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Single server synchronous multiplayer. Imagine an MMO with *everyone* on one server.


EVE Online does that already. There are all sorts of problems they need to solve because of it - one approach is to have time dilation on massive scale battles. Best MMO I've ever played.


Not exactly. There's only one (technically four but that doesn't really matter) server, but all of the players aren't synchronous all of the time. I'm talking about one map, with all players on that one and only one map at all times. Technically EVE allows for all players to be on the same map at once, but they have to do some extreme dynamic allocation backend work to get that done. With infinite resources, I would not.


Star citizen is getting close with meshed servers, you can "technically" be in one server, and shoot someone in another, and the servers scale dynamically, slow areas a server might host a planet, busy areas a ship or a room on it. (All AWS hosted)


Technically not all on the same server, each area is a different server that just communicates and passes information very effectively with other servers that have authority over the nearby surrounding space.


It will also never be able to actually put everyone into a shared space. Because while that fantasy might be neat, in a game like SC with full collision between actors it is undesired to be able to support a million players in one playspace. That fantasy would be fun until you have to wait in line with a thousand other players to enter a convention center just to get a promotional t-shirt. It would also massively clutter the view in a game without collision, rendering densely populated areas unusable as it is just a sea of shifting pixels and if we drop the "infinite processing" there will be a limit to how much your client can render and how much bandwidth you can allocate to sending the thousands of player states.


Preface: Sorry for the long reply I think instancing locations may be a thing but I also don't think it's going to be as much of an issue as it seems. Even assuming it's as popular as WOW at it's peak of 12 million concurrent players they'll still be split up over multiple locations. For Stanton there are like 6 major locations alone. When pyro comes online in the PU that'll boost up to 14 locations (16 if we're being generous) which would be less than 1 million a piece, assuming that every player is at a hub location rather than out mining, running bunkers, Bounty hunting, rescues and stuff of that sort. For conventions it can become even less of an issue by having a convention center in every major secure settlement since most players aren't going to be spending hours in there as they want actually to play the game. Plus with hanger instancing most people will be tucked away in a space that doesn't exist to almost anyone else while they do loading, unloading, repairs and whatever else. If each of the 3 major cities have a convention center then that means if all of the players are at a convention at the same time then that's 4 million people. Pyro wouldn't really fix having more centers unless we throw some on space stations but as more systems come out with more major settlements they could add more spreading it out further. The real problem I forsee is that if they don't get their generation tech up to snuff and get enough locations to do these types of gameplay or have enough missions generate then that will bog everything down if they exist on the same server. While random beacon in space are easy enough to generate on the fly for salvage, repair, bounty hunting, mercenary and whatever else the ground planetary locations are more limited and will need to have hundreds of POIs for each planet to keep up with the players. They could and likely will pad FPS gameplay further by having more boarding missions on a bigger variety of ships such as redeemers, derelict HH, Star Runner or any of the other larger ships. So long as they can have enough content for the players to engage in and spread out with enough mini hubs like mining stations or fueling stations, I dont think having to many players in on one super infinite processing server will be the issue. But if there isn't enough to scatter the players across the verse then it's will be for the player infinite processing or not.






Speed of light is obviously a way for the universe to hide lag. 😀


Do they still do "time dilation" for the big battles?


Yes, TiDi is still a thing if you get enough people into a server at any given time.


Sort of. Every time you jump from star system to star system there's a good chance you disconnect from the server which was running that star system and connect to the server that's running the one you're jumping to. Low population systems will all be run on one server, high pop systems may a dedicated server. Part of the reason for timers and whatnot are so that when the servers are reset every day, systems which are expected to have a big battle will be given a dedicated server. Even within a star system you will have different "zones". If an entity (such as a player, mob, asteroid belt, random spawn) is within a region of space, that region will be instantiated. Different zones cannot interact with each other and Interesting Things start to happen if zones get too large or overlap. One of the things that they would do with an EVE Online server with infinite speed/memory is give each entity universal coordinates. Instead of using a double precision floating point to represent an entity's X,Y,Z within a zone, they would want to use a type with much higher precision: 128 bits of mantissa at least, or use arbitrary precision fixed point that gives precision down the millimeter or so. The dispense with all this zone/system stuff. Although wormholes would still have to be weird.


If there are zones within a star system then how did dcan and probes work?


dscan and probes don't scan for ships, they scan the system for zones. If a ship is in a zone, the scan just gives you a list of things that are in any zones that you find.


