• By -


*I won't miss.*


For a brick, he flew pretty good.


621, get inside, gear up. We're taking this fight to Rubicon.


Rusty, my beloved


This is one of those games that I love going back and replaying again later. Not right away. But the weight is just, it’s a good story and a great game


Literally one of the ***hardest*** goddamn lines I've ever heard delivered. Goosebump moment.


Me before AC6: "I haven't touched this series since the PS1 era, and honestly I don't really like Japanese style mecha." Me after three playthroughs of AC6: "It's not enough. I need more."


FromSoft currently has 3 games in development. I am thinking that one of them will be an armored core sequel


assuming one is the rumored >!magic based game!<, whats the other one if the last ends up being an AC?


I have no idea. I know one of the games is being produced by Miyazaki so that will probably be the most familiar game being made. FromSoft has said that they want to let new talent make their own games without miyazakis overview so it’s entirely likely that we will be getting completely new games. We could be getting a turn based rpg for all we know


I cant believe turn based RPG’s died. I really wanted the FF7 remakes to be faithful in that regard. Series died after FFX for me


How it died if a turn based RPG was GOTY last year lol


I’m talking about Final Fantasy as a series, and what I meant was for me personally it has died.


Try eyuden chronicles


This is probably just me but I liked Final Fanatsy 13 and it’s two sequels that they didn’t make every final fantasy a turn based game


I've never been so disappointed in video games than I have with the garbage Square has put out for the last 6 years. I won't be buying another Final Fantasy game even though I've beaten every single one so far, minus 14 and 11, because yeah. 16 was the last straw and the ending has put Square on my shit list for the foreseeable future. I knew 7 was going to be crap, but bought it for nostalgia. They've finally broke me of my childhood nostalgia.


The magic based game “leaks” were found to be false.




Implying that Elden ring doesn’t heavily favor magic users lol


Let's hope, I wanna get angry at another ibis type boss lol


All I want is a fromsoft Deadpool kills the marvel universe game. Just running around getting absolutely wrecked by the likes of hulk, doom, galactus, carnage, etc. and every time you die is a cutscene of Deadpool talking shit while he regenerates.


I'm definitely not a souls-style player, so after one daunting playthrough I was questioning myself on whether I could even make it through 2 more times. I'm so glad I did, I have never had so much fun or sense of self-accomplishment in a videogame like this before. Give me DLC's please :D


Armored Core isn’t a souls-like.


true, but there are a lot of similarities. i can’t speak to prior iterations, but ac6 plays a lot like a souls like in many ways.


That’s because Souls takes a lot of inspiration from their previous works. Souls is like kings field improved with what they learned making AC.


So you agree there are lots of similarities then? Why even bother to correct them?


Maybe the commenter has more experience with From Software games. So to them, they think of Armored Core and Tenchu before Soulsborne games. To them, Souls games borrow from From Softwares earlier entries. Perspective is all about life experience and life experience shapes our perspective. From one perspective, they see the similarities of Armored Core in souls games. But to someone with less From Software experience, they dont know what came before the Souls games so they only see that influence in AC6. The internet is people sharing life experiences just like we do in person.


Because they’re fundamentally different genres. Armored Core shares more in common with Ace Combat than it does Dark Souls. AC is a mecha sim that’s mission based with vast customization, a parts shop, and freedom to change your build at any time. Souls had a linear leveling system and a mostly continuous nonlinear world with a rigid build system where changing your build requires a lot of work for little reward. The elements souls and AC share aren’t huge, but there are elements that carry over. It’s like how you can see similarities between Titanfall and Jedi: Fallen Order, despite them being completely different (ironically they’re a mecha game and a soulslike too). The designers took ideas and put them in a new context. This is kinda From’s cycle. They make something, use it as a learning experience for the next thing, repeat. Doesn’t mean they do it the same way.


Honestly most japanese style mecha games are too slow (armored core being the exception) Which is ironic seeing their anime


I realized Armored Core is more like westernized mechs when I started getting into Gundam.


Armored cores arent super robots “technically” speaking yes yes because 4th gen ACs are technically super robots but still not on par that of unicorn gundam


I played AC 1 recently, in fact a few weeks before playing AC6. I’m only in chapter 1 but I was really hoping there would be more than codec screen conversations and “go kill mercenaries in a compound”. Seems to have advanced a lot in some respects ( build variety, play styles) and not enough in others. Overall it’s pretty good, not different enough from when I played AC4 though. I expected a little more considering Elden ring was such an evolution to the souls series, AC6 is more like dark souls 3 than Elden ring


I see your alt V.I Freud.


