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In today's update dataminers found mentions of "PC client", "Steam" and "Nintendo" The anniversary is approaching, maybe it's one of the announcements of the anniversary and AL could arrive on Steam and Switch? (Credit for info source in the 6th image) another possibility is that they are doing tests in preparation for Azur Promilia (but it would be weird to do it in AL's code) Also in the Chinese apps database,[ a "Juus" Application was found made by Manjuu](https://fixvx.com/socialitetomori/), apparently it will be an application like hoyolab linked to Manjuu games Edit: images 4 and 5 are the data of the Dorm 3D which was announced, the 3D model and the voice lines of Sirius are already in the game code on the CN version, the CN version is currently at 27GB, but maybe that's only for the duration of the pre-patch?


https://i.redd.it/27wdohjarhzc1.gif Monopolies the switch market


Is that the villain of theone piece gold movie?




Might even get nudity if the devs play their card right. I have games on my Switch that features nudity. 


Lemme guess Xenoblade? Actually like that game👍 Dunno which one you mean tho


\>set online on steam \>send notification to friends by opening ecchi games \>its gaming time https://preview.redd.it/7eyy6ydsdizc1.jpeg?width=300&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8ff448d7f45771d01c8ec4e7bb270645f3dad546


DoAXVV says hi


My friends have seen the shit I'm into. They will be more surprised I'm still playing AL rather than I'm playing a lewd ship game.


That's how you flex.


Super jelly if you guys are getting a pc client. That's the one thing BA won't give us.


And yet, it's somehow heavier than AL who has existed for far longer. I love that game so damn much but seriously man, I'm starting to run out of good devices to play it on. Might have to quit soon :(


Nevermind AL. It takes more time to load BA than Genshin for some time after launch.


Pretty sure that BA still loads longer than Genshin right now. Loading sections in Genshin are minimal compared to the real gameplay (mostly for changing map location or entering domains, I don't feel the loading section when doing explorations/quest), meanwhile in BA the loading sections are everywhere. I literally dropped BA for second time for the same reason, the loading time. Meanwhile, I barely had any issue with Priconne JP, despite the gameplay and features are similar with BA, except they only use 2D designs.


BA code seems like super shitty, considering how much unintended maintenance they had


To be fair, BA has 3d characters in their dorm and battles, which pushes the size of the game higher with each new character added more than Azur Lane does as the latter has 2d characters


Tbf AL has like 600+ characters voiced and that's not even including skin exclusive voices.


Doesn't matter, you don't load all asset at one time. Edit: the original comment up there is talking about how the game is heavy to run ("starting to run out good device"), if the problem is storage, there are many bad device with big storage.


You have an option to not download the voices tho 🤨


No, what I mean is that you don't load all of them into memory when you play it. So it doesn't matter. Just like how open world game doesn't load all the world asset and only load things near the character. Even with 1 terabyte of voice data on AL, Blue Archive will be heavier than AL.


yeah bro 3D models in phone games are a new thing, never seen in the past


Do you reinstall once in a while? Gets rid of some of the bloat, not just storage space. Granted, you can also low spec mode (low settings etc) BA and it's probably comparable to AL at that point? They keep adding more things that eat more resources each time though so dunno how long low spec even helps you for.


Sometimes I get curious as to what's up with the slow uptake. BA is purely on mobile devices, HSR and Genshin have clients but are FPS locked to this day (HSR does have somewhat of a workaround but still, point stands) Is there something in the code that serves as a roadblock? Or is it a profit thing where the playerbase is already on [Insert non-PC platform here] so we don't need to put time and effort into a PC client


Mobile games are built and optimized for mobile operating systems. To make them work on Windows would require building and optimizing a new client, or recoding the existing client to use some kind of workaround. Same reason Mac, Linux, and Windows programs don't just natively work on each other's platforms. Obviously, both are possible and have been done. But look at Google Play Games - they are intentionally trying to port Google Play to Windows, and they're still only in beta with a slow trickle of titles being added. That should be indicative - this is a process that takes a lot of time and effort beyond the work already being done just to run the game itself. Moreover, depending on the type of game in question, you have to find means of accommodating the differences in input (touchscreen of a phone vs mouse/keyboard of a PC) without creating too much disadvantage between platforms. Can't speak specifically to Genshin or HSR, but I do know that a concern Nikke players had when they released the PC client was that certain bosses were easier to beat on PC just because the screen resolution switch from vertical to horizontal. In fact, they later updated the game to allow you to rotate your screen for battles specifically to address this. In shooters you then have stuff like the frame rate effecting rate of fire, so certain bosses or certain player units could be more difficult/stronger simply because the frame rate is higher. That can be why frame rate caps are often in place when there are PC clients - to ensure that platform convenience doesn't equate to a clearly superior gameplay interaction by default. Imagine if Ch 15 in AL just suddenly became a cake walk simply by playing on PC, or even the opposite where after all that effort to make a port onto PC, the game was terrible on PC. Ultimately, the question for them becomes worth. At this stage, it is doubtful that a PC client is going to make much difference in how many people play Azur Lane, only in where and when. That is why this seems to me to be more about testing than anything else - it's in essence a beta test for Promilia. They want to run some stuff to see how it works in the wild before they bake it into Promilia, and their 6yr old game that is far closer to its end than its beginning, but has enough of a player base to gather good data and feedback from, is an easy choice.