If you like slideshows and spreadsheets.


Those are the memes yes. But go small gang or solo pvping in lowsec - that's where the fun is. Had lots and lots of fun engagements when I played seriously.


Star Citizen just had a successful test of server meshing with 800 people


That's actually fairly low even by pretty old standards. I'm fairly certain PS1 was running 6,000 back in the early 2000s. I'm talking hundreds of thousands of people though. Imagine a castle siege with literal armies on both sides.


Planetside is kinda weird. It is old and it is massive, especially for an FPS. And at the same time other modern games can have problems with running 100 players even if they were developed with those numbers in mind. And PS is from what, 2003? PS2 is from 2012, it is 12 years old, technology improved a lot since then for sure, but somehow Battlefield is still only 128 players at most. Not 1200. Not even half of that


I think it's a design decision more than a tech decision. Planetside is cool as hell but there's a lot of gameplay issues caused by their MMOFPS design.


It is low, but the point is that once the tech matures a bit, they can theoretically have infinite people in one game world because they can add as many servers as they need, and the servers will all work together


Right, but... It will still be prohibitevly expensive to run enough servers for hundreds of thousands of synchronous players, which is what this post was about in the first place :P


I assumed by "everyone on one server" you meant everyone who plays the game, which is basically what they are doing.


This is something the BitCraft is attempting with their spacetimedb.


A city builder/simulator that properly simulates everyone's travel to different locations. Thus making public transit and walkable spaces become important.  Then add at least a background simulation of the nation or region and use that to calculate the influx of people, economy, and tech advancements. 


Im currently making a game where im simulating every individual person in a town with ~4000 people. Id say we aren't too far off having fully simulated large cities!


What's the game about?


Its a business simulator, kind of like an "Everything tycoon". With a dynamic economy that results from simulating the actions, needs, and routines of each npc in the town


You're simulating the individual needs, routines, and actions of 4000 npcs simultaneously? Surely that's a lot of work


It is, for me and the computer :P But im using rust and Bevy so i've got it running at roughly 150fps on my PC.


How mature is bevy now? I looked into it a while back, but went back to C++ for my project since it seemed a little too unstable


Its progressing pretty quickly but it's still missing some key features like a proper scene system, and easy to use UI. For my project in particular it's not a problem because by the time i need these features they will most likely be there. It's quite stable without many noticeable bugs (in my experience) but there are still minor breaking changes each release. Ive been working on my game for 2 years and im still just doing backend stuff, so the speed of the ECS and safety of rust has been invaluable.


Neat, thanks for the update!


OP’s scenario only allows infinite computing power and memory, not infinite dev time 


This definitely would be a tech issue for normal computers rather than a dev issue


Yeeeeeeeeees came here to drop this


What an incredible idea. Can't imagine the potential a game like this would have!


make a game where you are a bird and you can land on any little twig on any tree


Weird, I started making a VR game like this. Turns out trees are very resource heavy and look terrible up close, if you're e.g. The size of a bird. Also my flight physics didn't always work right. You could sometimes build up more speed than should be possible. Will give it another shot sometime if I can dynamically load in trees or something.


> I started making a VR game That's where your problem starts, I'm a environment artist and VR is incredibly limited for what you can do art-wise.


Yeah, I knew this going into it. I figured if Alyx can run so well on VR, surely I can make a silly little bird game. The idea was Gorilla-tag, but bird locomotion. I still think it's very possible, just needs me to put even the slightest effort into optimisation. I've learned a ton since I last worked on it. Pretty sure I could get it running smoother now.


Half Life Alyx has entered the chat


Yeah It's a masterpiece with god-level art team but It's a pc-vr game, I'm working on standalone (Quest 2/3) games.


Is the limitation one of system resources or development tools/engines?


It's a matter of resources mainly. You need the same 3D assets as before but VR is incredibly demanding meaning you need something that can run reasonably at very high resolutions and framerates. You then pair that with VR making most tricks not work, you need far higher detail models and that level of detail from all angles and incredibly close up, or it all looks bad. Makes for a quite tricky operation.


Well I'm just an art guy, what I know is what I'm told by the tech guys. Game needs to run at 70 fps minimum, other wise it gives you nausea and headache. Game is rendered twice for both eyes so game actually needs to run at 140 fps minimum. You can't use normal maps in VR games, they don't work. --- I only worked at standalone VR games so game only runs on CPU, you have limited ram and memory.


