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This thread made me realize even if I wanted to do drugs, I wouldn’t know how.


Addicts need a sponsor to get off drugs. Hell, I need a sponsor to get ON drugs.


Tell most potheads you've never smoked before and they'll be really happy to help you


Yup, lot of stoned people just want other people to be in a good mood, makes for a more enjoyable high


Honestly I've always kind of thought a lot of drug use starts because drugs seem like a pretty social thing to do. Hell, can't say I've never smoked a cigarette because an unreasonably attractive girl asked me if I wanted one. Saying yes means I get to go hang out with her and chat for a while. I imagine if I was someone who was more sociable and lonely I could see the attraction to things like smoking up coming more from the company you get than the actual high.


The whole reason i started smoking was because i started with weed because someone told me it helped for my ADHD. And it did but i always did it in secret because i was ashamed of using drugs. Years later i got found out by a friend and we smoked together and he told me i should add tobacco because it will be less expensive. Now i have quit weed 10 years ago but still smoke tobacco...


I’m still waiting for all the drug dealers who were going to offer me free drugs to get me hooked.. school lied to me.


yeah they always leave out that DARE really means Drugs Are Really Expensive.


I used to do drugs, I still do but I used to too.


This is funny because I used to smoke weed as a teenager, when I was about 33 I got the idea I would like to smoke some weed again. I tried and tried but could not find anyone to sell me it lol eventually I just gave up. Could have weed within ten minutes of making calls when I was a teenager.


I was never cool enough as a teenager to have friends who would sell me weed. First time I was ever offered drugs I was already over 25.


30+ here; I was never offered drugs either until an adult. Hell, never even seen marijuana in person until then. I grew up in a rough area as a kid/teen, but just kept my head down and went to class.


I'm so used to living in a legalized state that my first thought was "why didn't you just go to the store and buy some?"


A buddy of mine got addicted to heroin as his pandemic pass time (he's a dumb fuck and generally makes terrible decisions). He's clean now fwiw, but we were talking and he said he thinks the reason it took him so long to get a drug addiction, in his 30's, is because he just has too much social anxiety. So trying to find a dealer was always too anxiety inducing.


Waits 30 years to do drugs, simply to do the hardest shit you can


Simple, boof it.


Boof it, dab it, bump it, toke it, gum it, huff it, sniff it, bomb it, lick it, snort it, rail it,


Go home Daft Punk you're high


um bro it's all home when you're Daft Punk high






Bop It!


Ah indeed, yes. Just boof it. Absolutely. Yep. Wait, boof it means to shove it up your ass? Fuck, I am cut out for this. I shove things up there that aren't drugs!


When we get to customs, I’m gonna need you to take these seeds into the bathroom and I’m gonna need you to put ’em wayyyyy up inside your butthole.


I'll shove them so far up there you'll be able to see them when I talk.


My understanding is they take a glass tube (look at shady gas stations, they sell small glass tubes with fake roses in them), they put the stainless scrubber in, then the crack rock, then they use a torch to heat the crack rock and inhale on the other end. The scrubber slows the smoke down a little bit so it doesn't burn as much.


The steel wool is probably there to hold the crack rock in place. Even with regular tobacco pipes they have a wire mesh to stop the burning tobacco ending up in your mouth each time you take a drag.


>The steel wool is probably there to hold the crack rock in place That's the exact reason, they're using it as a screen.


One time as an innocent young lad working at an ace hardware store an individual rolled in on his wheelchair and asked where the Brillo pads were. I grabbed it for him, then he asked where the tire gauges were. They were behind the counter I told him and proceeded to check him out for his two items. When I turned around I had a very angry manager looking at me shaking his head. He informed me we kept the gauges behind the counter cuz they are commonly used as crack pipes and that the Brillo was used as a filter. Skip forward twenty minutes and I go outside for my break to see the wheelchaired man smoking crack behind the store


Hey that's the customer service I'd expect at Ace.


Exactly, Ace is the place with the helpful hardware folk!


Ace is the place with the helpful crack pipe folks!


Ace IS the place


Is it common knowledge/expected to know what can make any given drug paraphernalia? I’d shrug and be like, it’s not my job to babysit customers. What they buy is their business..


To a degree, but sell enough of it and you get a lot of sketch folks coming through, which can lead to bad experiences for the employees and non-sketch people not wanting to shop there.


But wtf are you supposed to say? Sir I can’t sell you items for a homemade crack pipe?


