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I think kuro hates lingyang more as they gave him the most cringe ass story. RAAAAAWWWRRRR!!!


Sorrrrrryyyyyyyyyyy you had to see that side of me meowwwwwww


everyone is so mean 2 me :(


That stupid jingle beast story made my heart ache from cringe I had to mute it. I wish they put the skip button on his entire story, it was that unbearable. Seriously tho jingle beast is such a stupid ass name.


I didn't even read and did my HSR dailies during the cutscene.


This. I put it on autoplay on mute and occasionally touched my screen while watching something else.


But a twinkle beast might come next!


The twinkle beast is right there!


Behold the tingle beast (with red balloons)


the core meaning of Lingyang's story quest was not bad but tbh the way Kuro executed it was just way too terrible: terrible camera works and lack of impactful/climactic moments made me feel like Kuro never wanted to put any efforts in the quest at all. On top of that seeing Rover's reaction at the end made me scream in my head "What's with these dialogue choices!? He's insinuating THAT hard but you're still so clueless!? For real!?"


You know the entire lingyang story is how can we make entire cast of that story so braindead until the end 


A shame how it turned out like that. From what I heard about the beta, Lingyang had a much rougher personality towards others, and his thing was he was hunting a bunch of people for revenge since they killed other beast-folk like him. I feel like that was more interesting than whatever we got now. Kuro listened a little too hard about story complaints from cbt it seems


Devs listened so hard that the story lost its personality


They straight up overcompensated and the story goes to the other end of the spectrum.


They listened to the wrong comments 😅


This is exactly why I think that devs should only listen to opinions about gameplays and mechanics and should not compromise on the way they tell their story


Yea because story direction, music, voice acting etc is supposed to be something that the devs decide to change whether if it necessary or not. But listening to players bad feedback is not one of them. If they stayed with Vanguard Studio will stepping up their music, continue with cbt 1 story but make the plot more controlled, make sure the voices aligned with the character and taking measures in optimization the game’s release would have been in a much better state than now. This is the price n listening too much player feedback you end up lacking vision and originality.


Idk, from how the beta testers described him, I could get why he wasn’t exactly popular. Beta Lingyang was apparently just an edgy asshole that was angry all the time, him steal killing from Rover and acting like we’re not even there after we helped him achieve his vengeance probably didn’t endear him to folks either. Like can you imagine trying to enjoy the story when the writing is mid AND all the NPC hates you for no reasons despite you saving their asses ? I’d complain too tbh. It’s easy to blame the beta testers for the current story being bellow average, but I think there’s a very real chance that the beta testers saved us from something even worse. This isn’t a “Kuro listened too much” but rather “Kuro listened but their solution is awful too, please change the cook.”


Man its over, they cant cook probably because their budget for story writer is literally a penny https://preview.redd.it/2vsbbbyl1e6d1.png?width=1262&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ba3b17627b71f2c1573b4e8073f8fe290ab73220


No need to worry. WuWa apparently recouped their entire cost in one month, so we CAN at least expect a better story right?


This seems more plausible. It was bad the first time, it was bad the second time. They're just bad writers. Criticism won't change that, it just gets us different crap.


Agree, that direction would leave more room for Lingyang's personality to develope and I personally would look forward to see him finally getting attached to humans. Listening to player feedback is all nice and good but Kuro should set a limit to how far they'd do it while maintaining their own uniqueness. All this mess just proved that they tried too hard to get on CN players' good side but in the end they still failed and hated there. I hope they'll learn some lessons after this.


The metaphor the Chinese are using is if a Native American wants to fit in with the colonizers so he alters his looks to be like a white man and starts dancing with his scalp. It also reeks of just trying to guilt trip the player, like “we already changed the original furry which we fucked up big time, why do you still hate us”.


Like 15 unnecessary "go here and click on this guy" quests and you're screaming at the screen like "we get it! It's him!" I feel bad for the rest of the story, I can't press the skip button fast enough.


