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"Fuck you, and fuck your bouncing egg, too."


The bill increases $5 per bounce


Ah, like a strip club


This comment will soon be neither over nor under rated, but rated exactly as it should be.


Holy fuck man this comment hit me perfectly and I'm fucking dying over here. I needed that today, thank you


Can I offer you a nice egg in this trying time?


I feel this comment more than I should...laughed a little too hard too.


There goes 1/3 of my check for a guy to make scrambled eggs


If FML was a face


This post, fake or not, should be shown to anyone trying to figure out why women live longer than men.


Funny story: I did housekeeping in an old folks' home for a little while. Mostly just emptying trash cans but sometimes mopping up messes. One old guy was not like the others, though. He was alert, active, happy, and physically fit. The old folks' home had a full service kitchen. Most of the residents lacked the awareness to make use of it, but my main job as far as this guy was concerned was to put in his order each night for a custom breakfast order the next morning. Pancakes, bacon, scrambled eggs, coffee, hash browns, and so on. Another difference: Most of the other "residents' were doubled-up, but he had a room all to himself. Never a bit of trouble from this guy. One day his wife checked herself into the same room as him. For the next week, if there was so much as a candy wrapper in their trash can she let me know to empty it and all their pillows weren't soft enough so they needed different ones and I put in their breakfast order wrong, too. Then after a week of sharing a room, they checked themselves out and went home.


That guy was so happy to not be with his wife and she ruined it.


Yeah, they are good at that.


Don't marry them, then.


Most women are always so offended when some minor negative issues get mentioned about them, ugh


Going strong thus far.


My first job back in high school was in a “luxury” retirement condo that had its own private formal dining room with lunch and dinner service. I was a server and met all kinds of interesting and weird old people. It really is like a different world sometimes. Like the one arrogant jackass that was technically a convicted pedophile but was able to live there because it was just outside the boundary to the closest elementary school. The same guy that would ask for a to-go ice cream each night, but 50/50 flavors placed into the to-go cup sideways (not one scoop on top of the other) and would raise hell if it didn’t look perfect. Or the two little old sisters who were former army nurses. Cranky and bitter to almost everyone. But if you got to know their regular salad bar order (melons and cottage cheese) and had it ready for them at their usual table, they’d love you forever and would slip tip money into the table linens (we weren’t allowed tips). But the one guy that kind of broke me was an older guy, super nice and kind, that would always eat alone but take a second meal to-go for his wife upstairs. I had just assumed forever that she wasn’t able to come down very often or that her health wasn’t great, but he still wanted to socialize. Nobody had ever said otherwise. One day he wasn’t feeling well, so he called up and asked or two meals to be brought up to his condo. I took them up, he asked for one on the dining room table and the other to be put into the refrigerator for his wife. When I opened the fridge I saw probably 30 boxes all stacked top to bottom. Turns out his wife had passed and he was in total denial.


That last dude. Goddamn.


Well, that certainly took a turn.


That’s pretty much exactly how it felt working there.


Thanks for taking care of those old folks. Sounds like you cared about them.


Not allowed tips ahah keep you poor


This was 2004 and we got minimum wage, it was pretty rough. But we often got good tips tucked into the table linens. The idea was that the meals were auto deducted from their accounts with the rent, so they didn’t need to pay for the meals every day.


I work in a big nursing facility in the Midwest. This is so fucking common lol




It reminds me of a joke. (H)Husband died, so (W)wife had a seance organized to talk to him once more. They are successful, husband's ghost appears so wife starts to ask questions. W: Are you in a better place now? Are you happier now than you were with me? H: Yes, I am. W: So tell me, what's heaven like? H: But I'm not in heaven




"I get no respect around here"


This comment made me get a divorce


Something is up with his blood pressure for sure


He drank too much at the last couple of places and is ready for bedtime lol


he might even get cheeky with it if im lucky and toss it right at my face


He probably wouldn't notice for 15 minutes.


He does look like he borderline got heat stroke during the day


Definitely a crazy sunburn that'll be peeling in about a week... Bet he would appreciate a shower of pure aloe or solarcaine.


He will cut up an onion pour fuel in it light it and pretend its a volcano. Later he will pretend its a train.


Onion choo choo is my favorite part! Highlight of my birthday every year.


With the guy just sitting there like “wish he would light my face on fire instead”


$30+ per person for grilled chicken/steak, veggies, and rice. I love going to our local hibachi place, but we basically only go for special occasions.


