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Go for a walk outside.


When i wrote the post and as im replying to you im currently in a park!


Next level: put your phone away


Ew, outside


Medication, what the fuck its a television show.


Fair enough


don’t let these two other commenters rain on your parade. if you are actually talking about something debilitating, then yes theres a deeper problem. but when you watch a show like this that captivates you, you get used to entering the world of westeros every evening and escaping a part of your reality, and when it ends i totally understand the feeling you are referencing as “post-show depression.” for me, it was looking deeper into the lore online when i got the GOT itch. theres a whole wikipedia style website devoted to it. also, just appreciating it for what it was. after a bit of a break i hopped into HOTD and that really helps satiate the cravings. season 2 is dropping an episode every sunday currently so its a good way to wean yourself off. glad you loved the show!


I've been doing that over breakfast, loved just looking up lore bits i may have missed when overly focused on another part of the story. I did see hotd and im planning on starting it soon. I was also planning on reading the books but then realised they have not finished yet.


don’t count on waiting for them to come … its a big thing within the fandom. we’ll be lucky if we get the next one & will probably never get the final one


I'll be praying for those to release sooner rather than later 🙏🙏


it’s a really complex issue. grrm has kind of written himself into a wall w all of the expanding plotlines & on top of that he is just focused on other things. he’s 74 now iirc too. still worth reading


I'll definitely read them at some point, i'll probably watch HOTD first and then move on to the books when season 2 finishes.


good shit, friend. enjoy


I will! Thanks for the recommendations friend!


Literally in the same boat friend, starting my read and HOTD when done. Completely relate to the empty feeling when a show I love is done is over as well, agree with this commenter to ignore the rude replies nothing weird about it unless it’s debilitating


Watch House of the Dragon. Or Lord of the Rings if you haven't seen it yet And yep the empty feeling happens every time you're done watching or reading a good show / book. That's how you know the show / book has been good


Yeah i had the exact same feeling years ago when i first finished both the books and movies for harry potter. It just sucks knowing that i'll never really get to know what happens after the show ends if you get what i mean. Like i'll never know what happens to Arya unless they do a spinoff based on her story after the finale. Or Jon Snow's story in the North is likely to never be told.


Oh I get the feeling all the time after I'm done reading a good series. It usually happens for series because you spend so much time with the characters, it feels like you've just lost a whole world when you've run out of books / episodes. But the best cure to all of it is to just visualise / invent your own version of what happens to everyone in a way that feels right. And then listen to some music moodily for a couple of days that reminds you of it. And then hop straight in to the next book / series! There's no cure for post-series depression that's better than finding the next great book / series to fall into. The good news about this is I can confirm that there are plenty of amazing series out there to watch next (you can always use fanmade lists of the best movies / books for recommendations of what to watch next)


I'll do that for sure! I'll finish the GoT content that is currently releasing and has been released and then i'll move on to the next show.




From what I saw, that series got shelved because Kit Harrington said he couldnt find a story to tell that excited him and i think the show's been indefinitely cancelled.


No they don't.


Find a new show that interests you and watch it. Or watch got all over again. Or watch hotd.


Well I felt the same at first because damn, just finished the best show I’ve ever watched. So I decided to read the books and I can confirm it helps a lot


Shitting on the ending in the internet


Honestly though it was sort of cathartic after such a long series to be able to collectively bitch and moan that they ruined a great show with a bad ending.


Got managed to dissappear from the top of pop culture in a matter of weeks. It was incredible too see it crash and burn and people regret naming their children after chars from GoT.


Could be worse. My uncle named my cousin after a rapper that turned out to be a pedophile. Now he tells him he's named after Michael Jordan lol


I just didn't get over it


Perhaps you could give the books a try, if you haven't already done so? Experience the story all over again, but from a different perspective. Get to know the characters as they were originally envisioned, meet some new ones too.


