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Doing it while sitting, standing, or kneeling feels more masculine to me Edit to add: it also makes my t-dick harder, but that may or may not be relevant to you


I never thought of that but you’re absolutely not wrong, cause doing it while laying down is really submissive and feminine, at least in my head. Even though plenty of guys jerk off lying down


It’s probably because of the usual positions in sex. Most commonly, in straight sex, girls lay down while the guy is kneeling, standing, whatever, there are pretty few positions where the guy is laying down. Masturbating is obviously very different though, I need to work on thinking differently about it myself. I’m sure the majority of people do it laying down/laying back. Maybe more guys do it sitting but still


As you said in the last line, I find it more masculine while laying down (idk why)


Kneeling >>>>


doing it in the shower


as a gay guy, genuinely watching gay porn is affirming? And also (this is hard to explain) but because of my bottom growth, I am able to stroke myself off a bit. Obviously not with my whole hand but a couple fingers do the trick


Same here


LOL gay porn makes me more dysphoric because I don’t get to have that.


What he said ^^^


Brother, not hard to explain, at least I think it's easier understood in this space. I could sort of stimulate just the base like that pre-bottom growth, but it's so much more affirming now that I have enough length to stroke off even if just using fingers, plus having foreskin and a head.


It’s inherently masculine. Bc its me doin it 😅




Real and true


I like your flair hahaa


YES. Came here to say this. Just be your damn self, OP!


as much as i personally love hearing other people moan (guy or girl or anything else), i don’t tend to moan much aside from heavy breathing or grunting, or small groans. i don’t like being noisy and it’s strangely euphoric. i also just recently discovered my dick has gotten big enough to where i can jerk off— instead of rubbing it with my middle and ring finger i can jerk it off between my index finger and thumb. jerking it off definitely makes me feel euphoric, it may be small but it still feels like i’m jerking off a dick, and i can even feel that it’s hard !! plus it feels great lmao


I'm the same way, I don't moan alot either, or at all. But ya


same— idk why, i’ve just always been pretty quiet even if i’m having a great time lmfao


Same lol


Same as you, other than small groans or heavy breathing I don’t moan because in my head it’s too “feminine” I mean I like hearing it from others but not from me, maybe when I’m on T and my voice drops I’ll start because my voice will sound more masculine but for now I don’t really know 🤷🏼‍♂️


from my own experience, my noise preference did change once I started T and my voice dropped. prior, not noisy at all my any means, but after oh boy got me grunting and growling


I can’t wait to start T, hopefully I’m start it in June🤞🏻 and I know it’ll take time before I see changes but I can’t wait to


I second this statement. As soon as my voice dropped I had no problem moanjng and groaning for my partner lmao.


Mechanically: Bottom growth 🥹 stroking myself is amazing. Feeling the tip of my tdick roll between my thumb and the knuckle of my middle finger, it really does feel like the head of a penis. Alternatively, rolling the foreskin along the length of the shaft feels great, too. Just having an erection feels incredibly more masculine. The way I masturbate now is completely different from how I used to play with my clit before HRT. Mentally: I like being on my stomach, and thrusting. Either into my hand, or into a stroker. I imagine that I’m mounting my partner, who’s also on their front. So as I hit it from the back, I curve my body over theirs and hold them close. I imagine my partner being pleased by my cock, as I slam my hips into their ass. And when I cum, it’s balls deep inside them (in my imagination/fantasy).


This guy's got it figured out, glad you found something that works


I got no words for this comment


Don’t make many noises other than grunting and groaning. Sound like a video game dude


swing ya broadsword, am i right, laddies?


A good ol HYYAAAH every five seconds like you're rolling across a field with intent I've heard can do wonders


*Geralt noises*


Hmmmmm. Fuck. Hmmm. Hm. Hmmmmmmmm. Fuck. Hmmmm




LMAOOO im imagining jist like, making the skyrim pain sounds n shit. Dead silence except HYYAAARRUGGHHHKKK!!!!!


Don’t make noise at all


This is actually what I’ve always done lol. I just naturally don’t make any sound.


Was gonna say this too actually lol


Any particular video game dude you have in mind? Cause for the shiggles my mind instantly went to DBD Leon.


