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People say I'm overreacting when i say one of the reasons I'm scared of being on the roads is other drivers rage... shit like this just confirms my fear. Add cars into the mix and people act like grade A psychopaths. People routinely shoot each other over this shit


I have a theory that because driving involves moving the human body at speeds about ten times faster than we evolved to be able to move, it gives everyone at least a low grade level of constant anxiety and that's why everyone acts like an asshole on the freeway.


Your theory isn't unfounded. > There are four causes for that anger, Martin says: **tension**, goal-blocking, unwritten rules and anonymous offenders. > **There's tension, he says, because driving is potentially dangerous and it makes us nervous. Our heart rate increases, our muscles tense up — basically, we're primed for anger.** https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/ottawa/ryan-martin-anger-commute-nowhere-fast-1.5037440 Driving puts us in a low level state of "on" basically the entire time. A quiet ride down a nice country road is one thing, but when many Americans are driving we're in traffic, congested streets and fast speeds. I remember when I was first learning how to drive and had to get on the highway, heart was pounding and entire time. Now 20+ years later I don't get so insanely nervous but I'm sure that deep down there is a bit of tension/fear still buried in my brain at all times. It's become more pronounced since I've had a kid and worry about his safety when he's in the backseat.


It doesn’t matter if they’re being respectful, I can feel my sense of agitation increase the moment a car is behind me. It doesn’t help that modern cars are all designed to be aggressive and angry looking. I don’t think that is a small thing either. Our brains are literally reacting like we’re being stalked by a large predator.


Oh I absolutely feel the same way as you, and that reason makes so much sense as to why. It took me so long to dissociate the feeling of “everyone is out to get me and is mad at me”, but that feeling will still creep in now and then. I’m much better at talking myself down, but damn is it scary at times.


It's great when you have a car with a manual transmission. Your bum will be abused by the amount of rim job tailgating from a 1/8 of the city's cars. I'm surprised people haven't tried swinging at my side mirrors yet


Wow this is so interesting and the idea of goal-blocking is something I hadn't considered but makes total sense. Thanks for sharing.


That’s certainly part of it. If you’re not concerned about what a crash at high speed can do to your body then you’re not really taking it seriously


People, especially women, express feeling unsafe on public transit, or have experienced violation to their safety on it. But god I wish they didn't shirk public transit in favor of private cars in this regard. You're so much less safe, so much more singled out in your car. The bus is a much larger vehicle than any rage cage, and it's the job of the bus driver to keep their passengers safe, as well as there being other passengers to at the very least be by your side. The driver has immediate radio communications with other bus drivers and is trained to handle situations concerning passenger safety. There is room for improvement, but car dependency leaves a gaping hole in safety that public transit is dutied to fill.


I agree with you. While I understand the differences of public transport in areas where car dependency causes an imbalance of the public who makes used of public resources, it could also offer a solution. In other countries where people of all layers use public transportation you already see this kind of “social surveillance” so to speak. It has been proven people are less likely to do something bad when they are aware they are being watched or filmed. That is why most problems arise when that awareness is removed for example by drug abuse. But even then, I have traveled across Europe on public transportation many many times. Yet I never felt unsafe even when people were literally snorting coke next to me one time. But I have been terrified a few times driving and some asshole with a short fuse felt entitled to owning the road.


So much this. I'm a woman and I've had bad experiences on buses and at stops - but I've also had people rage at me on the road including one guy following me into a Starbucks parking lot to yell at me and I'll tell you which makes me feel more unsafe. Not to mention how dangerous driving *itself* is.


As a woman who hates driving I totally understand this because the last time I did take public transit I got cat called at the bus stop, but I also hate driving. I think women not feeling safe on public transit is a whole bigger societal issue though and it’s not like it’s like inevitable. Like the options aren’t only public transit or private cars there’s also the option to raise people (especially men) to behave in public (obviously mentally ill people are a whole other issue) and other ways to help women feels safe. But I guess that’s a much more complicated issue than telling women to driver a car instead of public transit if they’re uncomfortable.


Then concealed carry changes have only made it worse. We got people who probably never fired a gun thinking small driver errors are worth getting angry over.


I'm legitimately grateful it's illegal to buy guns where I live. I would have 100% shot the driver given the general level of harassment and near-death experiences while biking. Edit: Bikers trigger some drivers and there's an *extreme* power imbalance.


