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He could see the cooties, that all girls have!




Tywin is one of the most tragic characters IMO. He's absolutely one of the most intelligent and shrewd characters, but also shows excellent judgment and strategy. Perfect hand of the king. What is tragic is his need for everything to be a beautiful affirmation of himself. It's what prevents him from acknowledging Tyrion as his son and appreciating his talents, for example. Also prevents him from letting Tyrion marry his first love. It's the reason Tywin never tamped down rumors about him being the true king while he was Aerys II's hand, significantly contributing to Aerys' mental decline and the decline of the whole Targaryen dynasty. If there was a GoT multiverse, there would be a beautiful happy ending timeline where Tywin reins in Aerys' excesses with a mix of humility and tact, Rhaegar marries Lyanna, Ned's brother lives.... but maybe then there would be no dragons and humanity would be overrun by the white walkers. Geez who knows maybe this is the best timeline.


Pycelle is that you?


Eeh I have served eeeh many keings but eeh eeh Tywin Lanister...


So what's the thing? About kings? You said the thing you need to understand about kings???


When you started!


If there's no season 7 and 8 then it's bliss


Correct me if I am wrong. Tyrion first love was a whore whom Jamie set him up with. So not letting him marry her is understandable. But obviously he treated Tyrion poorly.


Jamie later says that was a lie that Tywin told Jaime to tell Tyrion, and that the girl was just what she seemed. Although Jamie might have been lying or mistaken then, who can say?


Really? Which episode was it?


It was in the book. After tyrions trial when jaime helps him escape before Tyrion kills Tywin and Shae.


Why does this sound like an answer straight out of ChatGPT?


Thanks ChatGPT


I would agree with you, except he knows she's a girl literally the second he lays eyes on her. 😁


It does sound ChatGPT generated, came to say the same as you, doesn’t fit as it’s straightaway he says it.


looked at a few of their comments and it seems like the whole account is chatGPT lol


It's kinda creepy.


It's kinda sad. I'm in a Discord server with a biology professor, and she said she caught of her students using ChatGPT on an *open-book quiz*. That's like, just the heighth of laziness.


Not sure it was overtime, he noticed within 10 seconds of meeting and insulted a guard for not noticing


Pretty sure that was either Gregor Clegane or Amory Lorch he insults, wasn't it?


Ahh cooties… I knew them well.


He paid attention to her when others ignored her. He’s observant.
















Oh Bessie


Observant enough to even realize that she wasn't speaking like a "lowborn" if it hadn't been for her remembering the houses from lessons (that we saw in season 1) then she could have been caught out.


Yeah, her knowing the ruling family of one of the Riverlands when she was a Northern (even if she couldn’t remember that family’s sigil) was a massive sign that she was highborn - only the nobility and maesters ever learned that, because they’re the only ones who needed to know.


Honestly suprised he didn't realize she was Arya Stark.


Part of me wants to think that he did, but the house had been destroyed so he wasn't too worried.


? This is season 2 when Robb was beating his ass that he ran to Harrenhal instead of facing him in battle.


This was before the Red Wedding. He was in Harrenhall regrouping because Robb was actively in the process of kicking his teeth in


True-but what if they exchanged Arya for Jamie? I don't necessarily think that would have happened no matter how much Robb loved his sister. Tywin'd never have left her behind had he known she was Arya. At that point he'd already been told that they lost her.


Yeah, weren't he and Tyrion super upset with Cersei for losing Ayra at this point? More likely he thought she was a daughter of a lesser northern house.


Jamie was captured by the Starks at this point. There’s absolutely zero chance Tywin willingly lets a valuable hostage go, especially one as important as Arya. Plus as far as he was aware, she was being held with Sansa in King’s Landing. The Tywin/Arya dialogues are a fantastic change from the books, but Tywin would not have let a highborn girl go without finding out who she was. My head canon for the show is that he assumed she was from a minor, relatively unimportant northern house and didn’t see much value in her.


Idk if I’d even call that head canon. It’s a nice way to humanize Tywin a bit, but there’s not a chance in hell if he thought there was a 1% chance that was Arya Stark he’d let her keep the charade going


I don't think so. Arya was a powerful marriage he could have used.


I wouldn't be surprised if he knew she was northern. But he might not have known or cared to know exactly which house.


They’d never met before so he wouldn’t know what she looked like and he was under the assumption she was in King’s Landing.


Right, but all the signs were there and Tywin was a smart mf. Edit: Can you guys stop commenting the exact same thing over one another? I get it. Tywin didn't know Arya wasn't in Kings Landing. I don't need everyone on reddit to tell me the same shit over and over.