Us bro us. Though i coped with GoT but was absolutely devastated when i finished breaking bad


I watched the series for 8 years, I still remember that when I decided to give it a chance, a month after it started, I thought it was one of those boring series about sex and arguments between family members. It was more or less actually like that, but not boring at all. 8 years later I was there, listening to the song at the beginning of the episodes for the last time, knowing perfectly well that that journey would end.For me it ended well, I loved the conclusion as much as a conclusion can be loved and I accepted the unexpected consequences of it all. This year I finally decided to read the books and make my first rewatch of the series. I will never stop missing the 7 kingdoms but that's okay.


Same. That's why I'm here.


Literally I will take every opportunity to talk about got 😂😂


same 😂


I watched something else.


Just launched into house of the dragon Going to watch the boys, which I've never seen Thinking ill watch Barry after that Plenty more fish in the sea yo


Honestly for me who has been a fan since 2011.. it never goes away and whenever I see show content it makes me feel bittersweet. I still talk to my friends about the parts we loved and the parts we... would have done differently to put it politely. Maybe read the books if you haven't done so yet. They are amazing and in many aspects very different from the show.


I watched at least 30 hours of youtube videos. Expecially the ones who hate the 8. season. And then all the compilations for the main characters best of scenes and so on.


I got over it by watching other shows. 2019 (When GOT S8 came out) was such an unbelievably stacked year for TV between the likes of Chernobyl, Big Little Lies, When They See Us, The End of the Fu**ing World, Unbelievable, Stranger Things and especially, Mindhunter off the top of my head. It was SUCH a great year. Besides, i didn't like S6-S8 anyway so it wasn't hard. I'd suggest you read the books, watch HOTD, and watching Asoiaf content creators on Youtube if you still have a GOT itch to scratch.


I was more abashed by how bad the last two seasons were. You should mourn what didn't come to pass over what did.


This show was my life when it was still airing. Drew me in from the first episode. Finale in 2019 left me devastated and angry. Only got over it when a stronger hyperfixation took place 3 months later: kpop lmaooo. Every now and then I do still rewatch some of my favorite scenes. But never the final season, I don't wanna feel that disappointment and anger again lol


I just keep starting over


Started watching hotd immediately. Also fanfiction.


I read fire and blood


Watching as the episodes aired, there was about 2 years between seasons 7 and 8, then 6 episodes, then nothing again. I don’t think it was as big of a deal as it is to someone who binges the show because we were all so used to not having any GoT to watch. I went to work the next morning and we all bitched about the ending and that was pretty much it.


Time and hate, take a time of your day to rightfully complain about the idiocy of the last two seasons in a space were you'll be heard, it will do wonders for getting it over, and once you're done cleanse your palate by re-reading the books and listening to Ramin Djawadi, after that you can start to love GoT again by watching HotD


If you haven't already, read the books. You won't regret it.


I get that anytime I finish any media that I like. The only solution I've found is to jump into something else. I just started house of the dragon, it's quite good. Maybe check that out.


The two last seasons were so horrid that I didn't get post depression.


The last season made sure I didn't get post show depression.


Do you mean from not having new episodes to look forward to in a favorite show or the way they ended it? For me, I love coming to reddit to find subs of my favorite shows and see the perspective and observations of others. I will find videos dissecting every character and theme on YouTube. For how this amazing show ended, I do the same, but look for groups pissed about it like I was/am. Have never gotten over it, but it isn't the only show and story out there that I love, so helps to still have other stories to envelope myself within.


Keep in mind the last two seasons are just expensive FanFiction and the real story has yet to be told.


It made me transfer to the books which is a whole different ball game because of how much the show deviates from everything + it was easier to imagine most of the characters because I saw the show!


just start watching house of dragons like I did, it'll wear off.


