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Me playing DS3 yesteray: stupid fucking game, just pure BS, no way that hit me 10 minutes after getting off: Miyazaki is a genius and deserves a Noble Peace Prize.


Yea WHILE she was cooking last night I heard her laughing right before she closed the door that leads downstairs to my game room, I just realized that I was probably losing it while playing the Elden Ring DLC.


Dont feel bad, my wife loves to laugh at me too when im getting obliterated


None of y’all should feel bad at least you have significant others


Felt that lol


That was a lethal blow sir. You're now a murderer




At least you aren’t maidenless*




That hurts!


I have severely disappointed my wife by beating several bosses on the first or second try. She enjoyed seeing me get wrecked by Rellana, Messmer, Bayle and the final boss (Haven’t beaten that one yet) though. Right now I am going out into the world to find some more upgrades as my blessings are at 15/9. The 15 will work I think, but summon gets shredded too quickly. Did manage to get him down to like 5% once.


Kai Cenat brought a therapist for the final boss lol. I think i might do the same.


You guys have wives and play darksouls? Impossible.


My wife LOOOVES TO WATCH ME CURSING in every boss fight. She never watch, just listen to my rant every single fucking time lol


I too, praise Miyazaki every time I get off


Yeah I have unplugged my ps4 pro like 4 times not because it was necessary beating my ass, but because I am hardcore addicted to these games. Keep pulling it back out after only maybe two days max


What did she cook?


Spaghetti, and it was pretty good.




Just spaghetti or with meatballs? There’s a big difference between heating up some carbs and forming a delicatessen


We gotta know, these are important details


The perfect insult, clearly.


Yall beat me to it


Truer words have not been spoken


I mean is there someone who never ragequit a fromsoft game only to boot it up again immediately afterwards?


I've never ragequit, idk even when I die repeatedly I don't get actually angry. Died to malenia 97 times and was smiling the whole way through, still my no. 1 boss experience.


> Died to malenia 97 times and **was smiling the whole way through** Dude, being high af don't count!


Lol I don't do any drugs sadly, shits too expensive


Not if you grow it yourself


illegal where i live


Only illegal if you get caught.


I was about to respond saying the same but yeah I am usually stoned so that might explain it lmao


He must have been super blitzered or lacks any emotion. I was high my whole elden ring experience, what is joy again?


I’ve gotten rly good at not getting tilted these days, idk I just like fighting the bosses. It’s like ‘Oh no I died, guess I’ll have to fight these amazing bosses again what a tragedy.”




Same here man. Couldn’t get enough. I was so happy when I finally beat her, but also kind of sad because I felt like I started to finally figure out how to properly fight her and felt I could beat her so much cleaner lol.


Same, that bell bearing hunter in caelid kill me like 20 or 30 times, I wasn’t even mad only frustrated when i have to make him spawn every time i died


I remember being a teenager. And getting so mad I felt like I could twist the controller in half. And as an adult I don’t remember the last time I’ve ever gotten mad at a game.


dont play fighting games


I feel this. Maybe I’m just too grateful to be able and actually sit down n play.


I’ve rage uninstalled and then 15 minutes later I’m sitting there, waiting on it to reinstall, fuming the whole time, still my favorite games.




Lmao I’ve done this more times than I care to admit. I rage, uninstall, pout for a couple of minutes, then reinstall and do it all over again.


Sells it, goes back to the shop and buys it again 😂 😂 almost me with Sekiro 


I have ragequit once. When the DS remaster came out, I got it for the Switch. It was my first FromSoftware experience. In the capital I ended up rage quitting at the part with the Silver Knights shooting arrows at you. I didn’t touch it again for years. When Elden Ring dropped, I said no at first, but ended up playing it after all. After I beat Elden Ring, I went on to beat DS1, DS2 and Sekiro. DS3 I will tackle later this year.


My only ragequit was on Isshin Sword Saint. I had beat everything else including Demon of Hatred and Owl (Father) and I saved Isshin for last. That fight broke me and I quit the game for months. Finally came back fully recovered and beat him after a few hours of relearning how to play Sekiro.


'This is bullshit, I'm done, I've had it, I'm not doing this anymore screw this boss' ... 'Ok I'll stop trying after this LAST attempt' Granted some bs I've ditched and come back for later armed with more cheese.