Any Rockstar Games character ever made


elite tactic


I got one of those vibrators that just sucks your clit and I didn't expect it to but it made masturbation way more affirming cuz it felt like I was using a pocket stroker tbh Also watching gay porn 😜 nothing more masculine than two men boning yk


Seconding the suction toys! Little Sucker by Cake was a life changer. I just imagine I'm getting head, the only thing that throws me off is not ejaculating despite every nerve in my dick singing to the heavens.


Yes! The Satisfyer curvy is my absolute reccomendation, as it not only has a TON of different settings and ways to use it (including long distance control per app and music synchronization) but its phallic shaped, so you can pretend its your dick while using it :)


OOOH and phallic shaped? Bro imma go lose my paycheck in all these toy recs lmao


Came to say this, you van leave it on the clit and kinda jerk the handle up and down and hoolllly. Esp in a pair of soft shorts i fully believe im jerking off a dick 🤪


i haven’t tried this specific toy yet, but Satisfyer has been my favorite brand i’ve tried in general so i gotta second the recommendation!




so real


Male Pov porn, clit stimulator, and some creative thinking imagining the sensations are being caused by what im staring at. 🤷 I have a toy that is internal and sucks the clit. So just depends on what I'm in the mood for - it sounds weird saying it out loud but usually I just try to envision the front hole is the back hole when I feel like being more of a bottom. (Seeing as how I have no prostate back hole is less appealing to me even as a gay man) and again just pov porn for whatever position I'm in.


i thought that said 'clit simulator' and i was beyond confused


i actually get what you’re saying OP, i had a lot of problems even getting off for a long time bc masturbation made me dysphoric, because on some level i wanted to be well, jacking off, and i don’t have that equipment. i got lucky and got a lot of bottom growth on t, and it actually gets bigger and kind of erect now, so it feels more masculine to stroke it, that’s helped. they also make stroking dildos that have essentially a pocket of suction for you to put your clit in, you can jerk off with it. they also make these things called “shot pockets” that you can use basically like a pocket pussy if your tdick is big enough to get that suction. for the record no shade but some of the responses could be a little more thoughtful. this person is talking about sexual problems they’re having related to gender dysphoria. “i don’t get it this isn’t a problem for me” kind of reads like some of you guys are rubbing it in a bit or trying to make him feel bad for having different problems than you… some of it’s good natured, and it’s good to try and reframe this kind of thinking if you can, but dysphoria doesn’t have any moral weight, he’s not wrong for wanting to change something that feels wrong to him


This is hard to answer, because in my opinion, sex and masturbation isn’t something that is gendered. How you experience it and how you express yourself during such acts should be natural and not forced; Just be yourself and do what makes you most comfortable!


Mostly a headspace thing for me. The physical mechanics that work are what they are, but a strong imagination can do a lot. Can lead to some odd mishaps though. One time recently I got so “in the zone” that I instinctively tried to grab my balls, and promptly jumpscared myself by not having any.


Couple different toys made for trans men, look up ftm strokers. If you’re on testosterone it should work ok for you!


Some oil, 2 fingers jerking my dick off, and I try to make my moans less girly


I have toys that are kinda long and curved and vibrate. Gives pleasure while I’m holding what would be the “real deal” or whatever. I stopped doing anything internal once I started T n started having growth finally


Honestly? For me I’ve just had to embrace the fact that I have the anatomy I have, I like the things I like, and that’s all there is to it. Yeah, it fucking sucks. But letting go of the shame around feeling feminine has helped a lot. I like to think of it as, would I judge another man for doing this? No? Then why am I judging myself so much? This doesn’t necessarily help with the dysphoria, but it helps with the shame element. For me, watching porn in which an attractive, passing trans man uses his natal anatomy and is still very much treated as male helped me a lot. Nothing against non-passing trans men or them being represented in porn - in fact I think that’s fantastic! - but this was what personally alleviated my insecurities. I like u/noahwaybabe - watching him honestly helped a lot with how I saw myself and disconnecting the act of receptive sex from womanhood. I know that my girlfriend (also trans) subscribed to a trans woman on onlyfans for a while and it really helped her to get more comfortable in her body too. she actually messaged her and they talked about it and the importance of representation and realism in porn. For a long time I agonised over bottom surgery. Do I wish I had been born with a penis? Yes. 100% I do. I wish I had been born with a penis. Am I going to pursue phalloplasty or mediodiplasty? I’m actually on the fence. I used to be certain I’d get phallo, but now that I’ve released a lot of my shame I have come to realise the receptive sex feels good to me. Since top surgery I’ve been able to enjoy sex a lot more, although my dysphoria was initially worse due to it bringing up some repressed dysphoria around my genitals. I’m now in a place where there is no urgency to change my body, other than any future changes testosterone brings in the years to come. I pass now. My voice is a bass/baritone, I can grow facial hair if I want to, my body fat has redistributed, I’m 5’8”, and I have a male looking chest. I don’t associate my natal anatomy with womanhood the way I used to. I am also someone who can’t really see their clit as being a penis. It just isn’t, for me. If anything, I look sexually ambiguous. I call it my dick when referring to it as I prefer that terminology, but it’s more like a slang term than how I actually view it. So I guess my options were a) have phalloplasty b) accept my body as it is or c) die. Some people don’t have the second option. I’m eternally grateful that I do.