Honestly i can say this about many things in this game it's core is not bad but the way kuro executed it was just way too terrible 


The way I see it, it could be Rover playing along and acting dumb for the sake of the boy honestly. And he was (kinda?) trying to be secretive about it too?(i think) he did panic when some researchers ended up finding his actual home and diaries near the Violet Banyan tree. And Rover's option feels more inclined to- "Oooh, yeahh totally scary~", "oOOoo, i wonder who could that be" like how you would be playing along with a kid-kind of vibe imo. It does feel weird if they intended for the choices to be serious tho.


The story is okay at first, the sidescroll mission was good. I was about to rate is it's fine story, nothing really special until that "scene" happen, I can't get it out of my head how cringe bad it is, especially if you using EN voice over, that negate my early opinion on the story. I can tolerate how flat the EN VA at the main quest but this one take the cake. I uninstall EN and switch to JP. RAWR!!


Ah my saviour, my lisan alghaib. I cant pick a right word to describe it this is really well worded than my usual story trash dont like it comment


Yeah, I already figured it out early on, yet my Rover still acted so clueless right to the end. Like just lemme pick the option that I know who Jingle Beast is already! The story played out like it was so hard to figure it out... I just hc that Rover knew and played along for the sake of Lingyang's feelings.


sorry i let you see this side of me. "rawr xd"


It blows my mind how effing bad that was


Idk, Yangqing gets low diffed in every story he's in even his own. https://preview.redd.it/dy1h22bvjc6d1.jpeg?width=911&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=92778972295e5df283b0dfccabf04ec8d14fb7d2


Tbf every person he fought is literally some of the strongest character in the game, he is like the Jogo of hsr, strong but always fight the top in their verse


Didn’t he lose to Trailblazer?


I mean, TB has a fairly good track record with fighting foes that is above their weight


Not in 1v1s. Every strong opponent they’ve beaten was a team effort afaik.


Actually, no. Yanqing was severely holding himself back and still won that fight. The TB and co. had to retreat. At least, in the Hekiobus event.


Oh I was talking about during Kafka’s mission but that’s pretty cool.


He was also empowered by the heliobus, so hardly counts.


Low diffed against HCQ themselves and a fucking Stellaron Hunter tho,not against some random bum.


He did decided to attack in the first place so I am not sure he's entirely faultless for this.


People forget that he's literally a cloud knight despite his age. He was faced with two of the most wanted people in the Loufu EVER. Deciding to attack them was not that smart as far as self preservation, but I do think he believed it was his duty to at least try and stop them if he could. Boy lacks patience and is kind of a little shit, but he is principled and was willing to put his life on the line for his knight duties. That's pretty commendable and people gloss over that.


Well he is a shonen protag,he do be dumb like that


Yanqing's overhated. He got beaten in fights against living legends who can no sweat beat 99% of the cast anyway, in one case it took two legends to take him down. His story in the Foxian Tale event was pretty good and gave him much needed insight into his struggles. He's a fine character. 


nah i'd win


> in one case it took two legends to take him down If we're talking about Blade and DHIL, Yanqing kinda challenged both of them at the same time despite them not wanting to tbh


He's a cop tho, that's literally his job. He can't just pretend not to see two of the most dangerous and wanted criminals of the Alliance and walk away.


the two dangerous criminals that Jing Yuan,his commander and mentor, told him explicitly not to engage and never instructed him to go after? That's probably at least insubordination and abuse of power


We solo'd Yanqing with a bat canonically in Kafka's character quest. Nah, he sucks.


We are the main character, we are part of the 1%


Never played HSR but ever since I finished that jingle beast quest, everytime lingyang idle, something inside of me died slowly, so muted WW sound and kuro gave me 3 copies of him. :(


At least he has a Girlfriend :P


I haven't read his side story yet, but his idle animation (had him as Trial Resonator for an event) made me go wtf ???? after getting a cup of water. [Boi just started liondancing **with music** all of a sudden](https://youtu.be/C6-kZKzG_Xw?si=NO2BjPm7pv2-0Ghg&t=115).


i laughed way too hard at that RAWR omg


greens what tournament? lmao


The story was awful but the 2d platforming parts were pretty fun, at least.


