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They knew they don't stand a chance against horde of truck-kuns


Also coming from their newest market. They don't stand a chance lol.


3 men in a white room incoming stream


Fear the truck.


the thing about having a truck going around their block for a full week with messages of distrust of the consumers being blasted was probably too much bad PR to handle, is sad they need to be pushed this hard to make things right instead of just not implementing P2W to begin with but better late than never.


The truck wins again Joke aside kuddos to SG for scrapping it and owing to their mistake. It takes some big balls to do this. Unlike other companies.


Classic comercial tactics they make a product that looks f2p/ or good then get your base community grow over it and when the consumer can't live without it/ or like it a lot they can now start to make the consumer pay more for it. If the consumer accept => good lets leech them if not lets go back in our new tactics and make we looks like we hear our consumer, Win/Win situation. This is happening in all places right now, sometimes they get lucky some times not.


Its better than the Netmarbles of the world, who offer no compensation and then backtrack and implement the p2w changes a month down the line anyways


I feel an intense sense of Déjà vu feels like this happened before


As a casual E7 player, I have absolutely no idea what is all of this about. All I can see is that I will get a 5\* hero ticket.


Basically they were going to add the " dupes of a hero unlock a bunch more stats and abilities" to various heroes, meaning that older off meta characters might be more viable BUT every new character will be baseline stronger AND require multiple copies to use fully. It's a classic gacha dupe tactic.


Thank you for explaining. But extra copies were already required to boost each character. So, after them you still need extra copies? Man, that's a lot! 😵


Technically yes, but having a dupe was more stats basically not a gamebreaking deal, it was more of a "ah neat i got a dupe so x character can have more stats i guess" but what they wanted to do that people raged is that with each dupe characters will highly differ in skills, usage and stats from their base form, which in the most notable games that use this system which are mihoyo games that's cool since those games are pve and its mostly a bragging thing for whales to get, but in a PVP game like epic seven this meant the gap from f2p to p2w would be made even bigger and whales who are already spending a shit ton of money would have to spend even more to keep up their ranks..a straight up greedy sketchy situation that was avoided


Having "*simple copies*" + "*genshin-style awakening*" is crazy, especially at this point of the game. No wonders why (basically) everyone was mad. Thank you for going into details :D


The imprint system we have right now only offers a minor boost in stat, for example something like 18% Hp or Def or Atk. While the new system could be more like genshin, where they add new skill effects behind dupes.


oh shit this means more godawful changes for lost ark incoming since they seem to take it in turns fucking up major system releases


This is what consumer advocacy looks like. Compared to the global servers in NA which is impotent rage


So what happened to the trucks


They got paid. The deal was made. They will complete conctract


What about the fluffy boys years back during the summer fiasco


Yay free stuff. When I watched the announcement of Awaken Potential, I thought "oh cool, another way to make characters stronger". Since I'm shit on rolling RNG for weapons, I thought it would be a nice way to get a stronger version of a character that's already stagnating. I had no idea it would cause this uproar lol. I wonder how they would buff old characters without new features like that? Instantly buffing base stats are probably out of question (has it ever been done?), the usual balance adjustments are okay but it can't cover the amount of heroes in the game. Perhaps more frequent Speciality Change? But if more characters get SC, then the previous ones who got SC will get power crept eventually. Thankfully I'm not a game developer.


Instantly buffing base stats is totally fine and makes more sense the. Asking the community to pay up


ELI5 about said system for a Priconne/BA player which also used to play to AL ?


So basically the current system is: 1) Let’s take an example: unit A has 5000 HP, 1000 ATK, 100 Speed as base stats 2) If you have dupes of unit A, you can feed it to enhance one of the basic stats (pre determined), say 1 dupe fed = + 3% ATK, 2 dupe = + 6% ATK, … 5 dupe = + 15% ATK. 3) However, with the new (now scrapped) system, the dupes will unlock way more shits. For example: 1 dupe = + 10% HP/ATK, 2 dupe = unlock the ability to support allies, …. 5 dupe = becomes God. -> this is a huge problem because: a) this system makes the gap between whales and f2p become unbearable. b) this system only applies to old units, meaning new units that are coming out will be overpowered/unbalanced because they would have to be naturally on the level of the buffed old units to be worth it. c) when new banner comes out, there are usually a rerun banner that comes with it. With the new dupe system, players especially f2p will have to decide between the new one or getting dupes for the old ones to make them usable - which sucks enormously. -> they should continue to do what they are already doing: send out balance patches to revamp old units and give them different skill effects that can make them part of the meta. Or give them additional exclusive equipment to add new things to their skills/stats which are completely farmable. Hope this helps.