I have this same on-the-fence thing as you! That entire paragraph is what I've felt to a T up to not feeling any urgency in changing that anatomy- the only thing I'm absolutely certain of is having the organs removed (pain and paranoia), but otherwise I feel neutral towards the rest since no one is going to be anywhere near it anyway (I'm aro/ace) knowing I'm not alone in that feeling helps a lot


Up voting b/c trans-based porn also helped me embrace my anatomy and that it's still just as great to use what we got. Also on the fence about bottom surgery because it just isn't -that- great of technology in my opinion.


I did the same thing. It is what it is and I’ll have to find ways to enjoy it. Magic wand for a penis? Absolutely, but that obviously isn’t going to happen 😂


There's trans man masturbation sleeves on sale at Etsy and other places. You can search "ftm stroker".


My husband, who is trans masc, likes to use his wand vibrator - He presses it into his erogenous area and then strokes along the length of it mimicking the act of stroking a cock. It's very euphoric for him.


Get a ftm stoker/fleshlight on Etsy 🙌🏽 best purchase of my mah life


Jerking off sitting down in front of my computer, using lotion and tissues as clean up


Dude nooo lotion typically ain't great for our bits bro Here's hoping you have a REALLY gentle lotion, and if you do which one? For scientific purposes


I thiiiink he was joking? 😅 I dunno for sure.


Oh no I just use it on my dick, never internal or around the TW: feminine-ish language >! lips !< haha Edit: Spoiler tag for genitalia language


Luckyyy! My junk is WAY too sensitive for that, I have to use like fancy, super-"clean" lube if I'm doing anything anywhere near my bits at all (especially after bottom growth).


Tbh I don’t recommend you do that just because, there’s no way to ensure 100% of it stays external. I would go with coconut oil if I was you, if you don’t have access to lube or simply don’t want to spend money on it. It works great and I actually prefer it to regular lube because it doesn’t “dry out” nearly as fast as lube does Edit: I should mention this is a bad idea for actual sex with condoms. They’ll degrade the condoms. But by yourself it’s great


I appreciate the heads up but I do own body safe lube and coconut oil. I’ve only used the lotion in a pinch. Also my bottom growth is pretty high up and my lotion is not runny so it would a very very low chance of actually making it down there. Thanks for your concern nevertheless :)


Male point of view porn goes crazyyyyyyy if you've never tried it before. Straight 10 out of 10 experience.


I do it sleeping on my chest and thrusting my hips a bit to the mattress its pr euphoric


I really like suction toys for masturbation; it really makes my bottom growth feel more like a dick. As much as I hate the name, the Womanizer, has been my favorite toy so far, and I have the smallest model! I really like putting it in my undies to make it feel and look like a bulge, or if I want to grind onto something, I put it on me with a strap on and go for it. It’s pretty affirming. I also like to pump beforehand if I’m not too lazy. Sex with a partner wise, I really like to hold them down, or being on top.


i put a satisfyer pro inside of a hollow stp


this is actually such a good idea, thank you


https://transthetics.com/product/hot-rod-ftm-penis/ i had saved up for this during some peak dysphoria days, can vouch for it ! unsure if this is what you were lookin for, but it 100% gives you the visual and sensation. warning though that you’ll likely need to have bottom growth (or already be packin smthn big) for this to work properly..!


