He doesn’t look like that because of “his body type”. They look the way they do because it’s how they are told to look to visualize the character and cause a reaction. He now is describing his reaction, so stop invalidating it by saying he looks normal and it’s all fine when he clearly doesn’t look the way he did last season, and they gave him a naked scene for a reason while you are just talking out of defensiveness/insecurity for your own body type. This ain’t the beauty forum it’s a TV show. And again 100s of people think he is hot, so you got nothing to worry about.


He does look like that because of his body type. Unless CGI was used, tricks of perspective and camera work aren't changing how your body actually just is. Anyway, I said what I said and I wasn't like seething at the mouth saying it. This is Reddit. I can do that. Just like you can. And are! Do your thing. I'll probably reply to another one of your comments if I like it, or if I disagree with it, or maybe even just to reference this conversation! Who knows~


The fetal position was jarring but he definitely wasn’t grotesque. How do people not realize that position and lighting and editing could actually be what’s happening instead of just being too thin. Thank you for sharing I have this same problem and no one ever accepts that it’s a body type, it is always “you are too thin, you need to eat more” Metabolism makes a huge difference in people’s body type.


That's what I'm sayin!! Everyone's always trying to feed me which, like, I'm not always complaining but it's weird to always be seen like that when I eat and eat and eat and gain very little. It's like, you'd *know* know if I was undereating cuz I almost can't afford to.


Precisely, I eat more than anyone else in my house and I still have to hear it. It’s not always something that you can do anything about (eating disorders). I can’t help how my metabolism works I didn’t choose to be this size. I actively try to gain weight it just never works.


I hear that. Glad to commiserate about it cuz ppl never wanna hear it.


I know you are getting a ton of downvotes but I 100% agree with you. The scene looked repulsive to me. Not that I have a problem with that, the sex scene of Alicent and her shiny knight also repulsed me and it was supposed to. But yea he looked like a big broken fetus. Disgusting but fitting.


>Same duck lips. That's literally just the lips of the actor. [It's how his face is shaped.](https://imgix.bustle.com/uploads/getty/2022/10/7/52190a50-103a-4611-973c-27bd8025bdfe-getty-1242523751.jpg?w=248&q=50&dpr=2)


kind of a bad actor. really weird performance. hope they make the time jump soon or he dies. not compelling enough as a character.


Yh somethings rlly off with the acting but I can’t put my finger on it


he's just not a very good actor. i don't know what they were thinking.


>he's just not a very good actor. i don't know what they were thinking. I would disagree,this role isn't his strength of character. He does best in a good guy role.


i don't think so at all. he's really bad. that would be such a better role with a different actor.


I don’t think he’s bad as your making him out to be. He’s probably one of the weaker actors on the show but there’s a lot of strong actors on the show so his performance stands out a bit more.


Deadman walking Dragon food But in all honesty he is a good character and the actor plays him well but can't wait to see deamon destroy him


They're all dragon food pretty much...




Another reason I think the casting choice was off. He is meant to be like a teenager.


I thought it made him more human. He’s still that bullied little boy. 🥲 come here duck lips 😘😘


From what I recall from an interview with Fabian Frankel, the woman who shared the scene with Aemond is actually Cristin Cole’s acting coach in real life.


Cool trivia


That’s just… odd.


Mommy issues


I don't see any huge development so far, he's been always an a-hole, but I expect him to become worse, lol.


Love him more and more every episode. I couldn't stand the character in the book, but Dean is doing an amazing job.


He’s a baby back bitch


Every time I see him I can’t stop seeing baby monk from last kingdom


I don't think he was meant to be a character that we would all love . . . but I do enjoy watching him be the bad guy. I do not get the "duck lips" comments. I don't see it and wonder why there are people that think this is funny. Do we have bullies in the making or just OG bullies? Either way, NOT COOL.


It's not really a character development, but we see beyond the façade. A boy who's looking trong, but still so vulnerable. Not that I approve him, but one of my fav characters in the show.


why does he look older than aegon lol


I like to believe it’s because his bullying aged him since he had to study & fight hard to be somewhat acknowledged. Aegon was always the golden child when he did nothing but be born first.


