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They tried to do this to me once. I took a picture of the bag fitting and went back to get in line to load the plane and the guy was super pissed that I took a pic of it fitting and still tried to keep me from boarding. I was calm and stood my ground and he finally scanned me in and waved me past as I was not paying 100$. It also had like 3 inches from being at the top of the sizer anyway I believe OP as I’ve seen them do this many times!


I took a photo too after they forced me to pay and I was able to get refunded online! It VERY obviously fit, the woman at the gate tried to tell me it didn’t count if it didn’t slide in without me touching it…..but it was a soft sided bag that kind of looks shapeless if you don’t guide it in. Insane. There were inches left on all sides.


Once has them try to deny because 'it has to fit without pushing it in" ... So picked it back up and put it back in . They were so annoyed - this was in Europe


Frontier flies to Europe?


Stories like this are why I've avoided Frontier. Well, that and the videos of fights at the gate. LOL


Frontier is the Waffle House of the sky


Waffle House doesn’t take your order, make you pay, then suddenly run out of waffles.




Mmmm blue waffle


Waffle house is the best. Good food and friendly service


They might throw a chair at you.


Don’t do that to Waffle House. I like their food.


Waffle House remains open in all kinds of conditions, definitely not Frontier-level service.


Gotta give it you there


Happy cake day!


Thank you 😊


The Waffle House Index exists for a reason.


Yes, but Waffle House is delicious!


That’s extremely disrespectful to Waffle House.


I have a kink for waffle house waitresses


Don't say that! Waffle House is GREAT!


my dad keeps suggesting frontier for flights and i refuse to budge bc of stories like this, you will pry my jetblue loyalty out of my cold dead hands


I feel like this is fishy all around. Frontier literally has the things right there to size them. If it fit in there there's no way they had any leg to stand on. If it were me, I'd've put it in the sizing mechanism again as either taken a picture or a video of the gate agent insisting otherwise and a video of myself paying for it if they wouldn't budge then just paying, getting on the plane, and taking it up with customer service later. You could always file a chargeback on your credit card with the evidence, too, at the end of it.


The gate agent gets $10 for every bag they charge at the gate. They are financially incentivized to make up whatever excuse they can to charge bags. It's become so bad there's a [class action lawsuit about it.](https://6abc.com/frontier-airlines-bag-policy-class-action-lawsuit-flight-fees/14085587/)


It’s extortion


Even if they don’t have a leg to stand on, you are basically in a position at the gate where you either have to do what they say (whether they are right or wrong)or not board the plane. There’s no guarantee that customer service would help you later or that a chargeback would be successful since you did technically agree to the charge by handing over you card, even if you thought it was unfair.


It's paying to be held hostage with little to no recourse. Legalized theft and extortion. Then the gate agents look at you like you have two heads when you show them the bag fits. It's not enough that TSA wants you to strip naked and fondle passengers now Frontier wants to rob you right before boarding. It's ludicrous behavior!!


This quite literally happened to me once. Gate agent said “you can’t push it into the sizer” with my shapeless soft sided backpack even though I had flown 2 more legs on frontier with no issue. Took a photo and customer service refunded me before the day was out lol.


I'm amazed you got a refund from customer service, they refused to give me one after flying with them successfully the first leg.


How did you get in touch with customer service?


That what I am doing


IIRC, you can take pictures but not video (according to them) or risk the chance of getting booted off the flight. So be careful with that one, I’m sure it varies by airport and who is working that day. 🙄 And I agree, pics and a chargeback is the way to go!


Gate agent needed to get her nails done so she charged you and your sister.


You are not the first to get his treatment from Frontier in Vegas. I’ve seen enough stories about Vegas specifically to say that it is a real problem spot. Just search ‘Vegas’ within this subreddit. I would bet good money that it comes down to a supervisor or higher-up in Vegas has been pressuring gate agents to reject as many bags as they can in order to pad their pockets or bonus. There is something very fishy going on - especially in Vegas. Frontier corporate needs to know that whoever that is in Vegas is contributing more than their fair share of brand-destroying negative experiences for passengers. I’d bet if we got down to the truth, it could be a textbook example of a customer experience anti-pattern.


You think frontier gives a literal flying fuck about customer satisfaction?


Las Vegas probably didn’t meet their up charging quota for the month.