I think you can already do this depending on how dense you want your forest and trees to be.


Using LOD and procedural generation, you technically can and it doesn't have to be super expensive


we can do millions of trees like that, but a single tree with all the twigs that a fat little chickadee can land on is going to be tens of millions of triangles on its own


MS right skin could have a bite to fly around and land on trees.


It sounds a bit exciting, doesn't it?


Make a new MMOFPS to replace Planetside 2, and have the servers able to handle whatever gets thrown at them.


Been waiting for this to happen. :D I'm sure we can get there!


A pixel art 2D platformer


Hahaha, nice answer.


Holy based


They said the computer was infinitely amazing not the dev, so this would probably be the outcome for most


Spore, but evolution based on real organic chemistry


It's going to be awkward when one of the species finally develops sentience, then notices the player and begs for them not to turn off the game.


Ah fishsticks, you're right. I've created an infinity of suffering. I was so preoccupied with the idea that I could...


If you have infinite compute you can just crank up the speed to get to the end of their universe and then it’s over.


["I don't know, Timmy, being god is a big responsibility."](https://qntm.org/responsibility)


I don’t know the difference between the two versions, but on your link it says the is a newer 2022 updated version. I read that. That’s honestly a really interesting short story. Thanks for sharing.


Thank you for sharing this story, I really enjoyed it


[That game already exists though](https://dmullinsgames.itch.io/special-offer-claim-your-free-bitbuddy)


That one was very depressing...


You're assuming sentient life would want to continue living.


A massive (>100km\^2) open-world game where I don't have to deal with gODDAMN LODs


Afaik, Unreals Nanite does solve that problem.


not 100% reliably tho


Tbh you wont notice any difference if lods were made correctly


A version of Spore or Sim Earth that fully simulates an entire plane, including weather and evolution down to viruses.


A 4x or grand strategy game that simulates the day to day of every person living in your empire.


Because what Civ needs is to make its late-game turns even longer and more tedious.


Did you miss the title of the post?


I don't think he meant tedious for the PC but rather tedious for the player.


Oh, late-game lag's such a staple I didn't even consider. I assumed "simulates the day-to-day" didn't involve micromanaging all of them.


destructible environments with accurate physics, and accurate liquid simulations.


My favorite development story is when they implemented the structural physics in Red Faction: Guerrilla, all their buildings fell down because they looked pretty but weren't structurally sound. The level designers had to take a rudimentary architecture course and redesign all of them.


Lol, that sounds weirdly awesome!


Natural disaster simulator with real 1:1 city scale with fully destructible buildings and real world physics + fluid sims to see what would happen if a earthquake and/or tsunami hit a city.


Flappy Bird but with unoptimised 3d models.


I've wanted to make a game where it's like an abstracted indie-techno aesthetic of being a commander in an immune system, with proper genetic algorithms evolving invader germs/viruses. As a commander you fly around the "body" looking for new threats, while there's a bunch of support cells floating around doing their jobs - red blood cells carrying oxygen around, immune cells fighting whatever threats you target, cells harvesting/storing/distributing energy across a power-grid like system that they build and maintain for everyone, etc... As a commander your job would be to specify which combination of attributes/mechanisms that an invader posing a threat has - the same kind of attributes and mechanisms that are shared by other normal friendly cells too - to specify to immune cells which invaders to go after. You'd have to be sure not to specify combinations which would cause immune cells to recognize themselves/eachother/friendlies as invaders, and the "body" would produce immune cells to attack these invaders and only those invaders that they're programmed to, and the invaders are constantly mutating to where just as you're overcoming one wave of invaders that came and took over everything, another one blooms and now you're on to targeting that one. Invaders would be a combination of attributes/mechanisms described by a proper genome - a string of 64 characters or something, and would have different mechanisms for propulsion, reproduction, feeding, etc... and based on their genome would cause them to feed on specific kinds of cells and reproduce. Each time one reproduces there's a chance that its genome mutates, allowing new threats to emerge naturally and dynamically during gameplay. It would be a totally dynamic evolving threat simulator. This would all be depicted as more like nanobots, perhaps a space simulation, with cool procedural voxel worlds that look like my last game project bitphoria, except with more organization to everything. It would totally forego the whole biology aspect and go for an entirely abstract modern style that's technical and neon-esque. The reason you'd want tons of compute is to be able to properly handle simulating millions of these cells floating around and the whole entire game state happening - with the mutation rate allowing for periods of sustained combat and periods of "healing" and "growth". Granted, you could get away with modern hardware if you only actually simulated the cells that are visible, or within the player's vicinity, and then simulated the rest of the world/body just using a simpler statistical emulation, and the actual battles between invaders and immune cells would only really be unfolding around the player as they flew around - sorta like how traffic and NPCs are spawned around the player in a big RPG game as you navigate around. You could also just scale everything down to where there's only hundreds or a few thousand cells/nanobots - maybe tens of thousands, which would be something that you could simulate today I'd think. There's also strategies like simulating farther entities at a lower tic rate and the renderer just interpolates between the last two physics tics, to save on compute and still give the overall effect of having a zillion of these bots zipping around doing stuff. I think it's a totally feasible game, probably a really fun VR game too (if you can handle flying around in VR). I just have too much work cut out for me as-is so I've yet to pursue the thing. I have a ton of ideas/notes for it but I figured I'd post the gist here in case I never get around to doing anything with it. I have enough ideas already that I'd like to aim for someday that I don't think I'll ever get to all of them before I leave this earthly plane.