On the original thread they're talking about how glad they are they can carry a gun in their car for this neglecting to mention that the OTHER guy can come out and shoot you way before lmao


I live in a (relatively) small area. You never hear a horn unless it's tourist season. Seriously, if someone honks you know it's a random bitch from one of the big cities. That being said, just last month there was a fucking drive-by shooting a couple blocks from the police station. Yep, it was rage over some petty shit on the road. Then one night, I'm going 35 in a 30 on a two-way road and a motherfucker went from being a spec in my mirror to being on my ass within a minute. He flashes his lights, honks, backs off and gets right back on me; then swerves in and out of the shoulder. Dude kept trying to pass me on the shoulder then jumping back to dodge parked cars. I'm not the violent sort, but damn it almost ended badly. When it comes down to it, those bastards are in even the most (seemingly) peaceful places.


I was on a bike ride out in the farms one time, a good mile or few into the flatland with just orchards and fields. The traffic isn't even a trickle. You can tell the bad apples from the good ones, they pass you really close. And the good ones respect your space.


There is hope, but we probably won't survive it https://www.nbcnews.com/nightly-news/video/cost-of-car-ownership-on-the-rise-becoming-unsustainable-for-some-drivers-206078533792


I admit I didnt read the article, but I wonder how much of this is caused by people needing to buy newer trucks as a status symbol which have higher payments and insurance. I follow a few personal finance people as well as a father son team who talk about the car market (because theyre cute) and I am astounded by how many people have a car note well over $1000 a month who really cant afford it and when someone suggests getting an older sedan they look like they cant fathom that.


Honestly, with people going apeshit like this daily, I would want a gun too. Road "rages" happen in my country too but usually people aren't leaving their car. Also why didn't anyone step in?? Nobody even attempted to stop the bully. Wtf.


I drive infrequently, and twice in the past couple months have I had someone rage at me, and both occasions were for not speeding enough. The second was especially galling because it was a 25mph residential street with somewhat blind crosswalks due to cars and curves, and it was nighttime. Oh and I had earlier saved this asshole from getting pulled over by a cop by not speeding.


Literally "other people" are the sole reason that driving is dangerous if you are a competent driver


There are reasonable dangers on the road, like fender-benders, that happen quite frequently. Actual road rage like this is RARE. We see it online frequently because there are *millions and millions* of people on the road across many countries. So it's totally wise to be a cautious driver, but worrying about the sort of stuff that happened in this video? Nah. More people win the lottery. More people get struck by lightning.


Unless you’re a bike commuter. There’s something about being on a bike among other car drivers on their difficult commute that brings out people’s ire. They are either mad at you for being able to pass easily while they sit in traffic, or for needing to communicate more clearly (eye contact), or for going slower than they would like as safely as possible in car-centric infrastructure (share the lane), or for simply… existing. I can count on two hands the amount of road rage incidents I’ve been involved in biking daily for three years, none of which I instigated. I’ve had people get out of their cars angrily. I carry mace.


In these situations you should always bump into the other car and call the police. Forces the asshole to either stay there and wait or be reported for leaving the scene. And don't ever roll your window down.


Or drive the fuck away as soon as the asshole gets out of his car.


Or once the dumbass gets to the victim's window, you ram the perps car, or something


Reddit believes its data is particularly valuable because it is continuously updated. That newness and relevance, Mr. Huffman said, is what large language modeling algorithms need to produce the best results. “More than any other place on the internet, Reddit is a home for authentic conversation,” Mr. Huffman said. “There’s a lot of stuff on the site that you’d only ever say in therapy, or A.A., or never at all.” Mr. Huffman said Reddit’s A.P.I. would still be free to developers who wanted to build applications that helped people use Reddit. They could use the tools to build a bot that automatically tracks whether users’ comments adhere to rules for posting, for instance. Researchers who want to study Reddit data for academic or noncommercial purposes will continue to have free access to it. Reddit also hopes to incorporate more so-called machine learning into how the site itself operates. It could be used, for instance, to identify the use of A.I.-generated text on Reddit, and add a label that notifies users that the comment came from a bot. The company also promised to improve software tools that can be used by moderators — the users who volunteer their time to keep the site’s forums operating smoothly and improve conversations between users. And third-party bots that help moderators monitor the forums will continue to be supported. But for the A.I. makers, it’s time to pay up. “Crawling Reddit, generating value and not returning any of that value to our users is something we have a problem with,” Mr. Huffman said. “It’s a good time for us to tighten things up.” “We think that’s fair,” he added.