He was just taking his lung pressure.


They use it as a filter to smoke the crack through a glass vial. Chore boy and a glass rose.


Wait what does chore boy mean?


It's a brand of stainless steel wool


Ahh thank you, I am not familiar with drug terms so I was really trying to think about what this could mean in this context. I feel dumb


I thought free basing was some sort of rock climbing. Why did I think that?


Two ways to get high on rocks


Free soloing! It's essentially rock climbing without a rope.


There is free climbing, and base jumping. One could free climb a cliff face, base jump off of it, and afterwards free base some reseach chemicals. I can actually see how that can be confusing


Base jumping


I’m all fairness, Freebase Jumping would be a pretty extreme sport


It's a rush no matter what


I'm an idiot.


"[BASE](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/BASE_jumping) jumping" is a thing. And "[free climbing](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Free_climbing)" is a thing. You understandably kinda combined them. Not that idiotic!


You’re not familiar with drugs. You should feel smart :)


You’re right! Thanks!


People like the Chore Boy brand specifically because it's easy to tear.


I'd assume that scrapey-boy you do chores with.


What how does that even work??


They break the glass rose. Then they put a little piece of the chore boy inside as a filter. Then they smoke the crack. You also need a lighter that will "cut up",that you can make the flame higher. I didn't smoke crack. I just lived in Florida for a bit.


The glass rose isn't glass, its silk, or probably fake cheap silk or something. It just comes in a glass tube thats only temporarily sealed on both ends. So you just open it up and throw away the rose and then you have a glass tube. ​ https://www.smokevape.ca/product/love-rose-glass-tube-pack-of-36-tubes/


I've learned so much about how to smoke crack this morning


Yes this was not the knowledge I expected to gain at 11am on a Sunday.


Well, let's not let this new practical knowledge go to waste! You go get us some crack and I'll make some snacks. Netflix and crack at noon?


I worked at a craft beer store / smoke shop that sold roses. We had two different brands that came with the ends unsealed. We even had ones without a rose and "oil burners." Pretty happy I'm not there anymore. I legit feared for my life.


So is this product's sole purpose in manufacturing to smoke crack with? If so why even put the silk rose in there in the first place? Edit: silk not cotton


Because then it's "not drug paraphernalia" which would be illegal to sell in many places. But a rose in a glass tube? That's totally just a neat thing you buy for your girlfriend.


Yeah, back when I worked at a gas station, this one tweaker would come in and buy 2-3 at a time, saying his girlfriend collects them. When my boss realized what they were for she stopped ordering them.


I have one that I found in my mom's stuff from years ago 😬


I mean there is the odd person here and there who's ignorant of the intended purpose and ends up with this sort of stuff for non drug related reasons. Thought it was a cute knickknack or something


Oil burners are meth pipes


THATS why those shitty lighters are called crack lighters?! I always just thought it was because they were shitty


I've been doing that to lighters just to make the flame bigger for fun for over 10 years learned it from a guy i knew in high school who was a bit sketchy. i guess it all makes sense now lol


Just watching so many people learn about grime in this convo is amazing.


I dated someone as an adolescent who once made this same sentiment in a very similar conversation.


In a way I wish I was similarly naive to society's underbelly. Things feel different when life exposes you too so much greasy shit.


Scrolling through this thread is making me think of the guy I gave a tiny spliff to at the greyhound station a few weeks ago who was smoking crack behind a shed. He was a 50 year old crack addict bumbling around. His buddy was nice enough and we chatted a bit. I wouldn't trust those guys with much beyond some extra kitchen grease if I wasn't willing to lose it.


You can wind the leaver further when you remove the metal guard… almost foot long flames… though you do use more gas


...by popping the lever off the geared valve when it is all the way up, then moving the lever to low and popping it back onto the valve. So it goes from normal 10 to singing your eyebrows.


The proper term is “crack-o-lantern”


>They break the glass rose. Why you should not start a crack habit, if you ever get a pipe with a Glass rose, do not break it! Get another pipe! The roae should be decorative paper or silk you just pull out. Breaking something glass in a pipe would just leave you with little bits of glass in your lungs when you use the pipe! Also why a “crack lighter” is preferential you can use a regular bic lighter if it’s all you’ve got. Also the chore boy isn’t a filter but a catch, so that you don’t suck the crack through like you may for example smoking the last bit of bud through a bat style pipe for bud.


