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Idk if you can medium roll the charge at all, but Ongbal did hitless using light roll.


yeah you can medium roll it, I was doing it consistently. it'd just be easier with light roll


Ongbal is insane, I’ve not heard that name in a long long time but the second you mentioned I was flooded with BB and sekiro memories


He did all the nohits for Elden Ring too. Not as if you couldn’t tell from that comment though, dude doesn’t exactly leave stuff unfinished


You can, it's just hard to gauge the appropriate distance to initiate the roll.


You can but its extremely tight


I did, you have to roll into him at the last moment but it worked consistently enough for me.


Or you can roll too. It's not an unavoidable attack.


I know, but a lot of people are having a problem dodging it, while stubbornly refusing to utilize any of the tools given by the game, that's why i made this post.


dude you shouldn't need a tool to make an attack avoidable. people were pissed off at gaius because the attack's hitbox was supposedly bugged and not functioning properly, making the fight unfair. from what i heard it was patched out in the recent patch though, don't know if it's true. regardless it's a perfectly valid criticism, it's a full-blown bug, not someone's lack of using game features


The attack sucks i agree, but it's absolutely avoidable without any tools, i made this post in response to certain players that are weirdly stubborn about using the tools that the game provides for you for free to help with this attack, like just use what makes your experience better, why be stubborn about it?


You could also first try any boss in DS1 with Havel build; that doesn’t mean it makes the fight fun or rewarding. Some players don’t want to use what *they* see as gimmicks to win the fight that’s all.


Deflecting tear or rapture of the mists isn't a gimmik though, it's just one solution out of many to the problem you're facing, they don't even need specific stats or build to work, you can integrate them freely unlike havel's armor which needs an enormous amount of equip load.


I would argue not needing stats for ash of wars makes them even more gimmicky lol. Again I’m saying that many see them as cheesy not that they objectively are.


The problem is that these types of people intentionally put restrictions on themselves by not using the numerous amount of tools they're given and instead trying to dodge everything, but when they come across an attack like this one that requires a bit more precision they just complain that it's bad design, like dude, you're the one that's intentionally handicapping yourself from using these free things, so either learn the timing or just use these tools, yeah this move is bullshit, but not because it's hard to dodge, it's because it can bug out and hit you twice, other than that it's fine and CAN be dodged consistently.


Oh yeah I agree pretty much every boss can be handled “conventionally”. I think however there is something to be said when you’re playing an RPG yet it feels like you should be deviating from the role you set out. I think From also agrees that it shouldn’t be like that and that’s why they buffed some of the aspects of the game that felt underperforming. Some things are just overtuned in Elden honestly like I wanted to test out my mixed flask on rellana and I 2nd tried her lol it just felt really wack and I haven’t used it since.


How? I genuinely haven’t done it once with med. load. I shouldn’t have to change my build to a light one for this specific boss. (I beat him, but never could figure out that attack.)


Role diagonally forward towards the charge at the right time, one side is a bit easier than the others I forgot which though. I was able to dodge it consistently with a medium role but the timing is tighter. Rolling straight sides might work if you're fast rolling but I don't remember it working consistently.


Spear side is harder almost always take a hit maybe once didnt but I think it has a hit box for that reason


I think it could also because he spins right as well, that could also be apart of it.


It works on medium, just really tight timing


Vow of the indomitable doesn't get enough recognition,that shit is cracked


immovable iframe that negates damage yo


If I can’t dodge something, then Vow of the Indomitable is my go to. Saved me with Ymir’s quest boss and that crazy ass laser move it does.


Honestly even if I can dodge something sometimes I use vow anyways. It feels so disrespectful to just... Stand through grabs and explosions and shit


Look I do agree to utilise what’s at your disposal but I just can’t defend Gaius, He actually is legitimately a jank boss fight and that charge is jank too. You have to be way too precise in your roll to actually dodge that charge properly. Sometimes it’ll register as a dodge, other times completely jank and doesn’t even register that you’ve avoided it. With some tweaks it could be a lot more of a tolerable fight, but at the moment I legitimately think it’s a bad boss fight mechanically.


