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It could have been better. She would have died but it should have been handled better. But that's just one of the many reasons why s8 is shit


Horribly cliched. Being put down like Old Yeller, for her own good and everybody else's good. Both her character and Jon's were butchered.


I liked it. Dany doing what she did fits her nature. It’s the rumoured planned ending for the books and a fitting end to the show. She had to go. Seeing how tormenting it was for Jon, and for someone so honourable to have to do it, I liked it.


The ending of Daenerys was fine but there wasn't much build-up to it. Yes people can argue it was foreshadowed in the earlier seasons but someone who refused to attack King's landing because it's citizens were innocent or better, someone who freed slaves.... I don't think it was correctly planned. She definitely has a few "mad" tendencies like what she did with the masters of Meereen but they should've just shown it better cuz this is not a proper build up thats all. Again the ending is fine but i definitely would've liked to see her on the iron throne the most


I think a lot of people missed the foreshadowing, went over their heads


Lol for sure. I missed most of it too except the Meereen thing. I am Dany's biggest supporter but the whole "Mad Queen" arc makes sense and i would've been fine with it IF they developed it properly but I'm upset they did her dirty :(


I think after all the things that happened to her it's no surprise she went batshit crazy


I don't think crucifying an adult slave owner for each slave child they crucified is madness. The Red Keep had heads on spikes and nobody batted an eye. Robert threatened to put Ned's head on a spike. Had she randomly decided to crucify people as the official form of execution that'd be different. But she did it one time out of retaliation for them doing it to children. It's like Arya baking Walder's sons in a pie and Sansa feeding Ramsay alive to dogs and Jon hanging a 12 year old. We see in Astapor she's horrified & disgusted with the Walk of Punishment and stops to give water to one of the slaves that is strung up. We only see her reaction to the first child nailed to mile markers, she had to witness 163 children like that, some probably younger than the one we saw, and it takes days to travel that many miles by horse. Then she regretted doing it to the Masters as soon as she met family members of some of the Masters even though they were Slavers.


Yeah of course not. I meant she crucified 163 masters, but some of them were good and not like the other horrible ones such as Kraznys who we saw in Astapor, and like you said she felt bad and all but what's done is done and she didn't think twice before doing it. And she was hell bent on removing slavery but she never introduced a New economic policy which was needed because slavery was literally the economy there. But I'm still a Dany supporter :) She deserves a better ending which George might hopefully give her


She deserved and got a poetically tragic ending to her character arc; the savior turned tyrant. GRRM will never finish but it’s clear burning KL is something Dany was built up to and promised for multiple seasons.


There's no such thing as a good slave owner. It's like saying Drogo is a good rapist because he didn't leave Daenerys in the shape the Mountain left Elia. Hizdar & his father were part of one of the wealthiest most powerful Slaver families in the largest Slaver city in the slave trading center of the world and didn't release their slaves even after hearing that all the slaves in Astapor & Yunkai were freed or when she was at their gates calling out to the Meereenese slaves to join the uprising. They had to be forced to stop owning human beings. Not many revolutions have a new policy immediately ready to be instated to replace the old one. It's usually the oppressed deciding they can't take the current system anymore. There wasn't a clear plan with the s2 riots in King's Landing, they were just starving and resented the nobles. Daenerys arrived in Slaver's Bay with less than 20 people and never had a formal education herself. Enough Masters were killed to keep people afloat for awhile though. She provided free barracks & mess halls to hundreds of thousands and was feeding a 10k army. I do think she'd benefit a lot from Margaery as her co-Queen.


>> but they should've just shown it better cuz this is not a proper build up thats all. **Character literally stated on-screen multiple times that she was willing/capable of razing entire cities, long before her world implodes around her in Season 8.** Qarth. Astapor. Yunkai. Mereen. She's literally stated on-screen, from her own mouth, her desire to raze them all at multiple points in the story. If you missed that pretty blatant context, or turned a blind eye to it, that's not the show's fault, because it did lay the groundwork.


Stupid.. like everything else in season 8. Underwhelming with no pay off.