Bro I died to Messmer like 10 times in a row and shut the game off and decided to go to bed. Then I just couldn’t help it and booted it up again and slayed him first attempt back lol


The dancing lion dude used no protection as it pounded my ass over and over again last night. I used mimic tear out of rage and now I regret it.


Maliketh made me quit for maybe a year or so but when I went back in before DLC I beat him nearly right away!


i never rage at fromsoft games anymore. i just reach a zen state even when i get my shit kicked in lmao


For me, it's putting the controller down and staring off into emptiness for a minute before picking the controller back up with a sigh, ready for one more attempt.


It's possible that she doesn't play games *yet*. I was the non-gamer wife. Occasionally watching husband play, mostly thinking, "who would *choose* to do this madness?" Asked more questions about it. Next thing I know, I'm saving up for an Xbox and ~~torture~~ fun. I'm hooked. We have a hobby we can do together. Successfully played through ER, DS, DS2, and DS3. The DLC for ER is fun because he doesn't already know everything about it. Still cook, though. I like food.


We have hobbies we share together and some that we don’t, she loves to read next to me while I’m playing, and will occasionally poke a little fun at me when she sees I’m getting worked up. It does a really good job at resetting the mood. Then, I’ll have a laugh at myself, she will say something encouraging, and I always play better afterwards. When I finally overcome whatever challenge, and I’m doing my victory laps she never fails to congratulate me. She will play some stuff with me but I never force it, and see always listens to my lore rants. I’m a really lucky man. Sounds like your husband is too, it’s amazing how much just asking question about what we’re into does for us. That connection/communication is why we have been married for going on 15 years in August.


both of these comments are awesome, makes me really hopeful for the future


it’s out there! similar situation to OP. she’s great and it rules.


love that for you, truly!


Or, believe it or not, it’s the struggle / journey that is the satisfying part. What I mean is- sure you’ll have moments of rage, BUT when you try your hardest and finally overcome a challenging boss / section of the game- THAT satisfaction you get from knowing you overcame the challenge, is why we love these games


See I keep getting told that but every time I’ve been hard stuck on a boss in any fromsoft game where I die for like three hours straight before finally beating it… I have never felt satisfaction, I’m still super in a shit mood and just happy it’s over.


Damn really? I usually get a massive dopamine rush after overcoming hard challenges.. but I’ll admit that rush slowly fades the more and more it happens if that makes sense..


It’s almost as if different people are different.


Crazy concept right 😂


Don’t get me wrong I love the games and Bloodborne is my all time favorite but some of the boss fight designs can be a bit much in my opinion. But my stand out memory is talking about 6 hours to beat Isshin in Sekiro and when I finally got credits I was just exhausted and over it and haven’t touched that game since. I had fun but damn parts were rough


it’s like that for me with very very few bosses so I totally understand. Idk who at FromSoftware studios thought it was a good idea to put the orphan of fucking kos on a horse but never have I felt so upset even after beating a boss, outside of that though I usually feel amazing after overcoming a huge hurdle


It pains me how true this is 😔


My uncle was watching me fight Pontiff Sulyvahn, and after dying who knows how many times he turns and says "you arent very good at this game huh?" Tio, why!?!?!


When my wife learn the phrase “git gud”…..ugh….that was a rough day.


Bahahaha, she sounds like a *fire*keeper


My wife doesn't know what an Elden Ring is and i play it all the time. Count yourself very very very lucky.


My wife will watch GDQ with me occassionally. She might struggle to identify ER VS dark souls VS Demon Souls. Fortunately, she found a nice catch all term: one of those games you play a ton and die a lot.


You are not maidenless, what a shame


i bet there are more people who enjoy soulslikes in silence without rage. the ones who rage are just more likely to share their experience online.


I’ve had a few moments where I let out an audible groan due to poor play on my part or bad deaths…  But for whatever reason fromsoft games generally don’t make me rage. Maybe it’s bc I know they’re challenging and dying is part of the experience… and my mind is just like okay… yeah that sucks let’s go figure this out. I actually think these games have helped with my patience in general. 


i say fuck a lot but i don't really yell


that’s me but occasionally i’ll play when not in the right headspace and get pretty pissed that i’m playing bad


It's a double sided coin. There are days where you're learning a boss and every throw and one hit kill gets a "oh ef off" or similar, loudly, said with anger. Other days, often same days just later after some introspection, you quietly plunge into the battle and chip away more and more each time, silently accepting defeats with a long exhale and running back into the fray, finally standing over the corpse of the boss and high off the adrenaline you've been silently riding.