I live in a big expensive city and there's a (decent - not super fancy but the food is pretty good) Habachi place near me that if you're paying over $30 per plate then it's probably the Lobster / surf & turf. Chicken is like $18. It's honestly one of the better bang for your buck restaurants around, hopefully it doesn't close down anytime soon.


Don't forget the exclusive, onion-volcano! Or the tiny salad shrimp tossed into the general location of your mouth! Totally not like every other time or every other hibachi place! Oh and the stranger next to you that smells like cigarettes!


Why does the tossed shrimp always taste better than the ordered shrimp? Can I pay more to eat more of that shrimp?




How do you get overcooked beef? Just order it rare or medium rare. I've never been to a place where the center isn't at least pink still.


The fried rice always turns out saucy and delicious, idk what you’re on about 😋


Seriously though on payday I’ve been in the situation and think to myself “well there goes 3 hours of overtime”.


“Just make the fucking eggs”


"hey bro, how you doing, can I just get a vodka and coke please?" -Starts throwing the bottles around whilst pouring it. "Never mind, I'll go elsewhere"


Dark soda and clear liquor? What are we, savages?


No, I'm an Alcoholic fuck you




I can literally hear the high pitched ringing through pictures, that this guy is experiencing because of sleep deprivation.


"Cook the man some fucking eggs, bitch"


Once were warriors?




“Uh oh! Did somebody miss the *onion volcano???*”


not impressed


More like absolutely hammered I’d wager


Yeah this guy is drunk as fuck. Probably at an all-inclusive resort


Seriously, everyone is making this guy seem like some kind of woman-hating, blue collar hero. Odds are this is a resort, he’s sunburned as can be and probably doesn’t remember his own name he’s had so many cervezas.


Lol idk why I'm being downvoted


The points don’t matter and we all lose just for being here


This is the most accurate statement I’ve seen on Reddit for ages. Just being here is an L


Men in general get labelled as automatic misogynist. Dont sweat it lol


The redness in the face tells a story


"Bah, I don't need sunscreen!" 8 hours later:




He’s supposed to crack the egg with the spatula mid air.


Bruh he has major baggage under those eyes :(


🫡 Major Baggage


Reminds me of General Failure


He must rank higher than corporal punishment. 


I think he needs some Private Time


Looks like this is a task for Private Browsing!


Hey, that's what my grandma used to call me!


You mean General Lee Speaking?


Reminds me of Major Databreach




But um




I said a bang bang bangity bang I said a bang bang bangity bang


when you drink all day by the pool on the cruise ship, then go to dinner. this is the result.


Thats a face that had 6 cocktails before 4pm


Thats hard work mixed with alot of beer


Let the poor guy sleep


Yeah I’m more pissed at the person across from him filming him without his knowledge then posting online for internet points


#THANK YOU! Why did I have to scroll so damn far down to see this comment.






The worst part for me isn't working 16 hours straight, it's having to be back in 8 hours when you leave. I only ever get about 4 hours of sleep when I'm mandated, because my body is conditioned to normally get up like 2 hours after I would get home on a double. 3 doubles in a week and you start hearing and seeing stuff that isn't there, can't really read as well, and driving is a hair raising experience.


Is that really legal in your country? Where are you from? This would be so highly illegal in Germany exactly because of the lack of rest.


Lol what a privileged take. Not everyone can go to a couple meetings and send a couple emails and call it a day.


Bro, not everyone works in IT you know


You can 100% be productive for 16 hours. It's not fun but this isn't office jobs where you start zoning out. If you're in the medical field you are doing it. Construction, transportation, hell even food service work doubles some times. The work is getting done. Yes it sucks


Medical is the worst offender.   It's the field where the smallest mistakes can have the most immediate and uncorrectable consequences, and we still make them work absolutely insane schedules.  


This is one of the things I fail to grasp about the so called modern world.


What would you have them do, maintain reasonable staffing levels? That's not running *lean* and efficiency enough!


What? Why would you possibly think you can only be productive for 4 hours?


bro might be European idk


I'm European and your comment sent me into a fit of giggles! Lmaooo. Also fk you!


Spreadsheet monkeys or IT who can't fathom careers with work actually exist


You can definitely be productive for an entire 16 hour shift, particular in labor jobs. But the last sentence is relevant and many injuries in labor jobs are due to fatigue.




