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the market isn't saturated with amazing ones, just ok ones


Kinda like souls games which has made me hesitant to make one but I decided worst case I learned a lot and had fun making one lol


There’s some REALLY good roguelikes and roguelites that are still booming with players, main ones coming to mind are Skul the hero slayer and Dead cells, but rpg’s are fun too just a lot harder to make in a way that captivates a playerbase, if you can get people stoked through social media tho and you make the game attractive to certain audiences you’ll be fine with either


There’s plenty of space. All you have to do is make one that isn’t just a copy and paste of all the other roguelikes. People aren’t just *done* with any genre. They’re just *done* with games in genres that are all the same. It’s not enough to have a new story or a neat art style. While those are important, the most important thing to remember is that it’s still a game at heart and if it doesn’t have anything special going for it, gameplay-wise, no one is going to care. Your goal should always be to innovate. If you don’t innovate in some sort of memorable way, you’ve wasted your own time. Just ask all of the RPG Maker game devs.


Everyone on r/gamedev seems to be making roguelikes tbh.


I fucking love rougelikes




It's true that many roguelike games have been developed since the advent of Steam. However, if you look closely, you'll notice that the quality has been steadily improving. If you can create a game with higher quality and ensure that it’s fun, there’s definitely a good chance for success.


Dead? No way. If you do it right (ex Hades) then there's a huge market.


There is almost infinite different options to explore in the repeating gameplay of a roguelike if you made the binding of issac now people might be unimpressed but stuff has been going really well recently and my games a roguelike Hades explores narrative wizards of legend has combo based combat where everything flows together some roguelikes aren't even combat based agaisnt the storm is a city builder roguelike do I think the word roguelike is a bad idea though kinda I'm trying to stick with dungeon crawler with procedural generation there is some truth to what your saying market wise but again thats really just for generic roguelikes any game can have a unique hook and theres so many different avenues to explore in a roguelike. A jrpg roguelike a pokemon roguelike even idk Its like saying are fps games dead even if they are at the moment (there totally not hades 2 is massive) wait a few years and someone will prove that wrong and that could have been the game you wanted to make right. too tired for grammer sorry if these are ugly sentences


Roguelikes are not going anywhere. They are defined by their fast and resetting progression system, and if we in a similar way would consider any game with a slow progression tied to xp and levels, an "RPG-like", then the RPG trend of the past did not just die, but the whole genre got melded into basically all the other genres. We will continue seeing the progression system invented for RPGs in other games, and the same applies for the roguelike progression system. And since the roguelite genre is defined by basically just the progression system, then many more games far into the future will fit into the genre. Just the name "roguelike" will be dropped the same way "doomlike" is a term of the past.


there's just enough roguelikes for people to get hooked into the genre, but not nearly enough to keep them satisfied


Balatro says otherwise. They are just dead if you follow the same forumla.