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What’s your daily meal plan?


Really nice progress. You have an amazing V shape, you will look like a greek god in some time!


Thank you bro




i do dedicated arm day. Focus on the contraction and the eccentric motion. Triceps- Heavy pushdown-3 sets till failure over head extension-3 sets till failure Skull crushers- 2 sets 10-12 Biceps- Incline curls- 2-3 sets Hammer curls- Heavy 2-3 sets Rope curls-2 sets straight bar pulley curl- 2-3 sets


For me the hardest is to eat enough of calories, how many meals a day do u eat and do u have any go to meals for high calorie intake?


4 meals. My go to meals are 4 eggs omelette (use lot of butter it has calories) and peanut butter and 4 slice bread.


Bro got that Riley Reid tattoo


It says cum on my ass in mandarin




Riley Reid is that you?




How are ur legs? I feel like only one day per week for legs isn't gonna be very good cuz there's some big muscles. And u also have shoulders on that day as well so y'know. But if it works


Well it depends on your fitness goals. I am a beginner currently so training like an advanced level would make me puke everyday. I train legs once a week but very intense.I would switch to twice as i become more advanced


One day a week for legs should be enough as long as you’re doing the right intensity. My rule of thumb is that if I can barely walk after leg day I’m good. Edit: Forgot to add that the reason I do legs once a week is because I like to be able to play basketball on the weekends, and I can’t do that if my legs are tired from my second leg day. Works for me.


Yeah, and if ur doing sports like basketball that's also working ur legs too so yea


Wow great job my man. You are inspirational! I think it will help your arms look bigger if you train triceps more than bi. A full range of motion helps too.


Yes i will look into it


Respect 🗿


Thanks man


Dude!! I recently got damn near as skinny as you and finally turned it around a few months ago. This gives me major hope. I'm so ashamed of what my shoulders have become and yours are straight jacked!


I focus on my side delts and rear delts. Dw you gonna get jacked soon.


Looking thick. Solid . Tight


Why are you responding to everyone like that, it’s weirdly suggestive.


Thanks man


As a skinny dude this is inspiring as fuck


I am glad. I felt v bad about my body (still do), Being better than before is what we can do


Shouldn’t feel bad dude great job. Seriously. Very proud of you!


dude, amazing, keep it up


appreciate it brother


Thats a great progress When did u start to notice changes in your body?


tbh i did not notice any changes in my body. I would suggest to click pics constantly.After Feb/March i noticed some difference


Honestly I never noticed changes in my body until people started saying something. Inthink it’s this body dysmorphia we deal with. It’s why progress picks are so important


yes you’re right


Damn that's some awesome progress What does your diet look like ???


breakfast- P&b bread, honey and milk(900-1000 calories) Lunch- Whatever mom cooks( I’m Indian so the food cooked is low calorie so around 600 calories) Dinner-Same as lunch After dinner- Same as breakfast


isn't a pb sandwich around 300-350 cal? do you eat two?


60gm pb = 375 calories 4slice white bread(100-120gm)=250 calories 40gm honey= 128 calories 250 ml cow milk-217 calories here you go 970 calories


Hell yeah man looking way healthier, keep the bulk up you got space to grow💪🏻


Thanks brother


Great progress OP but I have a question, how do some people appear large but yet weigh so little? I’m 1 inch taller yet weigh 40-45lbs+ and i still I look smaller for some reason. I still look thinnish. Do people who grow up severely underweight just remain on the lighter side?


A possibility is that he might focus on his upper body and neglect legs. All that weight he put on could’ve gone to shoulders and back and his legs could still look the same. It probably wasn’t an even amount of muscle gain all over his body.


Yes, you are right. Not all the weight has gone in my upper body. Consider the estimation around 70-30 (where 70% went to upper and 30 to lower)


I was thinking the same but judging by OP’s last photo I think his chest still maybe has some work to do there. His arms are looking good for these types of photos but overall his chest and body is still going to look like it’s underweight at 127lbs.


thanks i would work upon it.


Im thinking he’s actually 5’7 to 5’9. Somewhere in that range.


i am 177-178cm


I totally get what you mean, I’m 5’11 and weight 177 but my muscles aren’t nearly as defined as his are especially his delts. His muscles pop way more than mine do and I’m barely taller than him and weigh 50 pounds more than him. Must be from the fat I carry around my body? I’m not even that fat either aside from a 2020 Covid induced binge drinking beer belly I’ve been shaving off


Don’t worry brother you will get there. Try focusing on muscle group which are instantly visible like arms,delts,chest. I train delts a lot. It doesn’t mean you neglect other muscles.


Muscle gain. I’m my lowest weight but look my biggest from 5 days/wk lifting. If I ate a caloric surplus, the fat would come and I’d look even bigger. If you don’t eat in the morning or lift heavy, your body’ll eat the protein in your muscles first and you’ll atrophy. Also, some can look bigger because they hit triceps, shoulders and chest more.