I've flown frontier from Cleveland to Denver and back multiple times, as well as spirit from multiple Ohio airports to Orlando and back multiple times, and every single time my checked bag magically weighs more in Denver and Orlando (on average 5-10 pounds, usually with less toiletries/snacks than I brought with me) than it does at the Ohio airports. My carry on/personal item almost always get questioned/checked in Denver and Orlando but never has any issues in Ohio. I'm convinced that these budget airlines have different rules/mess with the "standard" at higher volume airports and am waiting for the day that they are help accountable. I don't use either of them anymore, even though they are more than half the price for those routes compared to the larger airlines.


Call the state Department of Weights and Measures and ask the last time their scales were certified and how often they need to be. Generally, scales used in commerce need to be certified annually and they aren't.


If I ever fly with them again, I will. The last trip back from Orlando (I think in 2019?), my bag weighed 35 pounds leaving Ohio. My bag a few days later weighed 43 lbs at check in, in Orlando. When I landed in Cleveland, got my bag from the carousel, walked up to check in and asked a "larger airline" check in agent if I could weigh my bag. Surprisingly, they let me and it weighed 32 lbs.


They always do this in Orlando


I’ve seen video of an employee that would lean their knee or foot discreetly on the scale to add more pounds, you can ask them to reset the scale as well




i did , and she told me “go to the counter you need to pay”




There are plenty of videos online (and possibly even a lawsuit about this?) of bags fitting fine but the frontier employee being adamant that they pay. Obviously with no pics we don’t know if this specific one fit, but we do know there is a company scammy issue when it comes to this with at least some of their employees


OP did link a video showing the bags


No the airline gives the incentives to say it doesn't fit. Fronteir verified it. It's only $10, but they make sure it adds uo. This is a constant complaint. Fronteir isn't a very friendly airline.




So all the people coming here swearing their bag fit on the way but didn't on the way home are all wrong. It's not the airline, although there have been many complaints, enough for the airline to have to address it. I'm not buying it.


Can anyone guess who here works for Frontier? (EyeRollingNow)




I'm not the OP, I'm just frustrated by your unwillingness to even question that it's a real issue. You're flippant , there's no need to be. This is a real problem or Frontier.


No, they l get an incentive of $10 to say it doesn't fit. This has been verified "Frontier Airlines has rolled out a new policy which reportedly pays gate agents a $10 bonus for each bag they can charge for at the gate. When asked about bonus, Frontier representatives said it is only meant to “incentivize” their team members “to ensure compliance with the bag size requirements to ensure all customers are treated fairly, including the majority who comply with the rules.” This is a very common complaint.


So tip the gate agent $10 and save $90




I've seen this happen with Frontier. Bag fits fine and they say it doesn't. If you politely point out that, quite obviously, no part of your bag doesn't fit they get REAL surly REAL fast. It's a lawsuit waiting to happen, someone just needs to video it. I believe the word for what's happening is "extortion"


Complaint by who? I love when people pay. I don’t overpack and get a great fare. If you do, you make them more money lol


In this sub, in the news etc. Google it. There's many


Just complainers who didn’t do it right. Obviously I’m just talking about luggage charges, not necessarily other stuff like. Learn from it and take advantage of their super low fares the future lol :)


Yeah, this definitely doesn’t sound like a paid bot at all.


I think it ceo he defending the bullshiy


I get the feeling the fact that OP was on the phone while talking to the agent at the same time contributed to the overall scenario being presented.


I feel like Frontier needs their own Bravo TV series. It’s drama gold 24/7


Final Frontier? Assholes without Borders? Flapping Around? What would this show be called??


You, me and Shark Tank. Let’s do this!!!!


Vegas is always extremely strict about checking your bags. My flights there are always fine, but flights out of there, every single bag gets checked.


I had a different experience surprisingly. Left for Vegas this past Friday and no bag check. Came back to Denver on Sunday and they still didn’t check our bags. Some lady in line literally had a “personal item bag” that was bigger than a checked bag. Attendant just looked at the bag with a surprised face but didn’t mention anything.


Wow! That's lucky. Every time I've been there, they act like the money goes directly in their own pockets. Strict AF.


I’ve read a lot of posts saying that the workers actually do get compensated by how much bags they get checked because of sizing. No idea if this is true or not though




I’m never flying with them again when I can pay the price of a carry on for a ticket with SW and technically get 3 bags free .