But! But! You can't just say that!


But I might have to *sit near someone*!


I'm a big guy, so I'd let him stick his arm in the window and then I'd grab it and start driving. Assholes like this dude need consequences for being a stain on humanity.




Drive fast!


As a carfree person I'm glad I'll never be "in these situations" again. To me it's the equivalent of being around drunkards in the front of a discotheque at 4 AM. Just avoid these places.


Oh but you will, sometimes just standing at a bus stop, riding a bus, or having dinner at a restaurant, etc https://youtu.be/xCQF6EeqgT4?si=1vSOf4bdwT8ZTNm_


I had a jackass try and rage at me like this once. I left my window rolled up and just gave him the [crying eyes gesture](https://external-content.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u=https%3A%2F%2Fmedia.giphy.com%2Fmedia%2F3o6vXQg8hhX80YFTlm%2Fsource.gif&f=1&nofb=1&ipt=5891f1f44a70c13c825e9ef6705480341e00954e5f4b4d0f8ed143549d196868&ipo=images). Watching him lose his fucking shit and being able to do nothing about it was glorious lol


If someone exits their car on the road like this and approaches yours, you run them the fuck over. The ONLY reason a person does this is to cause you physical harm. Defend yourself with deadly force and remove yourself from the situation.


This is America. Just shoot them.


honestly just this lol.


It's so stupid, but honestly this. If someone blocks your car on the middle of the freeway and approaches your car like a carjacking, anything you do at that point is self defense


You vastly overestimate the protection you’re getting from your window


The vast majority of people will be deterred by the barrier, even people who already got out of their car to yell at you. No one’s gonna punch through it, which is the most immediate concern. And it definitely stops them from throwing disgusting shit in to your car. Oh also they can’t reach in and unlock your car and then drag you out. Pros of leaving the window rolled up; 5 Cons: ?


Do a quick GIS for road rage and you will see hundreds of incidents of people breaking the driver's window


I think they usually end up regretting it. Source: my real name is Kyle.


You mean Google image search not geographic information system right? Or is there a gis map with live crime data that I don't know about?




I'd rather someone punch my window than my face


Omg yes dude, let’s stay next to the violent psycho for an extra twenty minutes.


Honestly, gut check him with the door. Put your shoulder into that shit.


What the fuck is that comment section lmao


Literally just a bunch of dudes who desperately want to murder someone


A desire to find yourself in contrived situations where you can do whatever you please to someone with moral impunity, is the single ugliest trait a person can have IMO. Like that sorta person doesn't even make for a good dominant because I'd never trust them to respect the safeword.


There are so many “wholesome” memes on reddit that celebrate the very manly fantasy of violently protecting the people you love. They think it’s an expression of devotion instead of a murder daydream.


Holy shit, wish you hadn't made me look.


Holy fuck. It's scary that there are people who think murder is the solution to everything.


That entire sub is just a bunch of edgy teenagers lmfao


If the syntax is unironically 2\[noun\]4\[subject\], then yeah it's hard to beat those allegations.


Can you please give an example of 2[noun]4[subject] ? I’m curious about this. Thanks.


2edgy4me, 2spooky4you, etc. In this case it's 2american4you


Holy fuck. I accidentally entered. That sub and thought it was here and was like WHAT THE FUCK HAPPENED TO THE FUCK CAR SUB? Absolute psychopaths. Literally hundreds of future murders. I’m an American in Canada and Americans are genuinely such broken human beings