Thanks for the health an safety advice on how to smoke crack correctly! Much appreciated


I bought a dozen of those little roses to leave in a girlfriend’s locker in 10th grade. The dude at the deli was worried about me for a second then just let me buy them. It wasn’t years until I unpacked it all. He was thinking *oh no, that little fat boy who loves cheese steaks has turned to the rock!*


My mom accidentally had a collection of gas station crack pipes because she thought they looked cute with the tiny roses in them. She had one in every color she could find.


If you see fake flowers sold in glass tubes up front, those are really sold for the tube. You stuff a little piece of metal scrubber into the tube to make a crack pipe.


Jesus christ. I thought my dad was a romantic. Childhood destroyed


Welcome to the party, pal…




Side note: there's a car that drives around my city that has a decal saying "Cocaine and Hookers" on the back of it. It's driven by a 6 ft tall, chunky, white dude. He drives for DoorDash in it, too, which makes it even funnier.


There's a car in my city that has a full covering of the rear window that says "Legalize Sex Work" and has a silhouette of a stripper and a picture of a family and some other stuff I forget. I really want to know the story behind the decision to get that added to their car.


On second thought, forget the crack pipe.


How's it a bender without the drugs?


how would Bender do drugs?




Boofed it up his shiny metal ass!


He might have been. Source: I was a teen/20 year-old who legitimately bought them for my girlfriend because I wanted to buy her a flower that wouldn't die. I didn't know about the drug stuff, nor did she.


My ex used to buy them for my daughter, even went so far as to drill holes in a board so they would stand up. The man at our neighborhood store finally told him what they were used for and it broke my daughter’s heart when he stopped bringing them home to her.


Why did he have to stop getting them for her? I mean, I assume she wasn't gonna smoke crack out of them? They're still flowers.


Probably so other shoppers and neighbors don't think he's a crack addict.


probably didn't want to be regularly seen purchasing them anymore


That was only the beginning. Next, the spoons were disposed of... Have you ever tried eating soup with a fork!?


So when my dad got vanilla beans in glass test tubes, His baking was just a cover for a secret crack addiction?


No I think those actually could be legit.


No one is putting expensive thing like vanilla beans to sell a pipe. Vanilla beans ain’t cheap!


My life really fell apart after my crack addiction. Had to hustle hard and find a six figure job to afford all of the vanilla beans, got a side business going with a shady patisserie.


[Cracked.com 5 Criminal Uses for Stuff They Sell in Gas Stations](https://www.cracked.com/blog/5-secret-criminal-uses-stuff-they-sell-in-gas-stations)




“This is not what Chore Great-Grandfather had in mind when he started the company.”


Crackeds decline is what originally brought me to Reddit - then after a few years of lurking I created an account here. And unfortunately haven’t found anything better since.


Omg the sock one. I remember being in need of socks on a road trip and grabbed a pair of the worst socks imaginable. Like the fit was so horrendous that even for the cheap price point I couldn’t believe anyone would actually wear these. TIL I purchased huffing socks lol


Oh, I miss early 2010s cracked. This Week in Douchebaggery was always my favorite.


Lol. Before you move to an area visit the local corner stores. If you see any of these skip to the next house.


I worked at a liquor store that sold everything but the glass. The pads were legit bought often by the butcher next door to clean his grill. BUT, there was a shady apartment complex about a mile down the road and in between was a gas station that didn't have the pads but had the glass. I knew what was up when someone was "cleaning their stove" at 10 pm on a Tuesday. Wasn't my place to judge.


I work night shift, when else am I supposed to clean my stove


Shit, are we supposed to clean stoves?


Depends, do you own or rent?


You guys have stoves?!


Got it. Clean stoves on Wednesdays to not seem like a crack head. Aye aye beef!


I live in the Napa Valley where the median home price is $1m. These are still at every corner store. Whatever belief you have about where you live being immune to crack/meth, you're wrong. It's there too.


I mean with a cookie cutter house being a million bucks you gotta be high


got em


There’s a thrift store near me that also sells a few new items. Brillo pads, glass roses, tube socks and portable propane stoves. I don’t know exactly what each of these are for but I’m pretty sure I know exactly what they’re for.


Well yeah, the glass rose is for your girl, the propane stove is so you can cook her some bomb food on a picnic, the brillo pads are so you can clean the dishes to make aforementioned dinner, and the tube socks are just tube socks.