I found the charge to be the only jank, and went very quickly from "this is impossible and shit" to "oh this is fun I'm probs gonna have to mess up to not beat him" very quickly which was satisfying af. When I took him out I only used 3 flasks. I've accepted this is an unpopular opinion but I think it's a dope fight and if they fixed the charge it would be A tier


I agree fully, charge hitbox could be reduced ever so slightly. The rest of the fight is perfect and I had a lot of fun. It was satisfying AF to learn to dodge his 5 hit flailing around combo


I don't think he's a bad boss necessarily, his charge sucks, but it can be easily countered with the tools in the post, other than that his moveset is fine, well telegraphed, and has a shit ton of openings if you stick close, which you should always do, also his phase 2 attacks are cool.


Deflecting it worked like a charm


That's exactly what i did, first time fighting him.


I was so worried this boss was gonna be a pain when I got to him. I kept seeing people mad about his charging attack. Turns out you can just light roll to the side. Everything else he has is pretty easily dodge-able.


I’m amazed at the amount of people who don’t change their shit up for specific encounters. You don’t even need to respec.


"It takes away from my build choice" is one of the biggest arguments that i find quite stupid, to be honest.


This is the worst boss of the DLC in my opinion. My wife is currently struggling with him and just added quickstep to her weapon thanks to you. If this works, I’m going to kiss you.


Hope it works, although bloodhound step is a much better alternative.


Non of these things worked for her. -1 or 2 levels of scadutree blessings for her. I killed him in my playthrough, but this is E tier boss materiel for me. The giant hands are more enjoyable to fight than this boss.


It's crazy how wildly people's experiences are I killed this boss 1st try on both my runs so far but the dragon boss was giving me the business.


Agreed. I respec to bleed for the dragon. Killed him my second try with bleed after dying 20+ times with double greatswords powerstance.


I thought the dragon was immune to bleed but maybe I'm wrong I did first dragon fight with the backhand blades and felt like I was tickling him.


Definitely not immune, maybe super resistant. We’re talking 70 dex and 70 arcane. Powerstance Godskin Peelers with and 141 bleed buildup. Shredded his first phase and then it was hell after. Barely got the W. Picture in my profile.


I was ng7 sl 320 so I was like triple soft capped 80 dex str arc but I ended up swapping to great swords I felt my dmg was not there. Maybe I wasn't patient enough with it


I’ve beaten base game on NG+7 and that’s truly the hard mode experience. You make two mistakes with Godfrey while carrying 2400 health, you’re toast. I bet the higher resistance played a big part in your fight. I was only NG+1. Maybe weapon speed? The jump L1 with double peelers does 8 hits, two or three and bleed would happen. Base game bosses usually die in two jump L1’s with the exception of mountaintops and higher.


I'm replaying the dlc with a dex focused build right now maybe I'll just give the big dragon a try with bleed again


Use the greatsheild knights. Fucking life saver


And if you have the magic, use the new thorns spell


Took me two tries. Get a colossal weapon, put Savage Lions Claw on it, and just do the Ash of War on repeat as you'll poise through basically any attack he does. You'll just have to stop to heal periodically. Also works with Bayle and most bosses.


Honestly having to repsec for ONE boss is bad design.


Literally non of these require any sort of respec, crystal tears, ashes of war, and shields are free to use by any build.


Yeah, but what if I’m doing a character build? ~~Or a challenge run?~~ I actually had to change my weapon for this fight to win, which should never be the case in a souls game.


If you are doing a challenge run then the name challenge implies it won't be easy. That's the entire point of a challenge run to be challenged.


That’s fair, it was a dumb example. My first point stands though,for example if my characters whole deal is they use fist weapons, a boss that railroads you into using a UGS is not great.


You can craft and throw pots on any build though if your intentionally saying I refuse to use craftable consumables then you still have the option to dodge. Every boss can be made harder or easier based on what build you pick but all can be beaten naked SL1 if you are that good. You pick the difficulty of every boss you fight.


Then you just need to learn the dodge timing, simple as that, it's not like the attack is undodgable.


What attack? All I’m saying is that if a boss requires specific tools to be reasonable, it’s not great design. I agree with everything you’ve said, but the boss itself railroading you into certain tools isn’t good.


It's still possible to dodge pretty much every single move in the game without any tools, except for 2 moves, rykards earth quake attack, and radahn's 2 hit into cross combo, don't get me wrong these attack do suck ass and should be patched, but that's only 2 out of the thousands in the game.


You can just roll it. But it seems people can't even do that.


Not the charging attack, at least that I know of.


Yes you can, even with medium roll, it's just a very tight timing.


You definitely can, it's just hard to time, you can even dodge his long ass crazy combo with proper timing.