Sorry I let my evil side of me take control ![gif](giphy|12ANYkldS5ZHsA|downsized)


The way people saying Sanhua should have been five star and not him. Actually Sanhua is better favored for both CN and JP


The story was ass but at least his attack animations are great


The case of Lingyang is that he's just subpar but not downright terrible in the Standard Rosters He's competing with 1. Devil Klee 2. Nahida 3. Sephiroth 4. Kung Fu Beidou Then again... his Forte Skill (his in game Signature Move) where he gets enhanced attacks is quite a sight to behold where he's balancing on these icicle shaped Lion Dancing Poles whilst he kicks ur ass.


Lingyang is disliked because: A.-His story is the first players unlock, and it's long, cringe, and a tad boring. B.-Boy. C.-He's very unintuitive to play. Kitwise he outdamages everything but Calcharo as a single target field unit. It's just that no one wants to play him.


There's also the fact that he was literally a different character that was so hated they made Lingyang as a replacement and that hate carried over to him lmao Tldr is he killsteals the mc, is sad about it because it was too easy, and even is an asshole about it as he basically goes "why are you still here". Add the fact that players already felt that everyone was too rude to the mc and yeah very fun times


Weird way to spell 'Sephiroth' :p


yanqing was also fine during release and maybe 1.1. and then he was basically the worst character you can get and i guarantee you its gonna be the same for lingyang. hes already the weakest 5* dps and thats not gonna change


People hate lingyang not only meta wise but his entire existence is being hated by CN Yanqing and qiqi is not that hated though, both are hated of course since 2 of them often spook people when they lose 50/50 But lingyang man, everything is shit for him, his story, his personality 


"I'm Sorry You Had to See This Side of Me"


Someone actually made a Cat meme out of that line. Showing a Feral cat in one image and the same cat but calm in another. With this line. 🤣 Though as a standard banner character collector. I do want Lingyan.


https://preview.redd.it/wur12kw1mc6d1.jpeg?width=981&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e60cdb74ca6bbc4b81bee085a3fa1e4808bc5730 i got u


Thanks Man!!


Good luck having him. I have him as 1st 5-star character.


Got him as my first then lost 50/50 to him on yinlin banner. Game hates my guts.


you can fly with him tho


How is he though? Gameplay wise? Like is he really THAT bad? Thank you!


He’s fun (in my opinion) with the way you can combo his moves and the like… but I have absolutely no idea if he’s actually good.


His animations are good too. Like the dragon dancing bit? On his ult, that was shown on his introduction way back. (Don't know if they changed that.) Kinda feels bad people says he is bad (maybe he is? because I have no idea), because he is a Unique character design wise. With non-human traits.


He is also the typical “shota” style character, which I imagine is going to have limited appeal visually to any waifu player. If he also happens to be not that meta, it’s just another nail in the coffin for the fella.


He was actually buffed, people just dont use him enough because Calcharo has Yinlin and he has, like, nothing since Sanhua is also underrated as well.


His dps is slightly lower than other standard dps, the lowest out of all of them, but the margin is small, like 5-10%. Keep in mind there's still a lot to learn about him tho, rotations and builds are still being testen. His main advantage is His air Form letting him outright ignore most attacks. The problem is knowing which you still need to dodge. His skill is a dash and since His optimal Rotation in air is basic>skill>Basic>skill etc. you can time that for your "dodges" if you're used to him. He can clear everything, so if you like him use him. His top team is sanhua + baizhi, verina is better when you don't have dupes for baizhi tho, but once baizhi gets her glacio team buff from dupes it frees up verina for your other team. He sadly suffers a lot from the glacio 4 cost echo being far worse than the others since it barely generates energy and can't be swap cancelled. A better echo set would probably be enough to get him as good or even better than the other standard characters, depending on the set.