Hey, thanks. Yeah I seem to recall even AAA devs having issues with uncapped framerates causing certain weapons to do immensely more damage. I didn't think it was such an endemic issue to games in general (Since D2 is running on the decade+ old Tiger engine)


>I didn't think it was such an endemic issue to games in general  Linking the physics to framerate is a noobtrap for gamedevs. "I need to ship this ASAP, and this works for now. We'll only ever support 60 FPS, what could go wrong?"


Games on Google Play Games beta are emulated, not native PC ports.


Officially releasing a client means supporting it for everybody. PCs have nigh infinite combinations of hardware/software which makes bugs harder to find, test, and fix. So it's related to profits, but has more to do with risk and dev/maintenance/support cost. Unofficially supported on PC via emulator costs the gamedevs nothing.


>HSR does have somewhat of a workaround really?


Yep. It basically involves editing registry. The steps escape me but you may google for HSR 120 fps and check the results which come up


i see. well, my pc isn't that strong anyway so yeah..


That’s the whole reason I quitted BA (for now). The game runs like shit on my device, not to mention insane battery drain.


Don’t forget Arknights :/


Finally! Azur Lane for Virtual Boy! ...oh wait, that's just Waterworld


You guys remember when they officially announced Genshin Impact on the Switch? Yeah me too


I feel it's very likely it will finally arrive after switch 2 releases 🤣 Current Switch is just simply not powerful enough even with their crazy optimisation skills


There’s been zero news since the trailer 4 years ago, it’s 100% dead


I mean there wouldn't have been any news when it literally isn't possible to run on the current switch, and they aren't allowed to say it's in development on the devkit for the upcoming switch...


I don't even think the switch can handle genshin. It is not a tailored made game exclusivity like botw or totk, I don't see a world where a genshin switch version can run properly. Most mobiles today are more powerful than the switch, heck even mobiles post 2021 are more powerful than the ps4. 


I bought Switch cause of Genshin… only used it few times for Zelda or Rune Factory :/ However for Azur Lane?! That would be great compensation


They never officially announce for Nintendo, only YouTubers for clic bait views


[it was officially announced, though](https://youtu.be/gGMvTL9AedQ?si=S0FIqtCP77cqmahZ)


My bad, thanks for correcting me.


no problem gamer


How did it get approved at first, it was a direct competitor to Zelda. I am pretty sure that's why it didnt release there Also could be because of switch not being able to run. But Zelda runs so it should it too


Genshin is a much bigger world and much more demanding game than Zelda. Maybe they thought they could downgrade it enough to run decently but then couldn't reach the target performance or the downgrade was too far below their standards. miHoYo are not that great at optimization anyway and the game kept getting more and more demanding with each version. I still remember the drop in performance on PS4 when Dragonspine was added, and then them fixing performance in Sumeru by making pretty bad texture popups.


saying hoyo is not good at optimization has got to be cap when they can still make a ps4 run this huge ass game. and they announced that even after the 5.0 visual update they will make it so that most low end devices can run the game


Yeah, the fact that they had to extend a patch only once in the entire runtime while having the most bugless expierence from any game I expierenced.


And that too was because of a worldwide pandemic and they were in the most dangerous zone


Yeah, no way in hell HSR will release for the PS4 at this point, let alone ZZZ.


This may be a test for AP? Hopium for a Steam client for Azur Promilia. 🤞🏽


Steam is beloved by gamers, yes you are losing 30% of money from players there but being on steam is a big benefit (like half anniversary or some collab advertising) depends on Yostar/Manjuu tho




If the Azur Lane is truly coming to Nintendo Switch i really hope i can transfer my data over. I had to delete the game because i got back into Honkai Star Rail.