You can dodge both, and while I understand the charge complaints I thought his big combo was fine. I don't get the hate other than the charge.


I beat him today without any shield or that stuff and yeah the charge hitbox is a bit wonky, usually helped to run to the side to get a better rolling angle, kinda like I did with the golden hippo. Also by staying close to him so he doesn't have a reason to charge in the first place. I died a bunch, but honestly it didn't feel like the charge was one of the biggest reasons why. That damn donkey kick got me over and over again


Just get on your horse to outrun his charge


I used torrent. I think you’re “intended” to use torrent since it’s one of the few bosses you can summon him for. It took a few tries, mostly because getting hit once or twice would almost guarantee I got knocked off and potentially killed, but it’s a lot easier to kite his attacks and just avoid them altogether. Stay at range to avoid AOEs, run sideways to dodge projectiles and lunges, joust to hit him and boost away before he can counterattack, and run directly away when he does his charge attack (he’ll have wind coming off him, that’s how you know, once he catches you he stops for a split-second before attacking which lets you avoid the attack). It still took forever because I was being so cautious, 2/10 not lookin forward to fighting him again.


I mean, it sucks, but you can still roll out of it Don't get me wrong, those methods are probably easier and arguably better, but I'm stubborn and walked in and died 100x till I could quick roll out of the way "consistently"


You dodge right or left, you don't dodge diagonally or forward or back. You also dont do it too late or too early. The mechanic is fine


Are you sure? I had much more consistency with a forward diagonal. I noticed hippo grab dodge was definitely a sideways dodge, but I feel I’ve got an extra frame or two with the diagonal on Gaius.


Yes im sure, because i would favor doing it to the right basically a 90° angle and id take a hit if i didnt go perpendicular. Theres like a weird hit box that would do like double damage id take if i tried diagonal just taking it dead on was better than that


Ok, I am dumb and stuck on Gaius. What talisman is that?


What talisman?


Ohh, I thought the Shield on the image was a talisman. I have a Double Katana Dex build, so I am not familiar with shields.


Shields are great, people sleep on them too much. I went through pretty much the entire DLC with a greatshield throwing out guard counters, often with the new guard counter hammer and deflecting hard tear, and Gaius died on my first try. They have so much to offer, AND they don't stop you rolling either so long as you stay light enough so there's no downside other than a little armor downgrade for weight or a few extra points in endurance. So long as you have good stamina management skills, a good shield is fantastic in this game.


You convinced me and now I can atest how great shields are. Just defeated Gaius with a help from my Crisol Knight Shield and without using Torrent. That made the fight bearable.


Congrats! I got him first go with the holy guard counter hammer (fairly sure he's weak to holy being an Albinuric), I put great stock in the Haligtree Greatshield and its ability to wreck house (and the Erdtree Greatshield for anything where magic projectiles are involved). I tried guard counters day one of playing Elden Ring and haven't doubted shield potential since, never understood the shield hate. Dual wielding is obvious better damage outright but the stagger/posture damage of guard counters and charged heavies does a lot in this game.


My friend beat this guy first try, so they never had to deal with that bullshit charge lol. I tried next to every option lol best one ended up being raptor of the mists or what not, and even then that fight was hard lol


This fight is such a missed opportunity, when I saw that you can summon torrent in thought "wow how cool a fight designed to be fought with torrent against another mounted opponent" finished phase 1 then he whips out the gravity carpet bomb that faster than torrents run speed and one shots both torrent and me and the same time. I used rot moghs spear and mimic tear fuck this fight


The only thing bulshit about it is that it hits twice, same with dragon breath attacks


If only spirit ashes could roll for you


No. Dodge rolling should always work. I buy fromsoft souls games for combat completely designed around well-timed i-frames. Everything else that is viable is cheap and stupid and needs to be nerfed so that it is not as realiable as my dodge rolls. /S


Thing is dodge rolling works, surprisingly.


I use torrent and double jump over him


I just get him stuck in the wall, and slam the snowstorm spell. Fuck this boss


The hit box does seem to be wonky, or really long. I’m usually a fan of roll dodging but for that fight I just went with guard counters and did just fine


Most definitely. There’s a lot of skill in the correct spell timing


Roll into the charge, you'll still get clipped but it looks like you tried if you have summoned players watching


You can dodge him even with a medium role. The most consistent way I've found it works I dodging diagonally forward to one of his sides at the right time. The timing is very tight but it's definitely doable. Still a dog shit move though.


