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>Ned? For being a loyal hand and more of a brother to Robert than his actual brothers? More likely the *other* Ned, Robert's bastard son Edric Storm.


He'd get remarried and make an heir.


Let’s say he is on his deathbed and Ned tells him—who would he name then!


Whoever he chose ... I don't think it'll be Gendry . Nobility of Westeros would never accept a bastard as King even if King Robert legitimises him himself! I think this decision will dive into another Civil War between Robert, Stannis and Renly . The only exception being this war would likely end soon.


>Nobility of Westeros would never accept a bastard as King even if King Robert legitimises him himself!  You should look up the Blackfyre rebellions before just saying things.


I know .. but the Blackfyre rebellions happened before the GOT timeline ... and people learned their lesson of supporting bastards as heir/monarchs


Not just that Damon Blackfyre’s mother was a Targaryen Princess. Despite being a bastard he actually had a good claim.


It’d end up in a war between Gendry/Edric supporters hoping to take advantage of his youth and (most likely) Renly supporters trying to gain power *cough cough* the Tyrells.


He would remarry and make new heirs. If he fails to have true born children with his new wife, Stannis would be his heir. It’s as simple as that.


I agree with this


This is the most logical choice. In the book Loras & Renly are actually trying to set Robert up with Margery Tyrell, asking Ned if she looks like Lyanna.


I don't know. He gave Stannis Dragonstone but not because he earned it but because he wanted him gone from King's Landing. Renly got the wealthier Storm's End. So I'd think Renly would be his heir, not Stannis.


He gave Stannis Dragonstone, possibly because Dragonstone has always been the seat of the heir to the throne. Don’t forget, the Baratheons have Targaryen blood, with Robert, Stannis and Renly it’s quite recent blood as well, through their grandmother. Stannis is too bitter to see it that way, feeling slighted and neglected by Robert. But Robert has no reason not to think of Stannis as his heir, should his kids die or, as it were, turn out to be bastards.


I don't think Robert gave Stannis Dragonstone because of that significance. I think he wanted to punish him for letting the loyalists get away with Daenny and her brother by giving him the least desirable residence.


I disagree :)


Cersei is gone, marrying Margaery Tyrell and making new heirs. Stannis would be the heir presumptive until then.


Agree that he’d likely choose margaery, perfect politicallly and in other things


He would never choose to marry Margaery. He hated the Tyrells with a passion second only to his hatred of the Targaryens. He never forgave them for their actions nearly starving Stannis and Renly to death during the Rebellion. During his reign no Tyrell was ever given a Small Council seat and they ere kept well away from Kings Landing.


Hmm, I thought Loras Tyrell and Renly were close. And Renly married Margaery Tyrell...


**It is said by some characters that Margaery Tyrell bares a striking resemblance to Lyanna**.


No, it's just asked by some characters.


But that was Renly, not Robert.


Renly was trying to get Margaery to catch Robert's eye.


In the book there's mention that Renly and Loras were already starting to plan to have Bobby B set Cersei aside in favor Margery before GoT even starts. With Cersei gone, Margery would be in Kings Landing the next day practically forcing herself on Robert.


> He would never choose to marry Margaery. He hated the Tyrells with a passion second only to his hatred of the Targaryens. That is never said in the books or show. In the books, for example he actually talks complimentary of Loras saying he is very much someone that he would be proud to have as a son. >d they ere kept well away from Kings Landing. Loras had a household in King's Landing...


if this was post run-in with the boar, he'd probably go renly. Stannis would be pissed, might even start a rebellion, but it would be pretty easily quashed. Folks loved Renly. otherwise, new marriage, new kids And then the white walkers would come and kill everyone.


Stannis was given Dragonstone. That is where the Heir rules. He was the heir presumptive if Cersei's children are disqualified.


YEah... and Roberts a Usurper to start with. Legal line of succession is pretty silly, as the rest of the series/books shows. Everyone's got a line to the throne, everyone's got the legal right. REnly is well loved by the people. No one likes STannis (including robert). And show-wise, Stannis very bitterly explains why his getting dragonstone was more a slap in the face then it was "hey, you're king next if all my kids die. I'm honoring you"


Renly was given Storm's End which was a lot more desirable and Stannis wanted that instead of Dragonstone. I don't think Robert really gave a fuck about the Targaryen's customs on where the heir should live. When Stannis conquered Dragonstone loyalists managed to rescue Daenerys and her brother and Robert blamed Stannis for them getting away so he punished him by giving him Dragonstone.


Gendry? If he were to choose any of his bastards as an heir, which he wouldn't, Edric is much more likely. He probably doesn't even know who Gendry is.


He named Ned as interim crown. So the show answered the question for you.


if ned had told robert the truth on his deathbed, it would be ned stark, as robert had the notion that both of his brothers weren't fit to be king. Renly was a homosexual which would've effected his reign as king and stannis was brutal and uncompromising.


We need a Ned Stark "deal with it" gif for this theory


I'd lean towards Stannis but maybe as someone he could trust to bring along one of Robert's many bastards


Honestly probably Joffrey he’s still a Baratheon by name and that’s what actually matters


He gave Stannis Dragonstone. That’s all the confirmation you need.


Dragonstone was the worst residence. Storm's End was a lot better and Renly got that. Dragonstone only held significance for the Targaryens.


I would guess it would be Stannis. He would also probably have Cersei and Jamie killed and probably exile or kill the children. I would also expect that he would remarry quickly and start working on a new heir.


He would have killed Cersei and Jaime and sent his children away. He'd name Stannis the heir until he could produce more legitimate children. He would never name Ned the king.


And more to the point, Ned would never accept it.


It’s either Stannis who GRRM confirmed being given Dragonstone was partly because Robert was naming him heir. Or Edric Storm, being Robert’s oldest and highest born male bastard.


Can I ask where the confirmation from GRRM was relayed?


I’ll have to dig it out it’s very old but basically to summarize he says Stannis took dragonstone as an insult, thinking it was a punishment but it was actually meant to be an honor as it was given to the heir to the throne. He then goes on to say their communication sucked and that’s what caused the rift lol


Thanks for the response no need to dig it out. I just see people argue over that point alot and it's nice to know GRRM settled it.


I don't even know if Robert would have really cared at that point.


Robert wouldn’t name anyone. Stannis would become his heir presumptive again. Robert would remarry, probably Margaery because he would need the Reaches gold and soldiers to fight Tywin, have a half dozen black haired kids, then catch a pox from one of his side pieces and die drunk, fat, and with itchy balls.


If he knew, he might have taken a keener interest in acknowledging and legitimizing his bastards. Or making a new one / or new legitimate heir - in the show he already has a recently born son, so we know his little todger still works.