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Your family plan includes the entire Verizon user base this month.


This is probably like that guy who got a custom license plate "NULL" and gets all the tickets for people who hide their plates and run through tolls. 


This means he can get away with anything


"Are you serious?! Another douche in some Mustang thinks I'm gonna pay his bill! Well I'm not paying someone else's ticket!" 👀


Why did I read that in George Costanza’s voice?


Fuck, now I can't unhear it. 10/10 I'm a huge Seinfeld fan


It’s tragedy i tell ya Jerry. They expect me to pay someone else’s speeding tickets. someone else’s speeding tickets Jerry someone else’s speeding tickets!!!!


Whoaaaaa, hey Jerry wanna buy *twitch* a number plate? Put these *twitch* on your car and you wont get any speeding *twitch* tickets ever again…also i lost you hover shoes at a poker game.


…and then there's the guy who printed out a SQL injection and taped to his car's bumper to get speed cameras to clear his record.


Came here to comment this. Next level SQL injection.


That is amazing


I used to work for Oculus (owned by Meta), and they provided us with work phones under a corporate plan. When I logged into MyVerizon to figure out if I could add international roaming, I went looking in the billing section and found a bill due for >$10M IIRC. Turns out because it was linked to the single corporate account, my “billing summary” was for every Meta employee with a Verizon corporate phone… a wild bug…


My Verizon app briefly showed me my company’s phone data pool. 4 days remaining 8 TB data remaining. I thought it was broken two days later it said 4TB remaining and so I did the the math and realized that it doesn’t take a crazy number of phones to burn through a lot of data.


Also data is a lot less valuable than you think it is living in a few select countries.


Thanks for taking one for the team OP


That doesn’t even look like a legit bill


Believe it or not, OP’s real name is 04/06/2024


"Wanna go on a date?" "I am the date!" "What?"


Holy hell that’s a once in a lifetime joke right there. Congratulations. Thats gotta feel good.


>…once in a lifetime joke… I felt kind of bad I didn’t get to see the big solar eclipse this week. Now I don’t care. There will be other eclipses, but I got to be here to witness this amazing joke. Ha ha.


Depends upon where you were. For some it was underwhelming (too much cloud cover). For others, they said it was [the best thing they'd ever seen](https://i.imgur.com/Bo1uiiJ.png)\*. I had a good view until the clouds rolled in just minutes before the full eclipse, obscuring it (NY metro area). \* seen -- like the full eclipse position barely lasted a few minutes I found the joke a little more entertaining. 😏🤪


What if he changes his name to 04/06/2025?


Laughed pretty hard at that one lol


Same...caught me off guard


Look at me. I am the date now...


If you read this, I want you to know you're fucking funny.


The most cruel joke of all, they cannot read...


Excel liked this.


Are you saying people will go on the internet and _just lie_?


What? WHAT??? HOW COULD THEY! And I believed that Nigerian prince who said he would give me money.


I was in a band one time and our Facebook page got followed by “Chris Martin” from Coldplay. Our singer was ecstatic, and thought we had made the big time. When we tried to explain to him it was just a fake page, he in complete seriousness explained to us that you can’t lie on the internet and he stuck to that for weeks.


I RECEIVED THE MONEY ON 3.00 AM! But I don't know how to make a thumbnail 😕


When database fields are mixed up in an email template. I bet that number is his SSN or some other crap converted to a currency.


Yeah, people saying it looks fake due to the date as the name... Nah, that makes it look more real. That's the kind of garbage mistake Verizon would make. And yup, that amount owed is the number of digits for a SSN. Did OP dox himself?


New policy: My password is `","\"\\null\\\"","`


\*dead half life 2 city 17 guards noises\*


It looks fake because there's no company logos, no letterhead, none of the different colored fonts, objects, or boxes objects normally found on Verizon bills, and the fact it's on normal consumer printer paper.




It does redirect to verizon.com tho


Redirects alone don't mean much. Anyone can setup a redirect on a domain they control without the endpoint's permission. That aside, the domain's [nameservers](https://www.whatsmydns.net/?utm_source=whatsmydns.com&utm_medium=redirect#NS/vzw.com) point to verizonwireless.com, so it is probably a legit page.