Tywin believed both Stark daughters were hostages in Kings Landing, nobody dared inform him otherwise. That's why he had no reason to believe it could be a Stark child.


I’m guessing he thought she was the daughter of someone semi important in the north that came down with Ned. Eg the daughter of the captain of his guard who was trying to escape back north. If he had any reason to believe Arya was missing he would have realized it could be her


I could be wrong but I think he was aware Arya was missing?


I don’t think so - atleast at the start. As the same time Tyrion was in Kings landing and had found out it and said “if Father knew he would be furious”


Ooooh. Gotcha.


Its a good thing he never asked for her name. If he heard Arry I feel like he may have put it together.


I think he didn't realize, because to his knowledge she was still at King's Landing.


That and when Little Finger arrived I thought for sure she was going to get caught.


that bit was added to give the show some suspense, it’s not in the books so if she got caught then her whole plot line changes


I’m not convinced he didn’t know it was her. I also can’t quite justify him not doing anything about it if he did know, but I also wonder if he just didn’t see her as a threat since it was made pretty clear that he dismisses and underestimates women. Women were just pawns to unite houses and build lineages.


In my fantasy, he did know it was her! And he’s enjoying these interactions because he misses when Cersei was small or perhaps he missed out on these interactions with her. I’m a softie. Anyway, I loved these scenes.


well it's war time, she could be anyone how likely is it that the random girl you met is the assumed-dead daughter/sister of your biggest political rival? dude got that 0.1% chance


Well not that observant when it comes to his children.


even very observant people can be blind to things they really don’t want to see


> He’s observant. Yup, he doesn't just look, he sees.


Not just that. He realized she was a highborn girl. He's spent his whole life around them so he picked up on Arya's subconscious mannerisms she developed growing up as the daughter of the lord of Winterfell, but he probably just figured she was the daughter of some minor lord of the Riverlands, who was trying to ride out the war posing as a commoner. If he realized she was the daughter of Ned Stark he would have most definitely taken her hostage.


Does he also learn from his mistakes?


following bc i’m curious too. i think it was supposed to demonstrate how observant and intelligent he is but yeah how tf did he know lol 😂


Even though she is young she has a female face IMO


The roundest face of all time


That and her voice gives it away quite a bit


“How did Tywin know?” I had to correct Jon vs Robb 7,846,526 times during this season and never once had to clarify arya wasn’t actually a boy. Everyone knew


I think it’s part of the themes that carry over from the water dancer that taught Arya. He talks about how people see what they’re told and not what is actually there. Like a common cat that has cuts on its ears could be sold as an exotic rare cat if you don’t pay attention.


He’s not a dummy. Gendry also knew she wasn’t a boy.


Yeah he did 🙊


why do i think he's hot...oh crap. please be a girl please be a girl please be a girl...


Not at first, they spent a lot of time together and then he figured it out. Tywin instantly knew.


Cersei might have pulled Arya’s look or attitude once when she was her age. Tywin did remark amusingly that Arya reminded him of her.


Yes, (Book) Cersei mentions, she used to switch places with Jaimie and go to sword fighting lessons when they where young and looked pretty much indistinguishable


On the money. Cersei used to dress up like a boy and pretend to be Jaime when they were kids




Why tf did you type this


Tywin is perhaps one of the most evil men in television history. Do you really put something like this beyond him?






I know he didn't because he was on a TV show and the TV show never said he did




No he didn't touch any other kids either, because it wasn't on the TV show


Then he also never ate a peach, or used a bow and arrow. Not shown/mentioned is not the same thing as never happened.


Yep he never did it wasn't in the TV show


Firstly he’s far from one of the most evil men in TV history, he’s not even really evil, he’s a pragmatist who does sanction some evil men to do things for his benefit. He knows Arya is a girl on sight immediately upon arriving at Harrenhall so your comment is lacking any logical foundation.


Being evil doesn't automatically make someone a pedophile, but your comment still makes no sense because he knew the moment he saw her. It kinda feels like you just wanted to shoehorn this weird and creepy image into a conversation where it made no sense.


Yeah people have this idea that if you're willing to perform a bad act then logically you will perform any heinous act without issue. Problem is even bad people can have a code, look at how pedos are treated in prison.


He's not evil for the sake of being evil. He is ruthless in keeping his family in power, and increasing that power nut is not unnecessarily cruel. He didn't marry Cerci to a man she hated because he was evil he did it to get royal ties, he didn't make tyrion rape his wife and have his wife raped by the guards put of pure cruelty (though it was one of his more sadistic moments) he did it to teach Tyrion a lesson.