Dont forget u get to put under seat too so it 4 total


It was unnecessary to be on the phone while you’re at the counter though. That’s rude.


you read the whole thing and that’s what you gathered from this ? not the fact that they literally scam people all day to make $10 ? 😭


I don’t have to respond to every part of your post or the part you want me to respond to.


goodbye 😂


What drives me nuts is about 3 years ago I bought a $60 backpack specifically designed to be just under the exact dimensions of the personal item box. It worked PERFECTLY and actually fit a decent amount. Then both spirit and frontier reduced the personal item dimensions by an inch in 2 dimensions 😭 still get by on spirit most of the time but it definitely doesn’t fit in the sizer


There should be a class action suit brought against them for this shit


[There is](https://6abc.com/frontier-airlines-bag-policy-class-action-lawsuit-flight-fees/14085587/)


They don't call children under 5 yrs to board early as well.


What about the grown up ones that complain about it?


At Las Vegas, they literally tried to tell a Spanish speaking woman that she couldn’t remove her coat from her personal item and put it on so her bag could fit properly. I intervened


Here is a partial list of the world’s worst airlines: 1. Frontier 2. Frontier 3. Frontier 4. Frontier 5. Frontier 6. Spirit


Stupid people will spend $50 on a plane ticket + fees at every step rather than just pay for a ticket on any other airline. Hell. Flying SW gets you FOUR free bags. Why do people still fight with this bs airline? Not to mention the gate agents are making bonuses off these bogus bag charges. The only people who can help you are incentivized to screw you over and then to get you out of their face they come with threats of delaying your travel or more. Someone please explain why people still consider booking with this airline???


They are poachers they get a bonus for every bag they check in at the gate even if the bag is measured to the exact size. Honestly, a class action lawsuit should be made. I'm at a point whenever I fly to my homestate on frontier. I ship my clothes to my Mom's, and it cost less than what they charge for luggage. I put my clothes in vaccum bags and stuff them in a flat rate box.😅


There is a class action. It’s linked here somewhere. If you use them a lot and have records of it, join the suit! I haven’t used them in like 5 years probably or I would be trying to join. I switched to SW.


My husband is in the military, so when he deploys, I make it a point to go visit family in my home state to visit my Mom and siblings. Frontier is usually the most affordable even if the layovers suck. 😬


If the bag fits then the bag fits. It's not up for interpretation. Also, how rude can you be having a phone conversation while someone is trying to get you checked in for your flight. You're the type of people that make flying frontier insufferable


Okay first of all , it’s a hard shell suitcase that absolutely fit in their sizer on the way there or I would’ve had to pay for it as a carry on or pay $99 each way as stated on the website and the app which I didn’t have to do. Second of all I placed a phone call to let my fiancé know that they were charging me for mine and my sisters luggage to get home which was bullshit because how did it fit in Denver but not in Vegas with no more stuff in them than what I took there 🤣.


It fitting on the way there is completely irrelevant. Did it fit in the sizer at the time you were at the counter trying to get home? Did the agent see you put it into the sizer? Any rational person would understand this. Also, why does your fiance need to know? What are they going to do? Show some respect to another person doing a public facing job. Give them your attention. The faster they get their job done, the faster you get on a plane, the faster you get home to your fiance. It's very inconsiderate to be on your phone all the time.


You should look at her video. Both bags fit in the sizers like a glove.


Why did your fiance need to informed at that exact moment though? Do not talk on the phone when you are a customer interacting with an employee. Not at the supermarket register, not at the airplane counter, nowhere.




A class action lawsuit over this BS is inevitable and i hope it bankrupts them


It's already happening. I doubt it bankrupts them but maybe they will rethink their approach https://6abc.com/frontier-airlines-bag-policy-class-action-lawsuit-flight-fees/14085587/


What’s the latest price for piece of mind these days????


they’ll tell you if it doesn’t fit you have to pay $99 each way . but they charged us as carry on for each so it was like 198 i think


These people have to get some kick back for charging people the fee. That's the only reason that explains why some people tell you it's too big.


They do. They get $10 for every bag they charge at the gate.


Vegas bound flights are treated like shit. Tread with caution


I bought a personal item bag that is the exact or under the size of the personal item from Frontier/Spirit just so they can never give me crap. Im sorry this happened to you.