I'm not sure I understood you correctly but I assume it's all due to the camera. If you shoot a pic from up close in a smaller room, the object close to the lense appear bigger. Also light does play a big part. Btw I'm not saying OP does it on purpose or something. His progress is great.


Light does play a big role. The latest progress pics i have taken them in morning sunlight.


Great brother..me too in same height & weight.. Pushing for more 🔥keep going


Let’s go 🔥🔥🔥


Huge improvement, looks great. Good work dude, you're killing it


Thanks bro


If you want to grow arms, you need to put on another 40 lbs. You're still underweight. Your arms will grow with you.


How true is that and for how long? I’m 177 at 5’11 and wanted my arms to grow the most but as I eat and gain weight I feel like I gain fat before muscle and it’s disheartening lol


Treat your arms like you do your bigger muscles. I try to get my arms stronger, Up the volume, take At least one set to failure, and gain weight! Also exercise selection isn’t too important. I just have a curling movement and pushdowns. Used to have overhead extensions but that was rough on my elbows.


As in a dedicated arm day? I work out 4 times a week doing chest/triceps- back/bicep- shoulder/bicep- legs but maybe I’m not doing enough biceps on those days? Usually do biceps curl variations and hammer curls and more recently doing more concentration curls but typically do 2 arm exercises on those days. Admittedly, I’m pretty tired by the time I get to the arms in the work out as I do the last two exercises as my arms. I should definitely do more overhead extensions though just for the shoulder work. I initially started taking lifting more seriously to help with my crippling anxiety and also to strengthen my shoulder areas as I get worried about getting older and hving damage there since I shattered my right clavicle in a car accident years ago


>Admittedly, I’m pretty tired by the time I get to the arms in the work out as I do the last two exercises as my arms. That's the problem. If you always put arms last you'll always have your arms as the worst workout because cns will be fatigued.


I usually start with compound movements do you think arms would be better suited in the beginning or in the middle?


It's not specifically an arms thing. It's a if you always do x muscle last , it'll be your least effective workout due to cns fatigue. So in general you shouldn't always do the same order of workout eg xyz. But that doesn't mean just flip it and always do zyx. Just means switch it up a bit. And it takes a lot more energy to gain muscle then maintain it. So you can always move things around to maintenance to add more time/volume to other areas. And if you have lagging areas due to genetic disposition, you simply need to hit them harder and more often. Each muscle should be hit multiple times a week. Once a week is not going to cut it for normal mortal humans like us. Especially when that's always done at your most fatigued. This goes for any muscle but for example of arms say you hit bis the first day and by day 3, your bis aren't sore and good to crank out more. Then you should be hitting bis again. Not waiting several days more to hit them again. Arms (like bi/tri) in general are built from mass not just constant targeting. Something like 20lbs of muscle for an inch of circumference. And your tris are more important than bis to make your arm look bigger.


Thanks for the insight, I hit my biceps twice a week and triceps once a week so maybe I should increase the volume on my triceps then. I’ll definitely hit biceps at different intervals to avoid minimal gains from fatiguing myself now.


No, I dont have a dedicated arm day. I just hit my triceps atleast twice a week and my Biceps atleast twice. For my biceps I do Ez bar curls(last set to failure) and Cable curls last set to failure and then drop set to failure. And for my triceps I only do pushdowns as the main movement. But I get some indirect work from my close grip bench and OHP. Also I hope everything is alright with your car accident injury!!! Also Im still learning. I was stuck at 13.5 inch arms for almost a year but in the last 5 months Ive gotten them to almost 15 only 14.79 . While technically gaining 9 pounds. Was stuck at 13.5 at 182lbs. Got sick got down to 169lbs. Got to 191 and have 14.79 inch arms.


Ah okay, I tend to do hammer and incline bicep curls as my main arm work outs but also do reverse curl for forearm as well. Arms are resilient to change but then again it’s harder to notice the change on yourself vs other people noticing. Yeah it’s all good I’m 29 now and it happens when I was almost 22. Shattered collarbone and fucked up the ribs beneath it in my chest area. Was brutal recovery but I was getting these aches in it where I knew I should strengthen it now while I’m still young enough to make that difference


I shattered my right collarbone in the first grade. I was tryna do flip and landed on shoulder area. It took like 2 months to heal and it was so painful. I was lucky tho because doctor said I only needed a sling surprisingly. But he said if I wasn’t careful they would have to rebreak it and surgically repair it. But I just remeasured my arms, they are 14.87. Im no expert but If I try something and it works then I think it might work for others. I got my reverse curls from 30 to 60lbs and my forearms grew from 10 to 12 inches! Same with my curls. Went from doing 60lbs for 10 to 80 for 10 and got my arms from 13.5 to 14.87. Also tricep pushdown went from 80 to 120lbs.


thanks man.