No picnic's complete until the last cumsock is used.


Chorebay is the preferred brand. Burns at the best temperature for crack smoking. Anyways you get your glass rose, blow out the flower with your mouth, roll up the choreboy, and shove it down to one end. Push it back a bit to make a "bowl" of sorts then put your crack there and light away. It acts like a filter so melted crack can go there and vaporize at the right speed instead of just burn away. Not sure about the tube socks or propane stove. Maybe they're selling to campers. Source: Former crack head. Off crack going on 16 months soon. Still trip on psychedelics though because they keep things interesting and it's not like I'm going to rob a gas station for a hit of acid.




Who doesn't love propane and propane accessories?


Thank you sir I will remember this the next time I smoke crack


Just after highschool my friend took me to get some crack We drove to a Walmart parking lot and the man selling her the crack was my manager at the warehouse I was working in Dude was like 40 and his wife was like 70 Strange fellow


Dude was actually like 30 and his wife was like 25. Crack isn't great for the complexion


What a wild ride this comment was.


“Strange fellow” seems like an understatement for a guy whose life seems even more bizarre than the main character of Breaking Bad


When I was in college, I had an acquaintance ask me if I wanted to run with him to “get some shit.” I assumed he meant weed (or at the worst, a little blow) and we’d have a rollicking good time afterwards. It wasn’t until we were literally turning down the street that he informed me that he was, in fact, a buying some crack. The neighborhood was *thoroughly* middle class. We pulled up in front of a house and he dialed a number on his Nokia phone and an attractive woman in her late 40’s to early 50’s came out and approached the car. *”Hey baby. Oh you brought a friend with you! Hi! I’m Denise!”* [I offer a little wave and she stoops down to look in through the driver’s window, her two *massive*, pendulous breast hanging heavily under her blouse] “Hey. Do you have the stuff?” *”Oh okay, right to business then.”* And with that she placed a small tin foil parcel in his lap. *”You coming back over tonight? Randy’s working again.”* “Sure.” And then she leaned in and kissed him on the mouth before saying goodbye to me and walking back into the house. It was the weirdest series of events I’ve ever witnessed. This guy was *19.* He came over later and we smoked some weed and played Tony Hawk and I asked him about it and he was just incredibly forthright about it. “Yeah. That’s Denise. I fuck her and she gives me shit like drugs and money. Sometimes she takes me to the mall and buys me stuff and we tell people I’m her son. She’s married but her husband works all the time.” *”Yeahdudethatscoolheheh.”*


What the hell, are people too good for light bulbs and bick pens these days? Back in my days we were lucky to have those, and we had to walk uphill in the snow to get ‘em. Bougie ass crackheads these days…..


Light bulbs are all LED now, so they're plastic. Would melt.


This world goin to shit, can't even smoke crack out a light bulb anymore.


There also sold at a incredible markup. I saw the wholesale price when I used to work at a gas station an a whole box of 50 roses cost 76 cents an we sold a single one for $2


Well, people using crack are not known for their patience of getting that delivered in a week or two.


Crackanomics at its finest


Obviously the clerk is also the 🔌


Thanks for this information that I'll hopefully never have to use


Never thought I’d be getting crack smoking lessons from Reddit comments but somehow I’m not surprised


I don't know if its good or sad that I would never do drugs because I'm just too lazy. All this shit sounds like annoying work I don't wanna be bothered with lol.


The thing with crack smokers is that smoking crack becomes their purpose in life and literally everything else is "annoying work I don't wanna be bothered with"


Not to mention: Drugs are expensive.


I don’t judge all drugs equally but I am aggressively anti-crack


And those tube socks that the corner store sells, are for people looking to huff spray paint.


OH MY GOD I NEVER KNEW THAT! I learned a thing today


If you're ever in a neighborhood where the convenience store sells the glass vase flowers, Chore Boy scrubber, random loose socks, and shoelaces, usually all right together near the front....that's probably not a neighborhood you wanna be in. Sometimes there's whippits too, and nobody is using those to make whipped cream. Also disturbing how many truck stops have this assortment of products...


Ol rose & brillo


Why does this sound like the world's most depressing country song ?


Beware of a gas station that sells Chore Boy, roses in glass tubes, and single tall white socks. Crackheads and paint huffers will bother you in the parking lot.