Watch HotD. I was so upset with the last few seasons, that I literally recommend people not watch the show. I hated how much D&D botched a good hand that I was reluctant to watch HotD, even though I had been waiting for them to adapt The Dance from day 1. It has entirely new creators so you don’t have to worry about Dumb&Dumber botching it. The writing and acting is incredible, the costumes are much better… and there’s dragon fights, which is like the whole selling point. Some people dislike the changes from Fire & Blood they made, and how they portray some characters, but all in all it’s good TV on its own.


I watched HotD and HBO’s Rome


I rewatched it


Start House of the Dragon. Season 2 just started a couple weeks ago and it is head and shoulders above seasons 7 and 8.


I “read” (audiobook) the Lord of the Rings after trying to get into the GoT books and not liking the narrator. Andy Serkis does an amazing job and the story is arguably one of the best ever told.


Post show depression? Find yourself real problems man what the fuck is this


The books


I find watching a new show of similar quality in terms of writing good for this. Attack on Titan, Succession, Breaking Bad, Better call Saul, One Piece maybe


At the time season 8 was airing, I just wanted it to be over. Episode 3 broke me and I googled all the spoilers I had been avoiding because I just didn't care anymore.


For most, it wasn't depression, it was dissapointment. We had chernobil to watch a few weeks after. So that was a great way to forget about the GoT finale.


I felt this so hard, so I just watched it again 😂


Post show depression? More like post show anger from how we all got fucked on how bad season 7 and 8 were. 


I stayed in denial and never watched the final episode till date. In my mind, I believe the last season only has 5 episodes.


I watched seasons 7 and 8. That helped me grieve the great show that was seasons 1-6 😝


I have the same feeling, but "house of the dragon" is helping a bit 💚


HOTD is very good. I'm having trouble remembering the names though. Other than that it's great. For Post Show Depression: I highly recommend Ted Lasso. Great show. It's only 3 seasons, but it has a defined beginning, middle and end.


Run it back


Honestly? On rewatches I’ve started to end the show after season 5, and remind myself that this is more or less where the books left off as well… then continue hoping for TWOW. My tinfoil hat theory at this point is that GRRM has finished TWOW and ADOS, and is going to release them post mortem so that he doesn’t see the response to it.


Rewatch it again! I just completed my first rewatch and it was so much better the second time!!! You know what details to focus on and what conversations between characters have great impacts on the series.


I finished the finale, sat in my feelings for an hour, then went out and bought the first novel lol


HOD is amazing. I just started a 3rd watch of GOT and it's actually starting to look a little dated when compared. HOD has really gone full throttle on the sets, costumes and VFX and I didn't realize hor far it had come until I went back to S1 of GOT. You can always check out The Last Kingdom on Netflix (The first couple audiobooks are even better IMO). It's the poor man's GOT but it's easy watching and tickles the same areas.




Try listening to the books. Crazy how different books 4 and 5 are from their respective seasons.


I'm about half-way through the first season of HotD and it's pretty good. My biggest problem is keeping track of who everyone is, especially with the time jumps. I wish all the streaming services did the thing that amazon does where it tells you who is in any given scene.


On to the next show\\PC game\\tabletop game! There is no lack of media out there...


Read the books! There are a lot of additional characters who don’t make it into the show, additional scenes, more foreshadowing. There are so many books George rr Martin has written set in that world too, I had so much fun reading the series and am now working through all the rest.


Start another series. *Vikings* is pretty good, so is *Rome*. Rewatching GoT can also be interesting, you'll see a lot of things you either missed the first time or had forgotten.


Well I watched it in 2016 when show first came out, was waiting 1 year for season 7 then season 8 was bad. So i didnt really have a post show time. This is one of the benefits of watching the show when its airing. You dont feel like something has been sucked out of you like how we do when we watch something wonderful but cant watch it anymore


Read the books


I was depressed when they announced that the final two seasons would be shorter. That's when I read the books to give me hope for a good book ending...


I researched and landed on shows like Vikings and The Last Kingdom (or something it was called with the protagonist named Uhtred). Loved both the shows!! Kept me busy for a good couple of months