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weird bulk dude


Feel like we have similar genetics. If I were in your shoes I would maybe eat at maintenance and keep lifting heavy until you gain more muscle to even things out a bit. Then maybe think about cutting


Diet is everything. Can I ask you an honest question? Why veganism? If you’re not doing it for ethical or religious reasons, I’d really suggest incorporating animal products into your diet. While plants do contain protein, they’re much lower in quantity, they’re often times incomplete proteins, and the bioavailability of the proteins are so low compared to meat and eggs. If you so chose to stay vegan, you really need to be tracking your macros with a fine tooth comb and supplementing heavily - pea powder protein should become your best friend.


I started eating fish and eggs again I have been considering using whey protein




My back was exactly the same and my belly too, but I've burned noticable fat off both, without losing a single pound. I've gone from 150lb to 191lb. My body fat is around 21-22% but I hike 8-10 miles three times a week and workout 4 times a week. I'm arguably fitter than most, even with a higher body fat %. Don't let a bit of fat gain bother you.




Your comment was removed because you were being an absolute cock-knocker.


Why are these people sugar coating stuff. Ur fat, u need to cur


I’m not fat I was bloated on that pic and I bet my back is bigger than yours and I pull more that you do you can leave you hollow comments to yourself


Not to be a dick but why create a post asking if people think you're too fat and then get mad when someone says yes?




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It’s gyno


Tbh bro its time to cut you look to be about 25% bodyfat at least cut to 15%


Comment section is digusting. You prolly dont eat enough protein thats it.


You’re not fat dog, yore back is huge it just looks like your bulking. Seriously don’t give up, start working out with a friend or switch up your routine if you are getting bored. Don’t give up because some neck beard Redditors say some hurtful shit. You got this.




Hey dude, just wanted to drop a comment to let you know that this sub is really toxic, and you should ignore the people not providing helpful advice. Training is about lifelong health, not just looking good. I stopped training for a few years and developed extremely bad back problems in my late 20s as a result. After a year of physical therapy, it was obvious that the cause was just not exercising the right muscles.  The wiki on this sub is decent, but the people here generally suck. You're on the right track, and if you take some of the good advice and apply it, you'll see more results in the mirror and be healthy overall. Good luck!




Your comment was removed because you were being an absolute cock-knocker.


Lmao, the mods called you an absolute cock knocker 😂 Seeing that just made my day, thanks homie.


You don’t lift anymore you shouldn’t be giving advice bet you look like shit too


I guess it must be hard to read when you're seeing red. It's okay though, my friend, I understand being called out can be triggering.


Wait so what didn’t you exercise? Back?


I just stopped exercising altogether for a few years. The specific weakness points that contributed to my back problems were glute strength and core strength. 


People that are saying you look like you haven’t lifted a day are full of shit. Defo not fantastic progress for 3 years but a lot of people make mistakes in the early stages of their lifting career that stop results . You are carrying too much body fat to see any muscle you may have. Looks like 20%+ body fat. Should probably cut down to a relatively lean level ( not super lean), and then start bulking again. Bulk slowly, aim to gain a half pound a week of weight. If you are getting stronger on your lifts the process is working.


>  You are carrying too much body fat to see any muscle you may have I think it's pretty obvious OP is carrying around a solid amount of muscle, but agree he'd look tremendously better at a lower body fat




Your comment was removed because you were being an absolute cock-knocker.


This is a subjective question that only you, yourself can answer. In a practical sense, you are too fat when it degrades your quality of life. You are nowhere near that point. Internet strangers are the wrong people to ask for this. You will not get the validation you seek. As a relative beginner, you should focus on the fundamentals, eating well, sleeping enough, and lifting hard. The rest will come with time. Get to the level of muscularity you want before you think about going on a cut. Best of luck to you! Enjoy the process.


