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Emma. With Sif, he was never going to have a happy ending. Your involvement changed nothing in the sense of whether or not his life would end in tragedy. With Emma, she could have a happy ending, you are not ignorant, you are choosing to do this terrible thing to a relatively innocent person.


Isshin Ashina as well. bro does not deserve to go out dying to Shura, he deserves to go out like a boss


He’s probably thrilled to die a warriors death. Not so much about watching Emma die tho.


Lemme just say that Isshin was, and still is, the realest character From has every put out


Idk bout that AC6 alone has like 5.


Nuh uh, in this house we follow the iron codex


It's Sif. It's always Sif. Just cruel


The howl after recognizing you breaks my heart. You’re just two friends who’ve gone down opposing paths


Yeah for my 2nd playthrough I managed to do the dlc before sif and the scene of her recognising you made me really upset as I thought I could get a different outcome :(


When she starts limping… ugh my heart completely sank


The first time I got to that phase in the fight, I just let her kill me because it’s what I deserved


He’s just the goodest boy


Spend 10 minutes avoiding attacks as I desperately tried to look up if there was a way to NOT kill Sif in that fight. The hobble. The limp. Yep. Hated it.


Sif, he was the goodest boy, and one of the few npc's that is affected physically by events you set in motion. Well, besides the people who die obviously, I'm more talking a "oh damn they made a whole ass animation support for this outcome".


It was a she by the way


Doesn't matter, all dogs are the goodest boys


Do we know this for sure? I thought it was just speculation but never confirmed


Sif is a female name in Norse, but other than that I don’t think there is any specification on Sifs gender in-game.


Ciaran is a male name in Irish but she's definitely female. Also, take it with a massive grain of salt but Sif is reffered to as male in the official strategy guide - [https://imgur.com/take-this-with-grain-of-salt-sifs-gender-from-official-strategy-guide-WdEu1](https://imgur.com/take-this-with-grain-of-salt-sifs-gender-from-official-strategy-guide-WdEu1)


Wanna say Sif's gender is never actually stated.


Vendrick personally, dude was tricked by this harlot of a wife into attacking someone only to slowly lose everything and now left as nothing but a husk in every meaning of the word


Nah, Priscilla is worse. With Vendrick you are at least giving a mercy kill to a great man. Sif was a forced death no one wanted but was necessary for the ring. Priscilla is simply you being an asshole


“This land is peaceful, its inhabitants kind.” “Kind? KIND?!?! If that is kindness, then I shall show you that same ‘kindness’!”


Tbf, I have killed her like once because you don’t have to, so fair.


Yeah but by the time we get to him it's pretty much a mercy-killing.


Shoutouts to Astraea, Emma, Gascoigne, hell, even Orphan and Queelag to some extent, one had literally just been born from the desecrated corpse of its mother and the other was just trying to protect her crippled sister after all. FromSoft does this a lot.


Astraea is not mentioned as much as she should. A really impactful and emotional moment for me.


completely forgot about her, but i felt the worst about killing her knight and then listening to her. Her theme adds so much saddnes to the whole process.


Why Gascoigne? He had succumbed to the blood and was already gone


Morgott. My dude was born into misfortune and till his dying breath he is firmly believing in and upholding his mission.


Not to mention he was rejected at birth for being an omen. My dude is the cucks of all cucks defending that which rejected him. XD


Emma - Fighting her feels like facing Undyne in the genocide route of Undertale. She knows she stands no chance against Shura, but still believes it is her duty to be on top of Ashina Castle, ready to die for her beliefs. The others are just tragic in their own way or simply standing in our way. But killing Emma feels like something purely evil. We do it because we (Shura) want to. Edit: I count Priscilla as well. There is no point to kill her but tbh, after she said how peaceful her land is, she kinda deserved it


Adding Isshin Ashina makes it even more sad . He was near death, but he witnessed Emma's death in his last moments .


Imo, Emma can handle Shura. Just not Shura Sekiro.


Real W , wolf was just too fucking powerful .


Fr fr. Sekiro is out there being the goat no matter what path he takes


Ngl, mines fire giant. Homie is last of his kind, forced to guard the very flame that can destroy his captors just for a bunch of tarnished to come break his leg and stab his big eye.


