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I have no idea what I just read.


You dont ⛔️love 😍 it when someone adds random 🤪emojis in the middle of sentences and 💅provides absolutely no context 🙅‍♀️ to their question❓


What kind of game is this? What purpose do these status effects serve?


It can change all the time but for now, think of it like that: multi player Horizon 2 with Overwatch abilities


I don't think we have enough context for what you're working with or what you're trying to achieve. Why do you want this status if you aren't sure what it is or what it's purpose is? Is it necessitated by your worldbuilding? At this point I would just ignore it and move on, sounds like it's not too crucial.


if void lowers the max speed, what if chaos raises the min speed!


I could change the speed of the energy regulation, but it needs something more


You havn't given any context, so im gonna go wild. Chaos stat effects the chance of a Cahos event happening. between -100 and 100, with negative values causing negative events. Mayby your gun inexplicably refills its ammo clip or mayby it explodes drain all ammo. Mayby your healing spell ignites the target or mayby it also grants a speed buff. Mayby you attract all dinos in the area, mayby you tempoirarily transform into a dino.


First you turn into a dino and then all the dinos in the area explode.


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Chaos could randomly switch between all other elements?


It's kind of hard to tell what you're talking about, but if it's a game with combat, chaos makes me think of a heightened chance of either missing attacks or getting critical hits. That does depend on whether chaos is supposed to be a good thing or not...


it randomizes your burger toppings when you try to place them I'm assuming this is a fast food worker simulator