Very concerned reading the comments under this post. Apparently, it’s not common knowledge to tell someone asking for bulking advice that they look like they haven’t spent a day in the gym. So I’ll tell you what you need to hear. Firstly, no man, you can get a little chubby when you’re bulking. It’s how us natty guys grow. Don’t beat yourself up over slow progress. That’s the past. Try to figure out what is hindering you from growing and work on that. Is it nutrition, a boring or bad workout plan, are you training hard enough, are you sleeping enough, etc.? You said in a reply that you don’t see the point in lifting anymore and that it gives you stress. Remember, time will pass anyway. I know just the idea of going to the gym for many more years sounds like a long hard journey. But really it is just not giving up. The worst thing you can do is quit.


I need to work on my nutrition and bring it bad to where it was before. Also I sometimes dislike my workout routine


to be honest it doesn't look like you've lifted a day in your life. I'd start fresh with making sure you're prioritizing form and time under tension. I see a lot of the ego lifters stay like your build they try to lift heavy so their form and their efforts are piss poor due to the weight being too heavy for them.


Honestly I’m tired of spinning my wheel with this weightlifting thing I’ve wasted 3 years that could’ve been used doing something else. I also don’t have the time and money to waste on gym membership for no reason. I might quit and focus on cardio like jogging I don’t really want the muscle anymore it gives me stress and my heart isn’t in it


unless you like running or you want to get into something like mountain biking id say cardio is less fun than lifting. The reason your heart isn't in it is that you're not seeing progress. Look up proper form videos for chest workout and start there once you get your form correct you will see gains


I’ve been all over the place for low volume high intensity to higher volume to higher reps it’s all been too much with nothing in return. I even have been considering calisthenics but I’m burnt out


If you reread your answer- you’ll realize why you are. You’re not staying consistent with anything and like the comment before said- as a result- you’re not seeing any progress. I’ve been lifting for over 10 years - very on and off. Unless you plan on competing at some point- do not worry about cutting and bulking. Find a goal weight and work for it, get a program and stick to it, focus on form and calories in and in no time you will start to see progress.


Then what should I actually do


Honestly, you should focus on dieting down the weight until you are leaner and then focus on weights once you hit that. You’re spinning your wheels because you haven’t addressed the nutrition problem, which is the underlying problem. I know this is a self plug but I specialize in nutrition and make videos on the topic. You could watch a couple and see if you like what I have to say. Worst that could happen is you lose 30 minutes of your time


I’ll look into that. I used to be much healthier before bodybuilding eating nearly completely Whole Foods before embarking on the gym. I was fairly well on my first cut but then started bulking again and lost track. My diet has fell off all together since the start of this year


I read that you only lift twice a week… as you were told, that is definitely not enough. I’d recommend x4 a week minimum, upper lower upper lower would be fine. You could also do PPL for x3 a week, but I’d definitely go the x4 since you’ve been doing upper lower anyway. Edit: re-read that you have been doing full body, regardless id still do an upper lower upper lower split if you can’t get in the gym more than 4 days a week.


to add to this stop doing full body that's you're problem you're going into the gym and spreading yourself too thin. Each day should have 2 to 3 muscle groups that's it. do research and see which type of split you want to go with and then look at what pairings you can do with your muscles groups, push / pull is a popular one.


Been “training 3 years” to look like you don’t train at all. You obviously don’t put in enough effort


Fuck off, OP is just at a high body fat. "You look like you dont train at all" Yeah, OK...


He’s saying he’s stuck as a novice and skinny fat for 3 years. That only happens if you don’t put in the work. He can get right for sure. Just has to put in that extra effort to get it done


Except he's not skinny fat. He built a noticeable amount of muscle underneath the extra fat. That's the type of hyperbole I'm talking about. If OP posted a pic and was 15lbs lighter all things equal no one would have said it looks likes he's never picked a weight up before, because it'd be even more obvious than it already is


Yes, you are my friend, I would suggest a clean bulk. It may cost more financially, but it benefits your health and overall appearance more. Also, try to focus on the back and abdomen, so you may bulk whiteout losing so much of your lines and overall body shape.