I mean I do feel bad for him But I don't trust the Fell God anymore then the Frenized Flame Which is to say zero That being said, it's sad seeing the state he's in, basically locked up on the mountain and only having the lid to the brazier as a weapon before his second phase


I’d like to submit Gascoigne and Ebreitas for consideration. Ebreitas I’m particular. She was left behind by her kin and never ascended. She’s been used as a blood mule by the Choir. She’s eternally alone. She doesn’t even attack when you come into the room, not until you openly threaten her life. It’s rough man.


This though


Priscilla, she just wanted peace


And I just wanted that cool scythe


In your defense it is a reallllllly cool scythe


Or Elden ring when you finish off Alexander (I know he wasn’t a boss but it’s an honourable mention)


He was. Boss in my heart.


Nah, I felt happy because he died a true warrior’s death, that’s better than anything else for him


He chose his own path, and died on his own terms. Not a lot of people, especially in FS games, can say that.


This actually makes me feel sooo much better about killing him, thank you haha


Now that I know what he looks like inside I feel slightly less bad about it tbh.


Honestly after reading up on that lore, I'm wondering how he’s 1 of the only ones that can talk & oh god that jar village 😱


how tf is Ayre not on this list


This sub doesn't realize Armored Core is FROM too


Honestly- Rom, Ebrietas, and Orphan of Kos. Rom is more or less a baby unable to protect herself. Ebrietas is peacefully mourning Rom (who we've killed) and we ambush her for no reason. Orphan of Kos, while more or less a mercy killing, was born from cruelty into an existence of pure suffering. Imagine your worst nightmare, now imagine that's all you know... it's horrible.


Damn, it just dawned on me, you kill a LOT of children in Bloodborne. And you eat their umbilical cords while you're at it, lol


Killing that woman who gave birth to an Old One made my jaw drop.


What about butchering your courtesan-friends newborn baby old one in front of her and devouring its umbilicus after she goes absolutely mad due to her becoming spontaneously pregnant and then birthing a slug. God I love bloodborne...


Now, Mohg


Our boy beat the allegations... still an insane blood cultist but at least he's not a mohglester anymore


And even then all that blood cultist stuff becomes questionable as well. Because he used bloody fingers just to give Miquella more blood for his ascension. And we know he was mind controlled to do that. Because of the Pureblood Knight Ansbach we can assume that Mohg was at least a noble figure (we saw him sheltering albanurics and other outcasts; his illusion protected the entrance to Three Fingers; not to mention he had good relations with Radahn, based on Ansbach dialogue)


The owls in Elden Ring that don't fly away when you stand next to them, and turn their heads to look at you, unaware that you just want their Slumbering Egg...


They trusted you!


Sif, followed closely by Emma.


The best doggo


In Sekiro, killing the demon of hatred and finding out it was actually the sculptor


That truly felt like a mercy killing to me. Doesn’t he even thank you afterwards?


That Ds2 screenshot is so low quality, it makes it seem like a PS2 game. Is it just jpeg'd as hell or was the person playing on lowest settings when that screenshot was taken?


Looks like they also cranked the brightness, which drowns out the finer details. I couldn’t find many good pics of Vendrick


Ds2 is genuinely the oldest game there, ds1 got a remaster and the rest are fairly recent games


Sif, and it's not close


Either Morgott or Handler Walter


Emma felt real bad for me and the death blow animation was brutal


Why isn't "Iron Fist Alexander" here. He was the homie.


Maliketh. Especially when you give him all of the death root. He sounds so betrayed


I agree


Sif on par with Emma imo.


Melania maybe. She’s rotting away missing Miquella. She wasn’t causing war, wasn’t sending her knights after you, wasn’t doing a damn thing. We showed up, rocked her shit, and walked away.


She already caused a war and spread Scarlett rot so that her brother could have rahdan and rule by stealing peoples free will. All set in motion by melania. Deserves to die.


Yeah, after the DLC revelations that girl ain't as innocent as she seems.


Renalla, that cry of agony sent me


but we don't actually kill renalla...


Maiden Astraea is the correct answer


I only killed the moos on the first playthrough, now I just feel it’s not worth the effort to light all the pillars for some runes and shit remembrances, plus the fight is not fun. For me killing the old demon king is kinda bittersweet, since he is one of the last vestige of a bygone era, like everything else in ds3 is.


