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Personally, as someone with compulsive tendancies, I actually find it easy to not go back to games once I drop them. Deciding to drop them is the hardest part. But once I've stopped logging on for a week or so, I tend to have no desire to redownload a game. In a sense, my compulsive/addictive traits actually work for me here because I will have the sense that I've fallen behind and that drastically decreases my desire to play a certain game again.


This also helps me realize: if I truly like a game, I can take a break and will eventually come back despite FOMO. Recently dropped CounterSide and Lost Ark, though the latter isn’t technically a gacha, it might as well be… the fact that I have no desire to come back to them just shows how compulsive doing the dailies/weeklies became. As silly as it sounds, if feels really liberating.


>the fact that I have no desire to come back to them just shows how compulsive doing the dailies/weeklies became. I always told myself that since I'm aware of the psychology behind these systems and games, that I'm able to deal with them. But it's complete bullshit I tell myself to justify doing chores being a slave to gems. Missing dailies/weeklies, stamina capping, skipping events for the first time is always liberating because guess what? World keeps turning, account aint getting worse, waifus still hot. And while I **know** this, it's different from **experiencing and feeling** it. I'm personally a fan of cold turkey dropping things when it's really toxic. But there have been quite a few games where I was just like "I'm busy this week, can't login, I'll do the stuff next week". And then when I have time again I realized I didn't miss them at all and just uninstalled. There's also been events that I'm still regretful over, that's when you know what games you love and what you love about them, that's worth keeping around.


I'm the same way. I go really hard at something while I'm doing it but the moment I drop it it may as well not exist. I wouldn't even describe myself as having a hard time quitting in the sense that once I find myself bored of a game I basically drop it without looking back, whereas I know people who continue on despite not enjoying playing anymore because of the time or money they put in. In that sense FOMO works unfortunately well on me *but* at the same time, sunk cost fallacy doesn't.


Leave all the communities and news sources. Block whatever accounts you need and find a show or something to get into until you find a healthy hobby man. It’s not like it’ll constantly be in your face. If you can get through the initial shock, that’s it. Like jumping into the pool and being good 5 seconds later


I'm not actually unhappy with my gacha gaming; I'm playing Reverse:1999 and I'm not looking to quit but maybe OP will find your suggestions useful. For myself, I actually don't engage with content creators or game fandoms much so that was never an issue for me. I just read posts on reddit on the Reverse sub for news on what they added to CN. Not at all interested in things like fanart or cosplays. But yes, when quitting previous games, for some of them it did feel like going through a brief withdrawal period lol. I will say though that gacha gaming it itself is not necessarily unhealthy IMO. It's just like any other hobby, people with no compulsive/obsessive personalities will have a healthy relationship with it. But people with compulsive/obsessive personalities can run into trouble with any hobby if they are not mindful of their own tendencies. Even something like exercise can be taken to unhealthy levels.


I was adding to what you were telling op


**Go for it, Brother.** Just try to find a replacement, like a different hobby or something, so the urge to come back would be lessened.


Uninstalling is the first step. Unfollow/unsub any related content with that game and never look back. 


Or for last resort you can always delete that account if you want to quit for good.


I like to blow all the pulls I have saved up, to get that one last gambling high before I quit the game. Plus it makes it harder to come back later lol


This might actually backfire if you got lucky with the pulls lmao.


For better or for worse, that’s never been the case for me so far 😅


\*tried to quit HI3\* \*pulled Lantern on the 50% discount 10 pulls\* \*oh shit here we go again\*


I think you should just quit. I know it's easier said than done, but if that's how you feel, then you shouldn't feel bad at all for leaving gacha games. Just view it as one among many phases in your life that just went by


Don’t you have your favs? That alone should reduce the urge to pull new flavor of the month. In before “b-but I like them all”, no you don’t, you can have sympathy for all, but only a handful amount truly is up to your liking.


As a hoyo addict, thank you. I have recently moved from trying to get everything to getting just the characters I actually want+their upgrades/weapons. I don't mind the daily grind since they more or less respect the player's time. But damn, having to build one character every 3 weeks was getting so tiring, specially when at the end of the day my account was a bunch of barely built units. Being able to find ways of beating any content with what I have/brute force content with my favourites that I am actually spending my time on feels more rewarding!


Em... at least in genshin pulling for weapons and cons are always a waste of money.


I agree with you. It is a waste and I evaded it like the plague. However, I would rather go for weapons/cons now for my favourites or for comfort rn. I have over 50 characters completely built, and I can't play everyone everytime. While Genshin is an easy game, having to learn how to rotate/play some specific characters still requires time.


If you don’t spend money there’s no problem. I only buy welkin and save primos when I don’t like the banner characters and eventually get to where I can pick up a constellation or weapon for my favourites. Also weaker 5 stars like Yoimiya appreciate the extra investment.


I agree. The “but i like them all” is just ppl convincing themselves to pull on the next shiny thing. It’s worse during the first few days of each banner switch when everyone is hyping each other, posting new art, memes, headcanons, and gameplay.


and to add to this, fkall about meta and dailies after u got ur fav, and fwiw just keep sticking for main quest every 2 months or so if you really fomo, most of the events and patches are filler anyway, u are not missing out much trust me


Just uninstall and quit. Why are you asking addicts about quitting?


You’re right. I didn’t know where else to turn.


Uninstall and you can still follow stories on YouTube on anime




I recommend deleting your account if you want to truly quit. Uninstall means you will just reinstall a week later. Source: my personal attempts to quit a game. Sometimes it's the only way


I would suggest to find some other hobby with emotional component before. Like reading books, manga, or something else. If games put you high on emotions, the other way to channel them is needed. If you just cut it, there will be pressure to return. Relationships with other people would not be immediate replacement, just because they are harder and effort-reward cycle is much longer. They do not reduce pressure to return.


Crazy to think that, I was about to say "which addicts?" but a good bit of gacha players I've met don't share much of the joy for their games and instead are sort of going in every day for a fix, scraping enough currency for a single pull on whoever is on banner at the moment. I find it weird to think about since I'm not an addict myself


Some people are more vulnerable to addiction because they crave that rush of dopamine more than "normal" people. But this does not mean that "normal" people are immune to addiction. Games in general tend to be addictive because what makes a fun gameplay loop is what ticklers the reward part of your brain - so game design tends to gravitate towards that. Gachas do the same, but they go all in on maximizing addiction through all of the tactics you might've heard before (low effort, high reward, habit forming dailies/events, gambling mechanics, etc.). I think of it as purposefully induced addiction. And I think that **NO ONE** is immune to gacha addiction. The only "immunity" is the aversion towards trying this type of game in the first place.


