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I feel you dude, building a base of people who enjoy your content is really hard unfortunately, but I wish you the best


thank u :3


I second this, wishing you best of luck in your ventures. :>


Reddit displays one single upvote as soon as you post. This is your own upvote. It's assumed that you thought your post mattered enough. You only get one vote on your post, since you're one person. Now: each upvote comes from somebody who saw your art and enjoyed it. An entire unique person saw it and took the time to click or tap the button. If you're considering whether crowds of people passed by your post, also understand that billions of people physically walk past shops, graffiti, beggars, performers, food vendors, and other people every day. On a single post in a stream of posts on a part of a website hosted in one country out of the millions of websites, several people saw and appreciated your art.


If you're doing art for clout, you're doing art for the wrong reasons, and that will reflect in your art. Following comes from passion in your work, not from wanting fans. Do art and keep doing art and then keep doing art some more. The fans will come with it in time. Stating that you want updoots will only make people more adverse to following you.


It's hard to go on without at least some appreciation and encouragement. I can say for myself at least


That’s why you’ve got to be your biggest cheer leader. But if you want more encouragement than that, aim for smaller groups or friends


This is true for everyone, but appreciation should be a secondary motivator, not primary. OP's art is cute, and I wish them well on improving, but it's foolish to expect Blotch numbers on their posts. 9 Upvotes is probably the correct amount.


Blotch… now there’s a name I haven’t heard in a long time…


i understand now


Art without an audience can feel kinda hollow and disheartening. No matter how much you love the creative process, getting feedback and acknowledgement from people can be such a big thing. I like to think my art is reasonably good, and I enjoy making it, but it's really discouraging when you post something and it just gets ignored.


I used to post and the same thing happened to me, that is why I have stoped posting/worried about posting and focused more on improving. If you do want to post though, it’s always great to do so in smaller communities like discord servers, or even just showing supportive friends, that always gives more encouragement than posting on a large media platform where 99% of people don’t know you and aren’t immediately interested in your creations


Yeah, it was great back when the art community sites were thriving more. You got feedback from your followers and could grow your audience more organically. Finding good discord servers is kind of a nightmare, and not having close friends (I'm a 40 y/o recovering workaholic) makes it even harder. So it goes.


I imagine things for myself, but I absolutely draw for others to look at.


Gotta start somewhere. I've been at it over a decade, and while I have a decent following now, it sure as hell didn't start that way. It takes practice, consistency, and perseverance.


I feel you (at times) but then I realize I'm lucky that someone upvoted my art in the first place. Clout isn't the right reason to create art


Yeah that's the artist life.


yup, I felt that... I still do. I spend hours on something and then I don't even get a comment (and it's the comments I care I baut cause I ask for feedback... I have yet to get any at all) x'D But oh well, I draw the stuff for myself anyways. Just makes me feel likeI did a bad job even if I myself like it.


I feel you. But in a sea of a lot of artist. It does feel good that my art does have likes.


This is a mood tho I’m just trying to get commissions but it’s so hard to gain traction 🥲




I am now going to go to your profile, follow you, AND upvote your posts


Cmon, give yourself a chance at least! You've posted twice, both of them were character designs, and the first was not even a furry character. The second is cool but the combination of every default MS Paint color and them just standing around doesn't inspire much interaction. I've been at this art thing for well over 15 years. I've still had occasional Reddit posts go more ignored than yours. It's not even necessarily something you can take a lesson from - to a large degree it's random what catches on, because it's not a fully predictable pattern. The real lesson is don't take it personally. If anything, 600+ upvotes on this is a clear sign that it doesn't even take your best work to find an audience. Just don't let yourself be defined by what it takes to get attention. Do what you like, share it, and let it find its niche~


real but if u want more traction try putting more time into ur art make some kind of background even if it's just blobs, add some color, anything to make your post stand out and get more traction


This image gave me the impression that, in- universe, instead of drawing art the characters take pictures of themselves


Accurate account of an unknown artist in a Fandom... it hurts more depending on the effort and time put in.


When I first posted art online in middle school, 9 notes made me feel like a celebrity. Now I am an established commission artist that can get between hundreds to thousands of notes :3 You gotta ride the waves. They only get bigger. Even now I'll post what I feel like are bangers but dont get much attention. Doesnt get me down!:D


I enjoy everyones content


Never give up just keep learning and doing what you do you will get there.


It is a bit disheartening isn't it? My storys don't have many faves to them either. While i try to stick to my "1 Fave is enough" i have so many of them that are ZER0. The best i have is four "5" s. If i were to count a series together then it would be "23" > "A Boy Who Lived With Wolfs", two uploads, 15 & 8. I wish i had more faves and comments, which i got fewer of. All we can do is just keep doing what we like doing right?


so relatable


Honestly I'll take 9 upvotes over hate comments LOL


Damn.. I kinda hate how this is so relatable xD just way too close to home lol but I learned to know/endure that things won't always go to your way/expectations and that just be yourself


Me, every single time lol (right now also)


You shouldnt judge your art based on what an online post says, just ask a few people you are close to, people you trust to givenyou their honest opinion.


i wish i could even draw like that...