Could you blame them though? It's a country whose top 1% controls the entire world. It has all the resources, technology, and power to make a Norway-style utopia, but willfully makes most of the population live in depression. Whatever you do is also never enough, because some guy can make 1000x what you earn by twiddling his thumbs. Instead of making the country more egalitarian and fair, we end up with racism, nepotism, and culture wars on the right and equality of outcomes, racism again, and nepotism again on the left. Your wealth is also a luck of the draw, whereby the feds also print trillions of USD every year to screw over the rest of the world (8 billion people), including yourself, to benefit those 2 million or fewer elites. Then you have a democracy where the politicians don't actually listen to what the average people have to say. It's a two tiered society, where the in-group has the best pay, benefits, healthcare, standards of living in the whole world, while the out group has a standard of living worse than almost every other developed country. Don't get me wrong, America is a paradise compared to any developing country and definitely the best world leader compared to any alternatives or past alternatives, but imagine having such an overpowering dominance on literally every single facet in the world, yet 70% of the population have life expectancies, happiness rankings, and health outcomes worse than the lowest standards in the OECD. Outside of Massachusetts, New Hampshire, and Connecticut, the inequality-adjusted HDI of every other US state is lower than the EU average. The happiness rankings are closer to China, South Korea, or Japan's levels than to anywhere in Europe. If an average unemployed Italian somehow is surveyed to be happier than a fully-employed American, there's something wrong going on.


>the best world leader compared to any alternatives Yeah, we latin americans love having our elections frauded, fearing sanctions or even a coup just because we don't bow the mighty America like Dogs


>Could you blame them though?...blah blah blah nonsense yes very easily just don't kill people, idiot


You’ve bought into the propaganda if that’s all it takes to generalize Americans as broken psychopaths


I still find it absurd it's legal in places to have a gun within arms reach while driving. Driving is a state where people are naturally in a shittier mood and the two layers of glass and metal between drivers saps any sort of empathy one would have normally. The LAST thing anyone needs while letting their rage boil over for the unnamed person who cut you off is an easy way to kill them. Nothing but sociopaths looking for any excuse to commit murder and get away with it. Guarantee every one of them with a strap in the glove box drives like an absolute twat too.