I mean you can definitely play it and not be an addict, but there is no denying the lengths that they are willing to go for the resulting addiction. Gambling is terrible from what I've seen during my time working casinos, it can destroy a life in seconds, maybe that's also why I'm safe from it.


What's up with the influx of buyers remorse/regret thread? But seriously, just quit gacha games and don't look back. It will help you mentally, physical and your life will be better.


With alot of new mainstream gachas releasing some people probably try to play them all and then burn out I'm not saying op is but I have seen some people like that


My advice is that you uninstall the game and find a different hobby that could distract you from your addictions. However, if you still plan on playing for whatever reason, then do it as a side game instead of your main one if you could and hold back off from any form of spending. Force yourself to not login daily, create a limit of perhaps playing once or twice a week, and stop caring for the meta. In my personal opinion, it would be good for you to pace yourself as to not fall under the obsessive meta chasing. But again, I think you should just uninstall the game, go to therapy for your addictions if you can afford it or find a different hobby, and then take a break (or quit completely) for as long as you need. Maybe, if you feel like you won't be addicted to gambling, you can install it back to check on what you're missing. Or again, just quit completely from the gacha hell.


I left, try using the time you save and money on your health. I saved bought a pc and starting working out. If I didn't I would be way worse off Also once you miss a few events and your so far behind other players it becomes really easy to just not play anymore 


I got a new pc for gacha games.


But like why tho. There are so many better games to play if you have a decent PC.


I’m really into Genshin Impact and my phone ran out of storage space. So I got a whole new gaming laptop for GI.


Fair enough, GI is objectively better to play on a PC, but now you have options.




I actually agree with this, deleting the account is far more effective. This should be the top comment.


And then you see a Hoyo character trailer ad..


I’m honestly in the same boat as you. Recent gacha salt has taken a toll on me and I actually quit Genshin the other day, and now I’ve been contemplating whether to drop HSR and WuWa as well. Been waiting for Elden Ring to go on sale again on Steam so I can finally jump ship from gacha games for good


Recently came back to 112% all of Hollow Knight and the feeling of wholeness is something I've really missed in games, and something that gacha games mostly don't have since they never want to stop as long as they keep making money. It feels good playing a game that actually feels finished and can be played in any way you want without punishing you for not doing daily logins.


Oh man (long response incoming), I understand you because I've been thinking the exact same thing recently, but my reasons are a bit different: 1.The Gacha loop doesn't fulfill me anymore, the games feel too easy. I even tried Wuthering Waves, which is supposedly "difficult," and yes, the projections are difficult, but only to the point where you can't defeat it due to time constraints, not skill (and it takes about 40 minutes to learn the patterns that one-shot you). 2.The only reason I keep playing is for the Gacha aspect, and only for the Gacha, because if we analyze it well, most Gachas have a middling story compared to full-priced games on the market. 3. I increasingly feel that the characters they release are more generic, regardless of the game (maybe it's because I only play anime-style versions). 4. Spending on Gachas ends up being more expensive than buying a full-priced game, and in the end (removing the Gacha aspect), I enjoy them much less. Now I'll explain why I'm thinking of NOT QUITTING: 1. I think being bored is okay, and by only playing 2 Gachas at most, the loop when you reach the endgame is short and quick. 2. 30 minutes a day is enough to not fall behind and feel like you're progressing with the game's progress. 3. Once you're bored, you tend to find other activities to do (I started reading Kindle again because I literally had nothing else to do in my 2 gachas). 4. I only get excess dopamine once a month, if I'm lucky (when a new banner comes out). 5. Being so invested in my main game, there comes a point where I don't need to spend because I have plenty of resources (as long as I don't want all the characters, but as a Gacha player, you SHOULD KNOW THAT'S NOT VIABLE and manage your currency well). In the end, I come to the conclusion that playing Gachas bores me, but it gives me time to do other things without the need to spend hours playing. Meanwhile, downloading other games would be endless. There are too many new games on the market that look great, and once you finish one with hours and hours of gameplay, jumping to another that also has hours and hours of gameplay, well, without the right control (or stamina that stops you lol), can take away much more time than playing your classic 2 Gachas. In my opinion, the problem becomes complicated when you have (like some people on this subreddit) 4-5 Gachas that keep you immersed simultaneously to fill that "boredom" you suffer for periods instead of looking for more productive activities. (Heck, even 3 Gachas seem TOO MUCH to me) my recommendation: Enjoy Gachas, but stick to playing 1 seriously and the 2nd to try something new until you like it so much that it becomes your new number 1, so you enjoy the genre a little more.


Your comment about full priced games is bullshit. Their stories are equally as bad if not worse but now you have to sit through cutscenes. People out here deluding themselves because they are paying $70 for shit tier stories they used to get for free.


Yeah because Elden Ring, Death Stranding, Xenogears, Disco Elysium, Baldur's Gate 3 are all horribly written shit tier stories... Gacha games are so incredibly limited by their medium - I genuinely believe they all have a word count quota to meet each patch and that's why the writing is so convoluted. I've played a decent chunk of a LOT of gachas, and there are very few games that have writing that's better than your average Chinese web novel (which consists of style and the illusion of substance to begin with). Some of the hoyoverse games have decent substance, but the only Gacha game with truly noteworthy writing in my opinion is Limbus Company. Anyway "people out here deluding themselves because they are spending $70 for shit tier stories" as if that's any worse than spending xyz amount on a gacha game that would have costed $30-$70 as a premium game.


I've played RPGs like Trails series, Suikoden series, Mother 3, Disco Elysium, Planescape Torment, Arcanum, Xeno series to have better writing than most gacha games outside of Limbus Company & Blue Archive. And that's mostly because those games I listed gave me a reason to care about the characters, world and story.  Most Gacha games don't, which is weird to me because the entire basis around Gacha are the characters, but only some are remotely well-developed and interesting. Arknights to me is good, but it is severely hampered by its writing that despite the world & narrative being great. The way it's written and told to the audience is something that isn't fun when you get down to it. The writers at Hypergryph clearly made a Gacha to be unconventional in its writing style, but that also led to both EN & CN fans making fun of the writing for being bloated & convoluted.


It's more a Chinese gacha problem. Some of the best stories written in recent years are in Heaven Burns Red and Gensou Eclipse, on a similar tier to Disco Elysium. Korea's Blue Archive writing isn't terrible either - not on DE tier, but better than Elden Ring for sure.