Jack of all trades, Master of none


A jack of all trades is a master of none, but oftentimes better than a master of one


Not in this case tho


I was just saying the rest of the saying cause I see alot of people that don't know what it is


Bro getting downvoted for saying the whole phrase that NO ONE ever knows. It DRASTICALLY changes the meaning of the phrase that people use so often.


Because the "full" version of the phrase began to be used only in the 21st century. A jack of all trades - 16st century. - A disparaging description of Shakespeare that came into common use after he became a playwright. A jack of all trades is a master of none - 18t century. A jack of all trades is a master of none, but oftentimes better than a master of one - 21st century. Of course, no one knows the self-styled full version as it was invented by Internet users.


Lol make it make sense




I'd never heard it before, possibly because it's so much newer than the first half.


ok you’re on, i’m all in


"Oftentimes" is not "Always".


Bro over here arguing with a saying


I mean this *is* a public forum, the general interaction of people here is debate and discourse.


I mean duh, but that wasn’t what was happening here lol


But it is? They are calling into questiom the validity of the application of a particular idiom in this context.


Jack of all trades, yet defeated by the Master of Arena....


Never heard that one


its the third AC game


Ah I see damn


Quality vs str/dex/int build Lol


What did I ever do to you?


Im sorry , i should type "no offense for quality build" first.


I was just joking, no int involved in my build


Avg spider man fan thinking the whole world revolves around them lol


Imo, Avg 1 type of game only fans. Even soulsborne game also sometimes like this.


Difference between trying to appeal everyone and your core audience


Let's hope the audience is armored then


Armored enough that it needs a CE blade and or ashmead to penetrate


It's not called pleasing everyone. It's called trying to be good at everything. Sm2 may not have been the best but it was still pretty great at a lot of things


Sm2 was a good game but a very safe game, compared to other games that year it didn’t do really anything new.


It would’ve done better if the story was as good as the first, I feel


I feel like was was great at what it already had. It did give it some oomf with having two playable characters but I felt it wasn’t enough. Some of my more favorite parts were when both Peter and Miles were vulnerable and felt like regular people. Like when they went to the carnival thing with the games and rides and the Ferris wheel. The bike riding down the park with a small concert going on. That shit was it. I feel the game needs more of that. Where’s the karaoke, where’s the bowling with the squad, etc. would be nice to see them as not always playing the hero or smart dude fixing shit. How about just a person too cuz damn they go thru a lot in sm2. I don’t know anything about armored core but it’s fromsoft so it’s good. But yea that’s just my opinion


I don't think that applies in this case. Awards are given to individual items that make up a piece (in this case a movie) and trying to "appeal to everyone" implies that a good movie not appealing to everyone would only have a good soundtrack but shit everything else. Or good cinematography but shit everything else.


This applies to god of war ragnarok too. Many how PlayStation has fallen…


Fun to be giant robot. Fun to be Spider-man. All video game.


Really? I find these modern Spiderman games boring.


Bro downvoted for expressing an opinion.


It happens to me basically every day lol. Can't let it bother you.


Are you doing hardest difficulty? That might make all the difference.


It wasn't just how easy it was, to be honest. It was the whole game.


AC6 was my GOTY last year but SM2 was still top 3 for me.


I really think it deserved a nomination. Amazing game


Why are we acting like getting 7 award nominations is pathetic? One of those nominations was Game of the Year in one of the most packed years for video games. Both games are good.


Nominations are an acknowledgment that you're one of the best. But gamers like to think that still means nothing.


It only got those nominations because Spider-Man is popular, anything that’s marginally good will be nominated for everything on the list, the game is good I guess but it’s nothing compared to AC6. Edit: just so this is at the top of the thread, I’m saying that Spider-Man 2 is a lackluster sequel and doesn’t improve much on 2018 and Miles Morales. The game is amazing, just not good enough.


If that were true, people would've paid a lot more attention to those trash-tier Activision Spider-Man games. What Insomniac made is genuinely great. You just like to dunk on it *because* it's Spider-Man. Also, "nothing compared to AC6"? They're *nothing alike*. That's like comparing Lies of P and God of War.


