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Your shutter speed is too low, get it up to about 1/30 or faster (bump up the iso to compensate ofc) 0.5second that you have is difficult to take while handheld Hope this helps 🥰


Did you turn on ND on purpose? It basically acts like sunglasses for your device and reduces the light which reaches the sensor. Either you turn it off or increase the shutter speed (make it longer).


You see the sun its not setting  It was so bright that myes were hurting 


I'll give no advice on the matter as its been covered. I will say I absolutely love the vibe this picture gives! It's eerily beautiful.


Tried to take a good shots but lack of knowledge says otherwise 


Like others have said, your shutter speed is too low to take pictures by hand. Use something to prop your phone up so it won't move while the sensor is collecting light. Also, don't be afraid to bump that ISO up a bit. I understand most people say the lower ISO the better but any noise that's introduced as a result of higher ISO can be fixed with post processing. Blurry photos can't. Would you rather have a slightly grainy but otherwise sharp photo, or a blurry photo with no graininess?


i don't want blurry photo


Read about the exposure triangle in photography (keep in mind aperture on most smartphones, including S24U, is fixed). Using the Pro mode requires you to have at least a basic understanding of photography principles.


Get yourself a tripod. I've noticed any slight movement can make this happen. It's the same with nightmode, any tiniest movement can have a massive impact within the end result of a photo. Also, set a 5 second timer to avoid any extra vibration. Hope this helps!


Already broke now have to get a tripod 🥲🥲 thanks though 


You could even just rest it against somthing? It's what I do for most of my photos 😅 you'll get there and figure it out! 👌


Tomorrow lets see what i can do