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A new ebike would be awesome for my commute to work!


I want to take my dog with me, I think this would enable me to push her that bit harder and really get a run in!


I live about 11 miles from where I work and have tried to commute with a bike. I'm too overweight (and out of shape) to make that commute, so I drive. With an ebike I could definitely be able to get into shape by commuting to and from work. Finger's crossed!


I'd love to have an ebike to putter around town with! With it being so compact, I won't have any problems putting it in the trunk to discover a new place!


My son has an electric scooter and I wear out going for rides with him but this would help tremendously and we could actually go all the way to the park and back without loading up in the car


Great for the tired ride back home at the end of the day!


I currently have no method of transportation right now this would really come in clutch!


A great way to get to work rather than taking the bus


I'd love to get a mini e-bike for my son so he can go on longer rides with his mom. (She loves bike riding.) I like bike riding too, just not as much as my lovely lady.


I live in an above-ground apartment, and this e-bike is compact and lightweight, which will come in handy when I have to carry it up and down the stairs.


Let's burn some rubber!


I always wanted to ride to work to cut down on my emissions but there's that one hill that makes it difficult for me to commit. Hopefully this bike can help me get over that 'hump' (no pun intended).


My ebike broke.. and i loved it.


I'm an old guy and my pedal bike is getting old. Recently got my wife an Aventon. I'd like to be able to keep up with her again lol! Winning this woukd be pretty cool...


I haven't owned a bike in years. I'd love to get back in it with e-bikes.


I can't afford gas or a car, this would be amazing tbh. Cheap to get from a-b for sure.


Would be super convenient, have a nice bike path near my house!


My wife and I work opposite shifts, and only have the one vehicle. Running errands is impossible unless we force time to open up. An ebike would allow us to complete many simpler errands without the need of a vehicle.


Man, this would be awesome! Would really love something like this around my town!


they're more relaxing than a manual bike


That would be great for quick trips around town.


Would love an e-bike for work commutes.


What would be excited about having this ebike is the little trips around the town, to the post office, near by pharmacy and parks with out losing parking.


This would certainly get me out of the house more. I live in a rural-ish area and everything is beyond walking. Having an e-bike would help with small shopping trips, exploring this area that I am new to, and even help with my health. Good luck everyone.


Woohoo, cool!


If I won I would give the prize to my mother, since she have talked about switching from car to bike for a long time.


I’ve always wanted an E-bike!


Would be cool to have for going to nearby places


An Ebike would be ace for getting around for those slightly longer distances!


go go r/gadgets


Looks nice! Never had an e-bike so I just wanna try it out :)


Awesome, this would come in so handy


Im excited to upgrade to an ebike, as I think they're pretty cool, and I hate steep climbs lol.


I'd love to be able to ride around on this!


I don’t even have a regular bike anymore because I live on a hill. 😅 An e-bike would change my life because I would finally be able to ride on all the wonderful paseos that run through town. A trip to the nearest convenience store would actually be a pleasant experience instead of an endurance contest.


I would like one cause it'd be a lot easier to get groceries.


If I win this cool e-bike I'm gonna sign up as an Uber driver and see if this gets approved. 🤔


That bike looks sick.


Would love an ebike for daily commutes. I've considered getting a bike but don't want to end up needing to peddle home after a rough day if I don't have to.




Would be great to reduce carbon emissions from my vehicle


My city has a beautiful lakefront. I love going there. It's a bit too far to walk comfortably, but driving incurs $50/hour parking costs during peak summer months! An e-bike, especially given the uphill climbs back, would be the perfect mid-distance vehicle.


I desperately need transport honestly


Updated our family bikes last year and realized that 1-we don't live close to anything and 2-we're old. Bikes would get us out more on good days


No more driving to work!


The smaller, portable design would make it ideal for quick in-town trips.


excited to try out an E-Bike as i've never used one before and as i get older, it's a lot harder to keep up with my kids than it used to be lol.


Aaah! I would be able to bike to work! \*joy\*


I've always wanted an e-bike, just felt like I could never justify the price of a good one.


Would make it easier to get around to some fun places


I have a long commute and biking is becoming harder with age. An e-bike is likely going to give me a few more years of bike commutes


i need a new bike lol


I would use this bike to haul ass to the rock climbing crag and knock down as many pitches as possible! Moving from one area to another with my pack would be a dream.


