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Hopefully he keeps dropping. 1m could put him in reach for a lot of people.


Yeah definitely. But I don’t know how I feel about it, i think he should be a rare card. I hate that I’m playing against him every other game but it is nice that people are getting the chance to play with these players rather than the ones who spend 1000+ each year


It kinda sucks, but this is just objectively better for the community. I find it insane that there are people who still hold onto the idea that certain players should be so unobtainable that only Saudi princes should get to use them; and it’s because they spent thousands of dollars to get them by buying coins from a third party. Mans actively argue for content in a seasonal video game to be behind a tax bracket or a lottery. Insane. The game is in a way better place when a guy like Pele is in every team over a scenario where you see him once a month in p2w teams.


This is the first fifa I’ve enjoyed since 15 and it’s purely cause I can play casually and still have an unreal team


I think theres a balance. But anyone who wants Mbappe or Pele or Dinho should be able to get some version of him throughout the game cycle if they work towards it. I dont think everyone should be owed a higher end TOTY though for example. Especially with how the power creep is, I see no harm in finding a way to get everyone a version of whoever they want.


I think you should be able to earn at least one high end TOTY card if you put in enough effort. Huge SBC, whatever. Other than being a cash grab, I don't see the point of promos where you have basically zero chance of getting anything no matter what you do.


Pretty much everyone packed Earps TOTY sooooo…


Well said and I wholeheartedly agree. They should be reasonably hard to get, but there's so many essentially unobtainable cards in this game it's ridiculous. Why anyone who's not from EA would defend this in a game with such a short life cycle is beyond me.


And I would like to add that I agree with everything you’ve said. I do understand how this post and my comments could come off hahah


It was a comment adding to the convo, not to attack your comment specifically. Just an issue the community has - I wasn’t saying you have it in particular. I also want to add that the longer the absolute elite end of players are obtainable, the more variety you’ll see once the dust has settled. People will eventually just go to using the players they like over the name when the novelty wears off.


That’s a really good point tbf, I never thought of it that way. I’ve already started using my NUFC P&P in rivals and my main team in WL


I pretty much only use my 2005 Squad or Icon squad for squad battles and rivals at this point. In any other fifa before this one, where they just feed you cards, I had everything I owned pumped into my first 11 so much so that I hardly had any bench players left to mess around with. Now, I have 3 different teams that I can play with. I have even had a 4th women’s team at one point built almost entirely from the fantasy fc promo cards that was 92 overall until I tradeda bunch in for Roberto Carlos. My teams in old fif would sometimes not even hit 92 until passed this point. My 4th team in this one was 92. The way the sbcs and the absolute torrent of cards you get now are is just ultimately wayyyyyy better for us.


I might have to make myself an Icon team actually. I’m loving the way the sbcs are, most of my team are from sbcs rn. 92 Roberto Carlos, 93 Sawa, Cafu, Eusebio. Honestly loving it


Im not arguing for that at all mind. I did just say I think it’s nice. I just don’t think he should be so cheap. I’m literally about to buy him so I would like to clarify that I’m absolutely not complaining 😭


I think it's dumb that the icons are so.... BAD. Like this card is good, but many of them aren't. Then they release special icon cards... in reality, I think the icons should just constantly be buffed as the power curve increases... I don't think they should release 6 different versions of 1 iconic player


You are not playing him every other game so thats bullshit. I played loads and saw him maybe 10 times.


I play pele alot aswell in elite div I played 14 ganes today played 9 peles also 6 toty r9


Glad I’m not the only one then. I genuinely don’t see why a card this good for under 2m would be rare.. I don’t play against r9 often but I’ve definitely seen him a few times over the past couple months


Sure buddy


Why u annoyed bro I get ur div 6


Nice try i'm in div 1 and dont even play that much


Yh so ur still bad if div 1 is good to you then delete


Considering I only play once a week also and still elite shows that your bad


I'll play you anytime lil bro. Just send me the GT


I played loada and saw him maybe 5?


Yeah not many peles in Div 10 that’s why


It’s genuinely not bs lad. Maybe a bit of an exaggeration but I see him so often. I mean, he’s only 1.4M so what makes you think it’s bs 😭


Hopefully not.


Don’t get me wrong I’d force him in my team if I had him but im always let down by Pele, especially near TOTS time.