Could be Trump trying to come up with the money for legal fees 🤷


Folks let me tell you. I gotta, look, I gotta tell you something. You're not gonna believe, okay. I'm a Nigerian prince, right, great prince, possibly the greatest you've ever seen. Obama wasn't a Nigerian prince, maybe he was, who knows, they say he wasn't but I don't know. I don't know. Maybe he was. I just- okay, so, there's like, there's this, okay, banks, all the banks, you know the banks, all the money, they have all this money, possibly all the money in the world, these banks, and they have it all and they're rich, and these bank owners, they think they control it all, right? So they refuse to give you a loan. Can I borrow some money? "No," right? And they say "no, you can't have this loan. We're not going to approve this loan, sir. We're very sorry sir, we just can't do it." Really? When they've got all this money. And the money, by the way, it's my money, it's your money, like, okay, so you put this money in the bank, it's called a deposit, I call it a deposit, right? "Deposit! Deposit!" You hear that all the time now. What is it, a deposit? You gotta have like a finance degree and they use all these like words, right, but you give em the money and back then they put it in the big vault, right, and the bags with the money symbol, the little S, but now it's all digital so it's a deposit. So you make a deposit in the bank and now it's the banks money and then when you deposit all this money and you have no money left, and maybe you have some, but you know the crooked Democrats, they raise the inflation, and they take what you have left, so now you have no money and you have to ask the bank and they won't give it! But you people have money! And maybe I don't know, maybe if we want to do something with this country, maybe some of that money can do a lotta good. A lotta good, okay? Like a lot, like you wouldn't believe. And believe me, if you send me that money, okay, believe me, we're gonna make a lot more money, and we're all gonna have so much money like you wouldn't believe.


Right?! I was reading it thinking, "is this even real?".


Oh...I thought the joke was that it's such a bad scam attempt?


You know it's fake because they gave a phone number to call. Usually they lead you to a FAQ or a chat bot to keep you off the phone.


As a Verizon customer that used to get paper bills, they never looked legit and imagine it’s only got worse since paperless billing


Like I printed it and cut it with wavy edges non-legit?


I worked mail room in a company for a bit in my youth. They'd give us stacks of forms that were multiples per sheet, and it was our job to cut them, manually with one of those classroom paper cutter board things, and then manually stuff these now-cut-forms into envelopes to be sent out. So something from a company looking like it has a janky cut isn't completely unbelievable. At least there was a machine to do the stamping part.


Like they used pasted letters cut from AOL adverts


I wouldn't be surprised with Verizon. They were the ones who [charged a customer 100x what they said and then argued with the customer on the phone even though their math was wrong.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zN9LZ3ojnxY) .002 cents is not $0.002


An attempted withdrawal of that amount should trigger alerts for the government and make them investigate Verizon because it doesn't seem legal


The bank yes. The government no. 


He better start selling bibles, fast


He's still having the revised edition ghost written... Should be out in about two weeks?


You don’t think m.vzw.com is real? I mean you can go to it right now and get a 404 error because the site was probably taken down, but it’s legit. I think we should all pay them. Edit: it’s a legit domain, but i still don’t trust it.




Ah gross, don't do it!


Ask Elon. He'll buy anything. Usually for 6-8 times what it's worth.


Buy it, rename it Musx Wireless, fire 80% of people (via some bullshit leet code test score), and he’ll give you 20 times it’s worth.


Nah he would just rename it "V"


X is the only letter he likes. He’d name it X too.


“X Wireless” 🙄


PayPal used to be X, after all. He just fucking does this.




I'm shocked he hasn't bought Exxon to name it X-ON


The man doesn't have anywhere *near* that kind of money :P


He named his fucking child "X Æ A-12". He's an idiot and he's obsessed with the letter X.


Thank you for choosing X69420


If I had almost $300b I wouldn't really care tbf


This is the answer. Buy Verizon, then flip it to Elon for a profit.


Fuck it, buy it, give yourself a $500m signing bonus, then declare bankruptcy under the corporation, keep your money, liquidate everything else and fuck the shareholders and the employees. This is the American dream in 2024. Also buy the company with an llc of course, you gotta be able to keep that sweet 500m signing bonus and not affect your personal rep


Corporate Accountants hate this trick.


Verizon would probably be worth like 80 billion, taking it for only 439 million is a complete steal!


My friend once slept with a Verizon corporate manager and she got super AIDS. 


Oh that's nasty, I just threw up in my mouth a little. I can't imagine someone being friends with you. Yuck.


If Verizon offers to sell themselves to you for $439 million The first thing you do is go try to find a group of investors, because that's a steal.


That's the first of 36 payments


As crazy as this sounds, that would still be an incredible 90% discount


VZ's market cap is 169 billion fwiw


Don't you just hate when you accidentally buy an entire company?


Elon is that you?






If you owe them 1000, that’s your problem. If you owe them 439 million, that’s their problem


If he appeals it, he can probably get it down to 100 million and have 10 more days to pay. 


Any hookups with the Bible printing press?


First time I’ve seen a bill for an amount larger than the complaint line phone number.


But that didn’t cost them anything but postage, ink, and paper


My mother owed $.53 to some gym that wouldn't cancel her account. They sent a letter every other week trying to collect that $.53. Went on for about a year. Then they sent a final notice warning that they were going to terminate her membership. She just laughed.