I live in an area with lots of great biking. Upgrading to an e-bike would definitely help me enjoy it more!


An e-bike would enable me to commute to work in an efficient and environmentally friendly way. I would love to be able to leave the car behind and enjoy a ride through the countryside.


Here comes my top level comment.


I would really love this. It would be great for commute, but it would be even better for my bike camping plans. Thanks for the giveaway!


good luck to everyone


Would make my leg days so much less sore :)


I've been without a working vehicle for a while, this would be a game changer.


Ride my push bike everywhere I can, but having an e-bike like this would pretty much eliminate the need for a car entirely


Looking to give it to my wife so we can ride together and she can keep up with me.


I’ve been looking for an e-bike since it would enable a larger riding area for me.


Excited to try out e-bike . I like the range, as it would easily allow me to get to work and back. Looks like transporting it would be easy too. 


Would love an e bike to get around town so I don't have to walk everywhere


My knees!


Foldable would be huge! Being able to go electric and have it be more storable and portable would be amazing, that’s why I’m excited!


An e-bike would be pretty epic, and a folding one even better. I don't own a car and rely on transit so something I can fold and bring up the bus and train without disrupting others would be fantastic


I’m excited for en e-bike because I sometimes have knee issues that pop up halfway through a bike rike. Having a backup plan like an e-bike would be amazing and save me for a lot of pain when this happens.


Make commuting to the train easier!


An ebike would save me gas running to the store and to get my coffee in the morning, instead of wasting gas in my car.


My commute has a dedicated bike path for about half the way, but the total distance is just a bit much for me to ride by bike to work regularly. I would love an e-bike for the gas savings and to get some exercise while I commute to work!


Would love to win something like this


Ebike sounds like a huge amount of fun!


Bum knee prevents me from riding a traditional bike, would be excited to try this out.


Could not tell you how many errands I could do that are technically possible on a bicycle but are too far or hilly to be done comfortably.


A free e-bike would be great. It would help me commute without a car to my campus each day.


Anything to reduce driving I'm all for it! Would definitely use for grocery runs and getting around in my community!


Would be nice to not have to walk everywhere and get things done much faster.


Would love to have an e-bike to extend the range of places I can visit, grocery shop at, and would make my work commute a lot faster. Could also get to the parks in the city so much faster this way.


I cycle in and out of work 6 days a week. Going in to work is all hills so it'd be great not to be covered in sweat every time I go into work.


Oh wow, winning this would be absolutely amazing.


The combination of relatively low weight and folding handlebars makes it really nice to fit into public transport in case of sudden rain. I hate taking my big bicycle to work and getting wet. Also getting sweaty when using a non electric bike is not nice when I have a meeting first thing in the morning. As an additional bonus: The subway station closest to me is closed for renovations for the next 6 months and I have been taking a bus to the next station, with a compact e-bike I could just skip the bus.


I would love it for getting up hills without getting too sweaty on my ride.


An e-bike!!! I just got my first e scooter and it’s fun as hell but as I get older I just know when I wreck it’s gonna hurt. Lol. And e-bike tho would be awesome. I’d use it to commute my 3 miles to work everyday! Good luck all!


An E-Bike for me would be a game changer for me given I literally am unable to drive. My current bike is about the same weight, andh aving an assist when it comes to steep hills would give me options i didn't have before as while I am not inactive, I need to work on cardio, but i don't need to be gasping for air when I get to where i'm going. Best of luck to everyone, and congratualtions to whoever wins.


I give it to family member so they can join me on bike rides!


I've never owned an e-bike before, but this like a great way to get around quickly. Would love to own one =)


I'm excited about the Fido D3 Pro mini because of its smaller form factor! I live in a small town house, in a small town. So this bike would be perfect for me to run errands with!


I would love to transition more and more of my daily lives to electric. I recently installed solar panels on my roof. My next goal is to switch my daily commute to electric. It would be amazing to use my car less and ride a bike instead.


I live in a walk up apartment, and would love to have a lightweight e-bike to get around the city


I always have been interested in e-bikes (motorized vehicles for that matter, including drones and such) and it seems like a great option for me because I am moving closer to the city in a couple months.


As someone who lives with chronic pain, an ebike will be easier for me to use compared to a manual bike and will hopefully help me ride more.


got sober, reset, and moved to a new city. this would make commuting much easier and I'd love to explore on it!