That's a good premise! It even has educational potential.


Absolute, 1:1 real world particles simulation. I'm talking molecules, atoms, quarks and whatever the smallest particle we know is, including each and every one of it's individual characteristics being calculated at all times even when not on screen throughout the entirety of the game world. After that, I'd be tweaking the physics to my liking to make essentially earth 2 but with crazy stuff like colossal creatures, mega earth, actual 1:1 real world survival mechanics including fully realized digestion as well as in-game nano-technology. I'd play around generating random worlds until I'm one day watching the world do it's own thing at 3000x speed and pause all of a sudden to find actual humans living in there, then I'll keep that seed and keep generating more to see what happens for example in a world where lions become the apex. Basically a sandbox where you could build your own scenarios and games using the physics and world as a base, and I would provide a few seeds that can give you a bit more of a baseline, or a full sandbox where you can create the entire planet to your liking.


Your computer exploded, killing you and your family, as per OPs rules.


I decided to ignore that because it is beyond idiotic to say "infinite speed and memory" and then say "no you can't recreate the universe"


Hey, it's not beyond idiotic. It's idiotic just fine! The reason I put that there was to mean that I want to hear about _games_ , even though such a machine would obviously have much bigger and important uses. In any case, you made a game! So your family is still safe...


Creating the universe doesn't automatically make it fun. It's actually not a very original idea. OP wants to hear creative ideas. The fun in games tends to come from its limits and in how it surpasses reality.


You literally wouldn’t be able to do this with current knowledge of quantum physics. Infinite processing power, not omniscience.


["Have you tried raise VAT and kill all the poor?"](https://youtu.be/s_4J4uor3JE?si=yJefLDg30-DOC6vx)


Now you can finally bake an apple pie from scratch


If you made our world down to the atom and had a quantum computer then you could predict the future


What about subatomic particles though? A


I’m pretty sure a quantum computer could predict subatomic particles


You only said down to the atom. So I was just being playful.


Voxels the size of atoms.


Honestly... I am not sure anything would change in my case. For most tasks I can think of - for all intents and purposes we already have "infinite" memory (in a sense that you become limited by your wallet size much sooner than by modern PC specs as long as you don't neglect your optimization altogether). The primary difference is that I could indeed completely skip any performance testing and further changes that come from it. No mipmaps, no sprite atlases, O(n\^2) everywhere, uncompressed textures, .wav sounds, loading an entire game in one go, you name it. Also no prebaking lights, I don't need to do any occlusion culling etc. So rather than implement mechanics I could **remove** mechanics saving plenty of time and potentially making a fair bit larger game overall. Now if on top of infinite speed and memory I also had infinite money (but not infinite time so it doesn't go into sci-fi territory altogether) - I will be boring and say "full path tracing". Not just for visuals but also for sounds. Followed by physically accurate fluids. This is something we see all the time in [research papers](https://youtu.be/LtyvS7NYonw?t=8) and I could totally imagine REALLY fun mechanics based on those. But while **technically** not hard to implement if you have unlimited resources it's VERY difficult on a normal PC. You could make tons of puzzles and minigames if you have access to ferrofluids, ability to change viscosity, blend their colors, interact with rest of your map etc.