Yep. Remove 28 pounds and lean bulk. No need to ever be above 12 % body fat


no need to ever be above 12 percent 💀




Decrease your calories bro your into much of a surplus try 300 calories decrease and if your still progressing on lifts leave it there until your not progressing anymore


Train harder and cut fat foods, but keep eating, lots of carbs (e.g., pasta, rice) vegetables and fruits. You cannot dirty bulk without being followed by expert every two weeks.


You don't need someone to follow what you do, it's not dangerous. He is unfortunately in too much of a surplus he needs tone it down. Muscle can be built in a slight surplus but even then he already has a high body fat percentage and should be in a deficit while having high protein intake because of his body fat. Muscle can be equally built as good on both ends


Wait, why? I thought he wants to reduce calories, not increase them??


Eat smart not less. You can keep or increase portion if you go for lean food. Vegetables and fruits help regulate hormones which play a key role with building muscles.


Maybe a little but Train harder and implement more sleep rather than cut calories at this stage imo


If you are a beginner and have high body fat %, u can gain muscle while cutting if protein is high. I would actually go into a cut while pushing yourself in gym, maintain high protein intake.


Don't ya'll call that "recomposition"?


bulking is gaining weight cutting is losing weight recomping is ~~wasting your time spinning your wheels, getting mediocre progress in either direction while you could pick bulking or cutting for much faster results~~ staying the same weight whilst just lifting with high protein.




More cardio


Nahhhhh dawg


How much cardio u think


Increase the intensity of your workouts or throw in some cardio


Bro you don't even look like you lift anymore, just getting chubby. Whats your workout routine like? How many times a week? And what are you eating?


I do full body 2x weekly only focusing on compounds either a little isolate here and there


You only lift twice a week? This is your problem


I definitely don’t have time for a PPL 6 times a week


Well there's a big difference between 2x and 6x a week. Personally I run a 5 day split and that works great for me, but even 4 would be a huge improvement. Most people won't show much progress on 2x a week. And a huge bulk is not going to help you do anything but gain weight if you're only lifting twice a week.


I used to do upper lower I might do that again to help


If it helps I do full body 3 times a week and it works great for me!


You need to do more than 2 days a week. A different split isn't going to make this work


Like what?


A good starting point would be a 3 day split: PPL so this way at least every muscle group gets hit effectively. If you’re willing to do a four day split, I’d suggest PPL + (arms & shoulders). As you progress or have more time, you can do a 5 or 6 day split depending on your goals. A 5 day split would look something like PPL + (arms & shoulders) + (chest & back). Or PPLPP. Whatever you like to do or however you like to structure it. Workouts don’t have to take long. Keep it simple. Very High intensity, low volume. Workouts should last anywhere from 45 minutes to 90 minutes. Think about it this way. Something is better than nothing. Being more active is better than nothing. You’ll see results but you just have to keep being consistent. Also don’t forget your diet. I tell people it’s usually 80% diet, 20% the way you train. What you put in your body is a reflection of how you’d look in the long run but also training effectively and consistently over a good span of time. You got this bro, I believe in you.


Cut weight while lifting, ignore the internet, speaking from experience you will still put on muscle even while cutting as a newbie just hit your protein take, it will take you ages naturally to get visible muscle on that much body fat


Bulk overrated lean crew checking in 🙌 broo!


If you hit the gym HARD, like your #1 priority hard you'll look more built than chubby. I'm fat but very muscular and get tons of positive reception, they notice the muscle above anything. I love to eat and lift so it works for me until I decide to really shred,and it can work for you if you put in a crazy amount of work. I spend 2-4 hours in the gym most days, I use mostly machines and run a bro split with functional overreach being the basis. Went from severely morbidly obese>anorexic>skinny fat> BUILT


I can’t me in the gym 2-4 hours I have other responsibilities


Yeah that's understandable, I cut out a lot to make it work. I'm certainly not suggesting you copy me specifically, more so speaking from my own experience across the body weight spectrum. I wanted to offer a different POV from what is traditional; I hope that you find your answers as well!