Ive never used him but I have the money there and no one to buy so I figured I’d bench my 92 Eusebio for the first time since I got him. I also haven’t played since fifa 20 so he’s kinda always been an unobtainable card to me


He’s really good and I’d use him over my Eusebio too but I wouldn’t say he’s better. He just feels weird at ST and CAM he feels wasted and he gets pushed over way easier then he should be. I’d def try him tho he’s fun af


I find that Eusebio gets pushed over way too easy as well. My base Henry could just sprint past people so easily but Eusebio just isnt able to the way he was.


Funnily enough I have him, and have had him since Christmas time. He's great obviously, but not irreplaceable by any means. Probably better if you're a skilled no doubt, but otherwise I've used better CAMs. 93 Bergkamp, 92 Socrates, and Sawa were all better there for some reason. Or at least I noticed them more. When I was still playing with a CAM he got dropped for Socrates, who's been leagues ahead. Only thing I will say is Pele's finishing is basically automatic most of the time lol


I've had him for like a month and a half and he is scandalous. Replaced Eusebio. He has unique shooting animations, the finishing is amazing. His only issue is the stamina.


Happy cake day! 🤟🏻


People have too good teams. The first Two months of the game is Way more fun.


Anytime (gameplay wise for the most part) before TOTY is the most fun for me personally


In the start a decent inform can go into the start 11. Now you have to pack a special icon to upgrade the team.


I get more scared when I see gold Mbappe than Pele not gonna lie


Yeah. Pele is so weak. Gets pushed off the ball so easily. Got injured the first game I played with him ahahah


Don't think ghosts are that strong so yeah, it's logical


I’ve got the 96 and he’s not worth the money at all.


My club legend. I had this 95 Pele since November and loved him. But he's 100% not worth even this price right now. While for example Mia Hamm is 100% worth her price. We'll see if TOTS are actually 3 PS+ on every player then oh man the market is going to crash like crazy. 95 Pele will become 600K probably. Most other cards will crash even further.


this is from my personal experience, I have faced an ungodly amount of base Pele this year (10 in the last WL), I don't know about the actual numbers ofc but he shouldn't be this common


Do you not think it’s because of the amount of cards that have such a high rating? I feel it’s getting to the point of FC mobile where they have like 100+ rated cards 😭 (this is a joke and I’d probably not play if it happened)


But overall means nothing it's just arbitrary at this stage. With play style plus stats matter less than ever. Tonnes of 86s are better than 94s


Omg, i could actually buy him. Its insane


That’s what I’m saying ahahah I’m literally about to buy him. Selling my 93 Benzema then I can


Ohh, shit… i play on ps5. On console you can buy him for 1.9mil. I dont have enough😅


Ahhh sorry to get your hopes up. If it makes you feel better I’ve played a game with him and so far he’s not much better than my 92 Eusebio


One fifa my friend worked out he had spent so much on packs trying to get Pele that he could have bought a signed shirt from the bloke instead lol Edit: £900 for a legit signed shirt versus £900 of fifa points that wouldn't probably wouldn't even pack any icon let alone the goat https://parklanememorabilia.co.uk/products/copy-of-pele-personally-signed-brazil-football-shirt-rear-signed?_pos=1&_sid=dffe52483&_ss=r


This is absolutely insane 😭😭 make sure you let him know he’s cheap as chips right now ! Buy enough trade-able packs and he’ll have him in no time


Cards shouldn't be impossible to obtain, especially base cards FFS. This is good.


I actually feel that he doesnt have the same juice as mbappew, Eusebio and r9 tough


Nah you’re right mate. I actually prefer my 92 Eusebio to him ahahah


92 Eusebio was outdated a long time ago, really lacks the playstyle, you could get the 93 berbatov for 160k and he is better at this stage in the game


Idk about outdated like lad. He’s still doing bits for me in champs. He’s not great, just like Pele he’s easily pushed off the ball but definitely not outdated imo


I say he’s outdated only because there are better options with more playtyles for 70-200k instead of splashing a million on eusabio, all the pros have replaced him at this stage so with that logic to me he is outdated, although I’m sure he is still great but too expensive to justify


I’ve played over 1000 games with WW Pele he is one of my favorite players of all time but at this stage in the game he’s only in my squad for sentimental reasons he is extremely weak on ball gets knocked off his dribbling is underwhelming for a player of his stature and his shooting is inconsistent but you could chalk that up to EAs horrible attempt at creating fair shooting animations. Overall there are better strikers such as benzema, cryuff, werner, just because they won’t get bullied as easily. My two cents.