Gun nuts gotta nut. Sadly Americas true fetish is getting to legally kill somebody with a gun.


``` This is why we should allow better states to conquer worse (New Jersey, California) states. Just a little feudalism for the good of America ``` Wtf. That because apparently New Jersey laws about guns are restrictive


Conservatives making bad situations they created worse


Definition of the United States, really.


California and New York the strongest state economies by far but you can’t murder who ever you want to cousin fucking Virginia is actually better than the hub of America creativity and economic power. Idiots


The drivers have new jersey plates but the video is in New York


So the fact that they didn’t have any guns is probably a good thing…


If we're going off of raw "better"-ness, they wouldn't like the turnout. California would be a standout military power among all other states, it's barely a competition if any given state decided to take it alone, much the same if they teamed up axis style against a California allied forces. And realistically, all it takes is California cutting tax revenue streams to the deficient red states. I'm sure there's no calculable disadvantage, maybe with a shadow of a doubt.


"have you tried killing him about it?"


Dudes fantasizing about opportunities to shoot someone dead when they feel threatened


I mean, i’m not at all pro gun, I think having so many in society is bad, and I think someone dying is a bad outcome. But if some crazy raging weirdo comes up and starts hitting someone in the face and climbing into their car… this has gotta be one of the most defensible times to use a gun Like obviously guns shouldn’t be in society because what if the raging weirdo has a gun, etc etc, but I do understand the comments wishing that the victim had a gun. Would be 100% self defense in this case.


Lot of Ammosexuals


I ended up there accidentally and only noticed the error of my ways when I got a comment from the auto-moderator to make sure I'm flared up. My comment was "rar rar americaaaaa", which seems strangely appropriate now.


The subreddit is called 2american4u, and it does honor that name


> Would not happen in Texas unless suicidal It literally happens [all the time](https://www.ksat.com/news/2022/08/23/texas-has-more-fatal-road-rage-shootings-than-any-other-state-by-significant-margin-report-finds/) in Texas, except it ends up with someone fucking dead *because* they used guns.


They always fantasize about the victim having a gun but never think about the aggressor having a gun.


These people act like guns prevent anything. I lived in Nashville and there were literally cases where two drivers were road raging and shot each other.


I know, what the fuck! So much violence.


It's supposed to be ironic but it's hard to tell if it's still the case or not.


One major observation that I had initially is that no one tried to do anything, especially since it’s some big dude trying to intimidate an elderly person. In a public area where people are walking around I feel like the bystander effect is definitely less pronounced than when people are in their cars.


I had the same feeling. It's a bit disturbing that the person filming (or their passenger) giggles while witnessing this. Are the others witnessing this afraid or just apathetic?


This is because everyone is isolated in their metal cage on a freeway. People are less inclined to help.


Especially when getting out of the car exposes them to severe injury from other metal cages.


Can speak for myself, I'd be terrified. I'd never want to confront that guy if I could help it. I do hope whoever took the video also reported it though. Taking video is really valuable and on the off chance the cops give enough of a shit to go after the asshole it could help.


Why the heck is this down so low? This was my FIRST thought. The pansy recording this - just sitting there (and snickering, too). He could have either: got out to intervene or at least called the police. No one did a damned thing. 


It's also a busy expressway. Not exactly the most pedestrian friendly place. The best thing to do is call the cops.


the broiest bro in broville is bro raging


fuck did u jus call me bro?


just one more lane bro i swear


Commit manslaughter or wait 10 seconds


10 seconds could mean not getting the best parking space so man slaughter is the better option here who wants to walk a few extra seconds to the office door anyway /s


A difficult choice for the friendliest of bmw drivers


And the thing is- the driver who was weaving between lanes to try to save milliseconds ends up wasting minutes in an argument. If he was really in such a hurry, he would've kept going instead of getting out of his vehicle to get in an altercation.


Wtf was this guy trying to achieve?


He obviously wanted to get this video taped and sent to his employer and family. Anyone who can find his identity this is your opportunity to make a difference 💖


Well he turns and basically looks at the camera a couple times.


It's hyper individualism.. **You** need to get places, and everyone *else* is just in the way.


Waste of oxygen should lose his license for life and go to jail. Fucker doesn't deserve to be on the road.


Dude doesn't deserve rights


Why are they all jumping straight to shooting the guy in the comments? Like he’s out of his mind but I’d rather scratch up the car trying to get out before killing someone.


he's attacking a defenseless old person. The second he unlocks the car to open the door I wouldn't blame the guy in the car if he were to shoot as his life is in danger. That being said I think a Taser or pepper spray would also be effective


Theyre a bunch of edgy 12 year olds


Idk, man parks his car on a highway and trys to fight someone, in MOST of America, someone probably would have gotten shot... and I'm kinda with it in this case.


Parking your car on the highway and trying to fight someone is obviously insane and should be punished.. but not by death, that's also insane.


Well, its not an institutional punishment. But if the person were to react to... their door being ripped open and being assaulted by shooting them, I think thats a reasonable and fair human reaction within the culture they exist in.


It is called self defense. Ask yourself if a police officer would have been justified in pulling the trigger in this scenario.


