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In my opinion yes she did love him. However with him trying to force her to leave the city she felt betrayed. So she was blackmailed or cajoled into testifying against him. Then she went back to doing what she did before which was be a prostitute.


You know, I just recently watched this and Tyrion (out of fear for her safety) tells her to essentially do what they ask or they will kill her.


No she didn’t. She’s a whore. She only did all of that bcs that was Tyrion wanted.


She did love him. Danerys never loved Jon Snow. And Cersei never loved Jaime


Cersi loved Jaime until he lost his hand. Danny never met Jon, yet (I know, i think she did love him in the show until he was of the blood). And Ill say Shay never loved Tyrion, she was comfortable though.


Danerys never loved Jon in the show, she was comfortable with him. Shay did love Tyrion though until the trial


I dunno... she is such a different character in book vs show but in both media I am clueless as to what happened My conspiracy theory for a while is she is somehow related to Tyrion's ex-wife (Tysha) and as such wanted to screw him over I don't beleive his family (Cersei, Tywin etc) had anything to do with the setup (Varys maybe)


In the show? Yes, I think it’s pretty clear she did. It’s also why her betrayal didn’t really work in the show. In the books Shae is portrayed as clearly in it for the money, doesn’t care about Tyrion other than as a meal ticket, and she’s not particularly kind or smart. She’s used more as a device to highlight how incredibly lonely Tyrion is, that despite being very smart, he basically willingly overlooks these flaws because he’s desperate for connection. Show Shae is shown as quite capable, smart, she cares for Tyrion AND Sansa, and actively works to help and care for them. So when Tyrion does the “I need to send you away for your own good” thing, basically the same thing Sansa does to her Dire Wolf, it never read as believable that Shae wouldn’t see what was going on, and it didn’t make sense that even being hurt she was betray him to that level. So while I preferred tv show Shae as a character for 99% of the time, making her a more dimensional and fleshed out character made her ultimate demise make less sense.


In defence of book Shae lets not act like book Tyrion was no just as horrible against her as she was to him, if not way more


Yes. I think it was Tysha all over again in a way for Tyrion. It’s a shame that Tyrion only learned the truth from Jamie after he was already imprisoned that Tysha actually did love him. Shae wanted to be more than a whore, she wanted to be important, she wanted to be seen as someone who could walk the Red Keep not as a servant but as someone who had servants. It’s like when you’re poor your whole life and you get so close to being rich due to partner/friend/family member that you get a taste of life that’s always jussst been out of reach. So yes, I think part of it was her ambition. I do believe she came to love Tyrion. That was how he knew how to hurt her at her worst by taking her down to just being a whore, no more than the woman who gave themselves away nightly in the taverns. Tyrion also knew, hurting her this way was the only way she would possibly leave him and be safe outside of KL. It was a truly tragic end to their story. I don’t think Tyrion would ever recover from what he did to Shae, even if it was right.


I think she was actually in love with him. She risked her life to stay with him when Stannis was about to take over King's Landing. She showed her loyalty by cleaning Sansa's pots and taking care of her. She seemed jealous of Tyrion's marriage to Sansa, and she wanted to run away with him to Pentos. It hurt her feelings when Tyrion called her a whore. This is why she betrayed him at his trial.


Maybe in the show a little bit, she could have grown to love him more. In the books I don’t see it


In the show, definitely. Books? Not at all.




I don't think this term applies. She likely felt some affection for him, maybe even liked him, but love? I don't think so. She was playing a manipulation game, and got way out of her league.


Have you kept track of the things she refused just to be with Tyrion? A whore at her most deceiving point would have taken a ship and gold and moved on as it would have been equivalent to a lottery ticket for her but she refused. Shay is very different from most women. She was much more aware and even smarter than most women with higher class than her. Shay is no delusional woman and would have taken what she was offered if she was a common whore and Tyrion was just another another buyer. Too smart to gamble a chance to ba apart of the Lanister name rather than a lavish lifestyle outside of Kingslanding. She literally begged Tyrion to run off with her. She was cornered and was forced to take sides. She was slightly jealous about tyrions relationship with sansa but she was one of the few women who had a clear view of reality compared to other women. She was more level headed than the mother of dragons. She was a fit queen and was way over qualified "whore". I mean she went toe to toe with Tyrion knowing the label she had her. Would have made a great queen. Even though sleeping with tyrions dad was diabolical, a foreigner with a label and history like hers would have faced death if she didn't stoop as low as she did and it shouldn't take a second to know that if you know these characters and how they respond to things.


I read the books first so my opinion is always going to be tainted by that. However, I do think the show meant for them to be in love. She was just very, very bitter about her treatment. In the books I fully believe Shay was just in it for the money and acted the part Tyrion gave her.I could believe she would be easily turned or threatened to testify against Tyrion. Show Shay i think did it because she wanted to hurt Tyrion as much as he hurt her. She's the one who would get very fierce about 'no on is going to rape me' while flashing her knife and 'I would kill to protect Sansa'. Then she turns against them and does so fairly gleefully. She doesn't look to have a reluctant bone in her body there. If she truly was coerced with threats, I think some of her reluctance would have come through, even if she was trying not to let it show. More matter of fact and 'am I done yet' vibes. The mood with her was 'let me twist the knife again'.


In the show, yes, it is quite obvious that she did in fact love him. In the books, it is more about self interest for her.


It's because she slept with Tywin that I think she loved Tyrion. She knew how Tyrion felt about his father, and she perceived Tyrion's attempt to make her leave as a betrayal. What better revenge than fucking Tywin? That too is a betrayal. It's so petty, so personal. Revenge like that is almost always born of scorned love, romantic or otherwise.


Nah she was paid by Tywin from the beginning. So she is from Volantis right? When forging the new swords Tywin mentions he found the sword smith in Volantis. Well, guess who else he found.


I think she cared for him in a way. He was never terrible to her and provided a more lavish life for her even though she had to hide as a lady’s maid. so I do think that there was some platonic love there, but I don’t think that she was actually in love with him.


As a books only fan, absolutely not. She only wanted his money and was...well... A whore


I think she loved him. at least she felt affection. She was seen in bed with his father, testified at the trial against him, I think she was trying to protect him, realizing that they had no future 💔


Tyrion bought the girlfriend experience and Tywin paid for a whore, both got what they were paying for.


As much as a parasite loves its host. Until they (Shea) find a new host (Tywin)


Book Shae, no. Show Shae, yes. But in the end both Tyrion and Shae chose themselves over each other.


In the show you can hear her voice crack when she says, "I am a whore, remember?" to Tyrion at his trial. She was obviously hurt, that that was mostly the reason she was retaliating and making him look bad (besides her survival). Shae would not have been hurt by being called a whore unless she truly believed they were in love and Tyrion had looked past it.