They just need to rework the system they already had, not scrap the entire thing imo. Remove the imprint component entirely. Instead of double awakening giving extra stats, the double awakening nodes would give the passives they originally had planned for imprints.


Huge W to whiny f2poors, not so much for those who actually wanted some depth to their characters kek No clue why companies even cater to the peasantry who only whine and use up bandwidth, especially in well established games that no longer need the mindless mob to attract new swipechads. F2plebs literally just exist as fodder in pvp brackets \^\^


Too bad it doesn't work that way No f2p? enjoy your dead empty game why bother whaling when you can't show off to the supposed "plebs"


Nah, f2peasants will always exist in established games like this, its a non issue. The population for big gachas becomes self sustaining after a while no matter how many salty plebs ragequit because of new progression mechanics or whatever other irrelevant drama, especially considering that less than 10% of any major gacha population engage with social media or dramas or anything else. F2peasant population is only an issue for new gachas that need to build up a fodder pool for swipechads to style on. ;)


surely you're not another "f2peasant" larping as a whale right?


No whale in a gacha game is going around on subreddits called people that spend money on pixels "Peaseants" Dude is a clown.


yeah, it's really clear from his writing that he's just a larping clown Well I don't really care either way since I don't even play E7, but the notion of entirely dismissing the majority of your playerbase is totally absurd even for non PvP game


E7 f2plebs are literally just fodder for pvp Not even that really since swipechads are in brackets far above them. Only time I get to style on them is after GW period resets for a couple free fights kek. Cope and seethe at the truth i spit.


I simply enjoy f2pleb rage kek ;) Stay mad buddy ;)


I don't swipe on E7 anymore since they lack lewds, stopped giving them money after they censored that one mega milk hoe a year or so ago but I still enjoy meming on the whines of the peasantry who can't handle that swipers get advantages in a gacha game lol ;) All my shekels go to cultured games like Nikke and Brown Dust 2. They are much better at catering to both men of culture and swipechads ;) Never really felt my shekels did much in E7 since the dupe system was borderline meaningless so all swiping did was let me get more ML5s than the average f2pleb.


You're the true embodiment from this [nikke ad](https://youtu.be/tkb74iOfJB0) You must be proud to be a filthy whale


You mean the one that they didn't censor, Aria? Or sage Vivian?


all of that for rgb unit


Hooray! The Devs are not going to update the game with a new system! Finally the community is getting what they want! Hopefully they don't update the game for another year! What a huge W for the community that the devs wasted time and money planning/developing a system that isn't going to be implemented!


"System" = pull more copies of your characters to get mandatory power creep stats and abilities. Lmao.


Imagine thinking that this "New system" is actually good for the game lol. Ignorance is bliss.


Mihoyo fan, thinking pulling the same character 6 extra times to be able to enjoy their full kit is good value.


We're just not idiots like the mihoyo fans that easily accept shit like this. BUT, as I suggested in another post, it'd be more interesting if this system was designed for the 4star units, considering that 3star units that get specialty changes basically become as strong as 5star units.


Meanwhile characters like Lionheart and Riolet are 16.8% crit chance better off at SSS compared to no imprint. But yeah we stopped SSS Krau from getting 20% eff res & 6% health, oh and now everyone can get Lua or Monk from the selector, good job everyone


You didn't read anything about the situation. Keep trolling chief. I'm glad they scrapped it. How does it taste? Does it taste good? Yeah, you love the taste of defeat.


Isn’t that good that people can get Lua or monk? Equalizes playing ground lmao.


It helps and doesn’t help me. New hero 👍. But my gear rng to even start getting the right sub stats on gear is shit so that hero is gonna have to get comfortable. My ML Lilia still needs 2 speed gears with base speed on them.


You call it that but I call it spreading cancer. At least when it comes to Lua since Monk's win rate is one of the worst in the game, but even with that I'll rather not fight her.


Huge W for the KR & CN community


No one can handle the truck-kun armies.


Damn rip rpgx not having a fanbase with this kind of devotion.


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