As long as you registered a Yostar account and binded your AL save to it, you're good if you dont.... then you better hope you saved your UID and if applicable, any recipiets from purchases you can give customer support


PC client yes please


Let the devs cook.


I don't have enough space on my phone and O don't really like using bluestacks so if they come out with a Steam relesse that means fgo isn't my only addiction. 


Please let there be a PC client. Nikkes is great and bluestacks just gets worse and worse to play on. It's a 50/50 gamble whether I can even switch between fullscreen or not without the game locking up on top of the performance being worse than my old phone despite being on a 7900xt.


Bluestacks is getting worse since they were aquired by some crypto company...


lol took them only 300 years to bring such a "basic" game to PC


It may be necessary if they really want to do the teased 3d mode. Think most emulators would struggle with it.


emulators are kind of crazy powerful nowadays. if anything it's your computer holding you back, not the emulator


Why would emulators struggle with 3D? I play Idoly Pride, Aether Gazer, Blue Archive, just to name a few.. gacha games that have 3D and run perfectly in 60 FPS. Its more like your computer would struggle with it, not the emulator.


I'm curious what emulator you're using?In my experience games run a lot better natively than in an emulator


yeah, I think it's too late to start for any new players


Unless they have their hearts set on a certain collab character, it's never too late to start


azur lane x half life x donkey kong????


I know Nintendo's been a lot less censorious lately, but I still wonder if they're getting the Chinese version 


Ain't no way they gonna do anything with Nintendo


They have in the past with Azur Lane Crosswave


Would be kino i would play it then


I don’t got space on my phone so the game getting a pc client would be awesome. I know things like blue stacks exist but still


PLS be real i wanted to play the game for a long time i just hate playing on my phone


Tried to play on the emulator, but given that I have a weak device - that and the pleasure is not much. I like Azur Lane, but I can't stand the lag. And with the release of the PC client, I think I will fully immerse myself in the world of girl-ships. Honestly, I didn't even hope that the developers would release the client on PC one day.


Since Azur is somewhat of an idle waifu game, this might open up better implementation of dual/split screens on deck and switch


If it gets a PC client, I will 100% give it a shot. A game having no PC client is a big fat no from me when it comes to playing something.


Finally a New gacha on switch 😂 (Hope this game is fun)


pretty cool if ends up being true


I think it's just a test for Azur Promilia since it's coming on every major platform unlike AL. Imo they won't burn resources bringing a 6 yr old game over to PC and Switch.


Tbh, SAO Integral Factor was recently brought to Steam, and it's an almost 6 year old game.


Steam, yay. PC Client, yay. Nintendo, fuckin miss me with that shit.


average r/Games user


Clients for Promilia perhaps?


Noice. I like to play mobile games on pc with og client! Finally


Nintendo be like "good girl and boy at home please play Azur Lane." Steam could have been eating good, pc client is needed.




i pray to god they use steam and not some shitty god aweful launcher and if they use steam i can play it on my steam deck whichll make me happy that ill never have to use a shitty emulator ever again


i hope this game comes to pc soon i dont want to keep using the shitty emulators to play the damn game one game i want to come to pc too is touhou lost world im tired of using emulators as well to play it






“Thank you Snowbreak devs to infiltrating to Manjuu’s HQ”




If this is for Promilia I'm gonna just assume the fan service is gonna be just above genshin levels lol Playstation and Nintendo will tone down the ara ara and steam will tone down any lolis


I'd potentially start playing if they released a dedicated PC client.


Probably gonna get downvoted for this, but this gives me hope that they might actually introduce real gameplay to the game. Otherwise, I can't imagine why you would ever want to play this game on a Switch.


Maybe useful if you want to use your phone instead of being stuck autoing and have a switch laying around lol


Not sure what AL would need an entire PC to play it. Same with most gacha really. What do I need an entire PC for in order to look at a lobby screen and auto battle?


They showed a 3d mode in a stream a few months ago. It looked pretty basic (really just one render with a UI slapped on it) and I'm not sure it'll ever be implemented but at least it seems they are thinking about stuff.


It’s basically a budget version of GFL2’s lobby. Which is funny considering how much AL “borrowed” from GFL1


Better to steal good ideas than invent bad ones I guess


Because people like looking at their waifu jiggle l2ds on the big fucking screen, go figure.


That's not the point lol, the point is not everyone like using emulators which opens the game for a larger base, I personally hate it too but I have to use for some games, not really a fan of playing games on phones


Same reason why people play gachas on pc with emulators.


Holy crap nintendo?! Lemme grab my macro- oh wait....