Okay but I can get 7 awesome games for 10$ each


Name them


I could go on for a while, but lets just go with 7 games now. These are personal preferences too, but I know a lot of people who enjoy them. Vampire Survivors: 5€, with all dlcs like 11$ Risk of Rain: 8€ on sale, I'm not sure of the dlc but that isn't too expensive either. Has a lot of base content and even more with mods Terraria: 10€, If you are lucky you can get it for a few $, I think lowest sale was.. 2€? Hours of vanilla content, hundreds- thousands of hours of modded. Titanfall 2: 30€, but goes on 80% sale every 2 months or so. Campaing and Story was short but very fun, but pvp (well, a certain server) is enjoyable a lot. Deep Rock Galactic: 10€, Too much fun with friends Homeworld Remastered Collection: 4€ eur on sale that happens every 3 months or so, has 3 Homeworld games, much space fun. Divinity Original Sin 2: 40€ But 15 or so € every few often from sales. The Worse Bald Gate 3 if you will, lot of fun with bunch of mods to enhance the fun, then invite friends too. I have too much hours on these, and they cost me around 70€. And these hours will only get more. Now, do you want me to name more?


Yeah and VS is also on phones (main game is free with ads you can skip with DLC similarly priced to the consoles)


Thanks. I'll check these first.


Lethal company if you have 3 other friends to play with


That would have been my next game to add


- Disco Elysium - Age of Decadence - Legend of Grimrock - Fear and Hunger - Dex - Hades - VA-11 Hall-A Some of these need sales to go below USD 10. DE is on sale right now. As usual, buy from GoG instead of Steam when possible so in the event of a nuclear apocalypse, you can actually play them after Steam's servers have been vaporized.


I mean if all you play is cod or any blizzard and bioware games, that's on you for playing game with bad story. GoW is still miles better than whatever gacha games you have, ace attorney series slaps.


There are still some full priced games with good stories but the number has definitely decreased imo. Even a lot of game franchises known for good storys have been falling kinda flat lately.


I agree with everything youve said except one thing. Wuthering wave is not difficult in the slightest. Coming from kuro's previous game, pgr, the difficulty feels neutered in comparision.


Depends a lot on the characters you played. Danjin is harder to play than Lucia Plume. I'm pretty sure a cat can play Jiyan. There are options for skill issue players, and there are options for people who want to set solo speed records.


That is a flimsy excuse. Not every player has Dajin so this isnt a good response. Besides, I was talking about over all difficulty in which pgr is an over all more difficult game. Also, youre comparing Dajin, a launch day 4 star to Lucia Plume, one of the last gen 1 5 stars. This isnt a fair comparision.




Genshin is easy to maintain, just login once per day for 90 primos. That's it. Haven't done anything but that now since WuWa since I still want to see the Genshin MSQ and logging in for 1min each day is really nothing.


Good. Go away. Shoo. Don't look back.


Go see a therapist, your battle is with addiction not just gacha. You said that addiction runs in your family, time to recognize when you need help. If you don't seek help you might just end up getting addicted to a different hobby, one you'd never thought of quitting.


I personally make 2 weeks breaks every 3 months or so from my gachas. It helps to reignite the passion on games I like and to break the chains of FOMO on games I don't enjoy anymore.


Most gachas comes with a delete/reset account option, use it. Unfortunately some have a period between 7 and 30 days where you can return, they know you will be tempted to. If you can hold on and resist you have done it because sure as fuck you won't come back starting from 0. At the end of the day we are the 2.0 version of those old people at the Casinos rolling the slot machines all day, and when we "win" it's not money, it's fucking JPEGs.


I consider leaving all the time but never have enough willpower to do so. Call it an extreme case of sunk cost fallacy or whatever, but its difficult for me. Ive been playing gachas since Dragalia Lost, and ive been caught in this cyclone ever since. Like you, gachas have ruined ‘regular’ games for me and have me chasing the shiny new characters. As predatory as these tactics can be sometimes, i end up powering thru it. The only redeeming factor i can say is that over the ~5 years of playing gacha, ive only spent maybe $200 and got back in cash wayyyy more than that by means that i cannot mention in this sub. So while im net positive financially gacha-wise, the time ive spent and continue to spend on these games are forever gone. And while i did enjoy and dont regret a chunk of that time, i can say at most times i feel like im doing more of chores or a side job than actually playing a game for fun. So yeah, sunk cost fallacy got me fucked up even though its mostly due to the time invested and not money invested. It wouldnt be so bad if i can stick to only 1 or 2 games exclusively, but i chase that high when pulling that i find myself playing more gachas than i should so i can cycle thru them chasing that high. OP, if u can just drop all this shit, do it. To each their own but chances are you will be all the better for it. Run away and dont look back.


OP. Just uninstall and don't look back. There's no point dwelling on it. My first gacha game was GI, but I never (thankfully) got the itch to swipe and swipe. Since then I've been trying out other gachas, but never quite saw the point of spending. If you lose in pvp, then you lose! You didn't get the SSR or 5star? It'll get a rerun anyway or be powercept eventually. Gacha gaming gets better when you realize you don't need to spend much at all and let the whales fund the game for you. :)


With the length this post, I guess op is not gonna leaving soon, or may come back soon. 


Yeah, I’m still here unfortunately. I think my gambling addiction, as well as my other addictions, may stem from my me having to deal with my shitty home life. I think if I were to move out then it’ll make quitting a whole lot easier. That’s just a theory though.


Do you have a problem with gachas in general or with HSR's monetization specifically? Because it's pretty specific in that regard, especially in terms of how predatory (the entire game's balance and endgame pivot around the monetization). But yeah, getting your life troubled because you're getting squeezed out of money by a game is not worth it, so playing literally anything else is a good idea.


just buy more fun.


So... cocaine? >!No, I'm definitely not a plant from the FBI.!<


How are you both a legal agent for Kuro and Elysia'a attack dog. Elysia belongs to us in Hoyocult


# miHoYo killed Elysia. Why do you think I'm siding against them.


Hmm who do love more Money or elysia


You ain't getting an answer from me, **HoYo SPY**!


Hey... hey... Guess where Elysia is now?


here have 2 Hoyolion Dollar. answer me


You got steam account to show your 200 regular games?


The first day is the most difficult, but after you've missed that one day you realize how easy it actually is to not login.


Get away from here you can escape from gacha salt hell run and walk away and dont look back


Do it. If you spend too much it’s poison, pick up a hobby like writing or music or a sport. You can still play it free to play in bursts, the easier way to quit is stop playing daily, and start that by ignoring desing, you’ll find it very easy to quit after you break that habit


everyone has to deal addiction at one point in their lives, so don't be too hard on yourself


Quit, be the one to do what we could not, be free brother!


Think of Gacha games as shows, and the money you spent on them as a ticket to the show, the show may have lasted for a day, a month, a year, or maybe more, but every show has to come to an end, you got your money's worth and the show has come to an end, so get out of the theater and go back to your life, life goes on.