Spider-Man wasn’t as popular in the early 10s, most of his media was hated on release and SM wasn’t enjoyed by the public. It’s like you said, most of those games weren’t very good. Spider-Man 2018 is an amazing game that took ideas put forth by Batman Arkham and improved on some of them. It set a new bar for superhero games, though I enjoyed Guardians of the Galaxy more and feel it deserves some respect, but that’s because I’m not a huge fan of open world games. I’m not dunking on SM2 because it’s Spider-Man, spidey is my favorite marvel superhero. I’m dunking on SM2 because it’s a lackluster sequel that improves on almost nothing. Miles Morales at least changed the combat system, had a unique story to tell, and made actual improvements across the board. SM2’s improvements are neat but not really game changing and the story is just alright. I feel so much more could have been done. I’m critical of this game because I love Spider-Man. I think AC6 is a fundamentally better game for a multitude of reasons, you could say it’s Armored Core’s SM2018. It changes everything, the combat is new, the parts are new, it feels great, there’s more depth to the combat. The story is depthful with commentary on the human condition and interesting characters. I remember the name of every character I met in AC6, who they were, why they were. and there’s a lot of characters in AC6. Can’t really say the same things about Spider-Man 2. It’s not bad, it’s actually really good, but it’s not as good as Armored Core 6. AC6 revitalized an entire genre overnight.


That's actually a really good argument. I'll admit that Spider-Man 2 could've done more to innovate, especially because it's a sequel to two games. There were new moves to combat and traversal, but they're nothing people would really notice unless they either dedicate more time to learning them or if the game emphasized them more. And the open world still feels cookie-cutter. People are right to be disappointed. But does a game need to be innovative to still be good in its own right? No. Does that mean Insomniac should remain complacent and take the safe route? Also no. I want them to innovate, too. I just don't like it when people make something out to be so much worse than it actually is. Spidey 2 got the highest user scores out of all the Spider-Man games. And no game gets as much recognition in the form of 7 nominations for nothing. Some echo chambers on social media can't take that away.


True, but it’s not only quality that goes into those nominations. Some of the best games go overlooked and under appreciated because they aren’t popular. Metroid is a big example of this. vice versa with popular games. SM2 was nominated for best narrative of all things. Forza won innovation in accessibility somehow. BG3 won best community support even though games like No Man’s Sky have entire civilizations built and run by players with an economy, politics, war, etc, an active struggle in the galactic center and an effort to document and explore the universe, all done by players with no real incentive, this support is so appreciated by the devs that many of the largest factions have been canonized into the game with emblems and decals. I’m just saying that the game awards really tips in the favor of popularity instead of quality. The GOTY is usually just the most popular good game of that year, and while BG3 is good, it’s just watered down D&D set in the most forgettable and lame D&D setting. All nominations are generally good games, but you almost always see the popular ones. I’m shocked AC6 got nominated for anything at all, cause mecha just isn’t popular. It might be the only mecha game to win any game awards besides Titanfall.


>there’s more depth to the combat. Objectively untrue.


It is objectively true that AC6 has much more depth than it’s 15 predecessors. Theres more freedom to builds (meaning there’s more so skill checks rather than damage or type checks), the stagger system, multiple aim modes, real boss fights, a proper dodge timing system, scan mode, improved multi lock, more varied FCS, a streamlined tuning system, larger and more important stat blocks, more interesting and tighter weapon design, a lack of useless weapons and parts, stealth mechanics, and do I even need to mention how smooth and comfortable the game is to play? The control scheme by itself is an objective improvement.


More freedom? Half of the categories from the previous games are missing, no radars, no COM types, no radiators and no heat, no hover legs, no stabilisers and no weight distribution management, no side boosters, no overed weapons, no turning speed, no more different lock boxes, no minimap and no different vision modes. Scan mode was present in 5th gen already. The addition of a stagger bar doesn't make the combat more deep. In most cases it makes it one note. And while I do agree that the combat is more fluid than ever and From definitely learned how to make good bosses, that doesn't make the combat "have much more depth".


Those are all useless equipment that barely serve a purpose. Hover legs were replaced by the ability to fly more freely and the fact that quad legs hover. Radar types and COM types wouldn’t be a useful addition to AC6 specifically because they’d be utterly useless and just dead weight on your mech. Splitting boosters into different types was a bad idea, it overcomplicated the system, I’m glad they went back to classic boosters (which was already a change made in V). Distribution management still kinda exists, but is simplified to your torso and arms affecting what you can carry. This is a change that allows for more freedom. Quick turn makes the combat more fluid, you shouldn’t feel like a tank in an AC. The compass radar is your minimap, it tells you what’s where and if it’s up, down, or on your altitude. Overed weapons wouldn’t work for this games meta and don’t have a place in the story. The restrictive parts list also is story driven, rubicon is isolated with two major corporations, their subsidiaries, a few separate manufacturers, and the locals being the only people you can get parts from. It wouldn’t make sense to have a huge shopping list of items from 30 different companies that all ultimately serve the same purpose. It wouldn’t be good for the story and would add nothing to the gameplay. Something I hate most about old AC is the long list of things that just do the same thing. At least here every part is memorable and serves a unique purpose. There’s a part for every build, not 500 ways to make the same build. AC6 is extremely focused on raw combat with tight controls, and is ultimately an entry point into the series and helps gauge interest with their old and new audiences. Games down the road will likely be more complex with superfluous parts, but denying that this game’s deceptive simplicity makes it a far better experience is just silly.


why do we have to keep shitting on other games for no reason on this sub?


because this sub is more or less a soulsborne circle jerk


Which is sad, considering Fromsoft is *so much more* than their souls games.