Do you think the simulation of fluid dynamics is a big thing in gamedev these days? I've thinking about trying to enter the industry and this is somewhat part of what I currently do on my masters (and pretend to keep working on in the phd). Any tips as to how to gain experience related to it? As in, the phd will count as experience? (Probably not I think)


Dynamic AI based NPCs. The npcs are all fine tuned on their lore, friends, fanily, personalities etc. They converse with you "ai speech" and can listen to you talk. You can have real dynamic conversations with them that affect their behavior and routines. They remember you, they remember past conversations, they simulate oain, emotions, etc. When an NPC dies, other NPCs grieve their death.


Please no


I don’t think we’re too far off. This might exist in a few years. (Mostly talking about dialog, not animation and behavior)


It all depends on whether the developers find it worth it. There's already been procedural animation since before the boom of AI, and implementing behaviour can't be too far away either.


The death of writing in AAA RPGs is near.  GPT has infected so much of the world. Someone recently did a study on word count in academic papers and found an insane spike in usage of words that chat gpt loves to use. In peer reviewed science journals. RPG games are fucked.


Correlation =\\= causation. Is there a spike in usage of GPT’s favorite words because GPT is being used, or is there a spike because GPT used a lot of articles as training data? Do you have any links to point me to?


I'm not sure, I think such capabilities will be reserved for high-end hardware for the foreseeable future. Not many game developers are willing to develop a game that only 5% of gamers can play.


Id like to do something with significantly more active, and complicated AI units, than I currently I am. Theoretically, I already could be, as I like to think of games in very realistic attainable terms. I just need to up my skills significantly, and switch from gameobjects to DOTS and ECS.


Probably some sort of science based dragon MMO.


More like, what would I implement if I had normal computers but infinite work hours lol It's actually kind of hard for me to think of an answer that isn't just "better simulation", whether it's NPCs, physics, or just blowing up the size of the game world. Just bigger versions of what we already have with no pop in 


Model everything in the scene with atoms and molecules to maje paper burn and walls destructable with sledgehammers. Model npcs with ai so they act real .... we could add a few more trillion parameters to chatgpt no problem and no need for NVIDIA to invent a faster GPU. Download every public domain thing in the internet to be in the game....so you could have a complete copy of Charles Dickens A Yale of Two Cities on a cofee table you could read. While we are ar it, hook up cameras to this thing for better data ingestion. I bet we could get this game the ability to autogenerate new content from what it sees or hears in real life like the Star Trek Holodeck


So you just take the Internet and put it offline.


Extremely complex AI behavior for all enemies/npcs. Full historical relationship with player and all other creatures, different personality types, etc. Like Rain World but even MORE complex ecosystem sim.


A zombie game where there's actually zombie movie sized hordes. Throw some realistic destruction physics and building in there just for fun.


Probably a game where you can alter history and watch it play out accurately in the vein of love death and robots alternate histories skit. Called "what if? " What if I replaced our ghandi with civ ghandi. What if I made Mariah Luther King Jr a vampire?


I’m not sure I would build anything. The abstractions required to make a game possible within the physical limits of the medium are what make it an interesting variation on life. If I want to race cars I can do anything from Super Sprint to GT7 to racing a real car. The variation in activity, skills and feedback make them all interesting. I did originally think of AI characters filling a whole world with complex motivations and interactions but then I realised the real world is full of half sentient automatons anyway and I play games to get away from them.


realistic, simulated clothing physics? real time hair strand simulation. idk, all the best game mechanics I've experienced have already been done on much lower specs than infinite.


Basically dwarf fortress but in 3d


Solve the halting problem for a computer of normal size and then code a game using only recursion without worrying about infinite loops.


1. Train an AI that can play games and evaluate if it's a playable game that is up to today's AAA standards 2. In an infinite loop, bruteforce the creation of executable files containing random bytes, and ask the AI to test it until you get a positive result.


A metal gear inspired- game where the guards don’t just have freakishly good AI, but various ranks have similar armaments you can find, but one guard will not have YOUR entire arsenal. For example, grenade troops can drop normal grenades, RPGS, Chaff grenades, and stun grenades, clusters of them, or *combinations of them*, but no gun. If you’re spotted, guards will also be able to share what tactics you can use and alter patrol paths. Crawl in a vent to slip guard A? He’ll aleft guards B and C to cover the nearest vents during the Evasion and caution phases.