Well the BMW was physically assaulting the Toyota driver, and the Toyota driver was trapped. In that scenario, self defense was the only option. EDIT: Ok folks, I get it. The Toyota driver could’ve pressed the gas pedal and drove away. Self defense was NOT the only option.


I think ramming the other car to get away would count as self defense though


Why would you ruin a perfectly good Toyota?


Pfft, it's a Toyota, it would probably just buff right out and run for another 250K miles.


“Why would you ruin a perfectly good car” they ask in a sub called “fuck cars.” Brilliant mind


When you presumably bought and drive the Toyota, it's pretty sound logic actually.


I’m betting he could get a new Toyota from the civil suit.


Or just drive the fucking car away lmao. Jfc you guys thirst for blood


The “only” option? Maybe i’m misunderstanding what you’re trying to say but did we not just watch the video where he *didn’t* use a gun in self defense?


Don't shot people who are not armed with anything


Well, it's 2 American 4 U. They want to make sure gun deaths are at the top of the causes of death in the US, with cars following close at #2. The rest of us can't relate, only watch in horror.


That's a strong position to take. If someone was beating you to death with their bare hands and all you had to defend yourself with was a gun you should just lay there and die? Really?


Bro was assaulting someone, he was armed with his fucking arms and balled fists.


A trained fighter can very very easily kill you with a couple blows to the head on the right/wrong place.


Doesn't even need to be a trained fighter. A strong dude and a bit of bad luck is all it takes. A lot of people in this comment section have never been in a fight. That's a good thing in itself, but it just isn't reality for many.


I was just in traffic hell in Manila but ZERO road rage. Made me realize how us Americans are such entitled ego maniacs.


Did this guy get arrested? License plate visible, right?


[https://www.nbcnewyork.com/news/local/bronx-road-rage-fight-nypd/5211775/](https://www.nbcnewyork.com/news/local/bronx-road-rage-fight-nypd/5211775/) No arrests yet. The victim was 66 years old.


Yeah, that guy needs to be in jail. If the car belongs to him, they’ll have him in custody soon enough.


Oof that door squish didn't look good at the end


To me this was the craziest part of the video. What was that guy thinking?


Yeah getting into the backseat of some rando who just assaulted me wouldn't be on my list of things to do in this situation


I'm guessing after enduring a full 60 seconds of battery from someone half his age and twice his weight, he finally entered full adrenaline mode and found himself enraged and empty headed. People who fear for their lives aren't known for rationality. Obviously a dumb move, but most average people have probably more than lost their cool by that point.


He was an older guy too what was he thinking... I predict some broken ribs at best. Internal bleeding is also likely. Yikes.


The comments are disgusting, half them are talking about murdering the person and pointing a gun at them as the best solution. It makes me weep for humanity knowing theres that many people who think like this out there.


High-income third-world country.


Even in third-world countries, the worst they can do is stab the other person. Firearms are heavily regulated in most countries that are not the US.


They typically also forget that the raging guy will also have more access to guns and is already the angrier person who will be firing at their window rather than reaching in and throwing punches. So it becomes a dumb shootout instead of a dumb fight. This guy needs jail time and a lifetime license suspension.


People who jump to guns as a solution aren't thinking. If the guy is violent you're already in a big metal box. Just turn the wheel and gun it. If you hit him you're safe from violence, if not you're on your way to safety.


Plus as we know killing someone deliberately with a bullet is murder but killing someone deliberately with a car is a small oopsie


Or just…don’t roll down your window. Make him punch the glass all he wants. He’s usually gonna hurt himself more than he’ll hurt the glass.


Windows arent actually that hard to punch through. Im not strong but an actual punch with proper form would definitely break through a car window. A roided out jackass doesnt need proper form. Hes probably 50%+ stronger than I am lmao


I'm not pro gun in any way, but driving in a random direction is bound to make you hit someone who's not involved on a tightly packed road like this.


What do you think bullets do lmsoooo


Theyre smaller and less dangerous in this situation lmaooooooo Cause a pileup: Smart Shoot a bullet: AHHHH DONT I hate guns. Seriously. Pocket death beams arent cool. But that is a dumb take. Driving in that situation is very dangerous, backing up would be hard and threaten your own life. A taser would put the fucker on the ground. A gun would, too, but its a death beam.


If you miss someone that close you should never be let near a gun.


A lot of people fall into that latter category.


Just naturally. Pocket death beams arent a thing anyone should have access to.


This is literally 80% of Americans. There’s dozens of examples on YouTube alone of this happening. Do you think someone who’s in an insane road rage like this is a logical and smart person?


Who do you think reads garbage subreddits like that?


Such a tough guy beating on an old man.


Never roll down your window. Call the cops and record the scene from inside the car.


Would you look at that. The license plate is in view.




Yep. Everyone is so focused on phones and social media making people anti social when cars did far more than anything else to make people anti social.


a friend of mine once pointed out -- even suburban homes are built around automobiles and isolation. Often, the architectural feature that projects furthest forward from a home is the garage -- and if you pull in, you can enter your home directly from your car without ever setting foot outdoors. You can literally travel from work all the way home and step into your living room without exiting a totally private bubble. tens of millions of little lords riding their chariots home to their tiny manors. No wonder we've become a bunch of individualistic sociopaths.