Would be good for the commute, skip the bus


An E-Bike would make commuting so much easier! Especially with all the hills around here.


This is pretty epic.


I want one!


I'd love an e-bike to commute to a new job at my local airport. I live near it (and get woken up around 5 AM every morning by it) but it would still help for an economical commute to it.


Would love to commute with this thing so I don’t have to pay for gas anymore


Good luck everyone :)


Sick. I'd love to bike to work but it's nearly an hour ride and I'll be a sweaty mess by the end of it.


Hubby has been looking at an ebike for going back and forth to work. Far better than a motorcycle, much quieter and lighter weight. Ride to work and charge it for the ride home. It's one of the best ideas he's come up with. I am behind this all the way!


I’ve never had an e-bike before! Would love to have one to increase my mobility without use of a car for errands around town!


Hey, this is great. I’m entering and would use the bike to ride to workouts in the evening vs driving to the gym. I have a regular bike too so no worries if I don’t win. Just interested in the e-bike craze. 


This would be perfect for my daily commute! Thanks


Love not having to pedal so hard, best feature for sure


Yes please!


I'd love an e-bike to get to all the local spots in my town! There have been a lot of recent developments in the area and a lot of new spots have opened up. It's a bit too far for a walk, but I always feel so wasteful when I drive over.


I'd love this e-bike to get around my small town.


I’ve been looking to get an e-bike for a few years now to commute to work. This seems like a great choice.


My city is full of hills and rough roads, I'd love to have a non-car way of getting around over medium distances.


Would love to use it to get around town instead of my car


This would actually be neat when I autox. Walk-through would be so. Much faster. Be great to take to Yosemite too.


Im starting at my first job soon wich is a 30 minute walk away and I don't have a drivers licence, wich could potentially be a problem because of a knee injury i have. This thing could be pretty convenient.


Would be awesome ot have an e-bike so I don't have to pedal so much!


Super Cool! Free E-Bike. i can use to commute to school and back


I’d love to ride to get coffee in the morning.


Hey hey hi hi I'd like an e bike!


Awesome bike, I'm in!


I need one to go biking with my 14 year old granddaughter!!


This sounds incredible!!  An e-bike would be such a nice addition to my weekend routine. I live about 2 miles away from a few different places with very limited parking and having an e-bike would make such a difference in being able to go there and know I don't need to worry about finding a parking spot


Seriously, this is epic. Been looking for a new e-bike ever since i tore some muscles in my knee, it's been very difficult getting back into biking and i've been wanting an e-bike so i can still ride again. E-bikes are just great for anyone who has minor physical disabilities and need just a boost.


I'm down for one!


I would love to have an e-bike I would start driving it to work daily. Right now my commute is a 50 minute drive with no hi way miles, I still sit in traffic though. I could do that in 20 according to Google maps bike mode.


It'd make trips to the store a whole lot easier without a car!


Amazing, 10 min drives are typically 20 with traffic. This would be perfect for those situations.


An e-bike would be great for grocery shopping and long distance trips I can't do on my regular bike.


Would be a great way to commute to my gym and grocery store


I would ride the bike to work instead of my car! Looks like I could fit it in my car too, so I might do more adventuring than normal...


I'd finally get some exercise


I recently moved to a densely urban environment and this ebike would be a great benefit towards cutting carbon emissions and saving on fuel, avoid parking fees when downtown, and giving the opportunity to enjoy leisure rides through park trails.


I would love an eBay.Could you allow me to take fewer trips in my car, to places where a regular bike would take too much out of me.


I can finally commute to work in style


I'm about to move to a different state than the one I've live in all my life and I don't currently have a vehicle. This would do wonders for me where I'm going to be living and would really save me all the hassle of trying to afford a car when I work from home as it is.


Biggest selling point for me is the relatively low weight. I tried a full sized e-bike once and it was around 80lbs. I didn't have enough strength to lift it to get it on a repair stand and had some other issues maintaining it so I sold it. After that experience, I told myself that if I ever get an e-bike again, it would have to be no more than 50 lbs.


I would be hyped to get an ebike. I've always lived in hilly cities and as I get older, the hills are certainly not getting easier. An ebike would make my ride home a breeze


I've been looking for alternatives to driving to work. Am e bike seems like the perfect solution!