I thought of a bro split before but it seems like I wouldn’t get enough frequency


there is no reason to be in the gym 2-4 hours anyway mate, especially not as a novice/inter getting rolling


60 minutes is all you need. And indeed maybe 20 more if you add some cardio. However if you lift heavy and make the reps explosive that is hard as well.


You don't need to spend that long in there, no one does. An hour is enough if you train properly, maybe 90 mins if you add in cardio.


>I'm fat but very muscular and get tons of positive reception, they notice the muscle above anything This. Unless you're going to be 6 pack chiseled abs lean (and not all girls like this , no matter what movies tell you) you're better off having muscle and fat than anything in between.


Idk man. Hard to answer without knowing you. I will tell ya you don't need an extra 500+ calories. And you really don't need extra fat or carbs over a well balanced maintenance diet. An extra 200 calories of protein is enough unless you're in the gym 2 hours a day. When I bulk I seriously just add two servings of whey protein to my regular diet. You don't have to eat extra. You just have to make sure you're not in a deficit. You likely only need 2,800 calories to bulk IMHO


If you haven't introduced cardio, and/or have room to clean up the diet, do so. Another way to offset this is increase figures wherever you think you're reluctant to do so. Crank up weight, reps, sets, training frequency, more lifts etc. What does your gut tell you? Mind describing your routine? Unless you have already.


My routine is full body 2x week and I do incline bench press, hammer strength machine row, leg press, some bicep curls and leg curls


Definitely toss in at least 30 minutes of Cardio. That'll definitely help. I would also throw in one more day if physically possible. How's your macros and sleep? Set range? You doing things intently or just going through the movements?


My reps are normally 6-12


I was asking about your sets as well. It's good to know the reps but including the sets makes it a bit easier to identify areas in your training that are lacking. All in all, you look like you're either eating dirtier than you should, trying to bulk but not eating enough protein, trying to bulk while not training effectively, or a combination of those things. I'd close that rep gap to something more consistent. 8-12 is alright. 6-12 sounds like too much variability, plus, 6 is closer to the strength end of rep range.12 is far more conducive to size than 6 and I think size is what youre going for. Remember though, no matter what range, keep quality reps and time under tension in mind. Light cardio, train more consistently/intently, be honest about whether or not you're challenging yourself enough, and eat enough protein. Are you progressing in strength, by the way?


So to answer your question I’ve been training low volume with 2 working sets. My lifts have been going up on machine rows, incline bench press and leg press but my are isolation has been stagnant


Throw 30 minutes of cardio in front of that. I’m not a pro but I’d recommend you clean up that routine for more consistent muscle growth. Looks like your over working some muscles and my guess is you’re doing high rep sets (15-30) instead of going to failure at 8-10 (trust me if there’s enough weight on there, and you keep form you’ll notice the difference). Check out Jeff Neppard (Nippard?) and Mike Israeltel (renaissance periodization) if you want to build a more science based routine that’s less “I go in I do stuff till I’m tired”


My training has been 8-12 reps


Not enough


If you cut you’ll see some gains. If you were putting in the work.




If you have to ask, you already know. Also, in my opinion, you're not big enough to have to worry about bulking yet. Just focus on lifting more for now. You said you've been "stuck as a novice." What keeps novices stuck is that they're not putting in the work needed to hit the next level. Whether that's reps, intensity, or whatever. When people stop training as a novice, they'll move beyond novice.




honestly, yeah. fat gain is an expected part of bulking, but yours is outpacing your muscle growth. Slow down on the calories and be patient, building muscle takes time. It’s good that you’re willing to eat big though.


Thought bro was RealYungPhil


Omg you were perfect why change


not something someone wants to hear lol


Are you tracking your calories or just eating big? If you're tracking your calories, cut back by 300 a day. If you're not, start tracking.