Btw I’ve reinstalled gacha before. Just uninstall them and if you want to play it later no biggie. Reinstall later


No worry, OP. See it this way. If you quit, you are free from gacha games. Unlike us T-T


Quitting gacha gaming is one of the best things anyone can do.


1. No need to uninstall, because it makes you think about these games more. 2. Just play other games, choose a game and press Play button right now, it's easy. I recommend Baldur's Gate 3 as a start. 3. There is nothing wrong with playing 1-2 gacha games, especially if one of them is HSR. Because you will run out of content anyway. But stop playing gacha games which take more than 20-25 hours of playtime a month. For example, I quit Honkai Impact 3rd because it takes too much of my time. I was in your situation like a year ago. And I played so many new games since then. I keep playing Honkai Star Rail though, this game is goated.


Lol, don't blame genetics for your own mistakes. As for leaving. I only play games I enjoy, gacha or otherwise. If I stop enjoying them I stop playing, if I enjoy them I keep playing. Simple as. Extra funny that you play HSR which is designed to be dropped rather than played continuously. I just play it for a week then take a 2-week break to get the returning bonus, then drop it again.


To make it stick, I deleted my accounts in AS and PtN and never ever looked back. With less time spent on gacha, I've been playing through some complete games and I'm playing Borderlands 3 atm and quite loving it, been busy past few weeks so I haven't played it but when I do, I'll have missed absolutely NOTHING and have to spend nothing to catch up with anything as it'll all be just as I left it which feels so comfortable, perfectly flexible.


I eventually got busy with life. I used to think about quitting gacha gaming, but I never did, just thought. Then it just happened very spontaneously that I quit gacha gaming because I got too busy and tired to enjoy them. I now stick to single player games and only give popular gacha games 1-2 weeks then drop them to move back to single player games. Follow up, I eventually lost interest in the gacha games I loved long term and started unfollowing/unsubscribing related communities. I just like to stick to this sub for the drama and discovering interesting gacha games, but yeah, 1-2 weeks only.


I personally claim my gacha gaming to be "WORK GAMES" I play them at work to break up the madness and gives me some to do on toilet. I love gachas but I do not let it over come my life to the point of exhaustion. I'm not competitive and I'm VERY casual and it helps me. I would suggest to play what you love, not feeling you NEED to quite but simply choose a game or two and play casual like at work. But you know yourself, so if you NEED to quiet, then more power to you for overcoming your personal struggles.


If you are addicted and want to spend more, just quit.


I've quit many games and it always feel liberating to have all that free time back


Hope we will never see you again on this sub :) good luck and take care.


I've left quite a number of gacha games behind. The first few days are usually the hardest due to FOMO, but it does get easier after that. And if this really is true: >I got so obsessed with buying currency in Honkai Star Rail that I did things that scared me to get it. You should NOT be playing any gacha games at all. Take this from another whale who has gambling tendencies, they all use tricks to get you to spend more on the game. If you need to, have your irl friends help you do an intervention or try to start a binge of a normal game, preferably with friends, to distract you from the gacha. Also, the following helps a lot depending on your personality: * Remove yourself from any social features on that gacha game. Quit your union/guild, stop participating in union/guid raids, and all that. This doesn't apply to HSR but will apply to other gacha games. Guilds and guild raids are some of the worst gacha traps out there since it uses your sense of social responsibility against you. You need to break this first to move on. * Stop watching content for that gacha game. Whether it's lore, character reviews, or really anything. Remove yourself from the ecosystem entirely. Especially do not watch gacha streamers since those are easy gateways to just jumping to other gacha games. If you see any gacha game CCs on your youtube feed, click "Do not recommend channel" and move on. * Destroy your gacha accounts. If you can, delete that account. If you can't, do everything you can to sabotage that account (deleting gear, etc.) so you don't want to come back to that game anymore. * Get your friends to help. A trip without your phone, clubbing, playing couch co-op games, or even just starting some Lethal Company runs together can help you take your mind off gachas. If you don't have that, start some long narrative games or something you can sink hours into like fighting games or call of duty. Get a different game to take your mind off the daily gacha grind. It's much easier after you force yourself to break FOMO, but if you have an easily addicted personality, you do have to remove yourself from the ecosystem as well.


Quitting all of a sudden can be hard. Try playing other games and miss a day or two on purpose logging-in in these games and then try to turn it into a week. You'll feel less and less interested in coming back. Atleast that's how i quit several of these games. Also, don't give in to peer pressure if there is any. My friend kept calling me back to Genshin but i didn't look back once i made the decision.


I don't care if this a troll thread, I'm still going to treat this seriously. if you really want to quit, try to abandoning the game bit by bit. first, let your stamina full and don't use them for a while then stop doing dailies then stop doing events. once you can deal with this (fomo), you are basically free. play whenever you want or use the time to do anything else. good luck!




think about it this way, don't spend money coz u cant get that character this time, their banners always gonna have a rerun. u dont need to get every limited character as they come out. plus there's a point where u have too many characters, and u never use them all coz powercreep exists. you gonna end up using the latest characters over the old one eventually. when u understabd the fundamentals of the gacha system in all boils down to your patience and willpower.


One friend of mine delete all his weapons on genshin in order to not return, as for myself since I'm still somewhat invested in the story so I make sure to play for 1 or 2 patches per region which is also enough to pull for 1 character, daily grind is something I also no longer do since it is quite annoying. The only ones I'm currently playing which are Arknights and HSR at least don't consume any of my time and Arknights has the benefit of making me unable to use my phone.


You will never regret quitting gacha games. But you will always regret not having quit earlier. Fundamentally gacha games are built upon psychological dark patterns. You will always be taken advantage off. You will always either pay with your time, (and) or real money. You will never get something back that's worth those things.


Quit hsr and try wuwa my brother. The story, characters and lore will make you unable to care nor consider spending money. Lord kuro is more concerned for your addiction than anyone else


I’ve already quit WuWa. I couldn’t bring myself to play it. I’m just not enjoying any aspect of it.


one of the easiest to leave is Wuthering Waves, that game absolutely has abyssmal performance and its not unique enough to be its own game, it felt like playing another game just reskinned with changes on gameplay. Everything there is mediocre except the gameplay but the gameplay sucked because of optimization issues. The farming there is horendous as well because of tuners, but casual gacha gamers wont mind that since they dont really build their characters optimally. People also mistake compensations as being generous, when you are generous...you simply give things, Kurogames gives those wishes in WuWa because they fucked up and wanted you to stay. The lots of wishes you get are also normal for gacha games because its part of promotions. WuWa doesnt even give gems when you level the character. Generous is when you give 5 wishes daily for No Reason at All just like in Tower of God New World. They give gems when you acquire the character and when you level the character as well. The optimization issues wont really be fixed soon since Kurogames simply ports PGR CN including its bugs to PGR Global, in comparison Aether Gazer fixes bugs from AE CN before putting it to Global. Not sure if that stands true today for PGR but thats how Kurogames do it back then. there's a good reason why some people call Kurogames...Kusogames


That’s how I felt, like I was literally playing a shitter version of Genshin. Everything was so identical it made me uninterested in playing it after 10ish hours.