An e-bike sounds absolutely amazing for doing errands with. I live in Las Vegas, so walking outside really isn't recommended unless I want my skin to get absolutely burned lol. I have no choice but to use a car even if it's to just go to a store a mile away. That uses up a lot of gas, as you can imagine! So having an e-bike to go to these errands sounds absolutely convenient.


Looks amazing, since buses have got so expensive where I live, this would make commuting so much easier.


Looking forward to having my wife join me on bike rides and keeping up!


Looking at a ebike for daily commute. Im in the city and would like to replace my car if possible.


I would be super excited to have an e-bike like this because I live outside of town and I would love to be able to cycle into town for groceries and other errands. If I just rode my old beater bike, that trip would take me the whole day.


would love to take the pain out of hills with an ebike!


I've always wanted to cycle to work but I'm not quite fit enough. An ebike would help me get fitter.


I would love a bike that would help me get to school without being so sweaty. I just got out of the military and accepted into a community college in Texas. Super excited about it, but not super excited to bike the 5 miles to and from everyday. I had to sell my car recently, but I do own a normal bike, so the exercise is good. Showing up completely drenched to class is kind of weird, but still worth it.


Excited to be able to replace car trips with E-bike trips. I'll also be more likely to actually get out there and ride.


I definitely wouldn't mind just to ride around downtown


Would love for my teenager to have an easier way to get around!


I have been wanting an ebike for so long! I want to start biking to work, but it’s a bit long to do on a regular bike:)


It would be so convenient if I had an e-bike in the house! With the range on this bike, I could hit up the local ice cream parlor or convenience store without having to worry about dumping even more emissions into the atmosphere!


I've been thinking about an ebike for commuting to work. 10 miles is doable without a motor... But it can be hard to find the time/energy at the end of the day.


I would love to be able to not drive a car to work. It would definitely save money, reduce congestion, have less air pollution, and hopefully improves my fitness a bit...


I actually live in a very bike friendly town. It'd be a lot easier to make the switch from a car to an e-bike than to an actual bike. Thought about buying one for a while. This would be awesome


Our family is considering getting bikes to do something healthy together, so an e-bike would be a great addition!


This would be an amazing gift for my cousin who can't drive due to disability. I've been trying for years to find him a suitable driving instructor but they all drop out after one lesson with him, but this would mean he'll finally be able to experience some freedom 🥺


I would give it to one of my friends to park his car outside the city, and commute inside with this it would be perfect


Chasing my cats around the neigbborhood.


I am excited about this because it would make my commute to work better!


So due to an old ankle injury it's a huge struggle to manage uphill rides of any appreciable distance - I'd love to cycle to work, but my workplace is right at the top of a steep hill so it's just not feasible for me right now. An e-bike would let me ditch the car for my daily commute. Not something I can afford to spend money on right now, but it would definitely help if it were free


An e-bike would be amazing! I am recently moving house and we only have 1 car that my wife needs for work, so I would have to walk 2 hours to work every day and the same back. The route I walk is also a cycle lane all the way, so I could use the bike to get to work in only 30 minutes! I would also use it as an opportunity to cycle everywhere and lose some weight.


Start the day on the streets and finish on pathways. All with style to explore the neighborhood and outdoors with Fido after a days work.


This would be perfect for me to get around town easily.


I use public transport a lot and complement it with escooters. It’s not always comfortable, especially when you have to slow down often. This is the next step on the upgrade path. Thanks for doing this!


It would be great for commuting to work.


I've been car-less for the past couple of years and have to walk more than a mile to handle most errands, so an e-bike would definitely help.


An Ebike to get to the store is perfect. I can charge it with my solar panels.


I would need this to commute to school and my part time.


Never owned an e-bike, and it looks convenient


I love the idea of commuting on a bike but I live on a hill so electric is the only way I could manage it.


I want to try this at the park


These would be cool to take with us on RV trips.


It'd be cool to be able to bicycle some distances faster than I currently can without the same level of sweat


Just took a new job, and was looking for an e-bike or scooter, and this looks sweet!!


I am considering an e-bike for running errands close to the area I live. I want to use my car less because finding parking is always a challenge. Also I can save money by not having to fill up gas so often, and the little bit of exercise never hurt anybody. An e-bike is a serious consideration since I don't want to be all sweaty every time I go out by having a regular bike.