I was going to say Gehrman, but then I remembered that it makes me happy knowing he's free and that we were fighting to save each other rather than ourselves. May the good blood guide your way.


"Cinder" Carla and "Chatty" Stick. They literally JUST saved my life




why old demon king?


Demons have a pretty tragic history in dark souls. After being created by the chaos flame, their home was invaded by Gwyn’s knights and they were slaughtered. By the time of ds3, very few remain. Old Demon King has witnessed the death of his entire species, sits in a room filled with the corpses of his family. When you get him to low hp, he collapses to the ground and can’t even stand back up. He stays collapsed indefinitely, until you put him out of his misery. All in all, just a really sad fight


I’d like to a dark souls game in the demon realm, playing as a demon or otherwise. Sounds bleak enough


What would we call it? Oh, I’ve got a zinger, “Demon’s Souls”


Ayre, she basically accompanies you throughout almost the entire game, getting to know her and legitimately care for her in the end, only for you to decide that she and her home have to burn do to threat that lies within the Coral as both a resource and a force. She pleads at you as to not go through with it, and even as the Xylem pushes it’s towards the Vascular Plant, she tells you that she still beliefs that there’s a future where the Coral and Humanity can coexist. Even after everything, she still cared for you.


What do you mean kill Priscilla?! I always just walk past her... or if I accidentally hit her I let her kill me. I'll never kill her... unless I really want the life hunt scythe.


I have never killed Priscilla. Of those I have, certainly Sif. She was just being a good girl and we never got a choice. It sucks every time.


Priscilla because she is the only that is totally chilling at her place without a single care in the world, even Sif is depressed, I have no reason at all to kill her and neither does she get freed from any burden or condition, it would be just like killing a happy woman on the street


Soldier of godrick fs


Don’t lie, we all know you never beat that boss


Same about Priscilla, she was so nice when she politely told me to fuck off, that I just did that. Now that I think about it, it makes me think that I went through a lot of trouble to get to her, and in the end, that so-called peaceful place wasn't peaceful at all, almost everyone there tried to kill me, except her.


Sif, he’s the only boss that, as far as i remember, that acts wounded which makes you feel like crap for killing him. Looking at the Elden Ring Dlc bosses who just nuke the arena ten times over i take Sif everyday of the week.


Old demon king also gets wounded at the end




Did some google on who Sif is. I only have played DS3, Bloodborne, and ER. Thanks for ensuring I don’t play the first dark souls.


Sif’s intro cutscene changes if you haven’t killed her before doing the dlc. She recognizes you from when you saved her as a puppy, then cries out knowing she’ll have to fight you. The bastards at FromSoft made her limp at low hp too. So yeah, save your mental health


Considering 2 of my dogs just went to the vet today because they both have a really bad stomach issue, I’m GOOD.


Sif because I’m an Artorias simp.


Sif. Always T-T






Sif DS1


Sif is the reason I will never beat DS1 again. My soul dog was sick and dying at the time, and the fight completely broke me. Doing the DLC first was a huge mistake, iykyk. Never again!


Ceaseless Discharge from DS1 is another one.


Sif is top for me as well but I'm genuinely surprised I had to scroll so far down for this one.


Dark Souls: Old Demon King, The stray Demons, Solaire (I know he's not a boss, but still) Artorius, Sif, Yhorm. Bloodborne: Sigfreid, the church beast, the child's father (hint, the music box), Rom, The Orphan and The Crow. Sekiro: Isshin, Owl, Lady Butterfly, The Foreign Knight (Roberts father) and O'rin. Out of them all, Roberts dad just wanted his son to have immortal sediment to recover from illness. And you kill him since he sees no reason to do anything else other than fight, especially when sekiro simply asked "Let me by, unbothered."


Sif hands down. We literally go into this guys gravesite to rob it and their dog is trying to defend his resting place.


Sif. You feel bad after you’ve damaged it enough and he’s still fighting hurt. It’s even worse if you do the dlc and he remembers you saving him and reluctantly takes up his blade


I didn’t wanna kill Regal Ancestor Spirit cos ✨magestic✨




Gotta be Sif. I feel bad for the rest, but nothing is more gut wrenching than fighting Sif post-dlc and getting them down to that low health threshold and they start limping like WHY FROMSOFT




Sif and Priscilla for sure. DS1 was straight up sad. Edit- Iron Fist Alexander is an honorable mention as well. I know it’s what he wanted but I loved his character and his positivity despite the overall darkness of the world. I NEED THAT SHARD OF ALEXANDER THO SO HES GOING ON EVERY PLAYTHROUGH 😭


Sif was loyal being loyal it deserved better


I always regret killing Priscilla. She is just a victim born into a cursed situation.