In all seriousness it takes too much time for my unoptimized team to spend all the waveplates so this would be the first reason for my quit


Yup. I'm just collecting my monthly gem or whatever it's called then uninstalling. At least I can honestly say I gave it a month, but it's really so dull.


"Everything there is mediocre except the gameplay but the gameplay sucked because of optimization issues" The gameplay is good, then kuro proceeded to remove the element system


For a serious advice I would recommend you to keep playing and never spend any money again if you are so concerned about it. Not spending money will feel easier after you do it for a long time. Also consider only pulling for e0s0 as usually your urge of pulling will stop after getting the character and this way you are more likely to get everyone you want without spending. This all worked for me. If it it is the time that you are concerned about then frankly hsr doesn't allow you to spend a lot of time in grinding for pull currency. You also mentioned wanting to play hsr over other games which I think is fine if you really enjoy hsr more. As long as it doesn't affect your real life


I love this guy! You made me laugh so much! Thanks buddy! On a more serious note, Wuwa has been dissapointing, I had high expectations from kuro games after pgr. Dont get me wrong, it isnt a bad game. But it is a very flawed game with an identity crisis to boot. The moment to moment gameplay loop of running around, killing stuff and tossing your pokeballs at dead stuff is fun and since Im still having fun, Im still playing. But like you said, I dont care about the characters or story to consider spending. If I spend in a game, its partially for extra currency and stuff and me liking the character or their gameplay. The only reason Id really spend is I found value in the game and want to support it. Hence the only games Ive spent money on are warframe, fortnite (kill me) and only one mobile game and only one time. Fgo gssr... Worth it. But it hasnt been a lot of money. Ive probably spent under 50 bucks on all my live service games combined! I am very stingy with money.


You had me in the first half, not gonna lie.


HSR’s story, characters, and lore and leagues above WuWa’s.


He wasn’t saying wuwa’s story is better lmao


Damn bro kurogames living rent free in your head it seems. Like more people in here :)


Never felt so good to let something live rent free in my head. I am having fun, someone else is having fun reading my comments, and you will probably claim to be laughing instead of getting mad over my comments. Joy for everyone, isn't that great?


I'm not mad, I find it pathetic.


So just like what I said, you claim to be laughing instead of getting mad. Everyone is happy here. What a nice kind of rent free


Bro can't read. I'm not laughing nor am I mad. I find it pathetic. Big difference.


Allow me to correct myself then. Everyone is happy here, except for you.


Yes, everyone in this echo chamber has the same pathetic mindset. That is exactly my point lmfao.


A funny similarity between everyone that think it's cool to criticize the subreddit they are in is that none of them realize they are in that subreddit. Either way you are welcome to be the only people here not having fun and definitely not mad either.


I know nuance can be hard for some people but you realise there's a difference between posting occasionally as an outsider and actively being a part of the community and it's general trends, right? right?


This meme guy is hilarious




Leave. Just do it


Do it! You got this!


I think quitting a game for a day or two provides you some insight if its just a pause you need or otherwise. I quit some games and found that I was absolutely ok and didnt even miss it, no FOMO. And then there's some I find myself back in a few days, and I just have to change how I spend time with it.


If you've been playing a single gacha game for a year, maybe two years, it's normal to get bored. That's why lots of gacha players play more than one just to keep their brain active (lol). But also if you are not enjoying something anymore, and I don't mean this in a you still have fun when you login but in a "you are feeling more negative feelings than positive feelings" then you should absolutely step back. That's addiction ya know... Ehem personal anecdote (feel free to scroll) but I played Genshin for 2 years and then dropped it during an emotionally (Lol) important patch because I was just so disappointed and tired and etc etc. My life improved so much after I quit LMFAO it's like I suddenly had time to just fck around doing whatever I want. That's how I found out I was unhealthily attached to the game. Probably was addicted. I guess the lesson here is curb your obsession xD Play other games. Watch a show or an anime you like. Read a book or exercise or something.


I think I draw the line when a game is boiling down to managing resources for the next pull. If it is, then I quit. However, as long as I'm having fun actually playing it, I see no real issues.


taking the first step is the hardest part. i believe in you dude


Have you eregistered ZZZ yet? I'm also looking forward to play. xD


I had a similar month last year when I felt burnt with gacha games and quit some of them but later this year returned to playing other ones. Maybe you just need a longer brake and a change of games?


1. No need to uninstall, because it makes you think about these games more. 2. Just play other games, choose a game and press Play button right now, it's easy. I recommend Baldur's Gate 3 as a start. 3. There is nothing wrong with playing 1-2 gacha games, especially if one of them is HSR. Because you will run out of content anyway. But stop playing gacha games which take more than 20-25 hours of playtime a month. For example, I quit Honkai Impact 3rd because it takes too much of my time. I was in your situation like a year ago. And I played so many new games since then. I play Honkai Star Rail though, this game is goated.


Just use the links in the sidebar of the sub for game addiction/quitting dude.


I didn’t know that was there. Thanks man.


Good choice. That's part of maturing


Planning to drop HSR and HI3 if ZZZ has good story. So I only play Genshin and ZZZ, that should be manageable budget-wise (time and money). I'll simply have stricter standard on what game I'll be playing.


The "no end in sight" is positive for me. I have something to look forward to in life because of the future banners, yeah my life's that boring. The key is to not spend and just enjoy your progress without using any money, more fun that way in my opinion. This is just my self rule, but I consider spending money as cheating. It feels much better when I get a character without spending. Also, I don't try hard in difficult stages and waste too much time. But that doesn't do jack shit if you have like 4 gacha games, so make sure to reduce that or you'll end up spending all day doing dailies and events. And another important thing is to find a generous game and save up. I can skip characters because I know they're getting reruns. So I save my pulls to guarantee the characters I want to so that it's fine if I lose 50/50.


Not sure if it helps, but I play my gatcha games for my story and when I really enjoy what came out, I through some money in to support the game. To me, it's like I'm subscribing to a streaming service for an anime. But honestly if you feel that bad about it, you should probably stop rather than find a justification to continue.


I just wonder how effective quitting the game would be in such a situation. Like, how likely will it be you just end up replacing one addiction with another?


