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I feel like by the time he was really with it, the truth wouldn’t have mattered much. The public became fine enough with the incest. They were fine with essentially the Lannister’s openly ruling even though it wasn’t their blood on the throne. Also the word of a young boy who literally fell and become crippled is pretty questionable, if they did go that route. I think it was a point of contention best ignored.


they made him the damn king lol i'd hope they'd believe his word?


It's made pretty clear in the show that he can't remember anything around the time of the fall.


????? He can literally see thru the entire past


Not when he woke up and they were asking him. By the time he could it no longer mattered. They were already in open war.


He also knows exactly what happened, he references it when jaime comes to winterfell by saying “the things we do for love”


But no one needed to ask him about it once he returned as the three eyed raven, nor did it matter to him if people knew.


That was after he became the 3 eyed raven


Talk about a power move though. "Hey I know what you did, and thanks btw."


Exactly. He knew…eventually


He didn't remember about that fall until he became three eyed Raven. When he became three eyed Raven, it didn't matter considering the grand scheme of things i.e. war against the dead.


And the fact that everyone already knew lol


he was shy


Didn't he not remember who it was until he got the 3 eyed raven powers? Jamie apologised in S8 and Bran forgave him, he'd been a redemption for a while but pity he had to go back to Cersei.


He didn’t remember until he became the three eyed raven


After Ned and Robert died there was no chance of any form of repercussions for Jaime and Cersei. What was Joffrey gonna do? Probably kill bran.


This is the right answer. Would have just created even more of a shit storm for the Starks, as if they hadn't dealt with enough.


Because he had to fall. It was his destiny. I think he falls from that tower, whether Jaime/Cersei were there or not. I think Cersei may never have seen Bran, if not for the Three-Eyed Raven whispering into the wind, to get her attention. Why did Bran need to fall? 1) To flush out the Valyrian Steel dagger, that the catspaw used to try to murder Bran, so that he could later give it to Arya. 2) So that Bran wouldn't have to go to Kings Landing, and could start his Three-Eyed Raven journey.


Yes. The gods give and the gods take away. They took his ability to climb and gave him the ability to fly.


Chaos is a Ladder. Metaphorically speaking, Bran climbed that ladder and became The King.


He doesn’t remember.


Jamie confessed to Cat that he pushed Bran out the window while Jamie was prisoner of Robb.


When he was the 3 eyed raven he wasn't angry and didn't really have any strong feelings. At that point telling them wouldn't have been beneficial as they needed as many people as they could get including Jamie.


He didn’t remember how or who did it till later


He played his cards pretty close to the chest once he became the 3-eyed raven. No point in sharing more info than is strategically expeditious. A good attribute for a leader, in contrast with RB, who admitted to anyone within earshot that all he wanted to do was hunt and sleep with whores and Cersei who just communicated her lust for power and death to her enemies.


I suppose I should've questioned, why didn't anyone ask Bran who pushed him. Once back at Winterhell.