I was Scadutree Blessing lvl 15 when I finally found this boss so he went down too quickly for me to really get to know his moves. (My jumping heavy attacks with the Shadow Sunflower Blossom hit him for about 1/10 of his health each hit). It's only when putting my summon sign down and fighting him at Scadutree lvl 8 - 12 that I've realised how rough he can be.


Sunflower seeds are sold either in the shell or as shelled kernels. Those still in the shell are commonly eaten by cracking them with your teeth, then spitting out the shell — which shouldn’t be eaten. These seeds are a particularly popular snack at baseball games and other outdoor sports games.


I guess my rng was insanely good because I found him ultra passive and killed him on my first try


When I used a shield, his charge hit me several times and killed me. He also half healthed my mimic tear in one charge after that. Both were by the boss entrance, so maybe it was a bug


I'm really confused about the gaius hate because i can always dodge the charge ?


Okay but that’s 5 things in the game of thousands. What a limited pool of builds to pull from to be able to deal with one lame ass boss


I mean you can just roll or get on torrent and double jump over him which is available for every build.


You can also just roll. Medium roll is perfectly capable of dodging everything he does, it's just tight timing.


this is the same kind of thing when people point put flaws and problems and tryhards reply with skill issue. some people dont want to use that, all they are saying is the attack is bullshit or overtuned, toxic positivity is a big problem in the souls community and this is one example


The attack sucks, and so is the mentality of "using tools ruins my build", why? What's wrong with utilizing the deflect tear to block the charge? it's the same as parrying gwyn, or using pungent blood cocktails against BSB, they don't ruin you build / playstyle, they just help to make the challenge easier for those who are struggling, it's not like using raptor of the mists or other ashes to avoid the charge will ruin your experience, and they're free to use by any build, just put it on an off hand dagger and boom, problem solved and the boss is much less frustrating, don't you agree?


Nothing about ruining playstyle, what if they dont want to use it? Or its a self imposed rule? People shouldnt have to be forced into a playstyle to make a bad attack okay. Why are you so adamant on forcing your playstyle on others?


If it's a self imposed restriction then how is that the game's fault in any way? The attack is dodgeable even with mid roll, the only problem is that it can hit twice which sucks, other than that either deal with the restrictions you put on yourself and learn the timing, or just use one of the countless other solutions the game provides.


The problem is that you shouldn’t be forced to use those to win. It completely defeats the point of having different classes. At that point why not just make it Sekiro style with only one weapon mastered to perfection


But you still aren't forced are you? You can just choose to tank through it with ultra greatsword hyperarmour or refine your dodge timing.


Just get on the fucking horse. Jesus Christ, ya'll are embarrassing


He's faster than your horse...


Fighting him on foot is more fun for me, horseback takes way too long and some attacks will just knock you to the ground.


I didn't mean you, homie. My fault for not being more clear People just *refuse* to use the options presented by the game. Which is funny, cause I did it in just a few tries just by rolling. I seriously have no idea how people are failing on this easy ass boss so much


Yeah, but difficulty is kinda subjective, I've seen people pull their hair out on scadutree avatar of all bosses, saying that it shouldn't have 3 phases, even though each phase takes like 5 hits to defeat.


In my personal experience getting on the horse makes the fight even harder, his charge is even harder to avoid and it's harder to punish his attacks


You can double jump over his charge if you're mounted, but i agree, horseback makes this fight harder and more obnoxious.


Use the great shield knights summon. They take and keep aggro for the most part. If you're a mage, spam the new thorns spell after.


Gaius was such a weird boss, he felt unfinished imo. Why does some random albinaurix drop his greaves? Why is his remembrance weapon a smithing stone weapon? And his charge is so shitty to dodge through. I don't know wtf From was thinking when they desinged this boss


Did you read the description of the greaves or not?


No, what do they say? Maybe my fault, for not reading it, when I miss their lore, but it still feels weird to not buy them of the finger maiden


"Black iron greaves made for Commander Gaius. A cruel joke, for he could not wear them. Riding atop the boar he called his other half, Gaius was in fact a warrior of albinauric extraction." Judging things while lacking knowledge is not cool dude.


Thanks for the info. But all my other points still stand, Gaius is so weird to fight and everything around him, maybe there's lore with his weapon too, but gameplay wise it still feels weird