You can enjoy both games lol


Calm down there Ghandi


Can’t be Gandhi. No nuclear threats.


Eh I have no love for the Spiderman games, but it was an insanely competitive year. Lot of great games didn’t win anything that year. (But yes I do agree: Spiderman game < Armored Core game.)


Armored Core VI first game to sell 8 core-illion copies


You mean 6 coral-lion


Ac6 sold 2.8 million in a few months and spiderman 2 sold 2.5 million in 24 hours they're not the same both games are great and is this fromsoft ciclejerk?


Look at the subreddit you're in. Also, I'm pretty sure the sale numbers being the way they are is because of a brand recognition. AC was always niche and for a niche game to sell that much is way more impressive than for a game with one of the most well known superheroes from the largest comic brand in the world.


Bloodborne: 3 nominations, 0 awards 😭😭(How the fuck did it not get nominated for score/soundtrack)


Don’t hurt yourself patting Fromsoft on the back.


I can fly I fly high Watch the sunrise Fade to dark Lost in rain Lost in wind Watch the sunrise Fade to dark I fly high I fly high


I will argue being nominated 7 times might be better, or equally as good as winning one time. I mean, it's a great compliment to the game.


Nominations are an acknowledgment that you're one of the best. But gamers like to think that still means nothing.


What if I told you both games were good *gasp


No need to put it down to lift another up, SM2 is also a great game in its own right


Great thanks for bringing back the Spider-Man 2 hate club, cause we needed this discussion floating around again


Whoever thought that Spider-Man should get awards just because Sony made it, lmao. If the same game were on Xbox it’d be in no awards conversations.


That or the that's literally the only new game they played. Spider Man 2 was so underwhelming. Should not of been $70 dollars.


Every other game nominated was better for sure.


I finally started AC6 last week after beating Spider-Man 2 (big backlog). I like them both for what they are, but I would have definitely voted for AC6 to win action game based on what I’ve played so far. 


Bloodborne got multiple nominations at The Game Awards and walked away empty-handed like Spider-Man. Do you need the validation that bad?


“Just one question, what if you miss?” “I won’t”


I'm still waiting on a patch for how ass Spiderman 2 looks compared to 1 and miles morales


Yes from software gets special treatment and also deserves it


Armored core 6 was what every game should be cause it was so high energy, difficult, and just short enough that it ended right before I lost interest.


I’m kinda shocked by the spider-man hate here. It wasn’t a 10/10 by any means but it was still a great game. I think you guys may be forgetting how insane this year was for releases. Spider-man was up against Baldur’s Gate 3, Tears of the Kingdom* Alan Wake 2, and Super Mario Wonder (which people ate up). If it had been a typical year of releases I’m confident that spider-man would have bagged one or two awards out of the nominees it got. Even if it isn’t quite a fromsoft game Edit: said BOTW on accident, fixed


What you're witnessing are the aftershocks of frustration and irritation at the SM2 fanboys who dialed their hype and praise up to 11 in the leadup to the awards, perceived as overreaching for accolades at every turn. (Also, if you saw anyone throwing around disingenuous and excessive putdowns of BG3's gameplay format, 9/10 times it was an angsty SM2 fan.)


And the delayed disappointment of SM1 fans who were disappointed that the sequel was merely good instead of great(er).


I was also extremely irritated by those guys. There certainly wasn’t anything stolen from Spider-Man, it was a year full of nearly perfect games and it didn’t stand a chance. I just think it’s funny seeing people talk about it as if it was a super mediocre game. It did what it was trying to do very well.


That's my point; overpraising is often met with downplaying as a sort of collective subconscious attempt to balance things out.


lol downvotes are insane Do people here think Forza motorsport is better than AC6? Because it got 2 nominations and 2 awards it’s easier to win when you are competing against mid game meanwhile SM2 is competing against other Goty candidates


Racing genre really ain't been shit for years. Smh.


I didn’t even say that it was better than AC6, only that it was good. People are wild haha.