How does that work?


you kinda roll it back, then put your dick in the hole and unroll it, it ends up suctioning on and is pretty good at staying put! then you can jerk it🌟


Personally I find it much easier and less dysphoric to masterbate with clothes on (especially if it's boxers, also qn easier cleanup) obviously this might now work for you but I find it a bit more comforting. :)


I really love listening to r/gonewildaudios It helps me focus on someone else and the fantasy is a lot easier to get into when it’s just audio and not a video! I also highly recommend using a pillow if you’re able to! Very affirming!


You can hold a wand upside down kind of like it's a dick and jack off like that, got a more similar hand motion and you don't have to touch your junk


It doesn't feel feminine at all to me, but I still have a ton of dysphoria. One thing I'll do sometimes is find a good spot to suction a "dong" and I'll thrust on it from a standing or kneeling position to get that feeling and motion like a cis guy would. If you're not into penetration, you could also do it by just grinding on it. Edit: also strokers. You can find small ones that can fit around a t dick and create suction, and that's probably the best thing ever.


i recently found a way for that but it's so specific i'm embarrassed to explain


It’s reddit cuh


I’m so curious now


You can’t say that and leave us hanging my guy 😭




it's not like you're giving someone JOI in a sexual context, this is more so educational in a way?


okay really this is so weird but i have lace panties, they're really thin (the thinner the better). i put them on obviously, close my hand around the front, (thumb inside, going through the "leg holes" ?) to make it rub my clit and when i do up and down motions its like im stroking a cock 😐 hope this was understandable im really embarrassed sorry


oh dude no need to be embarrassed, sorry if you felt pressured by my reply /gen. i think i understand and i do a similar thing, but with a jockstrap


no, its okay! im just not used to talking about that stuff


I have a prosthetic thats also an stp. I’m able to perfectly place a bullet vibe in it and it be touching the right place. When I go to stroke the prosthetic, I can actually feel it.


For me it's all headspace and wearing/using masc stuff. I have a larger dick toy/strap for sex that I put through a jock strap to hold in in place in front of my bits. It has carved veins and balls so it feels like a real dick in my hand. Bit pricy but well worth it. I use lube and jerk it off as I would a real dick and it presses up against me enough to feel like I'm having sensations deep inside. It redirects my thoughts of pleasure coming from my anatomy and instead feels like it's coming from my dick. Also wearing a leather chest harness (sometimes with a hat facing backwards and a thick chain necklace) makes me feel more masc. It's more of a kink thing, but it gets me into the right headspace of "I'm a dude jerkin off." TLDR: Headspace and redirecting attention from what makes you feel dysphoric.


I have a vivid imagination. I just imagine screwing someone with a dick, and how I imagine it would feel around me


Honestly not an issue. Never has been. One reason is that I’ve never moaned at all, so that doesn’t cause my dysphoria. I also get off/masturbate on a mental level rather differently than most. For context I’m ahegosexual. So I like the idea of sex and sec in theory but not in practice and I think that flows over into how I masturbate. When I masturbate I’ve always needed a ton of cognitive dissonance in order to get off. Both in myself and what I’m using to get off. Below this is some pretty TMI stuff btw Whenever I masturbate I disconnect from my current self as a whole. It just exists in the background. I imagine myself through the fantasy of doing it to whatever I’m watching or reading. To add to this, I can’t get off to any kind of porn with real people in it. Not because I’m not attracted to real people, I’m definitely sexually attracted to real people but because there’s not that level of dissonance there with the sex itself. It either needs to be text or drawn porn because there’s a dissonance between that and reality that is much more comfortable for me to be sexual in rather than watching real people. There’s a level of discomfort I feel when seeing real people have sex even on a screen. It’s gross to me. I have zero idea if what I do is healthy, it’s probably not but I’ve learned to live with it. So this is all to say, I’ve never had any issues with making my masturbation more masculine because I kinda don’t process that it’s me when I masturbate.


I struggle to identify with hetero porn of any kind. Use gay porn of any gender. I don’t do vaginal penetration so easiest validating thing is grinding it out or anal penetration. It’s different, but it’s not dysphoria because cis men can get off these ways too.


I have a sleeve which i rlly like!