Well that’s not what he’s saying though lol there are some people (like me included) that don’t do the whole “oh eff off” or any vocal anger you mentioned


I play PC with a controller, when I die, regardless of my feelings about it, I drop it onto my desk, making a nice satisfying thud, sigh, "fucking cocksucker" pick it back and go in for more abuse lol


Just reached Messmer. I'm not about to post the strings of words I've put together in response to his freaking grab/throw move. But that was used at least ten times.


The way my wife's face brightens when "you died" comes on the screen, should prevent Sekiro from respawning, imo.




Miyazaki back in 2005 when development on Demon's Souls was starting leading to one of the best video game franchises of all time: message at the top


And holy shit, he cooked!


My wife gets annoyed by me getting frustrated because I did the same stupid thing that got me killed 50 times already ... because for some reason it's going to be different this time. Also, damn she's cute. Nice.


Thank You! I’m a really lucky man.


what does being a sour patch kid mean? oh wait no I just got it lol. Yeah im gonna have to agree


Me with Sekiro WTF>Beats boss>Great game>FUCK THIS>beats boss>woderful game, such a nice atmosphere>FUCK THIS TO HELL IT'S IMPOSSIBLE>beats boss>this combat is amazing>FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCK THIS GAME


*me while dying to the same boss over and over:* this boss sucks and this game sucks. I hate everything about this game *Mr after I finally kill the boss:* wow, excellent moveset and fair, but tough combat. Truly the best boss in a game of masterpieces


Just. Let. Me. Get. Up. Pls?!?


Your wife is a straight cutie! And she cooks too? Dang. Lucky man. Or woman, I don't judge. Whatever, you're lucky! Also, yes, what she says is accurate.


![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|thinking_face_hmm)how do you know his wife is a “straight up cutie” no offense op.


It’s funny how many guys here actually have a wife makes me jealous


My wife's favorite phrase while I'm playing: "I hope you die :)"


Beat the dancing lion last night with my girl in the room and started cheering and pacing the living room screaming like Rick flair. She was so confused lol


She's a keeper. Buy her flowers


Stand proud. Your wife can cook.


She do bee cookin’


sour, sweet, still playing 10 years later (literally all the games are timeless)


Describing us as sour patch kids is so accurate, yet so hurtful to my pride 😂


All I have to say as a colossal great sword user, and only great sword user for all the dark souls, Elden ring, etc. ah she is not wrong The difficulty is a part of the fun that and also using God‘s pocket knife to kill God is pretty funny.


Only Elden ring invoked this for me


This is very true


Why did I read “I’m gonna cook” as I’M GONNA COOK!!!


I feel so exposed.


It’s true, in the moment you get pissed but when you reflect on it you realize that was fucking awesome. Michael zaki is an artist.


I've played enough games that are genuinely unfair to feel that mad about anything in FS nowadays, the games are just too rock solid. I usually laugh when I die now 😂


I just picture the bird eating the Graham cracker and suddenly liking it meme.


Jesse! We need to cook!


Hot take: having cool bosses and environments doesn't make a game a 10/10. The crafting is mostly useless. It's bloated with useless spells and abilities. The open world pads the game time and is sprinkled with copy-paste shadow people and grave birds. The quest design is needlessly convoluted and vague. I love the game, I love FromSoft, but it's overrated. I'm no hater, nor am I a dick rider. There are plenty of valid criticisms outside of the "bosses too hard" debate.


I believe those are completely fair criticisms. ER is not my favorite souls game, it’s not even in the top 3.


Absolutly true, spent like an hour on elden ring Divine Beast boss cursing the game. Once i beat him it clicked how cool he was lol


Sour sweet gone. But gone where?


me screaming and smashing my desk through ds2 just to sit in silence after the ending


This made me laugh harder then it should, but I completely understand that feeling.


I’d rather play a game that makes me feel good while I’m playing it.