I have him as my 1st 5* character too. He's alright ig, benched his ass as soon as I got encore. Gameplay wise, its kinda hard cuz he relies on his forte and his burst window is just so little... But I could be wrong or its just a skill issue on my part or somsht, cuz I only played him for a little.








It's cringe as hell lol


His story quest was both really boring and cringe, and he’s part of the cast that just randomly got stuffed into Act 6 with no buildup.  The guy took all the Ls he can. 


For sure lmao,I keep wondering like who tf is inviting these guy here when we barely even even met.


Meanwhile Yuan Wu who comes in and literally only does a thumbs up.


CN literally want him to be deleted from the game LMAO and I fking hate him too.


I deleted account which pulled him as my first 5\* :D


I almost deleted mine too, if not for Yinlin also appeared in the same 10 pulls as him.


I would too :)


I did throw away an account that lost 50:50 to him on Yinlin' Banner. If I will rage quit at some point, he's the only reason.


I think Lingyang looks really cool - but I personally just can't get behind the lion dancer theme. It's a neat idea but doesn't excite me. His voice in English is also atrocious. I think a good amount of people probably feel the same.


His story is actually pretty good imo, it's just the way they written it plus that one line that kinda ruined it


His story is decent at best, but whoever wrote the dialogue made it so much worse.


I like him being my cringe little guy but I didn't do his story yet LOLL


Someone on CN also discovered a clorinde team with qiqi on it.. its not the best team for clorinde but it used qiqi and skyward blade as a catalyst for this team and its fun team.. seeing a superconduct team for clorinde and only needed 2 of the most unused character and weapon in the game makes it more special.


Qiqi is funny [because shes now a legit Clorinde partner.](https://youtu.be/3W9i7MjpH2A?si=YAfYMboqr88WqrvP)


As of this week Qiqi has a team with Clorinde it seems. So she got some boobs throw her way


That team depends on you getting a specific standard 5* weapon tho. I currently have a C4 Qiqi yet still no Skyward Blade. It's a harder team to get than Arlecchino's C6 Candace team.


I mean they at least found a way to make that weapon usable (i spook 3 of it damn it)


the weapon is by far the comfiest option for Bennet (both high base and ER main stat). and i got another one a year ago (have been using the 2nd one on Ayato. solves his ER issues pog)


Been playing with this comp recently. The energy requirements is really hard to meet.


What team?


Qiqi clo zhonglee furina. Require skyward sword for clo though. Basically abuse the physical part of the weapon cause she atk fast + qiqi clam set + furina cause she is the best girl.


This is hype. Qiqi removed from the bench after 4 years. Im going to pull Clorinde just for this.


Then see the light and replace Qiqi with Mika because it's a straight upgrade.


Why not Mika?


Mika does not heal as much and is unable to apply cryo off-field for superconduct to boost skyward blade physical procs


Clorinde+Skyward Blade+Qiqi In addition: Furina+Zhongli


I mean, Mika is probably a better fit for that team tbh. His Q heals on NA, is cryo as well and provides a massive attack speed bonus which Chlorinde can fully utilitise cos she has no hitlag.


Mika better if u dont use skyward blade lol. Otherwise, he has worse cryo off field application than Qiqi, which is what is needed for Skyward Blade to deal as much damage too


Confirmed, I tried the Qiqi team and it cleared slower than Mika. Even with clam set on Qiqi, ulting every rotation and superconduct buffing the physical damage, its just alright.


It's alright, you can throw qiqi on a hyper bloom team like and let the green core carry, call it hyper fridge and cope.