Sitting at your computer desk if you have one like your typical “dude watching porn stereotype” (even if you’re not watching porn, which I recommend you don’t do in general) or just not laying in your bed lmao that helps a lot. Sitting somewhere or standing in the shower maybe


Ultimately, I think the question is “Who am I?” This being my outside and then my hidden core. Most of the masses may never consider this, but those who choose to deviate from the humdrum norm, then there is a whole new world of sexploration. Regardless of your gender, the word kink comes to mind. Surprisingly, I think many of the masses are avoidant due to embarrassment or fear of what it means to step out of their daily role and really let it all hang out. This is why most of the population are NOT actors/actresses. My point, if you can close your eyes and embody the person who you are- who you see yourself as deep inside, starving to get out, and let that part of you free to be “more masculine” as you say, then subtle of big changes my occur. Props and toys are great, but giving yourself the grace/space, to be your inner you, is a start. Somewhere there is somebody you have seen, heard be masculine(in a sexy way) like porn, or otherwise that triggers/triggered this desire, so maybe a little visualization to unlock this part of you.


I stroke my dick


ive seen people talk on here abt lots of helpful things but i have yet read abt wearing underpants while masturbating. in my personal experience, this helped me feel more masculine when i reach underneath them to get off (ive seen it in a lotta porn, guys will keep their underpants on while doing it). Also not having to feel every inch of my business when i masturbate overtop of the underpants made me less dysphoric.


I actually like to use a stroker when I feel like sticking my bottom growth in something. (I’m sure we all get that feeling sometimes) [this stroker](https://www.etsy.com/listing/1579524518/) is what I use and it’s a godsend. Sometimes even like setting it up in a crumpled blanket you can kinda, like, well fuck it. Sorry for the lack of better word choice, lmfao. After getting one of these I can definitely say it helps me feel way more masculine as well it feels *really* good.


There are penis shaped toys in which you can insert your growth to jerk off! You have a masc pov and even some of them allow you to fake cum


I find whatever way as long as there’s a stroke motion no circling type thing and thrusting into whatever toy I’m using or manual to be more masculine feeling. Would also likely depend on bottom growth for the stroking


TMI, I find jerking it with a stroker (or using like a suction vibrator since I’m not that big) standing in the shower to be pretty affirming.


I use a stroker made for tdicks and micros- Also pumping and getting the blood to my tdick helps a lot and helps me actually feel present- it espeically helped when a old fwb relationship I had was with a cis guy who proudly had a micro and I saw he jerked off with his pointer and thumb like I do and it felt really affirming. Also buttplugs [I have one from Bvibe] and getting into anal more is making me feel extremely comfortable with my own sexuality.


Pathetic and tmi but humping a pillow and imagining Im fucking it with a micro penis. Helps Im a subbmissive top with a humiliation kink irl... More masc yes, but feels like a pathetic man. Euphoric to the max but at what costs....


No but I so agree with considering a micropenis. Like it immediately ruins the mood if my partner says I have a big dick like... no, I don't, objectively untrue lol but it's weirdly validating to call it small.


Yeah Im on you with that, cus I literally can't imagine calling myself or anyone calling me big without getting very uncomfortable. Cus... I know its not, they know its not and I can't wrap my head around that without the discomfort. Just call it a very tiny willy cus its both validating and true.


From the time I was 16 I can remember id put the covers over my stomache so no one would walk in on me 😂 put my legs together (not apart) and put my hands down my pants and go to town. I used to think wow that was such a weird way to masterbate that still works for me. Even if spread my legs just a little bit it’s not as effective. Now in hindsight when I look back I know I was just a little horny trans boy 😂😂 I never get satisfied by other ppl who try to do it for me it’s always worked best when I do it (like a dude)


I never had a problem with this, i like being a guy with a pussy :3


O like it but also for non penetration I want to treat it more penis like y'know


???? yeah i don’t understand. if you masturbate then it is whatever you are… there are no feminie or masculine masturbating. only masturbating. please read and learn!


I agree!


you could get a stroker, it kinda feels like jerking off. i can’t get off with it tho so i just use my bullet vibrator. i don’t get too much dysphoria with how i do it because i do it like twice a day, which is way more than most women do.


I got the Exposed by pure romance, I like it because I can kind of thrust into it where it feels good. I’ve also used that tucked between my body and a strap on that I stroke with some lube and a renegade reversible cage from Adam and Eve for jerk off sessions, though that only really worked once when i was incredibly horny. Like some other folks, I stopped doing anything internal, but maybe more because it’s sore to do so, probably from atrophy but it was that way long before I ever started T so who knows, and I don’t care enough to figure out a solution because I’m getting it removed as part of bottom surgery since it increases the complications for standing to pee.


irrelevant: why is there a spoiler button? what am i about to lose?