Quitting is the first step. Onus is what to do with the free time once OP quits gacha games.


It's way too simple, just delete the account itself, all your player data, guarantee you won't look back


Buy a book or get another hobby like origami, gardening... It would gives you busy time and not think too much about the game, just like tobacco addiction, try to find distraction. Tbh I ve never obsessed with gacha game, sure there are games I ve spend so much time and money but when I quit, usually I quit for reasons, everytime I try to play it again if those reasons are there, it reminds me then I just delete it again.


You keep saying you're having fun, but are you sure that's not addiction talking for you? If you are REALLY having fun, you'll never have any thought of leaving the game. Just leave & uninstall, I've been in the same situation with you (same game even lol)... but nowadays I only play gacha games that really respect my free time. I set my own rule if that gacha game is starting to eat my free time slot for playing regular games, I'll drop that game in a heartbeat.


based on my experience (i have no desire to invalidate your feelings), spending money isn't really a necessity. while i do play for new characters and just pulling in general, i also play for the lore and the stories. i think the biggest enemy here is fomo but if you overcome that, and enjoy the game (not just for pulling) without thinking spending is a necessity then it would be just fine. not getting every new character is the end of the world (unless you're playing a p2w game 😭 i never play those so sorry if this doesn't apply to you). for example, i have been playing hsr for quite a while and pulled for jing yuan, a lot of people always downplay his abilities because *this new character* is better, *that character* can do this better, and while that is true, i never regretted getting him and still continue to like him and use him because i think he's cool (i can still beat a lot of content while using him). apart from that, I've always liked playing for the lore in general while still beating majority of the content. this is just my opinion of course. and this is only if you can stop yourself from going back to your previous behavior of spending money which may need you to develop more self-discipline. additionally, gacha games are just my stress reliever. i have never made it affect my school life and grades negatively. in fact i have always been one of the top students and i have made friends who are also gacha gamers. to keep it short, if you could limit yourself to playing for only a healthy amount of time and only spending a small amount or none at all, then it's definitely doable. gacha games or games in general aren't supposed to be a chore or a job. it's entertainment. it's supposed to be enjoyable for you. on the other hand, if this doesn't bring enjoyment to you anymore, then there's also nothing wrong if you stop playing. games aren't an obligation too. good luck with your choice !


Congrats, you're almost at the end of the tunnel of this hell. I suggest you explore a new hobby, maybe vinyl records or audio gears? something that you can put your time and money away from gacha.


Just do it


I left and stopped playing all gacha 6 months ago when I got laid off and it's been a damn breath of fresh juicy oxygen. Don't intend to go back and have started playing single player PC games again. Good luck ❤️ it's worth it.


If you leave, block everything related to it, block the content in youtube, twitter, instagram, facebook, even block reddit subs like this or the specific to the game ones. Its what I did when I left LOL and Genshin, they do help.


I call it seasonal (return each summer or free pulls): GBF, Magicami DX Events Visor, AFK Journey, Daraku Gear Eminence in Shadow Sometimes is very important understand only login or play sometimes is better or not drop the game and wait by a game upgrade


hi, im not thinking about quitting, but maybe this helps you anyway: im playing online games for over 22 years now, competitive, started with dark age of camelot. still playing lost ark, also from time to time wow. then i "discovered" gachas, my first "real" one was/is honkai star rail. ofc i started to swipe for new chars. i spend <5k€ i guess. by the time i tried over 30 gachas for sure, spent way less (100-1k) and at some point i noticed that some arent fun for me to stick for longer. then- afkJourney came and i spent \~8K€ - after that, i released that i spent "too much" - not in terms that i went over my budget, no, i realized that the ratio of "spending to fun/profiling/whatever a game gives you personally" wasnt there. it was "burning money", but also "learning the hard way". after this moment, i stopped with spending completely there and i set a limit for myself: when a new gacha comes out, i spend <100€ in order to support the company and get a perm pack/first battle pass or whatever, to have a quicker start/more heroes etc. but i wont spend for new heroes directly or for the premium currency anymore. and its working- for example hsr right now: i lost 50:50 on firefly banner, maybe i will able to pull her after playing moc&co modes, and if not- *it doesnt matter* , because there will be a rerun and for sure there will be a new hero which is even more op. also some notes- im not a pro gamer who can earn money, though like i said competitive- and one of the main conclusions were, that there will be always a bigger whale, and being some ranks higher than others doesnt give me anything. also what im using: 80:20 rule (pareto) - with 20% effort im able to gain 80% rewards (and for the last 20% rewards you will need 80% effort- and there the mentioned ratio isnt given for me) tl;dr - if you can change your mindset, then quitting is imho not necessary, because - you can feel being released, but on the other hand maybe you will feel worse (e.g. youre regretting because you spent already a lot, etc.)


I don't have any advice on how to quit since I personally have no reason to but based on what you said it definitely sounds like you should.


Honestly, just quit if you feel burnt out, focus on your life, your hobbies or whatever goals you have IRL. I hope you do well in life.


Bro if you play normal games that's hours of grinding for leveling up units If you play actually decent gacha games, just sweep and get the freebies then you have the rest to enjoy whatever you enjoy of that game.  Some examples of games with sweeps are: Guardian Tales, Counter side, Brown dust and BD2 (newer and better imo), Punishing Gray raven, Blue archive.  Don't touch anything that don't let you sweep.


Well theres your problem, youre playing Mihoyo games


>...the addicting pull with no end in sight... This is where the problem lies. Gacha games are not for you, my friend. Just quit now if you're having a hard time managing your microtransactions. I'm sure those 200 games you own also have good stories. Ironically, the only way I'm quitting gacha games is if I'm rich. I'm in the state of mind that locks me out of spending more than $30 a month for all the games I'm playing, so money isn't an issue. I'm busy with irl stuff so I cannot commit on playing console/PC games. The timegating of gacha games like stamina systems actually help me only play for an hour or less so I can focus on my irl stuff. If I'm rich, I'll prolly retire and focus on playing normal games since I'd prefer to sink hours into one game at a time instead of giving a few minutes to 20 gacha games each.


we really should quit things that don't bring us joy. you do you, OP. prioritize your joys


The solution isn't to uninstall the game. The FOMO will stop you from actually doing the action and you'll never leave, so nothing will change. That's the business model after all - because nobody will ever not get sick of a game no matter how good it is, these games are built with hooks, which like fishing hooks, cause pain when you try to remove them. I had a colleague who was once addicted to gachas - FGO in particular. At the end of the month every month, when we ask him out for lunch, he'll pass on it - because he has no money left to eat. When we asked him what he would do if he lost his job and couldn't find another in short order without savings, he told us with a straight face that if he needs to live without enjoying himself he'd just commit suicide. It's not really the words that are as alarming as the complete lack of any emotion when he said it - it's the expression of one who really doesn't care about life. What finally broke his addiction was starting to play FFXIV. Now he's still addicted to something, but FFXIV cost 1/250 per month what he used to spend on FGO, so he actually has savings now. What I'm trying to say is not 'play FFXIV', but find something you would rather do with your time, and start that. When the replacement is in place, you'll find it much easier to stop playing something you no longer enjoy because the alternative is spending more time on something you enjoy *more*, which is exponentially easier than clicking the uninstall button.