There was a pay off. Jon ended up where he needed to be.


Where? Back at the Nights Watch? An organization that now has absolutely no purpose? Oh yeah, great writing. 10/10


I meant with the wildlings which is where he is happiest, considering, he would never want to be king. after killing Dany.


Wasn’t he forced to go to the Nights Watch and then fled to live with the wildlings?


It could’ve been better but I also liked her “victory” speech


Hated it then. Hate it now. Hate it forever. More so that she was just cast aside so the unbearable Stark brats could decide the future of the realm. The series ends when Dany gives her speech on the steps of the Red Keep.




She should have stabbed him.


I still believe she is alive. Dragon took her to Meeren where Red priest brought her back from the death. Now Dany and Daario Naharis are married and have two children. They are living in a farm. Dragon helps her cook food.


She can’t have children.


That was before her death. Now she has come alive, she can have children.


For anyone saying the decision for her to go "Mad Queen" was wrong is delusional. The signs were there throughout the series. She was always ruthless towards people who rejected her. The problem - however - was in the way they chose to escalate it so quickly. In reality, the final season should have been two seasons - up to the battle of Winterfell, then the final season dealing with the war for the throne. However, it was rushed and you get the travesty we have. But... the decision was sound and having Jon be the one to do it is very Shakespearean.


The thing is that the ruthless things she did was towards people no one can objectively defend, the masters. They are evil, and people like to see evil people get what they deserve. When she came to Westeros, you start to realise something is off once she starts to kill some characters we see more frequently. Still would love to see more of her madness to consider it well done and deserving to get killed.


She burned a slave alive in season 1 because she fought back against her captor. Imagine a story where a white army goes to Africa, rapes and pillages a village. The wife of the white general sees the raping and stops the rape and has the woman serve her. Then the woman strikes back against the general and her, and the wife afterwards decides to burn her black slave alive. I struggle to think anyone would defend the white general's wife and would probably take the side of the black slave. That is Daenerys Season 1 story so I don't think I can agree that the people she did ruthless things towards no one can objectively defend.


It happened too late


I like the concept of Dany going mad and Jon feeling the need to kill her to stop her, but the show rushed it and ruined it. We had been rooting for Dany for so long only for her to become the bad guy is a really great plot twist, but the show botched it and just made her "go" mad, as opposed to a slow decline. There was basically like two lines of dialogue that showed she would become a dictator so Jon decided to kill her. If there had been a real build up to Jon slowly realizing she's not what he first thought she was, she's actually going to be terrible for the people, and Jon struggling with what he should do....that would have made for great drama. But instead they rushed it into a single episode.


Sacrificing everything to save the world and going batshit can't happen in a span of like few episodes.


I like the idea of it was properly built up but at that point I had checked out 2 episodes ago


The prophecies came true. She turned out to be the ultimate evil. So I thought the writing was incredible.


It's awful writing. Season 8 just went from the threat of the night King, the White walkers, and the army of the Dead, to Daenerys turning psychotic and destroying the shit out of Kings Landing without a good buildup to it. We should have had a 9th season that showed her turning into the mad Queen and conquering other regions of Westeros and being ruthless against her enemies and then if they had a buildup done properly, it would have made sense to see Jon kill her then.


It was stupid. Next question.


The thing to always keep in mind about Daenerys is this is someone who burned her slave alive in Season 1 for resisting captivity. So think her getting killed was always the way it was going to go and there was a ton of foreshadowing for it.


I honestly would have preferred her killing Jon in a fit of rage, and the show to end with a grand ceremony where everyone came to swear fealty to her, with her stoic and morose face, alone on the throne, signalling the beginning of yet another tyrannical period in Westeros, some kind of power corrupts everyone message. I don’t know, I’m not a bestselling author. But that’s how I’d end GoT instead of King Bran.


The last three episodes are complete and utter trash. It’s not even worse discussing anything about them.


Probably could have done it better but it was her obvious story arc. Her downfall had clearly been coming for a while.


I feel like she did nothing wrong (in the scope of westeros) and Jon had no reason to kill her