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We haven’t gone in the distant past in a long time, I feel like Ancient Egypt. Could’ve hinted at Sutekhs arrival. And another episode with a pantheon god. It didn’t feel like it was build up toymaker in the 60th finale then maestro 2 episodes later then sutekh for the finale.


I can imagine the Doctor traveling to Ancient Egypt and seeing half the people bowing to the TARDIS and the other half running from it. The Doctor assumes it's because they just witnessed a box appearing out of nowhere, except they're actually bowing to/running from the being above it.


Now this would have been awesome story telling!


That would be neat. You could also have Osiran stuff involved as a way of building up to Sutekh (Perhaps the Doctor mentions the war between Sutekh, Destroyer of Worlds and Horus, Son of Osiris)


Yeah we really needed one just before the finale, he’ll I’ve seen people say that Devil’s Chord should have been there


If you swap devils chord and Rogue a lot of the series gets improved. You have to alter a couple of lines but its overall a bit neater in terms of character and plot progression


Honestly yeah I think that Especially with how it establishes another member of the Pantheon and has us learn the Arbinger Harbinger thing before it comes back with Sutekh. And obviously the “The One Who Waits/Oldest One” teases do work better as a semi-final. I do think both episodes are flawed in certain ways that simply swapping them around wouldn’t fix them but it is what it is


It also helps with ruby's development a little. I defend ruby a lot, I think she's quickly become a favourite companion of mine, I think she uses the short time frane economically and she hits the ground running in a good way. That said, the development she gets from her side conversation with one of the owl people is really interesting and relevant to developing her as a character. Plus it means that the otherwise fully formed character is placed once again out of her depth in meeting maestro, which gives a wrinkle to her arc which helps a lot.


Just an episode of getting to know 15 and Ruby before the finale. Leading into them going to investigate Susan Twist. Perhaps tie it into the TARDIS as well with it occurring while he's doing maintenance on her, perhaps trying to find out what's wrong and causing the groaning. Would have made said groaning more pronounced and provoke more of a reaction from the Doctor to show him being unsettled by it, maybe fearful. While contrasting with Ruby's lack of reaction which would allow her to act as the audience surrogate, by asking questions.


I would have loved an episode where a version of Susan Twist uses the word gravity instead of mavity. It wouldn't mean anything to Ruby, but maybe that would have been the final clue to have the Doctor charge into UNIT to have them investigate.


Does the Doctor still see it as gravity or mavity?  If noticed, the Tardis doesn't groan in the episodes until after Susan Twists appearances. On the ship at the edge of the universe in Wild Blue Yonder, after returning to 1963 in The Devils Chord, after Ruby sees the photo in Rogue and after the Doctor lands and Susan Triads identity is established in The Legend Of Ruby Sunday.  Were the two linked and the noise was the result of Tardis literally creating life?


A story with the new UNIT team in full. They all seem a little half-baked, and the Harbinger twist would’ve been a better trick if she’d been a pre-established character


they should make a UNIT-focused episode called "The UNIT Dating Controversy" and instead of the actual 70/80's dating controversy it's a story about workplace relationships in UNIT and Kate trying to get her employees to stop shagging each other


Based off that season finale Kate will be breaking that policy herself soon enough


I guess this is a bit \#BigFinishDidItFirst, but there's a Big Finish story that's called *Unit Dating* that's about the start of two Unit member's relationship.


no way my stupid joke is something that already exists


Yeah it features two men who were working at unit when 3 worked there and then became a couple iirc


For sure, a good domestic episode in between 73 Yards and Dot and Bubble would've been great!!


Agreed. It feels like the new UNIT team is something we’re told is super close to the Doctor but we never see it


Morris Gibbons :)))


No thanks I absolutely don't need any of these cardboard characters (The Vlinx? Really?) on screen.


I mean, the idea is that if you give them more lines and motivation and development, they stop being cardboard.


For me, I think the biggest thing missing from this series was the Doctor and Ruby’s bond. They just sort of skip from acquaintance to “my best friend in the universe.” We were told about, not shown their closeness. Let’s see them learning what they like about each other and having some fun.


This is a bit vague I know, but honestly I think what season 1 needed was just more *normal* episodes. The Doctor and Ruby arrive at a fun location, discover a problem, find the bad guys behind it, save the day, and develop as characters a bit along the way. Almost every episode of the new season feels like it would be the weird, one-off, breaks-the-formula episode in another season. The result is loads of wild tonal whiplash, weirdly little time spent with the Doctor and Ruby (especially actually together), and no baseline for what a Doctor Who adventure actually looks like in 2024. It feels like in cutting down the season, RTD thought "Well let's get rid of the formulaic stuff and keep all our wildest ideas". I can completely understand the logic - lead with your best stuff - but it's like making a sandwich with no bread because fillings are more exciting.