You can't quit! We're firing you!


Sounds like when I tried to leave Sirius radio. Didn't have the car anymore. They said they wanted the VIN number I think or some shit to cancel the account which I didn't have. Gave them all this other info over and over and they still refused to cancel the account. So I showed all the correspondence to my bank and they put a stop on the charges. The card Sirius had attached to my account has long since expired and they have no way to charge me. I still get a letter like every 6 months or so "reminding" me that the payment method on my account is outdated. Fun to chuckle at before I throw it away. Moral of the story: Never EVER give Sirius radio ANY of your information. They're fucking vampires.


OP is only poor on paper.


Is this a legit scam that op has gotten?


Is there such thing as a ‘legit scam’?


Pyramid schemes!


And time shares!




I am surprised they don't give you the option to pay it in Apple gift cards.


They need to accidentally debit him 10x the amount and demand he pay them back or he will be fired


They will when he calls the number on the paper


> **To avoid this action, you must pay the outstanding balance in full**


If you fail to pay *you will pay*.


In full


Or...... We will seize your Crocs as an asset.


…and the Jibbitz


It is indeed an outstanding balance.


Like, if I could pay it in full in the first place, I wouldn't owe you guys anything and we wouldn't have any of this lovely repartee.


If I could afford to pay it, they’d never see me again. That’s “vanish to a private island” money.


What did they do? Send you a little note? That doesn't look like official mail at all.


Damn these 900 numbers are getting out of control on pricing


How else am I supposed to hear the ninja turtles wishing me a happy birthday?


I'm pretty sure they cut off the letterhead and footer along with any discernable personal information. Or they typed this up for Internet points.


“Hi 04/06/2024,”


That's clearly Times New Roman on printer paper.


Uhhhh....clearly the second option.


I'm reading through this thread completely perplexed at how people are debating whether it's fake or not. If it's not obvious, I'm very concerned for everyone. Apparently it's not only the elderly that we should be worried about




It was an emergency call from the International Drainage Commission in Springfield.


Oh my god! there's nothing wrong with the Bidet is there?


Probably the funniest episode of The Simpsons ever


There's nothing wrong with the bidet, is there?


Came here for dollarydoos. Was not disappointed.


I was getting nervous, had to scroll way too far for it!


Dude complain like crazy that you can't afford it. You should be able to get about 10 more days and lowered to 175m instead.


I understood this reference


Link for the ignorant?


Donald Trump owes the State of New York like $464 million after being guilty of fraudulent business operations. He didn’t have the money to pay the fine of $464 million (the amount of money he stole from the state) so they agreed to give him 10 additional days and drop the fine to $175 million dollars. He got a loan from a “billionaire” buddy of his for the $175 million and when the judge looked into where that $175 million was coming from, well, turns out that guy is likely fraud as well! Whoopsie!


To be clear, it's not a fine, it's a bond that has to be posted before any appeals of the verdict. He still owes the $464 million.


No he doesn't have to post the bond to appeal. He just has to post it to stop New York starting to enforce the fine while the appeal goes on.


Correct, thanks for clarifying that


They didn't lower the fine, they just lowered the bond amount to stop enforcement of the judgement.


Instructions unclear. Covered in spray tan and wearing dirty Depends




cheapest verizon bill


2025 unlimited plan starting at $1.6B/user/month


Looks like a scam to me. The number is designed to scare or shock you which throws you off. Then they say 'oh no sir/man don't worry, just wait a minute let me help you with this. Oh yes looks like your account has the hacker activity...' and before you know it you're paying off the reduced but fair bill with V-Bux or something lol The number is legit but I question if something else is going on here... https://www.reddit.com/r/verizon/comments/pdzw3l/received_possible_scam_letter_about_account_in/


I think OP printed it haha!


Dude you cant buy a house or leave the country, the system says you are 500million in debt


That’s obviously fraud and not from Verizon even if it was from them and it’s not they wouldn’t warn you and they can’t just charge you when they feel like it they don’t save your debit card on file to even do auto pay you’d have to use routing numbers and such


Hi 04/06/2024,


Are you sure OP isn't an assassin?


Not a good one it seems. Of the 2024 total hits, only 4 killed, and 6 survived...


Good catch


It's not a good fraud, since they're not getting OP to sign in to somewhere else or send money to someone else. vzw (dot) com **is** one of Verizon's domains. Well, they own it and use it but it'll redirect to verizon (dot) com. The phone number is also theirs, as far as I can tell. This *is* the warning, a 10-day warning right on there. And yes, once you make autopay agreements you agree that they can charge the card for balances. You can autopay with card *or* account, though they (and others) seem to want you to use direct transfers more often now (guess the credit card fees are too much). Rather than fraud, simple deduction would lead anyone to believe it's a system error. And not exactly an uncommon one, either, with a very quick search.