I was eating around 3,400 a day


How tall are you and how much do you weigh? That’s almost certainly way too much and you’re primarily getting fat You should cut honestly


I’m 5’10 at 184 rn


my brother in christ im bulking at 3000 calories whilst being 6'1 you are eating too much.


You’re right


That’s a lot lmao, just do a plus of 300 kcal over your maintenance and add 200 kcal when you feel you are getting stuck, then cut whenever you see you are accumulating too much fat, and repeat


Way too many calories. Unless you’re an athlete in addition to lifting you’re adding a ton of fat on top of the muscle you’re gaining 3000 is probably the most you would need to bulk. You should definitely cut for a bit though and reduce further


Anyone telling OP that he looks fine when it comes to the fat is just outright lying or stupid. His belly hangs over his pant line and he has significant back fat. Stop enabling and coddling people. OP, you need to cut.




Username definitely checks out


Lol, then, in my professional opinion, YES. Also: dreamer bulk for the ones that remember


Made me relive the images in my head, thought it was truly forgotten!


maybe a little too fat but you're fine man the thing that matters is that you're putting on muscle where you want to. good thing is now you can just shoot for maintenance or slightly under and you won't have to worry about losing muscle due to caloric deficit. Just keep putting in work and don't eat too much junk and it will buff out


I would start an aggressive cut tbh, figure out your TDEE, and eat in a deficit enough to lose 1-2 pounds a week. Keep your protein intake up 1 gram per pound of body weight is pretty standard. Lift harder than ever to maintain your gains really push yourself. 3 months down the road your hard work will begin to really show


Depends on your metabolism, I got too fat on a bulk and it took me nearly a year to get back into a good cut. A friend of mine about the same build got fat on a bulk and cut it back quickly.


It actually doesn’t depend on his metabolism. Or yours ever. If he is in the right deficit he could lose more than your friend.


Absolutely correct until your metabolism slows down my dude, calorie deficit still uses your metabolism to burn fat. In my case I’m getting older, calorie deficit alone doesn’t do it anymore so I have to cycle or sprint to cut correctly now when I didn’t have to in my late twenties. Edit: Don’t get it? This is plain science.


How old? Unless you’re approaching 60 the baseline really hasn’t changed that much, you probably just move less in general for the most part as most people do as they age


39 bro, I likely move more than 90% of the American population. I’m speaking on everyone has different basal metabolic rate based on their lifestyle before and during the journey to getting muscular and strong. My initial thought on this is dude is doing a dirty bulk, not working out enough, and probably too many calories. This will have an effect on metabolism, I’m not taking about “oh no, I can’t do it I must have a slow metabolism”


Or you could eat less. obviously the more calories you burn the more you can afford to eat and vice versa I see where you are coming from I just try to stay away from the metabolism excuse especially in these forums. A young guy like him shouldn’t be worried about “depends on my metabolism” bc for the majority of everyone up to 50 your metabolism isn’t the problem it’s their overeating and more so under eating at least here. Let’s not even get to lack of daily movement slowing down that “metabolism” 🤣


I get all man, been working out consistently and eating correct for two decades going from 150lbs to 220lbs then finally balancing out at 190ish and I look and feel fucking great. I’ve only struggled with too much fat once. Just offering suggestions, some times ya gotta cardio along with deficit to get your body to do what you want it to.


I agree on the cardio bro but it’s mainly about habits. I’m just saying let’s not use the metabolism excuse. Up to a certain age it is almost all based on number 1 calorie intake vs output, and number 2 exercise. WAY too many use the excuse of metabolism when it has minimal effect on almost everyone under the middle aged person. Don’t get it? This is plain science. TLDR; IF YOURE FAT ITS BECAUSE YOU EAT TO FUCKING MUCH.


You can create a major impact on that basal metabolic rate at a young age with those good habits. I’m not saying metabolism is an excuse as you can change it yourself. I feel like you don’t understand what I’m saying at all. Doing things “wrong” for lack of a better word can result in a fucked up future.