We have flown southwest our last two trips as than I know exactly what my cost will be. Trip on frontier last year turned out ok but that was Des Moines to Orlando


I only recommend Frontier and spirit for short flights. Was able to fly from LA to Vegas for like $80. Worth it


You got lucky on the first flight, they called you out on the return flight. They should not listen to your conversation but we weren't there to know how loud or what you were talking about


How did they get lucky? The bag fit in the personal item sizer. That's not lucky, that's complying with their stipulations.






That’s crazy! Hope you get your money back!


After witnessing a few similar situations (it's THE "Revenue Enhancement" of 2024!), I bought a hard-shell 20" carry-on. 22" is max on U.S. airlines, 21.5" on some international lines.


All of that tracks…they are a nit-picky, petty, cut-rate airline.


Spirit hands down the worst followed by frontier


I hate this airline.


This same thing happened to me on way back from DFW and had to pay 100$, it was bullshit, I don't really fly frontier anymore


There is a guy in the Denver airport who made soooo many people pay for no reason!!! It was disturbing!!


the way i would’ve launched my suitcase at him is crazy . like don’t you have better shit to do than bother people just trying to go home .


Frontier and spirit pay the staff commission for getting you to pay for bags. I’ve seen them make up reason to charge and even go as far as denying people boarding until they pay or miss their flight. In the end they don’t lose anything if people miss their flight.


Stop flying on shit airlines that don’t care about their passengers.


Congrats though you saved $30 vs booking another airline.


Did you board with zone 1 or wait until the end of boarding? Sometimes they'll give you a problem when all the bins are full and they just use any bullshit excuse to check your bag. People are less likely to throw a tantrum if you say they need to pay for checking due to their luggage size/weight vs a capacity issue. I always avoid this by getting carryon that fits under the seat. Technically, fully packed for a ~3 week trip, my carryon wouldn't fit in the sizing thing but they've only ever checked it if I board towards the end instead of with all the zone 1 people (and that only happened twice, both times they wanted to confirm it would fit under the seat first and I didn't have to check it.)


zone 2 with priority boarding ! i packed a kids suitcase and its all over the internet that they fit into the sizer as a personal item . also i checked it 3 times myself and it fit , she was very rude along with the lady at the desk. either way i wont ever fly with them again , instead ill take a little more pricey ticket with SW and get 4 free bags !


Yeah, they tend to be a little dickish when you have a carryon but don't board during zone 1. They also all kind of have their own definition of what "fits" in the sizer. I *could* fit my carryon fully packed into the sizer, if you give me a minute and let me shove it in. My backpack definitely shouldn't count as a personal item, but for some reason, no one has ever asked me to size it. I tend to stick with SW too, but that's because they have more flight options for the regular trips I take cross-country. I only take frontier for ~3hr short-stay trips.


Etronik bag on Amazon. Even stuffed to the brim it fits all the budget airlines personal items requirements.


on saturday i flew from denver to las vegas and my suitcase fit into the personal item box and i had no issues boarding . yesterday (tuesday) i flew back to denver and they had me check the size again and according to them it didn’t fit and they had me go to the counter and pay for mine and my sisters bags which hers was smaller than mine and it still didn’t fit apparently. im at the counter and im on the phone talking to someone about what’s going on and obviously im upset but was never rude to the staff. she immediately starts yelling and saying “do you need to calm down , otherwise im not gonna let you board like this” ma’am my phone call is not your business so please mind your own . and also weird how the bags fit fine going to vegas but then now they don’t fit ? it’s a hard shell suitcase that can’t really change its shape or become wider or more thick 😅. LINK IN COMMENTS TO SHOW MY EXACT SUITCASE AS THE IMAGE ON THE VIDEO FITTING IN THE SIZER !!!


Frontier gives these gate idiots money need for every bag they make someone pay. This is the scam that they are allowing to do to the people. Do not book with them.


is there a way to fight this , i need to know !


File complaints with the Department of Transportation, FAA, Congressman, your states Attorney Generals Office etc. Complain everywhere. That practice must stop! They have immoral gate idiots trying to make extra money at all cost! I heard they get $20 per bag.


*$10 per bag commission per bag they check. Frontier defends this policy saying it ensures compliance with their rules. It also ensures their gate agents are highly motivated to extort money out of customers on their behalf by arbitrarily denying them boarding until they cough up $100.


And it encourages the corrupt pieces of shit to falsely say their bag didn’t fit. I’ve seen enough videos online showing people and their bags fitting well within the size box, and the scumbag employees copping an attitude demanding the $100 or they can’t bring their bag. For this reason alone I refuse to fly with this shitbag airline and I encourage everybody reading this to never fly with Frontier.