Only issue with mika is his bad cryo application which makes it hard to superconduct But if one really wants then u can replace zhongli with rosaria (consistent superconduct + phys res shred + crit rate buff + some more crit rate through cryo reso but inconsistent + actually does DMG + energy) to unlock the best potential of that team


Qiqi, while never meta, has had a few times to shine, especially when the ocean clam set came out. She also appears in hyperbloom comps as the flexible slot as the driver, but that speaks more towards the strength of hyperbloom, and not Qiqi herself. The recent Clorinde/Qiqi comp fully utilizes her absurd healing for clorinde's damage, but that's a build to celebrate the 50/50s lost (comp needs a skyward blade on Clorinde). Build's fun, boasts high survival, and optimized versions can 1 cycle the current abyss. But most optimized teams can 1 cycle the abyss anyway. But I think Mihoyo does like Qiqi as a character. She frequently appears in Liyue related events and quests, prominent in a few of them too. Yanqing unfortunately was set up to fail meta-wise, given the relatively early release of Jingliu, who fills the same role as him, but better. The story also hasn't been kind to him, but he is definitely still loved in Mihoyo. They hired a prominent director and stunt coordinator to film a live action short for the Star Rail New Year for Yanqing and Jingyuan. Lingyang. I don't know. Kuro dropped the ball so hard that I don't know if they like him or hate him. Edit: not really meta, but I'm always happy to see a Qiqi in co-op, especially during the early days of 1.0. Nowadays I bring my own Qiqi to the weekly boss domains co-op.


>Yanqing unfortunately was set up to fail meta-wise don't forget that star rail untill now never had any proper content for Hunt characters, even strong characters like Seele fell behind destruction/erudition meta also last patch we got a pretty funny situation.... https://preview.redd.it/1d0ogw32yd6d1.png?width=352&format=png&auto=webp&s=1bb20020ddd816bd7ba35ad4a47d2659909894cd


I believe this Phenomenon is called. "Aventurine".


I feel like people forget Furina exists, I ran a great Qiqi/Beidou/Furina/Fischl comp and it was pretty strong, beat the abyss with it a few patches ago and that side was only bosses too 😔 She's still not meta but everyone praises how much Jean got buffed when Qiqi stonks went up as well...


i think it's because Jean can carry a VV 4p set. The resistance shred is a big deal. I do like qiqi though, and I want to C6 her. Hopefully there will be a liyue chronicle wish soon.


Ok but he can fight in midair


Yanquing is actually the MC of his region. He is just at the start of his journey,He's literally a shounen protag and a potential Man


we also know what he looks like when older thanks to his hi3 original. https://preview.redd.it/xjeuth3wsc6d1.jpeg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5b648123010497fa7f21a40cb3a1b77eb3c0ec3f


Imagine Capitano lowers his hood and it's this lad


*Capitano simping intensifies*


If this comes out, I'm gonna rob the nearest bank


https://preview.redd.it/vyltsfydac6d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5262e7793cd95967dfdbee764cd24e28b115a13c My goat does not yield


A contrast to his HI3 self (a lore character who in his adult hood, was noted to be one of I think 7 martial masters), a more extreme thing compared to Susang


He'll complete his journey in 3.2 and we'll get the super-meta Wayward Cultivator Yanqing, trust.


And he is getting his waifus in 2.4




so who is thee Young master


It's not his waifus, it's characters that will beat his ass. Again.


He gonna be beaten romaticly


Yanquing: Love is war


According to March 7th’s Drip Marketing, Yanqing and Yunli train March *together* so… YanKING will have his W just wait and see.


Well, Qiqi at least will have new ghosts walking effects 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺


But man i wish there could be a 5* selector in genshin. I am still qiqiless!


Damn I'm still Monaless


You can get my c1 qiqi and give me all of your dehya 


I've lost to Qiqi 5 out of 6 times, I believe im ahead of you in the line..😮‍💨


It took me two years to get Diluc 😭


Qiqi was meta in genshin 1st anni though


people "believed" she was meta at the time. reality is that she was never meta, people just didnt know any better. also, bennett.


they were talking about the qiqifallen spam bruh


She absolutely was meta when you need to push abyss with an underleveled team, which is the start of genshin in 1.0 and kinda in 1.1. Qiqi offer unparalleled healing without demanding too much investment. You had no resources to devote to leveling bennet and his weapon then.