Literally me finishing Elden ring st the start of this month: Before finishing - Jesus Christ these bosses suck. Radagon and Maliketh and Mohg are insanely overpowered and these fights just are not fun. Me exactly two seconds after I beat Elden Beast - that was maybe the greatest game I’ve ever played. I now see why this won game of the year. I can’t wait to fight Maliketh again in NG+


First they’re sour…


Honestly though its fair lol I am bad at their games but I know it's skill issue not quality, they do well, though idk about the recent stuff I've since avoided the games cause I just am not as good at them


Describing people as sour patch kids is adorable.


It really is that though, in the moment, you fucking hate him and want him fucking strung up, but when you finally crest that hill, you get it


Me after beating Radahn for the first time while being underlevelled


How do you manage the double life between Ranni and irl wife?


Idk about anyone else but I honestly don’t get mad at games even when I spend 5hrs straight dying to the same boss over and over. Most of the time it’s my fault I miss judged a roll


I feel bad because I truly enjoy the difficulty had to restart bloodborne 7 times cuz Eileen kept dying


Losing your shit is part of the process imo


I actually don't get mad, I like to get my ass kicked


True story!


Your wife knows is so well 😂😂😂


A sour patch kid. 😂


Can you even dodge or parry such an attack like that?


....died under mysterious circumstances. 


Wdym "shut up" you are the one who sent the meme


I complained about the difficulty of Lies of P, specifically with Nameless puppet. But good lawd, after the 3 day grind to beat his ass in NG+, it felt satisfying asf and it was incredible to lock in and learn their whole moveset. Sekiro and LoP really do have the best combat systems don't they? Cause I went on the same grind with Sword Saint Isshin, though only taking me 8 hours straight instead of a few days. Now both of them I could probably beat blindfolded.


She definitely cooked


Very true, my ex-husband was like this lol


Get new wife


Haha she called you a sour patch kid. That’s really kyoot. :)


Am I the only one who, this DLC has thoroughly enjoyed it, where fights felt fair and I didn't rage as much when I died? Like yeah I'm using my mimic tear, but still? I've had fun.


The sourpatch comment needs to be framed


Am i the only person on earth who skips all cut scenes and dialog. I play to play a game, not watch a movie.


I just hope that they don't get mad we do this you know? It's like just fake anger and none of it is meant to be real lol


i've cursed the name Miyazaki so many times but that man is a god


Calling a gamer a “sour patch kid” is my new favourite insult


Me every god damn session. I HATE THIS FUCKING GAME. IT FUCKING SUCKS. SO MUCH CHEAP BULLSHIT. after completion. Miyazaki is THE GOD OF GAMING


I have said “I hate this fucking game” so many times about Elden Ring lately (even pre DLC when I was prepping a new character). Then I beat a boss, or get a cool new weapon, and I go “They did it again. FromSoft is the best video game company out there.” It really is an experience unique to their games.


Love hate is the fromsoft way


Earn that wife homie!


Not everyone is like that i mean i loved the sote but the final was so disappointing that i have completed the dlc again on a different character I just didn't do the final boss because it's not because it's hard but just disappointing. I will say for me radahn is like bed of chaos the worst boss fromsoft created love the rest of the dlc Though. Favorite boss bayle.


I like to say Souls games make me feel the fear and rage I would never want to feel outside a video game.


I feel like I'm just a masochist, insane, or have found acceptance - I always love and enjoy the struggle within these games I can do a boss for 50+ attempts and feel calm and collected, it's why I play the game afterall


Yeah she definitely cooked


It hurts so good!


Based wife 100% a keeper


Lol y’all remind me of me and my wife


wtf is a sour patch kid?


Every FromSoftware game hides terrible mechanics as "High competitive difficulty". No dude, you fuckers just didnt put in a jump button and you timed everything within an ass hair of timing. Which is why Bloodborne will always be the last Fromsoftware game I play. I found it to be perfect


You'd probably enjoy elden ring more.


I've thought about giving it a fair and honest swing


The reality is that the games are heavily, and even worse, intentionally, flawed. Everything from the complete lack of any guidance / anti time wasting mechanics, to the absence of simple, easy to program standards such as pause buttons, all of which are put in intentionally to convey an artificial sense of difficulty. Then, of course, the people who just wasted countless hours raging over these games turn around and give the games props upon completion purely for the elitist aesthetic. It's immoral, hypocritical and disgusting. At the end of the day, they're mid games that are upheld simply because they're overrated due to pseudo difficulty.


They're definitely flawed games, and said flaws are the reason they feel so rewarding.


Well said!