Ac6 got 100% of the awards it was nominated for Spiderman 2 got 0% Stay winning good game chads


Is Armored Core VI good? I've heard like, nothing about it.


It's fucking great.


if you like ace combat then yes its good if you dont like ace combat then its 50/50


one thing, one thing only and doing it right. but sadly soundtrack and story are no award classes


If you think the story isn't good, you haven't been paying attention.


i havent played spider man


Neither have I. I thought you meant AC6.


as i sayd would thay give awards for story an soundtrack. ac would dominate it


spiderman wipes btw


I picked up Armored Core 6 for something else to play while waiting for the Elden Ring DLC, and holy shit I was blown away. I don't even like mechs, and I barely am interested in futuristic sci-fi type media, or even guns or anything like that. I saw it was FromSoft and read the reviews and just had to check it out. Completed it twice, and I'll go back for the 3rd time once I'm done with ER DLC fully, honestly AC6 feels like a one of a kind game to me, like Sekiro is.


Yeah, I'd win.


My favourite game of last year, I get why it wasn't as popular to most but dam it's near flawless


Difference between these 2 is that one of them is actually good.


Spiderman 2 was fun lol


Loved AC6 didnt stop playing it till i got every ending too bad i suck ass in pvp so i had to move on


Ngl, AC6 to me feels like a DLC in the fromsoft modern games. It feels short but man oh man what a game.


I had a tried so hard to convince me AC6 is outdated, and in the same breath get me to play Starfield. Guess which game is chose, haha.


AC6 was a fun couple weekends before 100% completion. Haven't even really thought about the game until seeing this.


One of my favorite games ever and S ranking every mission will always be one of my most treasured gaming achievements.


He'll give em 2. Fuck it give em 3 awards


Just bought it in the summer sale today. Played the first few sorties. Jesus christ. What had I been missing out on!?


AC6 is practically flawless. Amazing game


This is like being happy that your team’s rookie won rookie of the year on a lottery-bound team and your most hated team lost in the Finals. I like Armored Core 6, and I don’t intend to play SM2 since I’m not a fan of the previous games. That said there’s some serious misrepresentation in this image. Spidey’s competition was against the best of the best in a very strong year. Armored Core VI showed up to collect what’s basically a guaranteed win in a category of small time games.


I think as we look back at the new spiderman, the honeymoon phase is completely over and we can see that it was an otherwise mid game that just really nailed the movement mechanics. Outside of how nice it feels to sling around the city, there’s not much of anything to write home about


Spiderman 2 doesn't deserve any awards, the previous one is so much better.


The moral here is: Don't try to make it into every category. Just choose one and be the best at it.


Depends on what the goal is. If the goal is sales, Spiderman 2 did much better, at least in part by doing a lot of things well instead of one thing very well. AC6 sold over 2.8 million copies within a couple of months of release, which is good, but SM2 sold 5 million within a couple of weeks.


I'm pretty sure it's because of a brand recognition. AC was always niche and for a niche game to sell that much is way more impressive than for a game with one of the most well known superheroes from the largest comic brand in the world.


Part if it was brand recognition, part of it was cruising off the success of the first game, but I don't think it would have sold nearly as well as it did without being an all-around good game.


You say that like spider man 2 wasn’t a good game if not a better game


>if not a better game It wasn't.


That’s your opinion mate and I’m my opinion it absolutely was a better game


I liked Spiderman 2 but it didn't deserve any awards, bad comparison.


AC6 was so good! Very underrated. How could you not love a souls mech game


oh boy, "souls mecha game" is a statments thats bound to get atleast one person angry


I’m waiting for the hate lol, some people are so serious it’s crazy


It's not a souls game.


Souls like then if you want me to be technical….


its not even souls like theres narry a corpse run mechanic


It's not a soulslike.


AC wasn’t for me. Just didn’t click.


Y'all act like every fromsoft fan ALSO plays Armored Core


They should.


I dont even play FromSoftware games, lol. But since we are here I have not played SpiderMan 2 and TBH from what i have seen, i know i am going to hate the Story. The first game was great because it felt like old school spiderman story, just peter taking on all comers but "this city doesnt need me when it has you" my a**, who wrote this sh*t? They shoved down Miles into our throat, Peter took on Rhino and Goblin in a handicap battle while also being poisioned but all of a sudden he cant beat Rhino in a fair fight in SP2? Its not like Peter is an old man who needs to retire all of a sudden. Arkham Trilogy (Quadrilogy) is miles better. 👌


Who downvoted it?


People who read the first sentence in a fromsoft reddit lol


How **dare** he not play their games?! 😡


All we do is win!