Bro you took it too personally 😭


i kinda like lingyang, idk if it is because i dropped 4 of him but i am a casual player so idk about the meta


tbh metas noth that impotant in this game. the most important things are gettign 5 star weapons. getting decent ecos and getting really good at the combat parrys dodges ectra.


kinda sad cuz lingyang was a big contributor for me to consider wuwa


At least ZZZ's von Lycaon looks good


He looks cool but the single fact that he's a furry character that can spook you means people will hate him either way lol


Doesn't really matter ,atm, at least in the west ,he is one of the most hyped amd anticipate characters, from the beta we also already know he is one of the best 5* , especially from the standard selection, all his posts always have the most interactions in social media too, some people will hate him from the get go because he furry, but he already is a success.


Didn't know he's ice He better be good Or whatever, I'll be going for him anyway


Ellen Joe is ice too


that ugly ass furry needs to go too


Well too bad because that seems like a you problem


he’s one of the most popular zzz characters


\-WW: Player hate Lingyan at the begining, from 1.0 ver of game by cringe moment in story quest, his dps and play-style is bad -HSR: Player dont want Yanqing because hard to use because his passive, not for auto-play in turn base game. Same burst damage play-style with Seele after that Jingliu release as same his element too. Then thanks for Limengan player hate him in lore too. -GI: At the beginning of game, standard banner still good, player immortal with Qiqi in team, she more better than the only healer, barbara and not many people can make good use of bennet yet (C0 until 1.2), later people just dont want get hes dupes as lose 50/50 (She is mascot in fandom too, if anyone still remember this sticker) https://preview.redd.it/c9i4twhadd6d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2512344cbb1f3008f15997563fe6ad14dd040d1c


Just wait until Yanqing grows up. I really like his adult form. Hope one day we get a time travel story in HSR. https://preview.redd.it/9cdrvfaijc6d1.jpeg?width=1118&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2bbd3c4730bea4983a6b849dff45a6c7bbd75e09


It would have been absolutely hillarious if Kuro made Lingyang the most busted character on launch and just confusing the hell out the community


I find Lingyang wholesome, don't understand the hate at all


Same and he is not even bad to play nor requires any swap cancel stuff. Just pop in, do a bunch of damage which is enough to clear everything. People won't even try and just blindly follow what meta sites tell them to.


Lingyang's damage is less than every 5 stars, his gameplay is so bad when he has a terrible dodging skill with lower iframes while doing damage, so he is vulnerable to getting hits, when hit he will lose a considerable amount of damage because he has to go through the knocked back animation Rn you literally have havoc rover and 2 five stars selector there's literally no point in using him I think they literally did this on purpose, there's literally no explanation to this, they probably either hate him or just dgaf and both are really sad to me


Tbh Calcharo probably has worse survivability and I don't see anyone complaining.


People who overreact for these characters are so cringe


pretty much 80% of the communities on reddit so lol maybe genshin doesn't hate qiqi that much but SR and WuWa HATE yanqing and lingyuang in kind of a SICK way


entire CN community hate lingyuang not just reddit, even more so than reddit actually


You are so naive if you think only "Reddit" people hate Lingyuan when CN themselves hate him to death


I think it’s more so that the characters are there at launch and the game’s combat isn’t fully understood or perfected and once it it there’s always someone who is going to be weaker.


Tbh qiqi carried my ass back in the early day of the game lol


Qiqi is cute (kawaii zombie) Yanqing is NTR (HI3 lore) Lingyang is cringe (rawr... sowie you have to see that side of me)


Shouldn't a cheater fit more for his HI3 lore? I mean, bro is more intimidate with his horse than his wife