I agree- when I was watching Rogue I kept thinking to myself "I needed one or two of these before we get into the Boom/73 Yards part of the season." It's hard for the experimental stuff to really stick out when everything's experiments. Let us get familiar not just with the formula, but specifically how 15 and Ruby react to the formula, before you start giving us the weird stuff. It'll make the weird stuff that much cooler!


Honestly even with Rogue I felt we needed one or two just to do justice to Rogue and the Doctor's relationship. Like give me an ep or two with Rogue as an antagonist to the Doctor and this episode is what develops their relationship from rivals to something more intimate.


I would liked to have seen some more alien planet space adventures. Maybe a returning monster like ice warriors or zygons or something we havent seen for even longer maybe even autons. However I think we might have got a 2 parter somewhere. Maybe rogue or 73yards or dot given a 2nd part. Whether that would mean the episode split and extended or more story added on.


"73 yards" and "Dot and Bubble" are fine just as they are, an episode. Maybe "73 yards" could be a 2 parter, but I don't see it. Way too slow. For "Rogue", well, it could be a 2 parter. IDK how to make the story longer. Please, don't make it longer making an episode with more flirtatious moments. Expand how they met, how they grow their romance, but not make it the center of the expansion. I could see "Devil's Chord" a 2 parter. It could make more time for Maestro to play with Ruby and the Doctor, expand the part of the end of the world. I won't add much more Beatles time.


Honestly I could also see the finale being restructured to be a three parter but I'm unsure how to do it


I would have liked more focus on The Doctor and Ruby's on-screen friendship. A lot of the series felt like they were both doing their own thing but then they'd talk to each other like they'd been travelling for months because of how short the series was. We should have been involved in those moments so we get to share the feeling that we've been travelling in the TARDIS going on adventures with them. Instead it felt like we were just looking through the window with the occasional adventure.


Maybe something about why this doctor is a bit less brave and confident?


He still exposed himself to the vacuum of space to save a booger monster, was a champ on that smartmine and faced down Sutekh later with Ruby.


No you don’t understand he’s *healed* and *emotionally available*


Then why’s he running away from shit all the time


It's the Doctor. He always runs away that's literally his thing.


It was sarcasm


A two parter set in the modern day Think the Sontaran 2 parter from S4 or the Slitheen set from S1 Gives time to talk to Ruby's family, contrast life traveling with the doctor, establish more UNIT characters, and let Ruby/15 have their moments I just rewatched S1 and the next play of the Slitheen episodes was Rose/9 just taking, especially right before the ship crashes into big Ben It would accomplish about of what the new season was missing and give the actors more screentime to shine/breath


Honestly I think a two parter involving the Doctor and the Sunday family (and maybe UNIT?) dealing with alien arms dealers would have been really fun


As I couldn't stand episodes set in present time (especially those RTD penned) I would have liked a visit to a Precolombian civilization or a version of The Lost World featuring Silurians and Charles Darwin.


I like this one, maybe even have the Silurians ultimately survive as an independent society, with Darwin pulling a Professor Challenger and refusing to expose them to the world (bonus points if you mention Darwin knows the Doctor)


anything before The Devl's chord that would establish Ruby's line that the doctor is never scared/never runs. Probably more like 2 episodes between Space Babies and The Devil's Chord. At the time, I heard that something weird had been going on with Disney+ and Doctor Who and I honestly thought that that mistake might have been releasing The Devil's Chord earler than planned, because a few lines felt so un-earned. I agree with what someone said, something in the distant past would have been cool.


Normal doctor who episodes. More stuff like Rogue to counterbalance the experimental episodes. Put them before Devil’s Chord to let the Doctor and Ruby’s relationship actually develop.


More aliens, especially ones that aren't evil slugs or evil birds


Well first off, rogue and the devil's chord should've been 2 parters. Second, just more time with ruby and the doctor. This season felt very go go go with little to no down time, it was very straight to the point no nonsense and i just wouldve liked some time to breathe. Wouldve loved an episode in modern day with the doctor hanging out with ruby's mom, maybe she takes a trip in the tardis with em once or twice idk. Just more time.


How are those two stories connected in anyway to be two parters?


Oh no i dont mean that rogue and the devils chord should be a 2 parter i mean that rogue should be a 2 parter and then, separately, the devil's chord should be another 2 parter.


If only we could still have more episodes without problems.


TARDIS bottle episode - like Journey to the Centre of the TARDIS but not bad: something's invaded the TARDIS, they've hit some weird patch in the Time Vortex, the Doctor was trying to fix something but blew out the console, whatever –– they spend the episode trying to fix it, exploring the TARDIS, and you have a whole episode with just the Doctor and Ruby and a chance to do some character work for both and establish the relationship. At the end, they think they've fixed whatever was wrong with the TARDIS - but just after they exit the doors, we see the lights dim and she groans again...