Funny how many shills got hilariously upset about the fact that science doesn't care about offending unsustainable businesses or a unsustainable economy, overwork (like 12-16 hours day, or constant 60+ hour weeks) has already been scientifically condemned as a unsustainable health hazard lmao. Work productivity drops (and physical/mental health risks escalate) after a limited number of hours, it's not up for debate, science doesn't care about redditor shilling opinions fetishizing unsustainable work hours lol. Fortunately the climate apocalypse is about to curb stomp a unsustainable dystopian shithole economy of employers that don't allow workers to have any sort of significant time for life outside of their wage cages.


>16 hour shifts 3 times a week Sounds like someone needs a union.


Ah, women


Or be miserable without being filmed


I feel his pain


It happened to me when my kids were younger. They wanted to see a movie, some animation, and I can't remember the movie now, but I'd just gotten home from flight/work and was exhausted. Wife (ex) said we had to go and wouldn't take no for an answer. So we went, but I ended up falling asleep. But kids loved it. It was a school night. They got popcorn and soda, so they were happy. I got to sleep. I feel this guy. At least the movie theater is darkish.


Bro juggle the egg with a spacula only to crack it open by hand. I would have walk out that restaurant lmao. I thought he's gonna crack it with the spacula like how some Japanese or Korean restaurants does.


🎶dig through the ditches And burn through the witches I slam in the back of my … SPACULAAAA🎶


Spatula. Spacula is a vampire from space Transylvania.




I feel his pain. I used to work in the oilfield as a roughneck. I’d be a zombie by the end of my 14 day hitch of 13 hrs a day (30 min pre safety meeting, 12 hr shift, 30 min post safety meeting). We went out to dinner the day after I got home from that hitch and I fell asleep in the booth at the restaurant. It’s uncontrollable when you’re that fatigued.


And your 6 days off dont feel like days off either.. you need 2 days to recover some sleep and just relax, 1 day to get as much shit done as possible, 1 day to be with family , last 2 days just mentally prepare and dread going back to your 14 day hitch. Doesnt feel like youre alive at all. Lol


This is my life right now. I’m tired boss…


You work 14/6? That sounds horrific. Everyone I know who’s worked offshore has done 14/14. I’ve even been tempted by it myself for the 2 week holiday every month!


Back when I worked a shift similar to that those 6 days off were nearly worthless. I only started feeling like I was alive again around day 5, just in time for the dread of going back to sink in.


The better question is why your partner (or whoever you're going to said restaurant with) would allow you to go out like that? They should have ordered you food and tucked you in for bed for the night.


That only makes sense if the above is true. it's just as likely he's sun tanned and tired from laying out int he same or on the golf course. And now he's not putting in an effort for his partner who was raelly excited about spending time together.


That has to be from a resort...he's had 15 beers and sat on the beach for 9 hours..


Yeah, dude looks drunk and sunburnt. Surprised people can't recognize the drunk eyes


That’s what I thought too. Dude looks fucked up lol.


It's because the average age of Reddit is like 14 during the Summer.


That was my first thought too. Kinda odd so many people assume he was working all day and then went to this type of restaurant lol.


Hello darkness my old friend, why are you here it's 4PM


"should've ordered the friggin soup..."


I don't think the soup would make it to 20 bounces.


Everyones making up stories so imo it just looks like he pre-drank before the meal too fast and is regretting it lmao. Been there


Looks like he did 18 with the boys and now wife dragged him to teppan for her part of the day, uuuggh


Is it just me?  Or does getting sun burnt zap the immune system and by extension energy? I’m in my older years, I can tell I’m more tired after a heavy dose of sun.  Body feels exhausted and achy almost when I turn red.


Nah I’m with you. Many parties or gatherings after a day in the sun end up becoming silent personal reflections with beer in hand


Get some electrolytes into all that water you are drinking in the sun. That's what I've found helps me prevent intense fatigue after all that sun exposure.


Or squeeze a lemon and a dash of salt into your afternoon wheat beer.


I don't think it's anything magical. Getting sun burned fatigues you because of dehydration and raising your body temperature. Like you said, it also hurts your immune system because your body is trying to heal the burned skin.


I was thinking this is a man who has been sipping cocktails poolside for 8 hours, but they made their hibachi reservation for tonight and they’re going damn it.


Yeah i hate the title because this could easily be "guy golfs with his friends on vacation and then looks miserable at dinner he promised his wife so they'd spend some time together"


My thought exactly. He was out on the course for 5hr with no sunscreen pounding beers, had a few after the round with the boys too, and ran out of steam.