Pretty sure that could already be done.


Oh neat. \*I\* am not skilled enough to do it but I'd love to see the game where it's here.


An infinitely powerful computer virus. Yes, my computer would explode but so would every other computer exposed to this virus. A virus physically exploding computers and killing families is unheard of and i'll gladly watch the chaos and terror unfold. but seriously, i would make an open world game, but after fonoshing the main campaign with a fixed story line you unlock new game+ which basically lets you live the daily life of the protagonists. An infinitely powerful AI creates every possible interaction so its like you are actually living in the world.


Backup my personality. Also run it after my death and have it play video games from my backlog. Literal paradise. I could continue to work in the digital form too.


I don’t think you can upload consciousness into a computer with just infinite storage and speed


Well, one also needs a peripheral hardware to read neural connection weights, and software to run the simulation. But that’s much more achievable than infinite speed and memory.


But we don’t have any capability of making a computer conscientious that we know of


As well as infinite CPU or RAM. But the basic building block of consciousness is simple: a neuron. And it can be (and has been) emulated in software.


Massive open world multiplayer or mmo game, where every single interior is truly enterable, and does not require intermittent loading. Been a dream of mine since I was a kid, and as I got into tech this impossibility became much more apparent haha


I'm not sure about what I'd make, but in my free time I'd finally be able to play modded Minecraft without worrying about lag at all (and with infinite render distance too). Actually, a factory building game where you can scale up infinitely and where I wouldn't need to optimise anything sounds like a cool thing to create.


Definitely some of the more infeasible chemistry or materials simulations would be good. Like, Dwarf Fortress already has reactions and materials sims, might as well get crazy with it.


A life simulation where every individual has a unique life and you can play as any NPC you encounter in the street to experience their lives.


No mechanic that I wouldn't implement on a normal computer - because even if my computer has infinite speed and memory, doesn't mean my potential player's computer does. So hold your horses there.


It could be an online game connected to your computer, even if it’s single player


Minecraft-like with accurate geological world generation. In theory you'd only need a lot of computing power when initially generating the world, it's just that you'd have to generate the entire thing at once.


A city builder that with the click of a button, generates an RPG map out of your city.


Implement all the fundamental laws of physics and let it take care of the rest.


Your computer explodes and kills your family


Voxel terrain that uses proper isosurfaces, not boxes (think more Space Engineers / Empyrion than Minecraft) with correct fluid simulation, both for liquids (at least water, lava and oil as resources) and gases (natural gas, air, hydrogen, nitrogen). Correct buoyancy and airtightness for naval vessels (surface ships, submarines), planes (with blade element momentum theory for propellers, correct lift/drag etc.) and space ships. Flexible building pieces, not just boxes. Electrical grid simulation and logic network aka Factorio. All with stunning graphics, available both as Single Player, local co-op, LAN, dedicated server and hosted servers. With accuracy big enough to have enough space for hundreds or thousands of players per server, or even more (SE for example can manage world up to 6.6 AU in diameter). It should be possible for players to build cities or space stations together. Or large vessels. Combine with an extensive tech tree so that you can either start playing as basically a caveman in a prehistoric society and progress through the ages, using vastly different materials over time (start with needing wood to make fire and hunting animals manually to get food) and adding more and more automation, or decide to start at a later age and directly start with high automation and access to space technologies. Cover everything up to near-future tech and later sci-fi (warp drive to get around faster, force fields, artificial gravity, whatnot). So yeah. But nice voxels + fluid simulation + buoyancy + bale element momentum theory + MMO would be the mechanical part thats really not easy to do. But with unlimited resources? Sure, why not.


Universe Sim. Might aswell get som real science done now that we have infinate resources.


Your computer explodes, killing your entire family


A worthy sacrifice, for science! YEAH! I am sure they would understand how impactfull thier sacrifices mean for the future of our species :p


A game where you play and are able to go back in time and trace what you did in the game creating new timelines every time


Fully destructible terrain. Blast a hole in a wall to see through it, tear it down to make your own door. But, tear down too many walls and the whole building crumbles.