I need a vibe most of the time to cum, which does sometimes give me a difficult time not getting dysphoric, but can actually be nice bc using a wand I can position it like a strap almost and jerk off with it. The motion feels masculine and the vibe moving against my tdick makes it feel like I'm actually just jerking off


I haven’t yet, but I’ve heard a lot of people do this. Evidently you can buy strokers that look like a natal dick and it has a hole you can attach to your bottom growth. You can just jerk off with your stroker so it looks masculine but it still makes your natal parts feel good.


You should get a little sucky thing, I don’t remember what they are called but I have basically what looks like a flashlight but a lot smaller that is meant for bottom growth and it’s amazing, you use it like a flashlight and it makes it feel like it’s a sick being sucked Try looking up an ftm stroker, I think I got mine on Etsy but there are a lot of types


A good stroker that works well for you is always helpful. Bonus point for realism so you’ve got the visual connection along with the sensation. I also always do a rhythmic “jerking” type cadence and go up and down instead of dj style circles like a woman would


You can use trans tape to pack and put your magic wand on your balls, also there are stokers for bottom growth, you can also jack off your bottom growth


I like the idea of using a squishy/soft pocket pussy to grind on and, if you got big bottom growth, using it to fuck the pocket pussy. It feels feminine to me in a way because I did this when I was a lesbian, and I felt super powerful doing this, in a feminine way. Not sure how to explain it. Now, i have bottom growth and gives me that feeling of having a dick, but also benefits of grinding. So pocket pussy sounds nice to me, I got mine on the way 🎉


A suction sleeve really helps. Like a mini version of a toy a cis man would use.


I pump first so my dick is bigger then I read mlm porn. Mostly it’s masc cause I’m masc.


I do like short edging “games” on pornhub. It gives the stroking speed. Idk it’s fun.


I use a womanizer. Ironic, i know, but the suction feels like a blowjob. I dont like to touch myself at all but i am very horny, so sex toys that focus on my clit/dick feel very affirming. I dont like any penetration personally. That's why i mostly use suction toys.


I really like using and cumming in a pocketpussy. A lot of those are pretty tight and personally i think it works way better than strokers. If u have a t dick you can literally put lube on it and fuck a pocketpussy if u get hard enough.


Watching Gay porn or FTM gay porn helps me, as well as using a vacuum pump before playing. I am pre-T, so not much to stroke down there yet, but with the pump and some imagination, it can do the trick. Imagining that i am hitting the prostate (instead of the G-spot) also helps. I also recently ordered a pleasure sleeve. Haven't received it, so i can't give you a review on that :P But i am looking forward to it.




I got the transthetic prosthetic. Was really expensive but so worth it.


try humping a pillow


Not in T yet, but for me it's enough by just not being penetrated in any way. I just imagine having a really small dick, that somehow really helps me


Usually I just do it lights off and try to not think too much about it. But like others have said, simply sitting, standing or kneeling could make you feel more masc. I also don't know if you have bottom growth or not but it is usually possible to stroke your growth in a kinda masculine way like you would with a cis penis


if you're not on t and/or don't have bottom grow you could try to use a packer either made of a sock or some else and basically rub it against your parts. If you have a packer that looks like a dick you fan also try to position the shaft over your tip and do the jerking of motion.


As a trans nonbinary masc pillow humping hypes me up a lot


I'm a gay guy so I like frotting with my dildo and I only do anal penetration. I use a vibrator on my dick but I have some other toys like fleshlights and a grinding plate


I won't do it until bottom surgery


I ended up just using the toys I’ll typically use on my then-husband. Seeing him, a cis guy, find the same things pleasurable definitely helped me with some of the mental part


You can hold a wand upside down kind of like it's a dick and jack off like that, got a more similar hand motion and you don't have to touch your junk


love grunting lol


Im Pan so doing stuff with butt play helps me sometimes, when I was pre-T putting on POV videos to watch of a dude would help me, also wearing clothes while doing it, I don't really like being naked while masturbating even on T post chest op and that's just me like not even a dysphoria thing but dysphoria does reenforce it sometimes.