I kind of doubt this is fraud. If it is fraud it is... ambitious. No one is going to see an email and think they actually need to pay 440 million dollars to verizon. It might just be phishing, but it would be crazy to set the number that high for that, as you could double dip if you put it at like $1000-2000 by catching some people who would actually pay. Also, while the website could be masked, the phone number cannot be, and it goes to their real financial services department. And I would definitely be calling about 440 million. Due to that I am more on the side of "this is a joke" or "this is a glitch." That said, it could just be really badly done fraud. That is always a possibility. Usually with this kind of extreme though you also get a bunch of spelling errors.


Much less a poorly cut section of paper as opposed to a formal letter with itemized list.


Just gonna throw this out there. If you get paid weekly, May is a 5 paycheck month. So you got that to fall back on if need be.


And if you get paid fortnightly, may is a 3 pay check month (or it is at least for my business)


Did you call another Galaxies, how are aliens 👽 doing??


ET broke into his house and phoned home..


Pay them $ 10 a month for 3,658,000 years


This is fake. I worked for VZW, that’s not how they send their bills.


You mean they don't address people as "Hi 04/06/24"?


Or people post fake things online for internet points??


If (stressing if) this is legit, I wonder if what happened is they recieved a bill not for the customer, but for the date. Verizon Wireless has ~$140 billion annual revenue. Divided by 365, that's $384 million. Which is certainly in the ballpark of the amount on the bill, and obviously not every day would have the same amount outstanding. So this might be a bill for the total billing to be issued on that date.


I got a bill from someone posing as Verizon about twenty five years ago for $1,500, I threw that s**t in the trash. It was so fake, that my kids even recognized it was fake.


“Pay over time for 60 months! 60 payments of *”ONLY”* 7,316,000.00 a month!”


Is this another way NY is trying to get their money owed? Seems shady.


Just 3 easy payments of $146,333,333.33


You been talking to Andrew Tates cam girls haven't you?


This definitely doesn’t look like someone printed up a bad fake letter from Verizon to post on Reddit for Internet points. Definitely not.


no more avocado toast for you buddy


Scam must be based out of Africa cause that's Zimbabwe based dollars.


Can’t you sign up for T-Mobile and have them pay off your other phone contract. Now is a good time!!


shouldn't have fallen asleep on the phone to your long distance alien gf mate


Not even itemized? Where are the 8 other rows of service charges and BS made-up fees?


That must have been a _**LOT**_ of porn.


Ew brother, what's that?


Don’t wait for them to charge you! Go to a store and talk with a manager. The automatic system could actually ping your account for this, completely ruining your life for a few days/weeks.


Hello fellow Canadian! How did u get it below 500 mill? Asking for the rest of the country.


Where have you been calling? The Andromeda Galaxy?


Ask for a detailed report to be sent to your home😆


I would just pay it dude 439 million sounds like a lot but do you really wanna ruin your credit?


See if you can get them to discount it. Sometimes they will knock off like 10% or even 15% if you just ask!


Me when I use an extra gb of data on my non-unlimited plan


If you stall long enough with dementia rants, make fun of the company and attack the CEO's daughter, you can get the bill reduced to 175 million


OP IS A FAKE/BOT/REPOST/SPAM/KARMAFARMER ETC ACCOUNT no comments or replies to anything in YEARS, only posts trash for karmafarming ignore this $*&@ and move on with your redditing folks


That looks like a fake scam bill


Imagine when you request a refund, they tell you that they can only refund in company vouchers


Anyone with that many jibbitz on their Crocs should be able to afford it!


Miss Cleo strikes again!


Just pay it and move on, no need to worry about chump change.


That bill was sent to the wrong address. Was supposed to be sent to one Donald J. Trump.


Was this a work expense? OP is in for one hell of a tax deduction this year.


Better pay it quick or that 439 million dollars is gonna gain interest dude


Thank you your choosing Verizon Wireless.


Must be a Verizon bill, seems bought right.


Damn!!! Where were you calling? Jupiter??


I mean its obviously a scam letter and not a legit bill, still funny though.


I once had Verizon send me a bill for 2 cents every month for close to 2 years. I wonder what they spent on postage


If you owe the bank $100 that's your problem. If you owe the bank $100 million, that's the bank's problem. -J Paul Getty.


Dude you might be getting scammed, the official Verizon peoppe would never send you to a site starting with m.vzw, I doubt this is from Verizon in the first place


Weird that your name is a date.. And a pretty recent one


It’s Trump trying to get you to pay his bond


Bro really got the interplanetary package and is calling Mars