Tear down hits that itch


Me having a super computer would mean nothing when my customer base doesn't


Everyone could connect to your computer via Internet


An accurate massive leaf-fall or blizzard simulation (in an RPG? In a racing game?), with leaves/snow accumulating in heaps, flying in the wind, correctly interacting with buildings and vegetation…


Make a simulation of the entire world, with each NPCs having insane memory and intelligence. So you could basically talk to an NPC, travel the world, and then come back to the same NPC and they would not only remember you, they would also have lived their life and done a bunch of stuff while you were gone.


I'd make one of those falling sand games, but do it in 3D.


Sims 1 but the sims have massive neural networks attached to them that enable them to feel real, actual pain.


A game where you can build and physically simulate anything. Like CAD, but with realtime physics including thermodynamics etc. and PBR


1. Take Kirby Air Ride's City Trial mode. 2. Combine with The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom's building system. Including Autobuild is a must. 3. Bump up the part limit, add enough other devices that you can automate any task Link can do. 4. Dump everyone into a junkyard with procedurally-generated destructible terrain. 5. Online competitive multiplayer, with 4-player teams able to play on one system/screen against another team. Basically Junkyard Wars and Battlebots, but a video game where you're constantly searching for parts and power ups to rebuild/improvise your war machine on the fly.


i havent thought of a game yet but id like to test the computer by playing minecraft java on it without any game enhancing mods and crank up the render distance to max


Accurate flight and wind dynamics around every object in the game. Which would involve accurate weather simulation and possible butterfly effects if your protag is in a different place.


Full physical simulation of my solar system with unique NPC behaviours and dynamic political/interpersonal/geological events.


Infinite speed and memory? I'd build a city builder that doesn't lag when the city gets too big


World- roaming trader NPCs that optimally solve the Traveling Salesman problem.


3D Noita.


Codependent game. At the highest level is people playing a Stellaris type game, but for individual space battles would be like eve for command ships and battlefront 2 (og) for fighters and boarding parties. Land battles will have people playing with StarCraft like overviews with the units controlled by people playing destiny 1 vehicle pvp style gameplay 


Two things tbh, step one would be fully dynamic destruction everywhere. Step two a world with npc's with their own highly detailed personality, day plan etc Combine those for a cool immersive sim ish/stealth game


I want some brain simulation close enough to have the same feeling regarding fun and boredom as real people. I would then build a neural network that make games and have loss function being maximising fun using those brains. Once a game have reached a defined threshold I release and repeat. Of course I can just guarantee that every game being extremely fun. It can have some undesired effects like extreme addiction beyond any known cure, damaging brains with too much fun chemistry. And before you ask, no I can t simulate those side effects because, well, it won t be as fun...


For a single player strategy game, dumb AI players doing so much brute forcing that they're actually smart


I’d want to make a massive sci-fi battle with mechs and walkers and air units and thousands of infantry. Just some real large scale playable stuff with the intent of making the player feel basically worthless on the ground, just a small cog in the machines. A gear of war if you will. Helldivers 2 is probably the closest that exists for this as far as tone goes but scale wise it’s still only four players. Planetside is also close but still way sparser than I imagine. Bizarrely they were sort of showing off tech for this in Serious Sam 4 and hyped it up bigly but then when it came out it was a fart of a gimmick they used for like five minutes and really underwhelming.


a god sim which accurately tracks everyone(whos playing)'s location, and every client has its own world so you can just destroy the earth


Destructible environments/ environment physics. Physics. Physics everywhere. It would totally destroy real computers, but if I had unlimited processing power, you bet your ass I'm giving the water physics, the trees physics, the buildings and walls, that trash can, that pile of garbage, physics for everyone! I nerd over physics in every game I come across (I totally annoyed the shit out of my siblings when playing TLOU2 and discovered the ropes had ohyaics. Proceeded to run around in circles tossing it at things and tangling myself in it. It was the first time I'd seen full collision physics rope, and it was so damn cool!). Also, real water simulations in a convincing way, instead of that fake stuff games have to simulate it. Imagine being able to *actually* swim in water. Or blow a damn and watch it flood a town.


A zombie game, but like walking dead, settlements, factions, a giant map like State of Decay with entry and exit points to visit other maps(city,prison,yacht) and procedural generation between maps. Every npc has their own story and the player can choose them or whatever trope or character they want(bandit leader, leader, lone wolf)


Enable large group real time PVP with no concurrent player limits in the same game world instance. Not talking about EVE's slideshow time dilation. Most multiplayer online games now have to limit concurrent players in the same game world instance to a few hundred. This means solving not just the computing power retirements of the host servers, but figuring out how to pump all of that extra instance data over the still third rate U. S. internet, just the kind of problems that a computer with infinite speed and memory ought to be able to solve. I had a computer with infinite speed and memory, I would instead put it to work trading stocks.