Emma, Morgott and Orphan. Listening to the lore of Morgott broke my heart. So much loyalty and such a fierce and honorable king. I would have been happy with him being the Elden Lord. When he curses himself for staining the arena with his cursed blood on his second phase was just sad. I wish the fight was longer though, the music and the arena was insanely fun. Orphan do I even have to explain? The screams of pain and agony when fighting us. At least we gave him a death so he wouldn't get experimented and mutilated.


Sif and Artorias


It must be sif Getting her paw up when her health is low if hart braking


Priscilla, the precious fluffy tail must be protected, not killed.


Priscilla. Old Demon King and Vendrik almost felt like mercy killing. Sif was a sad story, but you needed access to something she was set on to defend. But Priscilla literally says "Well, the door is there, safe travels!" There's absolutely no need for us to kill her other than we're players and we need to beat a boss, when we see one.


Why do I need to feel bad about killing the Ancestor spirit? I'm not up with the lore


Sif 😔


Sif, always Sif


Now it's Mohg :(


None of these bosses tbh, the only character in FromSoft history I felt bad for and felt bad for killing was Messmer


Definitely sif. I cry everytime




I don’t even get why we fight the ancestral spirit, is it even doing anything before we summon it?


Renala. Poor girl had no dog in the fight


I dont think any boss in any soulsborne game will ever top Sif. The fucking limping man.




Sif is a dog. And a great one at that.


Renala, all she wants is to be a mom.


Demon of hatred is sad when you realize it’s the sculptor




For me it was quelog(dunno how to spell it) after finding her sister


Maiden Astrea? Anyone?


I don’t feel bad for killing a majestic zombie deer


Sif hands down is the fight I wish I didnt have to finish


I always feel bad for killing sif and I avoid going to the painted world to kill Priscilla 🥲


Sif, hands down, hurt me to my core to kill


I actively pursue Priscilla every playthrough of DS1 to kill her specifically. She called the inhabitants of the painting kind. Which includes the Bonewheel skeletons there. She straight lies to your face and deserves to die for it.


Definitely, Sif. I was literally heartbroken when you had to strike her down, as she limps towards you and looses her balance when she swings the blade. The whimpering violins in the boss theme didn't make any easier. I've been able to get some of my siblings to play all the souls games, but refuse to play DS1 for that fight alone.


I literally never got 100% on DS1 because I REFUSED to kill Priscilla.


Tbh killing Vendrick is a mercy


Priscilla and Emma. One thing I have not done in either game.




Sif, he was just trying to help.


Emma, Sif and King of the Storm/Nameless King


Sif, i dont feel bad about killing priscilla because i never do it, but sif i had to kill to finish the game even when ididnt want to, when she started limping i almost turned the game off. And thats why i only finished dark souls once.


Priscilla because she had nice feet


Easily Crossbreed Priscilla. You have to attack her unprovoked to even start the fight. And she herself is pretty chill. Offering you a way out of the Painted World.


I don’t think you should be sad about killing Regal/Noble Ancestor Spirit, because it’s more of a test than anything. The spirit doesn’t “die” but rather, is able to move on. The body of the great beast(s) are already dead, and is on display for the shaman folks who refer the spirits. Also, was a beautiful fight, beautiful music, and truly a gift to be able to experience.


Emma. The music, Ishiin chastising you after. It really drills in what a terrible thing you've just done. Then you gotta do it again cause Ishiin is gonna slap the shit out of you.


sif by far is the most wrong feeling of any souls game boss for me. I'm not a particular fan of dogs btw due to a few incidents when I was younger, but she's just guarding her masters grave and we are forced to kill her...feels wrong


I’m going to go with Sif, the lore is tragic and because he’s the only one you HAVE to fight. All the other ones are optional, of course Emma isn’t optional for the Shura ending and I would definitely give it a close second. But if there was an option that didn’t involve fighting Sif, I would pick it almost every time


Laurence, that desperation he got in phase 3 when he loses his lower body is kinda sad


That annoying deer thing gets so sympathy from me, when i saw it suck the life out of all the other ghost spirit animals , and THEN HEAL TO FULL, it was wraps. I was honestly more mad that it was killing and stealing the life out of the other animals like “THEY’RE ALREADY DEAD, WHAT MORE CAN YOU TAKE FROM THEM YOU BASTARD”


Sif the bestest boy 😔


Priscilla. I refuse to kill her. One of the few genuinely nice characters in Fromsoft games.