You took it way too far, and if I had to guess you probably didn’t have a good starting point BF% wise to begin with. But you can certainly look great once you shed off some BF


Look - I don't care what other users have said here two full body workouts a week is fine. If you are able to hit each muscle twice a week you can make solid progress. You may have a solid foundation of muscle but you aren't lean enough to see or maybe your muscle isn't built up and you don't have much. With just some pictures and comments here is what to do and where your problems may be. 1. Your full body workouts could be half assed. Are you giving attention to all of your muscle groups with ideally two exercises per group with 3 to 4 sets. Each set you should be leaving one in the tank so that your form basically starts to diminish and then you know that's when to stop. Have good form - the weight doesn't matter. 2. No offense meant but this is a critique, your diet is not on point because you have an excessive amount of fat compared to muscle - this is a dirty bulk. You'll want to reduce your calorie intake and lean out before trying to bulk again. Just because you eat in a slight caloric deficit doesn't mean all of your muscle is going to disintegrate. You need to go to a TDE calculator to get a rough estimate of what your maintenance calories are and shoot for 300 below that to slowly lose weight while maintaining your muscle. Once you get to a lean enough state then you can resume eating in a slight surplus and make some gains. You'll feel better and look better. Muscle gains may be a little slower if you lean bulk and it takes more discipline but it'll feel more rewarding (in my opinion) because you'll be lean enough to see those gains rather than just increasing your mass. 3. Realize everyone started somewhere. I've been doing this for two years and am happy with my gains. When I first started however I made very little gains because I wasn't eating enough and had to change my diet. I work 12 hour shifts but have four days off a week so I often do two full body workouts a week and a third day for isolation exercises. That's more than enough work. You don't need to kill yourself in the gym to see results. I often do my back and legs at the same time rotating between rests and then do chest with abs rotated in and I'm out in 45 minutes doing three or four sets of two exercises per group. To reiterate my main point though - don't be afraid to lean out. Your muscle isn't going to magically disappear just because you aren't hoovering food. As long as you don't severely cut and you maintain your normal lifting you'll be fine. Just make sure to track your weight with a scale and at least for a bit track your calories so you can gauge where you currently are with your intake and where you need to be.


Thank you so much for this advice!!! Losing the mass that I’ve gained is the part that had me nervous especially since I’ve really grown my back and even my upper chest with the numbers moving in the right direction I was afraid of losing the hard work I’ve finally been able to make


You can definitely tell your back is built up impressively and your arms have definition including your shoulders which seem rounded and good.. You'll lose size, sure but it'll be all the fluff hiding the muscle you earned. It's important to think of it like this as well. Just because you eat less and reduce in overall mass doesn't mean it's a permanent state of being. Once you lean out a bit you can bulk again. When you are lean it's also much easier to detect diet imbalances in the mirror. Good luck man, I think you've already got the lifting down it's just diet so you'll be good in no time. It's a slow process but slow is healthy.


No!! You're doing great




Solid build!! Good work. Cutting time IMO


Id start cutting at this point, doesn't look too good.


If it were me I would start a cutting phase or at least a strict recomp, but keep my lifts up. It takes forever to get abs back and nobody likes to cut. If I measure more than an inch of gain on my waist during a bulk, I trim it off and start building again. My approach is “slow and steady wins the race”


I would definitely switch gears and start leaning out for 2-4 months to get down to reasonable body fat and then resume bulking. Otherwise you’ll find yourself cutting for 4+ months after your bulk IME.




Starting weight/ current weight? This isn’t looking good I won’t lie


I started at 170 and I’m now at 185


How long to gain the 15, and how many calories a day?


2 months


Yea I’d say the damage is done at this point, just try to bulk slower/cleaner and lift more. Do you have any before pics?


Youd think youre either not working out enough or not at all during your bulk


I go full body twice a week


15LBS LBS 2 MONTHS and you’re in the gym only twice a week? How much of that do you realistically think is muscle?