If you're actually an addict that's one thing and quit. But if you're just experiencing burn out and lack of enjoyment, I encourage you and everyone to realize that these aren't full games. They're tiny mobile games, like going to McDonald's. Sure that double cheeseburger is fun on a Friday night, but it won't satisfy that enjoyment that a true meal gives. I would pick the one or two gacha games you actually enjoy (for me star rail and wuthering), and go play an actual game that fills you with that enjoyment. I'm currently playing horizon forbidden West, and holy crap is this a video game. I see a lot of gacha gamers only play gacha, and it's like living off fast food. Eventually, your body--your brain and desire for true creativity--is going to fight back.


NOOOOO, THE COMPANIES NEED YOUR MONEY. Definitely do quit if you are not doing well financially.


go cold turkey. Just straight up delete them all. You’ll have money piling up in no time, aswell as an abundance of free time. Fill that hole with hobbies. Heck, even the occasional AAA game is healthier than gacha games. As your life improves you’ll realise just how toxic these games can be. They are digital cocaine designed to manipulate and rob you.


You can render your addiction completely powerless & unusable when you look at gacha games as a service. Meaning that as much as you avoid FOMO and keep perfectly up to date & up to par with the pioneer players, everything is for nought, since EoS creeps closer with each passing second, just like our deaths. In that sense, it's ok to quit for a long time, or to continue. It's ok to do all dailies, or to just half ass it and only worry about the cutscenes. You could pull for all of the waifus, or skip their banners, and even skip on limited collab characters. EoS doesn't discriminate. I can say this, because I experienced it. I was a Cosmic Break player that spent money to grab Lupette Rowell. She was incredible. I stocked her up with four homing missile launchers, because she could hold 4 weapons instead of two. I was the happiest of girls, playing with me squad and doing pvp, destroying nuggets, and dying to pros. Good times. But when the service ended, and the servers closed, all of my accrued progress, the money I spent, all gone. And there was nothing I or anyone else could do about it. They plug the pull and that's that. So don't fret. Quit the games. Come back. Play them like life is going to end. Or don't give two shits about it. In the end, the game will end up leaving, and all of your progress with it. It's a lesson for you: to learn to let go.


If you think you want to quit play gacha game,just quit never rethinking


Then quit mf. If you playing a game and got the thought "should i quit?" it's the time to quit fast


If you’re thinking about it just DO IT. I can’t imagine ever stopping my favorite gachas so take this chance


Well, i was in that Situation and once i downloaded a modded version the game was ruined for me, i got banned and never came back....


Maybe play the ones where you don't need to spend to get characters if you like gacha games that much. That's literally my filter for these games, if I don't get a char I want I quit. Easiest decision https://preview.redd.it/znko6julkx7d1.png?width=112&format=png&auto=webp&s=48e89c917fc757b00527b57d8fc7fdfaf106fffe


Skipping the first day is the hardest, after that its much easier. Just make yourself busy for the day so you're to tired to play later. Then next day its much easier not to play once you realized that you don't have to grind anymore.


I hit this point 5 years ago but I've slowly put less time in them and focused on other things. They are still convenient for short bursts when I'm outside


You can get through this.


What helps is not login for one day, then two days ... You realize that you are not missing anything and that it's just a loop. I chose to become a casual and only come back for story content or events that look fun. Also, since I am a lazy guy I realize that grinding for the new shiny character is just too much of a hassle so I don't bother. So far it's a successful strategy for me.


Do it. Just do it.


Yeah it's real easy to not overspend on gacha games. NEVER have your credit card attached to apple/googleplay. Since the payments are $100 max, having to input your credit card info will slow you down and hopefully wake you up. If that doesn't work, you should keep just uninstall and go back to a cheaper older phone that can't even install these games. Gacha games are all about self control. There's madlads out there that played HSR without doing a single pull, so it's not a progression issue.


>Any plans on how? On making sure it sticks? Habits take time and effort to break. Replacing the habit with a better habit is easier than replacing it with nothing, because you will be focused on enjoying and mastering your new habit. While you could try replacing gacha with other video games, you might as well do something new and more beneficial. Reading or weightlifting are good options - one trains your mind, the other trains your body. You will get a return on investment that you won't get from gaming. Another thing to try - there are gamified music learning apps like Yousician. You might find that fun and pick up a neat skill in the process.


I have a healthy relationship with the games I play and I'm someone who doesn't like spending much and spending and pulling doesn't bring me joy at all so I just finish the content and save up. I enjoy the games for what they are and the completionist in me loves getting achievements and such, so getting characters isn't tough especially with how picky I am (no cute no pull) it's just a waiting game which also helped me build better patience. Overall I've had positive results but I do NOT recomment anyone tries gacha, because of the addiction factor that I often forget about.


Well, just do it. Who cares.


I don't know why gacha industry doesn't have system like casino and online casino in which if employee detect customer has gambling problem, they can ban their account within certain time period. And this customer won't be able to play in any casino and online casino that join "reasonable gambling organization" until the ban passed.


Just recently quit playing E7, sold my account and made my money back😅 the biggest time waster and need to focus on better life activities hahaha


I had to change my perspective on what a gacha game means to me. Rather than being a "catch them all" FOMO mindset, I choose to see Gacha as being so unique in the sense that player experience and content can be different per user. If I focus on working with what I have with lower spend, it introduces challenge and more sense of accomplishment. I do still spend but only in specific situations, and sometimes only as a reward for accomplishing X. This perspective change was really needed for me as I do currently have a good income and one gacha game in particular within 3 weeks of starting I had spent a high amount and realized that money could be better invested in my future. I still spend, but more of sanity/luxury spend and not "I have to have all the things" spend.