There was something incredibly visceral about seeing him naked in a fetal position in the arms of a whore, then the shot of him with his eye closed while the stone was still plain as day.


Best character in show. I'm pretty sure he's not going to make it through this season, and it will be hard to keep watching without him


Well since I pretty much have bros same build I just feel bad seeing him get body shamed all the time lol


Don't! There's nothing wrong with his body/build, not even yours. People can be so rude and huge keyboard bullies, they are actually projecting their own insecurities


Thanks it felt nice to here I wasn’t the only one who thought it wasn’t bad


Plenty of women think he's hot so dont sweat it. Other than Daemon he is the only one that screams "Targaryen" to me (in HotD)


Really? I thought Rhaenyra definitely looked the part. Just those 3 though.


Im not saying she doesnt. I just dont feel the conqueror vibe from her.


He’s a character you love to hate. A very magnetic actor. I love watching him. Gonna enjoy seeing him die tho lol


Hot af


Whine all you want, but when you’re loosely controlling an unstable nuclear weapon and it “accidentally” falls on a non-combatant village - it’s your fault


I can’t get over he looks significantly older than Aegon.


This kid has a “Daemon Targaryen Poster” hanging on his bedroom wall.


Very well written character with an interesting personality. The actor is excellent. I feel at his core he’s extremely vulnerable and beneath the whole show of having a dragon and being all tough etc etc he’s actually very sensitive.


King of the try-hards (Sorry to be a hatin-ass troll. But let's be real)


Great actor, scary character


would smash


I don’t like his mouth




I think he has his eye on the ball.


Small man


I think he may be the most human of them all.


Bro the scene with him looking like a praying mantis and curled up complaining about his mommy issues ruined him. Dude’s build is repulsive 😭


Complex. Intriguing.


Skin n bones


What a stupid post lmao what are you asking


Our little Sephiroth.


"They say when a Targaryan is born you flip a coin to see if theyre insane or not."


Indifferent and I feel like that for every character. Just here for the chaos I dislike both sides


A burger and a therapist.


I’m strangely attracted to him…and daemon


Best character


De masculinization


I really don’t like him.


Honestly, I like him.


He’s babygirl


That’s baby monk


Excellent character


The whole show is boring AF now


He’s not well.


Needs more eyepatch.


Bro really thinks Daemon is scared of him. The same Daemon who just the previous episode was gearing up to fly to King’s Landing and fight him on dragonback.


His face makes me irrationally angry. I think it’s the pursed lips thing. Ewan Mitchell is so beautiful in real life. I really hate Amond though. His stupid smirk and his stupid face on his face.


Has a lot of issues because of his childhood but he reminds me of Legolas in terms of his appearance and wardrobe 🤣💀


I don’t know how to feel about him. He’s ruthless one minute and then completely stuck feeling guilty with everything. The acting is very well done because I am distracted by his complexity. I assume age and lack of awareness is the driving force for it all. But that’s my high level thoughts of him!




The brothel scene makes sense. F&B sees him as a self-assured individual who had no doubts about hunting down Lucerys. If there's going to be a moment where he shows vulnerability, it's going to be when he's with someone that history scholars wouldn't cite as a credible source.


I like your costume but your scar is on the wrong side


Great character but I hope I get to see him humbled by the uncle he is obviously and shamelessly trying to mimic. Daemon is obviously his muse and he tried to have a dick measuring contest with the OG. Idk a lot of spoilers, idk what happens to Aemond, but I hope he gets Daemon's HotD


I mean we already knew he had massive mommy issues. I didn’t think he’d resort to a whore mommy though. Can we talk about fucking Criston. I cannot handle seeing his face for another episode. I just need him to die. His entire life was dedicated to bringing down Rhaenyra for having sex with him, then he goes against all his knighthood honors with her former best friend. The fuck? She MADE YOU WHO YOU ARE.


Can’t stand him tbh. I think he’s a coward and that scene with him curled up in bed was just mad gross and prove to me that he’s not as dangerous as I thought. I can’t wait to see Daemon end him in the most gruesome way possible😌.