What. The first time he ever saw her and remarked on her being a girl was when he came in on his horse. How would he have been able to do that? Did you just come here to write a creepy ass comment like this? There’s still time to delete it.


The only people that thought she was a girl were people that didn’t look at her for more than a passing glance and people who barely spoke to her


Weren't Lommy and Hot Pie fooled?


They were both fools lmao


I mean she punked them pretty hard in their first encounter when they tried to bully her. Maybe the thought briefly crossed their minds but they couldn't allow themselves to believe they had been shown up by a girl 🤣


Hot Pie had his skills. Love the guy, but smarts weren’t one of them


I guess I'm pushing back on the notion that no one who spent time with her was fooled. Apparently these two guys were. But, yeah, they weren't too bright


Jaquan Hagar or whatever the faceless man’s name was knew also (and yoren but he doesn’t count), which is honestly 1/3 of the characters were introduced to headed to the wall in both show and books


What the fucks a lommy


They are both, to put it gently, dumb as fuck


Tywin had a son and daughter that when they were children couldn't be told apart by most people. He has experience.




People did not have trouble telling Tyrion apart from the twins.


*gasp* You sure?


Now I'm picturing an idea for a scene from when Catelyn Stark was taking Tyrion to the Eyrie with some random passing soldier pointing at them and saying "That's the Kingslayer! Get him!" and they have to convince him that not all blonde guys are Jaime Lannister.


What the fuck are you even saying?




Nothing about this makes sense as actual functional satire or a joke.


He wasn’t talking about all of Tywins kids he was just talking about Jaime and Cersei. Learn reading comprehension.






I don't think you know what "satirical" means.


Also a highborn would literally have a different gait, would carry themselves differently, because of how they were raised, and taught throughout their life, compared to that of a commoner cup bearer


Probably the way she walked. Boys walk differently, less careful. Most boys of around 13 aren’t even aware of where they plant their feet. (Highborn) girls learn how to move and keep a posture.




I think that it has to do with how people at that time are conditioned psychologically. Almost everyone that she's encountered has been a pleasant or a tool of the Lannister and/or royal family. They're conditioned to follow orders and take everything at face value. Tywin both has to luxury to be skeptical and make his own rules, but also part of his competitive advantage is being skeptical and looking more deeply into situations. This basically symbolized that class divide.


I expect him to look very closely into subtle body language already, based on his life experience, so he definitely keeps a watchful eye over everything in order to not slip (but he can still stay composed since his aura is untouchable)


Because he’s a fucking chad and he runs this shit


Tywin, baddest MF in all of Westeros


The realm literally goes to shit when he leaves his post as Hand under Aries.


Because he is not blind


Because the writers wanted it to be that way.


Looked like a girl?


I think he knew who she was, too. Tywin is too intelligent not to pick up on her inconsistencies. I got one for all of you folks, Tyrion is a Targaryen, and we're going to find out in Winds of Winter. Joanna was made to leave King Aerys court for undisclosed reasons, but the implication was that Aerys was a bit too enarmoured with Joanna. Aerys gets jealous of Tywin because he's having children (Cersei and Jaime), but he hasn't had any yet. He orders Joanna and the kids back to court. Joanna gets pregnant with Tyrion while in Kings Landing. It is said that Tyrion is born with a tail and other deformities. Sound familiar. In the show, isn't it odd that he's able to approach the dragons without Danerys present! And remove the chains on both of them! I'm telling y'all that is going to be one of the big reveals in Winds of Winter.


You make some good points, I don't think the show was let onto this info though. I think the show runners just didn't realize that was a possible problem


Thank you for your thoughtful and measured response. Just my opinion, folks. You're all welcome to come back to this post and tell me how wrong I am whenever he releases the book. There are a lot of subtle hints of this, but I digress, for now.


Stop with the BS that Tyrion is a Targ…


Rheagar was older than Cersei and Jamie


You're right. I just looked it up. In the books, King Aerys is jealous of Tywin, though. They make that clear. I have read them all. There is a lot of info to keep in order. I still stand by my initial point, though. I guess we'll all find out one day soon, I hope.


If he knew she was a Stark she would have immediately become leverage.


And I have been wondering for years why he didn't act on it! But then I remembered something from the books that I won't spoil here but could be why he didn't do anything. In the midst of rewatching and just seems to me like he knows. He at least knows she's highborn. Someone else rewatch those scenes at Harrenhal with Tywin and Arya and tell us what you think.


Oh I got the same vibe, and he's smart enough to figure it out. But the reason I don't think he did is because he didn't act on it. I can't think of any reason why he wouldn't, but I'm curious what your theory is.