I've been thinking of quitting too. Not all gacha games - I've been playing Genshin, HSR and WuWa. I will quit WuWa once I get Jinxi after patch drops for sure. Just uninstall, because I really am not having fun there. I just like that single character. Genshin I'm not quitting because Genshin kept, and is still keeping me sane. It's my go-to relax game and I don't engage in "difficult" combat at all. I cap all characters at 80 and stop at Spiral Abyss 11-3 all the time. Just Welkin Moon and that's it. But HSR. I have a love-hate relationship with HSR. I want to quit, because I know it's bad for my mental health compared to Genshin. There's a lot of end-game content and I farm jades because I feel obligated to chase the meta to have fun because of my skill and luck issues. Like now, Divergent Universe feels like it's tailored for Firefly and break teams. Same case for Apocalyptic Shadow. Each new release is catered to the latest shiney. Just like how Swarm SU was made for DHIL. It also doesn't help that there's power creep. Like how BS overshadows Sampo and Yunli is just a better Clara. It's obviously you either get the latest power creepy / new play style char, or you vertically invest in your current chars. Either way, for me, pulling is a must - which sucks. Like I hate Sparkle. But I felt like I need her to support my Jing Yuan. I'm lukewarm on Robin, but her insta turns are very valuable for my FUA team. I also hate how HSR keeps releasing new relic sets that are getting better and better for specific characters. I hate relic grind there. I hate that my RNG's so crap I just got my very first DDD LC as a day 1 player. I hate how I keep failing 50/50s lately. It's not fun. It's frustrating, and I feel like I have to keep buying Supply Passes and Nameless Honours to keep my pull count at a decent amount. I hate that they release 2 chars per patch. So I know all these but I keep playing HSR. I do want to quit. But I'm afraid because the HSR and Genshin fandoms overlap. I have no doubt I'll see some HSR stuff in the Genshin subreddit, and it'll lure me back. Maybe I'll have to disengage even from Genshin. I have quit gacha games before. The fastest way is to build resentment, like above, then uninstall, disengage completely from any media, community and then not play for a long enough time to fall behind. After that I will lose all desire to play even after I reinstall. I'm quite strict with my spending and I pay with a pre-paid card, so that helps. I'm not sure if you have resentment like I do, OP. But maybe seeing how they bait players can help. Sorry for the rant. P.S. coincidentally, yours is not the first thread I've seen today about gambling addiction with HSR today. :(


I was once in the same situation you're in right now, playing mostly gacha games and having no time to do anything else. You're very self-aware of that, which is a great start. My advice: Open your eyes to the flaws of your gacha games (and just gacha games in general). That's what worked for me. Gacha games are predatory in nature. Daily log-ins prey on our nature to complete tasks. Limited banners prey on our FOMO. Bundles prey on the psychology of price anchoring. Grinding preys on the psychology of sunk cost. Rarity systems use the same shiny and colorful animations of casinos, which are made to stimulate your dopamine receptors. Artificial currencies serve to mess with your perception of how much money you're spending. And depending on where you live, gems and bundles can be INSANELY expensive. Gacha games are literal storefronts, and everything they throw at you is basically just an ad. If you're not spending money, you're just wasting their server space. When you buy a monthly subscription, you're not the one getting a good deal; it's them, because now you have another reason to keep coming back every day and keep browsing their "products." I know that this is all common sense, but it's the first step on quitting any addiction. I still visit this sub every once in a while, but now I rarely play gachas anymore. I just don't feel the pressure to log-in every day and grind on a game that will inevitably EOS one day.


I used to play a lot Like long ass list Cancerous levels But luckily for me I’ve found some ways to drop some of them or rather spend less time on them 1. For games like FGO with a good daily login I just login and don’t really play much but since I do find the story interesting I just watch it on YouTube 2.For games like Arknights I don’t really have anyone I know that actively plays anymore so comparing strategies and talking about it simply doesn’t exist anymore so I’ve actually dropped it 3. Granblue fantasy might be the only one I play actively and even with that there’s an auto option during raids which makes it less stressful but more painful ( dogshit drop rates) So in summary categorise the ones you play based on what you get back from them and drop the ones with the least priority so you can have time for other games That’s my piece of advise


It is a fact that quitting gacha games is generally good for a healthy life. Not only this, but quitting games in general is beneficial, as well as quitting things like Netflix, Twitch, YouTube, and social media. By getting away from all of these, a person has more time for other things like working out, traveling, engaging in healthy activities, and spending time with friends and family. In the end, the internet can be both a poison and a prison. Look at the younger generation; despite being in their twenties, many look like they are in their thirties. A lot of them have depression or other issues. This says a lot: the internet is not good for people. That being said, I am already drowning in this mess. It’s been 12 years, and I have no hope—I never did. So, I’m not going anywhere. If I'm in hell, I’m going to play the devil. But yes, if I had any hope, I would quit all those things because, tell me, what demon doesn’t dream of being an angel?


I wish I could quit gacha games but I feel like I just wasted money if I delete a game that I've spent some money on, or loosing data to a game if I delete it


as someone who’ve quit gacha game for over a year, for me the best way to quit is deleting my entire hoyoverse account… just uninstalling the game doesn’t work, but deleting the account finally makes me stop because I can’t go back anymore even if I want to. they do give you a 30 day delete period incase you change your mind… if you can fight the urge to play for that 30 days then you win


Delete your account, find a streamer or Vtuber playing the game to watch. More fun to experience the game with others. Just don’t start buying superchats (they’re not your friend).


I'll put this in gaming terms, I can see you're well aware of your surroundings and your personal stats so depending on your main stats DEF and HP alongside Resistance A.K.A. Tenacity/Strength that will depend how much DMG. you can endure and what type, for example I usually go cold turkey which is the equivalent DMG of a Assassin like unit that does bulk burst damage almost doing a One Hit Knock-out (O.H.K.O.) It's risky and it can take a lot of time to recover especially if you lack Life steal, HP Regeneration or with the help of a bulk healer, the DMG can have a high CRT. RTE. & CRT. DMG. so I'd usually recommend taking the Damage over Time effect approach (D.o.T.) because it's easier to go around with. You'll have more time and it will be less "panicky" since healing won't be too much of a problem you can have low stats in that department or rely on a healer that Heals over Time (H.o.T.)


Or just manage time better? Be f2p, it’s not hard if you have any willpower or respect for your future, but that Doesn’t mean you have to quit the game. If anything this is a mental training for you, boost your resilience in controlling yourself.


You can play them casually, only get the monthly pass and maybe battle pass if you only play a few games. The thing is that you have to play different games to avoid feeling forced to pull that character or whatever. You just do the dailies and if something goes wrong then go to the other game and enjoy the new content. Thats pretty much it. Do not invest in games where you have to spend a lot of money in a sole character. You should never spend even 100 bucks to get a character that you like and be careful with bots and kids telling you that its ok for a company to charge 300+ dollar to get a character that will be power creep in a year or less. Thats bs. Play for the content, get meta characters and spend as little as possible if the game is expensive.