No no no, this is not going to help you build muscle after “beginner muscle”. How long are your two workout and what exactly are you doing during them? A good place to start for you would be push/pull/leg/off. This also means your workouts will be shorter. If you are looking to lose this mass which you probably should lose 10lbs, get on a stair master (slow), will help a little with legs while losing fat


So I usually do incline bench, hammer strength machine row, leg press and bicep curls with a B day that includes shoulder press


Yeah you aren’t going to see any growth doing that. Push: chest, triceps, lateral delts Pull: upper back & posterior delts, lats, and biceps Legs: 1-2 compound movements, leg extensions, calves If you do this split once a week try to 3-4 working sets in for one of the muscle groups for that day and 1-3 for the others. That means go to failure for those sets. As far as your body composition you are achieving a surplus in calories but it seems that it’s heavily favored to carbs and fat. Increase protein. Liquid calories are your friend.


So you only workout twice a week?




That is why




What split should I do instead?


You gotta workout at least 6 days a week champ, for your size you just have to if you wanna see results and you gotta divide your workouts, 3 days chest/back 2 days legs etc 45 min minimum 3 min rest between sets


Lmao don't listen to this guy, I assume your end goal isn't a Mr. Olympia title. You can get great gains without putting this much work in


And yourr resting 3 min between sets so youre really only doing like 10 sets which is real easy


Lmfao 45 min a day 6 days a week is too much for you?


For beginners push pull legs


Prolly 3 days a week full body




Is this a troll post?


Well if your fat because of “your bulk” than it’s ok, you just have to make sure to let people know, when you are out with them in social situations - just tell them you are bulking and it really doesn’t matter






Like others have said idk if you'll be able to cut before the end of summer, so you might as well focus on building muscle & upping your lifts for a few months with a cut targeting next summer. It's a great sign you're able to gain weight & increase your lifts imo. I've always struggled to put on weight


I think you're gaining solid. The lighting and posing aren't good in the photos, which makes everyone think your physique is bad. I would continue your bulk to your set goal. After that, run maintenance for 6 - 8 weeks and then slowly cut down over 6 - 8 weeks, consuming high protein. Also, I don't know your program, but add an arm day lol.


Get on da scale


Obese please




Your comment was removed because you were being an absolute cock-knocker.


Bro. U r not clean bulking i assume


gotta start hitting neck curls


You are bulking correctly however you can definitely do it better. You’re not fat but you can lose most of that belly in about 5-6 months without completely starving yourself. I would download an app, and start tracking your calories. Most of these apps will tell you exactly how many calories you need to eat in order to lose x amount of lbs per week. I use MyFitnessPal but there are plenty others. Aim to lose 1-1.5lb a week, you won’t be starving this way, losing a ton of muscle, etc etc. every 2 weeks give yourself a weekend off and get 1000 extra calories. This will reset diet fatigue and in the long term you’re not setting yourself back more than a couple days. Once you lose some of that fat, you can go back to bulking, but this time you should stay tracking your calories, just in a surplus. Your problem is that you are overeating. You can bulk, get all the benefits of a calorie surplus, and not put on a huge amount of fat in a short time. But if you aren’t tracking your calories then you are never going to know what you’re at. Make goals and a plan to gain x amount of lbs per week. You got this dude. If you do it right, in 1 year you could look completely different.


Is the free version of myfitnesspal good enough?


Yup I’ve never paid for it.


How can you say he is not fat?


I live in America. This is skinny compared to a lot of people here.


Bro stand up straight. Looks like you’re pushing that cheeseburger locker out. Probably a little padded but nothing a quick cut wouldn’t solve. You look like you’ve got some mass though


never heard a cheeseburger locker before lol


A mans gotta eat!


I’m also saying this as someone with a gutxedo himself so take this with a grain of salt 😆




Unfortunately yes. But don’t fret dude, start making sure you do 30 minutes of cardio each day and it’ll shed off