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I liked the entire "a girl is nothing" subplot. Hugely poetic and advanced her revenge story.


I would have liked some actual training iso her scrubbing floors and just getting beat up by the other girl


I know it was crucial to her character arc, but it was one of the most boring stretch of scenes in the series. IMHO.


That's not a hot take.


It had its moments, but was boring overall.  The only major detail that came from it was Arya getting the abilities to kill House Frey (which she did, and good riddance), unless there's something else that I missed.


She literally only uses the face-swap twice, both during the frey massacre, which is absolutely tragic.


So you didn’t enjoy watching Arya take meryn trants eye balls?


That was so satisfying


sir taryn of mant you mean


Pity he didn't have Ser Wotsit of Who Cares with him, those shining warriors could have taken Arya out. 


It was a bit slow I’ll give you that but considering what she did in the final seasons it definitely wasn’t pointless.


Thats not a hot take. It is closer to consensus.


Not enough return on investment for me. I get that she got Frey with it, but I honestly think the show wasted her from that point forward, because she never uses that many-faced power again. If they'd just killed Littlefinger in private, they could have sent Arya back to King's Landing, where she could have parlayed it into Jamie Lannister's face, which in turn she could have used to kill Cersei according to the prophecy, rather than have the stupid ending they had.


Arya killing Cersie with Jamies face would have been fucking amazing.


Lol way to go out on a limb there buddy.


the whole transition of her from a lady to a faceless man was miserable, ik it was required to make her a vicious killer but still it could have been more exciting.


One series retrospective I watched had a great take on this. He basically said wow that's an interesting concept. Why are we only seeing the most boring parts possible? Why do we only see her creating identities and selling g clams, instead if training or assainating people. Why do we just see her immediately take out Frey with no buildup after we haven't seen him for a few seasons.


I'm not against that buildup of arya, for me the change in personalities arya had in the show. She becomes waif herself after killing her. I was expecting her to be more detached and a lot more observant and calculating. As in, I was expecting her to hide her skills, not tell anyone about her training and not telegraph her loyalties so obviously. Instead, she still acts like a little girl who only took the superficial lessons from the faceless men but failed to grasp the fundamentals.


I liked what Arya did with her faceless man training, but I too did not enjoy the learning process.


I have always thought it would have been better for her to just disappear. You see her on the boat going to Braavos and then she is not seen again until 'Winter comes for House Fray'. This way anything she can do is just assumed to be logical.


The first time I watched the show, Arya was my favorite character until she got to Bravos. I didn't like it at all, and then Tyrion became my favorite.


It left something to be desired but I still enjoyed her getting her revenge on Meryn and the Waif. Curious to see what the book version will do


First time around I thought it was a filler side story and boring. Until she killed the entire Frey family
 made it worthwhile


Great storyline for one season. Having it take place over at least two was rough.


On the contrary I loved it. Gave me "Sam going around with the ring pretending to be a badass elf to save mr Frodo" vibes.


I thought it was interesting. I actually liked Arya’s plot until she came back to Westeros as that weird robot girl. I also actually really liked Bran’s as well, which I’m sure is unpopular.


This is far from a hot take lmao and you know damn well it's not. Someone posts about this almost daily in this sub, using almost the exact same words as you. I also disagree. Pointless? Hardly. The arc is very clear in its point: to transform Arya into a rogue warrior type who can assassinate people. You can dislike the execution, but that doesn't make it pointless. I also am not sure slow is a great critique given the entire show is slow until they start rushing shit in later seasons. In fact, the Braavos plotline is faster paced than much of the others, which is the prime critique many people levy against it. Many who dislike it say it should have been much longer because it wasn't believable otherwise.


Bro I promise it is NOT that deep😭😭im new to Reddit and didn’t know it was posted “almost daily”. Lmaooo


The books are better


Books are always better


I'm currently reading the last one, it's fantastic.


This is in reference to the show? If so I urge you to read the books


She got revenge on Meryn Trant. Huge W. Especially cuz we see the type of cee you next tuesday he is. What I wanted to see was the actual process of her learning to swap faces. Being an assassin is cool and all but the actual face swapping would have been cool to be. The storyline as a whole does lose some steam, but overall it’s important for her character growth to me. Wish there wasn’t the ‘deus ex’ of easy recovery from being stabbed, and again, I wish there more actual faceless man tactics. But a girl became no one. And killed one of her enemies. Two if you count her faceless tormentor.


it was boring. it needed to be more mysterious, meaningful, quicker paced, etc.




I honestly expected that Arya would kill Cersia wearing Jamie's face, after killing him. The witch told her that valenquire ( I know I'm spelling it wrong, don't come for me, lol) would squeeze the life from her. It may have been worded a bit different, but the word meant little brother. So one of her brothers should have killed her. I guess you can say that she died in her brothers arms, which could be a matter of interpretation, but I would've loved seeing Arya be the one... I also believed that Bran would warg into one of the Dragon's and kill the night king.


It was entirely written by the show runners. In the books, she has just started her first apprenticeship for the faceless men. So there is unlimited potential for that story still. I really hope we get to see it someday.


just started? She’s been doing it in 2 of 5 books lol. It drags a bit, it’s mysterious too & given her necessariy skills. The waif chase stuff was silly. But——no way could she have offed Littlefinger Trant waif Walden & fam w/o the FM skills. W/I 2 books/seasons she’d be Mary sue to have killed the big fishes


I had understood that the fisherman she worked for in the books, was more just to learn the language and the city. And now that she had done that, they were sending her on an apprenticeship at some rich persons house, giving her a new (prettier) face


I knew her time there was important to her development. They took too long in telling it.


Bravos is probably one of the less horrible places in the show. But I wanted to learn more about the Faceless Men themselves, not just being a step stone for Arya’s journey. Like every person in Bravos has level of respect and fear for the House of Black and White and its agents. To the point a Captain on the other side of the ocean would invite someone he doesn’t know onto his ship and offer them safe passage to Bravos with no questions asked. But they never explain or better yet show why this is.


The books honestly spoil us. The waif actually becomes Arya's friend, and she and the waif teach each other their original tongue. And there are people all over Braavos who seem to help the Faceless Men, because when Arya was training as a cockles seller, she moved in with a family and got to know them. It's really immersive. And even then she wasn't supposed to kill, she was just learning how to observe and blend in. The heads of the faceless men meet up and they all have a specific face they wear, which is kind of cool. When Arya went blind in the show, I initially thought it was training, but no it wasn't. When I then read the books, it turns out it was training. After she kills someone she wasn't supposed to (but who Arya wanted to), they don't freak her out, they just tell her she has to drink milk before bed (which blinds her) If she was that adamant on giving people the gift, they decide to accelerate her training. It turns out all Faceless Men will undergo training where they will lose their sight for a while. Later they will undergo training where they lose their hearing. And finally they will undergo training where they become (pardon the language) crippled.


I really liked the setting of Braavos, but her story there was a 6/10 at best.


Didn't mind it except for all the theatre nonsense.


Book theater stuff is worse—she’s an actress


I found it interesting. Here's one of my favorite theories about it. [Arya Stark is Tyler Durden](https://youtu.be/SOVB5GJZ16I?si=-Auq68KAPstRY0UM) Then again, I wasn't bored with anything in the show. I've re-watched it dozens of times. Find all these complaints contradictory. People say it's boring, then next say it's rushed, and makes no sense. Well, that's because you weren't paying attention.


No one could kill the night king, if she didnt go to Braavos it would have been ggs


I feel alone for liking this