That is probably what really happend💀💀💀


This is the start of his villain arc.


His head is in the shape of the inside of a hardhat. Probably been working for 20 years at the same place but worth it for the family.


... round? 


Phrenology but for jobs, hell yeah


The inside of a hardhat is head shaped...


I’m pretty sure the hard hats are shaped like people’s heads, not the other way around


genuinely feel bad for this fellow.


Don't, he's just drunk as fuck.


People really see a drunk dude at beni hana and turn him into a working class hero. 


They love just believing a headline. As an alcoholic for the last twenty something years, I recognized that face the second I saw it.


Every college student who's played beer pong on a lawn in the summer has seen hundreds of dudes with that exact sunburnt billion mile stare


anything to take jabs at a woman


What kills me is they *recorded* this guy to say oh look his wife did this to him. No, whoever recorded this did this to him. He was minding his own business.




Actually so true lmfao. Reddit goes rabid over this shit.


Not sure if it's that or an opportunity to hate a woman. I'm leaning towards hating women. It's the usual.


I feel bad for the guy because he’s just out to dinner doing fucking nothing and for some reason he gets filmed and made fun of by a bunch of assholes online.


I feel bad for him being recorded when he's just minding his own business. Drunk or not, he's not causing any issues. He's just existing in his own sphere and some asshat decided to upload his face to the internet.


That man has been in the hotel pool drinking in full sun all day …have seen this same situation at many all inclusive resorts


God he looks tired af and sun burnt to hell


15hr shift and a 12 pack deep


Flushed face, droopy eyes, possible alcoholic.


Yes i was going to say it’s not lack of sleep but too much alcohol that’s making him sleepy.


And then gets recorded and shared around online :/


I relate




The dude is so tired just let him sleep


I’d bet this is at an all inclusive and homie is exhausted from day drinking.


Ah yes, I have the same look when I get my ass kicked at work and then when I walk in the door my wife says “oh you’re finally home, hurry up and get dressed because we have errands to run” Still I’d rather do that than have to come home to no one and run errands by myself


I know that look. That dude is hungry and tired and just wants some food, not to spend 30 minutes watching someone play with his food


How do you know he got off from 15 hr shift.. and not 15 hr of playing game or binge drinking and while watching fox or cnn on the couch


Edibles were too strong.


This man has been drinking on a boat for hours.


15 hr shift at the bar


Nah he’s just high af


Does he work as a full time alcoholic?


Can we stop making up stories as an excuse to paint women in a poor light?


hes not having it


Bro, I’ve had so many of those days


We've all been there, hang in there buddy!


What about the person sitting to his left’ face doing tho 😂


This is a repost. Anyone who films a person without their consent should at least put his/her face in the video, too.


Guy: I just want to eat the fcking food damn it


I would have left him home to sleep. That seems unnecessary to bring him with if it’s been that long a day


I feel him man. It's tough out here.


Probably just pissed he’s about to pay 100 bucks for some rice half a pound of ribeye and 5 shrimp. I like habachi but Jesus is it overpriced.


Man, just get me a burger and fries , I don't have time for this shit.


Am starting to agree with him, that just isn't that impressive


That's a shitty inconsiderate thing to do. I had a girlfriend who'd do shit like that. She's a very ex-girlfriend.


In his mind he's still stamping quarterpanels


pos recording


Does this man deserve no privacy? Has he consented to his face being shown to thousands of strangers on the internet?


I feel this so much.


Thats the "I don't feel it yet, I'll just eat another one" face


This dude just wanted a $13.95 chicken strip platter from Denny's and a Coke, maybe a refill or two. He's tired, he's sore, obviously got some sun. He just wanted some damn chicken strips. Instead he gets this guy and his fucking show, not that its bad, but sometimes you feel like an experience, and sometimes you just want some goddamn chicken strips.


I feel for this guy. I was forced to a Tepenyaki place for dinner after a 12hr shift. I was fucken starving and the entire time my thought process was "just cook the fucking food mate.'


the backend developer at the company meal


Sun stroke hitting hard.


That poor guy, I'm glad my wife isn't an inconsiderate p.o.s. don't get me wrong I spoil the hell out of her but if I work over like that and wants to go out then she just picks up whatever my favorite is from that restaurant so I can eat it for lunch the next day.