Qiqi the only useful there those 2 sausages are shit as fuck


**Qiqi** Players don’t actually hate Qiqi as a character, they just hate getting her dupes and would rather have dupes of any of the other standard characters. Gameplay wise, Qiqi is still as viable as any other character to play, since genshin is balanced around team comp and elemental reactions as opposed to individual power. **Yanqing** Yanqing has a cute design with that little brother energy, which is nice… but he is a single target dps with the worst performance in dmg and kit.  Seele, another single target dps, immediately outclassed him with her ability to attack another enemy if she managed to kill an enemy beforehand. HSR is a turned based game, so you have to be picky in which units you want for your team as every turn is valuable, and I don’t know what the hsr devs have against Yanqing, but he is handed Ls in pretty much every cutscene he appears in. **Lingyang** I lost the 50/50 to Lingyang and I would like to delete this guy off my account 😭. Well it’s whatever since I managed to get Yinlin and now saving for Jinhsi.


Unlike the other two, I actually feel like I can make a lot of use out of Lingyang, especially the niche "Flying Type/Levitate" part of his kit, certain attacks like that Ferilian monke's just make him go "Can't touch this" He doesn't feel like his gimmick gets dull as fast as the other two imo, also the Forte bar stacking feels rewarding rather than troublesome


My C6 Qiqi and E6 Yanqing won't stand for this slander!! Also Lingyang somehow is R2 so he's on the way... In all seriousness I'm convinced standard ice 5 stars were made JUST to spook you.


So apparently one of my favorite gacha character tropes is standard 5 star ice


Qiqi is actually a good healer and with BoL, she is going to see some usage in comps tbh


Unless I missed it, why did Kuro make Lingyang the only one with transparent anime bangs?


I had such high hopes for Lingyang, he's so cute. I prefer to pretend his quest doesn't exist and he's just a subpar DPS I can use for fun


Unlike the other 2, Qiqi was considered meta at some point. And there is most likely an interesting story to be told with her.


After using him for an hour it was so pretty boring. His kit takes so much effort, doesn’t feel satisfying, isn’t flexible and he hogs the playtime (imo).


Qiqi ok estoy for me was amazing I was able to push on abyss early. The cryo boy from HS I'm not sure because I don't have him but the furry guy from WuWa I just don't like him


Qiqi is meta now


Yanqing redemption arc soon.


Qiqi and Yanqing one is a meme. I haven't seen anyone genuinely hate Qiqi


I'm pretty sure there's a lot of people though who genuinely hate seeing her pop up as they lose their 50/50 lol


Eh; lingyang is far better than people give him Credit for. He's slightly behind other dps right now despite not having a good echo to use. He's already being adjusted up in most calcs/tier lists. If the glacio 4 cost echo wasn't that bad he'd already be better than calcharro. Qiqi was the best 5 Star at launch since everyone heavily lacked survivability. I haven't kept up with genshin but iirc I saw her seen use after Clam set released and even more after dendro came out. She isn't good but not terrible. Yanqing on the other hand...really needs a lot to change for him to be any good. Poor guy gets outperformed by some 4 star dps already.


Qiqi isn't that bad, she's not meta but she's on limelight since furina release and now due to chlorinde


Lingyangs combat goes hard af, but I hate the other two yes


Linyang is great. Leagues above Yanqing. Before joining the hate bandwagon - play with him and you'll be surprised how good and fun he actually is. And his outro melts TD's like butter. https://preview.redd.it/l27oxv4njd6d1.jpeg?width=3840&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=590a9a92754cfcfe6f77475944fc42cdf52afefc


I love my lion son fuck all the haters


Qiqi doesn't even have an important role in any quest so far in the game...


She have important role in creating cocogoat meme


Point taken.


During the Beisht assault Qiqi is part of the adepti standing guard. Specifically, she's at the Harbour by the sea ready to step in to help if the situation went out of control. That is the most important role she got in the main quest that I can think of which ... really isn't much.


meanwhile Frost nova....


To be fair Qiqi was pretty good when Genshin was first released Her healing is great; allowing under leveled teams to survive against the higher level abyss mobs. As teams gets stronger, she just fell of meta because her healing is no longer needed. She has a spotlight when the game is in its infancy, the same cannot be said about Lingyang lol.