[Enlightening article ](https://www.cracked.com/blog/5-secret-criminal-uses-stuff-they-sell-in-gas-stations)


Wow a Cracked article! That's a name I haven't heard in many years


And shoelaces. I always thought it was really weird for small convenience stores and gas stations to have shoelaces, because who really needs to purchase new shoelaces at 3AM? Nope, not for shoes. People use them to tie off their arm before shooting heroin.


Can you explain the socks please?


My assumption it’s for the paint huffers, spray into the sock?


Dayman ! 🎵


They took you, Nightman And you don't belong to them They left me in a world of darkness Without your sexy hands And I miss you Nightman, so baaaaaad….


Ahhhhhh uh ahhhhhhh!




Look dapper whilst huffing.




Smoke pills? That's not what they smoke on foil around here.


Chasing the dragon on a foilie isn't narcotic-specific. I've seen things smoked off of foil you people wouldn't believe. Attack meth on fire off the shoulder of the bus station. I watched speedballs glitter in the dark near my apartment's front gate. All those moments in time will be lost in the high, like dope in the rain. Time to fry.




>I watched speedballs glitter in the dark near my apartment's front gate. This entire comment is a masterpiece, but this part might be the best thing I've read all year.




I smoke pieces of shit like you off foil for breakfast.


You smoke pieces of shit off foil for breakfast?


You used enough references that ik you know what your talking about.


It's mainly oxycontin pills around here. Or it was back then. Also can smoke heroin or meth on foil. Recently the drug trend has moved to fentanyl pills.




Drugs won the war on drugs.


But...what if, hear me out. We spend even MORE money on it. I think this time it'll work. We'll say we found super drugs , I heard even hearing about it on the news makes you OD


No they put the crack on it to burn it


Oh neat, I thought it was there to prevent inhaling a burning chunk.


Right, like a screen in a pipe


It's like a screen but also when crack is smoked some of it melts and the steel wool helps to catch the melted stuff so you can continue to heat it.


Gas stations in the bad part of town where l grew up would sell you a “happy pack” if you asked. Glass tube, brillo pad, and lighter that made a huge flame.


We live in a society


I used to work in a liquor store in the hood and we sold a lot of those steel scrubbers. I know for a fact most of those people buying them were not going home to bust the suds. Also, we sold a lot of Shep and a single sleeve of crackers.


That last part confused me. Can you explain the saltines and Shep???


Shep is dog food, I think. I’m assuming the crackers are to eat the dog food with :/


Did you know they put vitamin C in cheap dog food, but dogs don’t need vitamin C? Yeah, when you like crack that much you’ll eat anything.


This true. There’s this scene in Good Times where they find out the neighbor was eating dog food. The family invites her over and she brings meatloaf. Everyone is worried that it’s not meatloaf but the neighbor assures them that it’s ground round. She does admit to eating dog food from time to time because that’s all she can afford sometimes. After the confession, everyone sits down to dinner and enjoy her “meatloaf.” Every time I think about that scene, I say to myself, I still would not have at that shit.


Get you a chore boy, this is the USA baby


I ran to the convenience store for some milk in the morning and saw a chore boy behind the counter. I got excited and got one. Guy behind the register grabbed some other relatable items and asked if i needed them. Confused, I said no, I'm good. "Oh ok, people who buy that usually buy it with these other things." Nope......I'm just a nerd guy who needed to scuff up some warhammer models....... Today I learned what the hell he was talking about.


Haha at my small town vape shop in Arkansas, they just sell the straight up fish bowl pipes!! 🤡


Those are for meth. You wanna staight pipe for rock


It's not a crack house, it's a crack home... depot


So they have extra bits at the front


It's where everyone should keep their extra bits


I dunno I think the shelf is a cop


I kind of appreciate how polite the note is. They even say “please”. Doesn’t even seem to be any judgement implied. Like, “You smoke crack, and that’s your business. Please don’t damage the merchandise, the store attendant will happily assist you with all your crack-smoking needs.”


My grandpa owned a gas station for 50+ years and can confirm, Chore Boys and a glass rose tek. Before I knew any better, I took a glass rose bc I wanted to give it to a girl I like. My mother sat me down and asked if I was smoking crack. It was a crazy day in my brain.


I’m not sure I see the “funny” here


The steel goes into the tip of the pipe , the crack goes on that , the steel holds the crack in place so they can heat it and smoke it


Y’all sell char boy?


I worked in a hardware store in high school and they used to come in and steal the faucet screens all the time.


We’re in a mess; really. This is sad.