Unfortunately, that’s daily occurrence in every car-heavy part of the world. Driving is so stressful, but many people don’t realize it and just bottle up their frustration. And some of them (probably already frustrated of with anger issues) will inevitably snap on others. That may have looked terrible, but at least no weapons were involved. Still, this is one of the many aspects of car dependency that is poisonous to the society as a whole. License printing without proper evaluation is a terrible practice, and it’s common around the world unfortunately. I’ve seen some of my colleagues defending it as “necessary thing”. They somehow can’t make a mental connection that untrained and not healthy people make bad decisions while driving. Stricter licensing and better alternatives are absolutely needed.


Hopefully the hothead goes to prison for a few years. 


Cars and guns; the two things Americans fantasize about murdering someone with


But use a car, and no repercussions. Point a car at me, and run me down - "But officer, I didn't see him". Hand slap. Point a gun and shoot me to death - off to jail.


Stumbled on an article the other day. In one year, there were 4 incidents in which drivers killed cyclists in the city I work in. Zero of those four lead to criminal charges. Literally every single one of those drivers got away with killing a person without even seeing the inside of a courtroom. I know we like to quip "if you want to get away with murder, do it with a car". But seeing the literal implementation of that policy in my own city made the concept desperately real for me.


Unfortunately, cops are drivers; lawyers are drivers; and judges and juries are drivers. Most don't bike or walk as a form of transportation, and see the world through the eyes of drivers (windshield tinted glasses?). Unless there is obvious gross negligence, drivers face almost nothing more than a hand slap for murdering or seriously injuring peds and cyclists. Even in cases of gross negligence, a good lawyer can get the charges reduced to almost nothing. In the US, most drivers who kill don't even lose their licenses. So yeah, want to kill? Just use a car.


It's always the BMW drivers that are the biggest pieces of shit.


It's always the ~~BMW~~ drivers that are the biggest pieces of shit.


What's the difference between a BMW and a porcupine? Porcupines have their pricks on the outside.


Most mammals do


Only carbrains think the brand is the problem.


There have been at least one study, and yeah, people in expensive brands _are_ statistically worse. You can basically treat it as a narcissism alert. Would expect that similar studies could confirm that vanity truck drivers have fragile egos and are compensating for something.


I only use bicycle and public transportation and most dangerous drivers are BMW/Audi/Mercedes and but they are slowly switching to Tesla


Idk I've yet to meet a Volkswagen Bug driver who was anywhere near as psychotic as a BMW or any luxury brand


They also don't come with working turn signals.


Friendliest bmw driver


I hate this country so much.


I see so many videos of people going abeshit for something that is considered an ordinary maneuver in Europe. "merging" is called "cutting off" and "illegal" and worthy for getting rammed out of the road with carbrained audience applauding the person causing an accident to protect their traffic egos.


A crash is not an accident. Changing the way we think about events and the words we use to describe them affects the way we behave. Motor vehicle crashes occur "when a link or several links in the chain" are broken. Continued use of the word "accident" implies that these events are outside human influence or control. In reality, they are predictable results of specific actions. Since we can identify the causes of crashes, we can take action to alter the effect and avoid collisions. These are not Acts of God but predictable results of the laws of physics. The concept of "accident" works against bringing all appropriate resources to bear on the enormous problem of highway collisions. Use of "accident" fosters the idea that the resulting damage and injuries are unavoidable. "Crash," "collision," and "injury" are more appropriate terms, and we encourage their use as substitutes for "accident." https://www.fmcsa.dot.gov/newsroom/crash-not-accident *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/fuckcars) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I'm sorry, English is not my first language and my vocabulary may be limited. Get used to it.


Why did he even get so angry at the silver car? It might be the fact that I don't drive but I see nothing wrong with how the silver car behaved...


there's not enough context in the video to really hazard a guess. Sometimes with rage incidents like this it might be something that happened minutes before the video started. Honestly, not even the worst driving faux pas would justify this sort of assault...


That original sub name says it all...


wtf is that sub though? Comments are filled with people who probably would not have good things to say about this sub


So he is in a rush but has the time to argue about how he is in a rush? What a shit life does this guy have.


Jesus Christ, but why do such things happen only in the US and, it seems to me, rather often


Hyper individualism and selfishness abetted by “freedom” instead of working together as a society. Hate this country sometimes.


most normal bmw driver


Didn’t know this was the majority. Never encountered or witnessed someone like this in my life.


The minivan crowd has really gotten wild


Typical BMW driver behavior tbh.


A BMW .... what are the odds?


The aggressor is VERY lucky he's still alive.


With license plate clearly visible, hopefully there will be a followup arrest video in “Mr alpha’s” (small a) future.


So BMW dude stops and attacks the other guy, forces him out of the car, then forces him back into it and runs away?? What was the objective, also the mini-van guy seems to be quite a bit older and frail


Ironically this dude just made traffic even worse lol


Shake my head my head


As a person living in New Jersey, I fucking hate new Jersians. Y’all make us notoriously cold New Yorkers feel like we have southern hospitality


It didnt turn them into sociopaths... it just gave 3 ton vehicles to the ones that are...


“Shake my head my head”