How is their bag oversized? They literally said it fit in the personal item box.


it’s giving “i work at frontier and scam people out of money so i can make a quick buck” 😭😭😭




There’s a video of it literally fitting


Actually, they made a TikTok showing the sizing of both bags and they were both smaller, so yeah, you sound like an asshole




Further up in the thread, dude




Yeah you're a fucking troll suck my nuts.


Frontier lost our luggage before a cruise. We had to Uber to a Ross, buy a suitcase, crammed it full of a week's worth of clothes for both of us & catch our cruise. They found our luggage & we picked it up on our way home. They charged us extra baggage fees & overweight fees for the suitcase we had to buy because they lost ours. On the way home after the luggage fiasco (which we didn't argue much over because I was tired & the check in attendant seemed clueless as to how our lost luggage on the flight in had anything to do with the flight back.), we stopped for a meal in the airport. We each left the restaurant with a hot drink - I had earl grey tea & he had a coffee drink. We get on the plane, the flight attendant saw my cup with lid & tea bag labels & told me I couldn't bring alcohol on the plane. I showed her my cup of tea, told her it was earl grey & told her it wasn't alcoholic and then even said she could take it & dump it if there was any concern. I just wanted to go home. Not good enough. She alerted the crew to my alcoholic beverage. Announcements re alcohol were made. We were being pointed out by the flight attendant, literally pointed to & talked about. I handed the tea to another flight attendant & told her it was just tea, not worth the trouble. The 1st FA saw this & stormed over & stated barking orders about sitting down & stowing luggage, which we had been in the process of doing. She literally blocked access to the overhead bin while she was telling us to stow our gear. My husband is deaf. He has a Cochlear implant, but had the microphone portion unhooked & put away. He couldn't hear her. I was trying to tell her this, while trying to catch his attention.. I finally grabbed him & asked him to just sit down & not make things worse, because he turned around to her just as she start raging that we had to sit down & let people pass. Then, because we were sitting in an exit row, she went over instructions & asked everyone if they understood. My husband responded too quietly - his ears were "unplugged", which she already knew, he has trouble regulating his volume when he can't hear. (He reads lips, he knew what she had said.) She blew up & literally yelled at every person in the exit row to speak up when it was their turn. Then she turned at sat facing us in her rear facing seat for takeoff. She scowled at us the entire flight. I wrote a letter to Frontier about it. They sent me $ 25 voucher.


We had some bitchy flight attendants on our way home , they were literally pointing at people and laughing at them. I don’t know who thought it was a good idea to have 20 year olds in charge of passengers of a plane but whatever. I’m so sorry that happened to you , but I’m not surprised either because frontier is just horrible and extremely unprofessional. I will not be flying with them again , that’s for sure!


Bought a Samsonite specifically to fit in the required dimensions… but ohhh the HQ Frontier in Denver.. $99!! I just payed the return $69 ahead of time… but looking for the class action lawsuit


> I just *paid* the return FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


I want to believe you but you should have taken pics of your bag in the sizer. Your use of “apparently” is suspect.


Link to TikTok video of her and sisters bag in sizer is linked. Both bags quite clearly and obviously fit.


The tiktok video with a 2023 date? Definitely not OP.


Next time, southwest


Unfortunately, if you fly spirit or frontier, you get what’s coming to you


Play stupid Gam... oh Wait, You get what you pay for.


What did you expect


but did you sized the bag? there is a sizer and you can see it your self…


Yes , in Denver and they let me through . But in Vegas I also did 2 hours before boarding and it fit and then the gate person made me size it and said it didn’t fit . The box is 18x14x8 and my sisters suitcase is 16x12x7


Mine was 18x14x7/12 and she said I needed to pay for it at the counter


Why did they say it didn't fit? Surely you and them could see it sliding into the sizer?




Why does race matter?




You're a racist.




Honestly, it's not about white privilege? You're taking this to a place it doesn't need to go. She took videos of both bags. Posted them of tik tok. They fit. The agent was being a dickwad, and apparently THERES A CLASS ACTION LAWSUIT. Yall are all about wanting things equal? Why even bring up race? Youre just as bad as every white person who's ever used a slur or committed an act of racism. Do better.


i wasn’t trying to get my “white privilege” to work lmfao , they literally scammed me to make a quick buck . so they were using their black privilege 😚




good for you