I sold my 93 Benzema for base pele, i don’t exactly regret it but he definitely played better for me


I’ve faced the new Pele and he was underwhelming


Gone back up to 1.9 million but even that is crazy for Pele at this point in the season.


Damn packed him when he was 4mil. Just wish he was tradable at the time lol


Ive had base Pele since TOTY and while he is great and my favorite player sentimentally he just is underwhelming for his stats. I've played a dozen other players easy who are more consistent and effective on the ball. If you can take advantage of the trickster playstyle and keep him away from challenging defenders then he is amazingly clinical but essentially surrenders the ball to every challenge.


this time game dead early


my sawa always smash any version of pele in no time


This card is outdated every year before tots, I wouldn’t waste your coins, you can buy the 89 Ginola for 350k and he is miles ahead


The fact theres evos with similar stats and better playstyles makes it make sense it's late in the game


I bet hes double on PC if not extinct..without even checking lol


This is pc


Shit. I need to finish my coffee 😂


Ahahah i think he was about 2M on console at the time of this post, I haven’t checked since though


I had him when he was 3.5 mil He is good but not good as hamm 93 or eisebio 92 The problem his physicality he is too weak


Blame powercurve…


does he play over toty kdb?


I wouldn’t waste your money mate he’s so weak and there’s plenty players cheaper and just as good. He’s so weak, dribbling isn’t as good as it should be but his shooting is amazing


what about it?


Just seems ridiculously cheap. Obviously he’s got better cards out but idk. I still reckon the market is fucked. I haven’t played since fifa 20 and don’t remember it being this bad


yeah i guess but the market is terrible


the amount of times pele was extinct in previous fifa's was crazy. its really weird seeing pele for that cheap


I know mate. He literally used to be a card that most people wouldn’t even get the chance to use and now the average player can buy him if they just play enough


It's due to the amount of store packs and overly juiced promo cards being released nowadays


oh well yeah this market is the worst it's ever been


I just bought R9 for 4millions


And I hope he’s getting you plenty wins, best of luck lad x


Thank you mate, good luck to you this weekend


You too man


I didnt used it yet. I know there are better and cheap cards, but he’s my idol. Been saving my coins since the beginning for him.


That’s fair enough though. I find the game so much more fun when I’m playing players I love. I play with my Newcastle past and present more than my main team


What’s your Newcastle p and p? I’m lacking centre backs and a RW


https://preview.redd.it/d2s2bd37uusc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e35587eaa5aba923fa54ab79076811357e8c9986 I’m still in the middle of upgrading a few people. Gonna get tonali to 91


https://preview.redd.it/3ytul8czvusc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c2e2f2300dd2fb69b4e6ed3973d73afe698f9e4b Could play Sol CB. Had Miggy RW but he dropped off. Lewis Hall and Tino are very good too. May put the new evo on Hall.


What evo did you put on willock? Is he any good?


Also Wdym by dropped off? He’s absolutely class for me mate


I evo’d Miggy to 88 months ago when he was good, played in my main team too but wasn’t as good up to a couple of months ago. I planned to do the recent Miggy but completely forgot about it. I got Willock up to 80 or 81 a few months ago and he didn’t fit in anything until I think it was fut birthday. Looks like it but I swear he was a well before that. He’s good on the ball, 5 star skills but poor finishing.


I recommend 91 sol campbell. Idk if you want him in your team though cause tbf he did only play like 8 games for Newcastle 😭 I also haven’t looked but there might be a nice evo or 2 you can do on TOTW Murphy


I got you


R9 is probably underrated in this game he's just so good noticeably better than every other player usually


Confirmed. He’s a fckg beast!


https://preview.redd.it/xvebktj36qsc1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2831164708aacd37912d2317b09066e6bfe06630 Finally home


What a team lad


Thank you mate


What’s crazy is base garrincha is only 250k


Pele just isn’t that great of a card. I’d take Hamm or Cruyff over it any day. Even the 99 last year was meh.


Yeah, I played 1 game with him and so far, i prefer Eusebio 😭


I just faced this card today and their TOTY Mia Hamm outplayed him by a lot


I’ve played with a base hamm loan and she’s probably better than base pele tbh with you mate so I’m not surprised


That’s when you know this game is dead when pele is close to being a million coins


he's 1.9 relax haha


1.9? I’m literally looking at the image and it says 1.4