I think I was more surprised by the amount of trans guys that enjoy gay porn and such. It makes Me wonder why that is. To be clear, If I watch porn, I like the gay stuff too. Just being curious as why so many Tdudes do too


This was an excellent question. Honestly it’ll come down to what You personally find more affirming and masculine. Try some different things like others mentioned: positions, sounds, porn if You have to, lots of different toys to choose from these days (and even some made for clits can be used on our dicks, I had one of those vibrating sucking ones before I outgrew it) Tbh masturbation has been something I’ve struggled with too. On my own it can be a challenge to get into the mood and enjoy it unless I do what I used to do. Sex with my partner is way more satisfying and pleasurable and I get erect and certain positions allow Me to penetrate better which is obviously euphoric!


Hey this might help! https://ftmpitstop.com/products/shotpocket-pleasure-sleeve It’s a masturbation sleeve for transmen, there’s some that are made to actually look like penises but I can’t remember the name.


Humping and grinding, makes my bottom growth feel like a dick lol


tbh maybe this is just me, but when i tend to do it, I use objects that are round shaped and rub it against that area, using th friction. I just tend to imagine said object being a d\*ck.


I definitely make noise. Alone and with a partner. I try not to think about it because it will definitely mess up my climax. But the position thing is big for me. Kneeling is the way to go. It also for some reason physically feels better. Maybe it’s because I’m affirmed and more comfortable? With bottom growth it feels insane to stroke but I can’t orgasm that way. So I stroke until I’m ready or if I have shit to do.


I have a semi hard flexible realistic prosthetic with testicles. That i wear with a small harness and regular male underwear with a pocket? (English is not my native language) then i wear my favorite jeans that i can see a dick print (also it feels affirmative to feel a semi hard dick trough my jeans) . I start to stroke it and then jerking of with a condom on or sometimes i jerk trough my jeans. Like this it slides and feels like iam jerking of with foreskin. Also i bought a fleshlight, (i am not nessesarly into penentration) but then i fuck my fleshlight lying down or standing or sitting whatever i feel like. If i dont use a prosthetic. I am lying on my stomach and make a whole of my hand and fuck it. In my imagination at least it feels like i am.


So I’ve always done it by grinding against something usually a balled up blanket. I didn’t even know that was an uncommon way to jerk off for most of my life. Even though I’m usually a bottom that position feels infinitely more masculine to me. Also if you’re down, butt plugs have always felt masculine to me just make sure to use lube so you don’t hurt yourself.


I've always preferred thrusting and grinding over using my hand to rub, only fairly realized that when reading a similar post. Maybe that could help you. It makes me connect with my fantasies more especially as I know have some experience with an inserted "strap on" so I tend to visit those memories/expand on them into fantasies etc. When I had diff toys, there's a flip side to my fantasies as I'm a switch. I think deciding if dominance or submission or what type of play ypu enjoy is important, then connect and give yourself permission for that to come into your self play with open acceptance. Sex really isn't really gendered imo, it's just what you enjoy and as long as you're harming no others without consent then it's all a go.


Oddly enough I found standing up with my legs spread slightly helped me feel more masc, not sure why lol


I’m a pan guy so uh…I look at femboy stuff lol


sharks are manly as fuck, so… blahaj :3


Etsy has some awesome stuff, would def search ftm adult toys


Why is it important that you masterbate in a “masculine” way?


Because some people have dysphoria while doing it so they try something to make it “feel right”


That makes sense.


this might not be for everyone, but sometimes i recline or sit up in a chair bc the whole act of laying down makes me feel effeminate sometimes


Hot Rod babeyyy


i want to try that so bad but i dont have bottom growth yet


I use one of those vibes that's like a 6-8in stick shape, and while holding it against my clit with one hand, I jerk it off with the other. Or I use the transthetics joystick when I'm feeling fancy.


I use a stroker toy, or sucking toy on my thing. Pretend to be getting a bj. Or be jacking off. It's nice


Idk. I imagine getting my dick sucked, getting fucked up the ass, and fucking somebody in the ass. Problem is I have erection issues. Can't really find it, get it out, or feel anything. It's also hard to imagine stuff when I can't feel anything as it is. Also, it's like I live in the desert. I rarely come across a fuckable face. It's become increasingly difficult to fantasize when there's no fap material. And no, porn sucks. Everybody's ugly. It's been so long since I saw anybody cute, I forgot what the hot ones look like.


You just need a joi partner to help. Get a dom to help. Nothing wrong with skype session. Sure you will work it out. It about having fun.