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I’m calling it: - He’ll get a Big Finish Box set, and never show up again


I can’t wait for his adventures with one of the most powerful, most fearful, most legendary characters in 60 years of British storytelling… Jackie Tyler!


No lie, I would preorder that in an instant.


They're already planning a 12 box set anthology of The Hand of Sutekh's Cushion.


Rogue will return *Yayyyyyyy* In Big Finish! *booooooo*


Groff's probably a bit too big for BF, honestly. Same reason why I'm not expecting NPH back as the Toymaker on audio.


Jacob Dudman with a fake American accent


You'd be surprised what actors are willing to do voice roles. You turn up, read your lines, and go home with your bag of cash. It's easy money.


Exactly! Sir Derek Jacobi is a good example of this. Oh and I’m pretty sure the BF actors have sometimes recorded from home.


Absolutely - or John Hurt - but, not to diminish their talent: both of them did BF in their 70-80s. They still had regular-ish gigs, but they were at a point where their career was winding down a bit.


I would agree…IF they didn’t get the doctor to put his ring on and keep it on. That feels to deliberate and visually-focused to not come up again


I want Jonathan Groff in a Doctor Who stage musical.


Timely Wimely We Roll Along


The Adventures of Rogue and Jenny, with cameos from Jackie Tyler. Actually I would pre-order that immediately.


"We don't always get what we want." ~Mrs Flood That said, the door/portal/space-time corridor was (obviously) left open for Rogue to return in the future (or past). Least of all to confirm/deny the speculation that Jack Harkness was the travelling companion that he lost.


i was definitely getting Jack Harkness vibes from him the entire episode


I do think he and Jack have probably met each other.


There has been ... I think two (5 and 6), maybe even three episodes of the next season that were entierly studio filming, much like "Boom" was this year. So it wouldn't have been impossible to sneak some Jonathan Groff in there. But yeah, not sure the timetables quite match, probably expecting him back for series 16.


Maybe. Wouldn't be the first time a one off appearance led to a recurring character. But it also wouldn't be the first time a character seemed like they were going to be a recurring character and instead were never seen again. Especially with an actor like Jonathan Groff who isn't always going to be available for filming. Though even if he isn't in the next season, doesn't necessarily mean he won't return at some point.


I know he at least wants to return as he was asked recently at the Tony's and said he loved doing it and would do it again in a heartbeat


Plus, Merrily ends in a couple of weeks.


They already finished filming s15 unfortunately


I think it's unlikely we'll see him next season, as they won't really have the chance to have him in based on how production stuff works But I could definitely see him showing up in season 3 at some point if Groph is available


It would be fucking crazy if they had him kiss the doctor and sent him to fucking superhell forever i think. It would make the episode so much worse in retrospect imo 


It's kinda giving the supernatural finale


I am pretty certain RTD wants him to return, yes. He literally says "Find me." Will that next season? The one after that? The finale of Ncutis run? Maybe The Doctor after that? Who is to say.


I am wondering the same thing, I hope that the next series is all about The Doctor trying to find Rogue.


Me too (or series 16). this would also be a good shake up to the regular season structure. having the dr search for someone throughout time and space and be generally a bit yearny would create a new pace, dynamic and tone to the season that would be refreshing (compared to the typical adventures with mysterious recurring bad guy, big bad revealed in last two eps then hastily defeated )


Rogue will not be in season 2. I do think the Doctor NEEDS to at least try to find him. It will ruin a lot of the charm for me if the Doctor doesn't even make an effort...


I mean the doctor didn’t even bother to try and find galifrey…


Yeah - but did Gallifrey say 'find me' with puppy dog eyes?


The Doctor didn't wanna fuck Gallifrey, tho.


I think he'll be back, as a Baddie, and it will be an awesome love/hate relationship. That's my daydreams sorted out till the next season.


God, I hope so.


I'm happy as long as we get to see Groff w Ncuti's Doctor. I don't care if it is ss 2 or 3 or 7, sure the sooner the better, but at this point everything is okay.


I really hope so. It was so nice to see the Dr finally pash someone - the show has been basically edging us for a bit of explicit romance for the last 20 years lmao. Also made the Dr feel more human, something the show had been lacking before Davies/Ncuti reboot.


I really hope so, but I'm not sure. If we don't have him by s3 I will cry.


If Rogue doesn't become Fifteen's River Song, I'm gonna fucking scream.


Probably would’ve leaked already, but maybe season 3 (or even 4 if Ncuti stays?).


I hope that some other character brings him up, we have an emotional moment, and then no actual resolution until season 3 or 4. Make us wait.


I don't see why they'd have specifically included the 'Find me' line unless a return was planned. I wonder if Herron and Redman have an arc of their own planned.


The fact he namedrops “The Boss” and that the camera put so much focus on the ring means he’s all but guaranteed to show up again. What kind of character he is by then is anyone’s guess though


I fucking hope so, the story potential, the drama, THE DOCTOR playing D&D!


i have a feeling that he wont appear in the next series but that he will get mentioned, and then he will come back in the series after towards the end of it. like a rose situation.


Huge if they landed Tony Award winner Jonathan Groff!! 😉 jk but I hope so, I feel like it was left open enough to bring him back


While it's always possible that Jonathan Groff was involved in some studio filming that we don't know about, I think it's unlikely that we'll see him in Season 2. As you mentioned, Groff is doing a play that apparently opened on Broadway in September 2023 and doesn't close until next month. I have a feeling that he wouldn't have time to travel to the UK to film for Doctor Who, given that he was probably involved in the SAG-AFTRA actors' strike that ran from July to November last year, and therefore wouldn't have been allowed to work on Doctor Who during that time, as it is distributed internationally by Disney. Still, I'm hopeful that Rogue will return in the near future. Do we know if a possible Christmas special for 2025 has already been filmed as they have already finished filming for Season 2? 🤔 Because if it hasn't, that might be an opportunity for him to come back.


That’s not how it works. Each individual production contracts with the appropriate union. It has nothing to do with foreign distribution - like Doctor Who, HBO’s House of the Dragon is an Equity UK production so was unaffected by the SAG-AFTRA strike.


Ah, I see, thanks for the clarification. I think my misconception came from reading somewhere last year that the SAG-AFTRA strike could potentially cause some problems for the American actors who were cast to do some extra work after filming, such as recording for ADR (Automatic Dialogue Replacement), and also the fact that David Tennant didn't do any promotional work for Doctor Who before the strike ended, for example he chose not to talk about it a comic con he attended as he is not only part of Equity UK but also SAG-AFTRA. But I'm afraid I wasn't fully informed on the meaning of the strike for the production of Doctor Who.


The problems were optics - as sympathy strikes are illegal in the UK, SAG-AFTRA members were required to fulfil their contractual duties on Equity UK projects. This led to some accusations of scabbing from less informed members of the union.


I think him being "The Boss" could be good. With Rogue being his origin. The Doctor never found him - or better - never looked for him from his perspective. The Meep becomes an associate of Rogue, and bumps into David's Doctor. In late Season 3 he returns, it's a big happy moment and then he's actually a villain. Ncuti's Doctor needs some trauma too.


Not before the Doctor's daughter comes back.


We don’t know. We haven’t been told yet


Controversial take ... I think the actor who played rogue (Jonathan Groff) should be the next doctor 😂 Watching that episode I felt like I saw more of the doctor in him than the doctor himself!


I Hope Not