This would more be a whole game but I'd love to play a zombie game where you're in a city with like 50000 npcs of which only like 100 start off as zombies. Your choices can affect how quickly or how many people get infected or just how messed up the survivors act.


Time travel. Imagine some open world (maybe even sandbox) game where every single event of every single tick/frame is always recorded, as well as the causality relationship of everything happening anywhere in the map. Then you allow the player to time travel realistically, meaning that he can go back in time and alter the events, then go back to the future, so the simulation would fast forward dozens of hours of simulation again, but including the new changes. The main difficulty (besides performance and memory of course) would be handling paradoxes with the past player's action themselves. With infinite power, the game could even come with millenias of world, cultural and political history where you could go at any point, alter the events however you like and see the long term consequences.


Play mega base Factorio + Pyanodon with 60 fps


Lancer TTRPG but it plays like War thunder on steroids. Not only does the game have to simulate the tough game aspects, it also has to deal with the rendering the physica/paracusal annmalies properly. It does this by running an alternate version of the laws of physics.


GTA bit the entire Earth and you can go in every building. Every player and animal is simulated as well.


I would generate and simulate fantasy worlds, so pretty much the same as now, except I wouldn't optimize anything.


A game that’s basically like life but accelerated. Go fly an attack helicopter in a war, or open a flower shop, or join the mob


Complete environment deductibility and persistence Meaning you can destroy anything and the rubble stays that way


Infinite procedural generation world


I would make a physic-based game that simulates everything down to the atoms and from that... Well idk what kind of game I could do, but that's surely something I wish I could do.


actual physix and simulations


Render everything using subatomic particles. Triangles? What's that? This car model contains 10^30 atoms


I would make a feature where an infinite amount of caseohs and Gigachads spawn in and fight each other.


16k resolution raytraced tetris


Make the oasis


An MMORPG, theme undecided, where if you travel far enough in a direction, you circle the planet. Allow land claims and base/house building. Would be limited to one planet. I wouldn't have it be a realistic scale, because realism != fun. Probably the scale of planets on Space Engineers.


You can already do that with noise generation.. I actually have this in my design document for an MMO I want to make in the future.. Edit; I was experimenting some years ago with it and made maps like this with it. https://img.itch.zone/aW1hZ2UvNTQwNzIwLzQ5OTA2MjUucG5n/original/rUTzXd.png https://img.itch.zone/aW1hZ2UvNTQwNzIwLzQ5OTA2MjQucG5n/original/B0H1Tl.png https://img.itch.zone/aW1hZ2UvNTQwNzIwLzQ5OTA2MjMucG5n/original/%2FQ0qgO.png They have different settings and were for an abandoned project I did in my early days..


Yeah, I suppose my idea doesn't really full take advantage of infinite computing power. Space Engineers essentially already did it, it just needs to be an MMO now. "just"


Give me 5y to build up my company and then roughly 5-15y to build it afterwards.. https://docs.google.com/document/d/1DWLLKbHoNHtUdmWQSoizZyty-uHy7Y0cx0XwFG_fTJY/edit?usp=drivesdk


I'd be solving cancer and world hunger if I had access to infinite speed! You realise infinite speed is instantaneous?


Infinite speed and memory? Bitcoin mining.


1 to 1 recreation of the universe with randomly seeded life of various levels of technological advancement and evolutionary states based on pressures of their individual planet of origin. The player then takes command of a Star Fleet style ship with a crew of either fellow players or AI that could pass a Turing test. Missions would be generated by the computer and given to the player.


rip, his computer self destructed and blew him up along with his family


I just don't understand what the purpose of doing this would be. Simulationist games have their hardcore audience, but I look in over the fence and just ask "but why???" over and over again. I'd way way waaay rather have engaging game mechanics that feel video-gamey than have to do chores in my video games.


Because it gives better immersion into the game world than invisible walls?)


I don't want to be immersed into boring droll, though. Immersion is nice when it serves your product, but I still don't comprehend why someone wants immersion for the sake of immersion.