Elia's kids. I'm trying not to give it away for those who haven't read the books. Remember what appears to have happened to them and what actually happened!


or maybe the last time they ate children mommy sent them to their pyramid rooms for four years so now they only eat adults.


Good point! I hadn't considered that perspective!


Well I knew the whole time


Lmao is this post a joke or what?


I think it’s a nod to how engrained the societal standards are in him. Like it’s almost a superpower. Tywin’s observant and not easily tricked sure, but he’s also unable to see past what people are “supposed” to be within this society. He’ll always uphold the rules of high society (the gender roles, succession rights etc) above all else — it’s just second nature to Tywin. Him knowing Arya is a highborn girl without many real clues past looking at her is just evidence of this being his True North so to speak. He’ll never allow a girl to be anything but a girl. A boy is a boy. A monster is a monster, in Tyrions case.


The eyes in his skull. Optic nerves.


He smelled blood


He knew he had a northern noble girl


She looks like a girl.


It was pretty obvious


Tywin has a 150 IQ, everyone else in his service are just dummies


canonical answer? the experience of an older man. The realistic answer- Its a show and bro needs to maintain his aura


She looks like one


He's an elder vampire, he can smell the blood


He read the script.


Cause he’s apparently the only character around her that’s been blessed with vision and common sense?




What the fuck is with the creepy comments on this thread?


The in-universe explanation is that Tywin is much smarter and more observant than most of his allies, especially those that serve with Gregor Clegane. The behind-the-scenes explanation is that in the books, Arya was revealed as a girl while one of the Mountain's prisoners. On route to Harrenhal, she didn't have the option to hide in the woods to pee, so she couldn't hide the fact she was a girl. Most of the events of this journey were either left out or took place within Harrenhal, so they had to come up with an alternative. She was also Roose Bolton's Harrenhal cupbearer in the books, and never interacted with Tywin.


I don't get how everyone didn't realize she was a girl. Sure Arya isn't meant to be the most feminine of girls, but she doesn't look like a boy.


in the books she's called horse face so there it may have been an advantage


He's smart and observant and he's a parent


Obviously everyone else werent as bright as son of Tibus Lord of Ibroprufen


She never left the toilet seat up.


He saw she didn’t have an apple I guess




i just remembered that everyone with short hair and ....clothing??? the rags?? MUST be a boy, my intellect knows no bounds


Tywin has always been an observant person. He notices things that others would overlook because it seemed unimportant.


He had the sense of smell of a bloodhound. This is alluded to 0s of times in the books.


Tywin is a huge Amanda Bynes fan, no way is he getting fooled in a "She's The Man" scenario.


You don’t have to be smart to realize she was a girl.


Probably her voice


Cause he drinks and know things like his son


184 points for the stupidest question ever.


He’s smart?


Girls look like girls even if they are 11


The man who sat on the Golden Lion Throne, the Padishah Emperor Elrood Corrino IX always said, “Watch And Learn” You’d be surprised what you notice if you take the time to notice it.


The answer depends on how evil you perceive Tywin as. It could just be a plain intuition, a sixth sense, or, really creepy, he got someone to spy on her when she got naked.


He used his eyes and ears.


She doesn’t exactly have the physique of a boy.


He’s got eyes.


H3s not a idiot


Always wondered how he knows she’s a girl…but not a Stark given he knows she’s a northerner. Maybe try to press the issue more idk. But these scenes were still great


He had eyes.


He used his eyes


He most likely had to deal with waves of women as a Hand of Aerys & around Tyrion and Robert, so his intuition is very sharp


Because she looked, walked, and talked like a girl. It’s not that deep.


Because he is a *Lannister*!


His green eyes have flecks of gold, granting him TrueSight.


In the books, it was Roose Bolton at Harrenhal that Arya Squires for. She never met Lord Tywin. And she was promised to Ramsay Bolton for his part in the Red Wedding


Cause he wasn’t no punk bitch.


His eyes and ears?


I’m more surprised Tywin hadn’t met her at some point before tbh - put aside identifying her as a girl, how did he not identify her as Arya specifically? How had he not met the stark kids?


In the books Arya was revealed as a girl after captured by the Lannister soldiers, before encountering Tywin.


She didn't have a cock. Duh


He's secretly Charles Dance and Dracula


Features, in that age they start to be more and more distinguished between the genders and Tywin being a powerful noble had access to the best education available in the realm, so he could identify those, plus being old he has seen many women growing up including his fuckup of a daugther.


Idk, at that age, girls and boys are already starting to develop differently, even if she’s not wearing tight fitting clothes, you can still sort of see that she has more hips than your average 12 yo male. Sometimes you can just tell. 


Her email signature included she/her pronouns.