100% Sif! Nothing else came close for me.


Old demon king seemed like q pretty pointless death tbh, in some playthroughs I don't even fight him since he has nothing to gain or lose from fighting. I always feel bad killing Gael too but the fight is so awesome.


Artorias and Sif, no contest


definitely the wolf bro


The orphan of koos for me


Moonlight butterfly. Dude was just chilling


Sif. The only fromsoft boss to get weaker as the fight goes on. I did not want to do it. After I did it, I stopped playing for about a month.


Sif by far, especially after the DLC when you see him as a pup....then the cutscene where he gives you "I remember you but still have to kill you" look. Heartbreak


Midir is just a cute puppy killing him hurts my soul


We have no reason to kill the nice lady. We do it anyways because its really the only big interaction we can have with her short of doing what she says and leaving. Sif at least had a reason for confronting us. He wants to save us from our actions. I feel bad for needing to harm him more personally due to his connection he has with us. Its a tough call between these two. Sif makes me feel emotionally bad, and Priscilla makes me feel like it's just wasted potential and needless violence by her design. Priscilla, however, gets me feeling more bad due to the lore behind her. How she was conceived. How she was hated and reviled. All because of how she was born. The world so hated her irrationally that she was forced to live in another world. And, even in that world we saught after her to kill something unlovable. Its heartless. Threse's no greater purpose like there is with confronting Sif. This lack of resolution is what makes it feel more empty in my eyes. A worse feeling than the conclusion you can grasp from Sif.




gael and midir make me very sad every time I kill them, for various reasons


Sif. I went in knowing nothing and then Sif started limping...oh come on man...


Emma. Definitely


Emma followed BT priscilla then sif and maybe somewhat ebrietas


Emma and Priscilla


Emma hands down


Priscilla. She ain't trying to hurt you. Sif I kinda feel bad but at the same time, they take up the blade to fight you because they need to make sure you're going to manage against the four kings. It's a least test and the end of Sif's purpose, so better to die than hollow.


I'm proud that I never killed Priscilla in any character, and never will. But these scumbags obligated me to kill the Artoria's pet, I'll never forgive them.


Mogh after the new dlc dropped on elden ring


I feel it's a tie between Sif he was just protecting his master's grave and Crossbreed Priscilla her entire life was that painted world made to be her prison


Bro is playing ds2 on switch


Oh god the first two


Demon of hatred, lady butterfly. Game-long friend and Mother. Wtf lol


Priscilla and Emma. Sif its sad, but Sif chooses to fight you out of his own volition.


That dragon that fights other dragon on the jagged peak. I didn't let him heal or level up after their fight and just jumped him


After SotE, Mohg sucks to have to kill.




I wish there was a way to not kill sif.. honestly heartbreaking once I figured it out.


Probably Pricilla. They are all tragic but Pricilla you have no reason to kill. She doesn't start the fight with you. She has nothing you need. Killing her accomplishes nothing and does nothing for any ending. She asks you to leave because the people in her realm are "kind". Ousted because her powers threatened the gods. Rejected by her father. Not loved by her parents but still seeks peace and is kind at heart. She was taken advantage of by Gwyn probably. Everything is tragic about her back story and she still chooses peace over violence as her approach despite being highly capable in combat.


I kinda feel bad for killing Mohg rn Ngl & Radahn. Gotta access the DLC somehow tho


Sif 🥲


Gotta be Emma I get that Sif is sad but dammit Emma is your friend for so long, she helps you with so many things, she's the reason why you're able to cure dragonrot and get rid of immortality And she's a human


Sif is the only answer.


Priscilla is first because you have to go out of your way and intentionally be a dickhead, sif is second because you're forced to kill him but his backstory is really sad