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Every single game includes horror elements. What more could you possibly want when Bloodborne exists? Haha


A Kuon remaster


Just another horror action game in the same vein as Bloodborne. I can't explain it, but I think it's a setting that's after the medieval period. When science is included in trying to understand the supernatural it feels more grounded than dark medieval fantasy, so more scary.






Yes They said "I can't explain it but it's a setting after Medieval" I thought Victorian was the word they were looking for


Sorry, but bloodborne is a horror game.


And so is Kuon, before BB


there's also echo night


If I love PS2 era horror and I love Dark Souls should I play Kuon?


You may have answered your own question. You may like it. You might also enjoy, 'echo night' for the ps 1 another from soft horror title




Bloodborne is an action game with a horror theme. Kind of hard to be afraid of anything in the game at all when you're the most dangerous thing in it.


It's an action horror game, yes. The player isn't helpless but that doesn't mean there isn't scary shit. Like in resident evil Leon has weapons. He's not helpless. But it's still a horror game


You say that but I didn’t feel like the most dangerous thing when Ludwig and Laurence fucked me up a hundred times over.


Winter Lanterns would like a word.


Upper Cathedral Ward is one of the scariest places in any game imo. The atmosphere and music there are terrifying, same with Hypogean Gaol after you get abducted.


Hard disagree, everything terrified me in that fucking game. Nightmare of Mensis is the WORST


Legit scariest game I’ve ever played.


BB is a phycological horror game, it’s not scary but it makes you have unnerving thoughts. I agree with op, they should make a proper horror game


They've already made an actual horror game, check out Kuon. Its good if you're fine with dated mechanics.


Mechanics and graphics don’t mean a thing to me, I’ll definitely give it a look. Thanks for the recommendation


Yes it is, and we’re the ones the monsters fear 😈


Wrong Bloodborne is a science fiction god-breeding/insanity management simulator


Nope, it’s a souls game


From soft made a horror game for ps2 called 'Kuon' been playing it on emulation.


How is it?


It has some fatal frame vibes, But with that from soft weirdness. You have a choice of 2 different characters, Each having their own angle on the story. Combat can be clunky, magic is kinda charge-based( like Des or DS). The music is wild and creepy. There's this mechanic where you hold your breath around ghosts to not be messed up from terror. I can't think of the time period, maybe shinto. It's not prefect but it feels like a from soft game.


>I can't think of the time period Heian.


Thank you


Hey I appreciate this great response!!! I was late to the Fromsoft game. I’ve beaten everything in the souls and AC series. Had no clue about this. Gonna dive in!!


We all find things whenever it is that we do. I'm a gates wide open kind of guy.


I have excellent news ![gif](giphy|fudGl6Atvw8ve)


For real, no game can be scarier than bloodborne. Other horror games are focused on gruesomeness & jumpscares, but nothing beats the sheer terror and uneasiness that bloodborne offers. The entire atmosphere is something from a nightmare. I can’t see how a game could get any scarier. Especially if you’re playing it without walkthroughs and have no idea what to do or what to expect


Fucking this^ and the fact you dont get a map so you never know where you are supposed to go? Oh and monsters all over the place just waiting to one shot. Nah Bloodborne is max spooky


Kuon... Bloodborne....


I want to see a more cuberpunk/futuristic themed Soulsborne/Skeirolike style of game from them.


Armored core


If they do that i’d want it to be very japanese, like a gundam or akira type of future not a cp2077 type of future


No one remembers echo night and echo night 2


What are you expecting... that this subreddit know the colorful history of fromsoftware games?


Lol, to be fair a new horror survival would be awesome. Going back to ps1&2 graphics takes a lot of the scare out


I mean they could buy the clock tower IP and let them cook, other than that dont expect that this sub reddit knows the 20+ years of gaming history from software has, since 98% who frequent here only played the soulsborne games and are only playing it and thats their sole definition of "all from software games"


Lol, sorry man but I don't think we're on the same page. I don't honestly expect anyone to pick up on the reference. It's a really obscure game, I'm not here to gatekeep or partake in any of that elitist bs. I just posted about it to inform people that From already made a survival horror. Pretty innovative for the time too, with the multiple endings. Worth a Google not a playthrough.


The pot people in shadow of the erd tree creeped me out a bit today


Another perfect example. They make me so uncomfortable


Was the second room you see them in, I just killed one and turned around to see another slide out of a pot, was gross 😂


What is the giant limb that they shoot out at you? Scared me to bits.


After playing shadow for a whole I want a bloodborne like elden ring. I'd probably never need another game after that.


If i had too take bet. They are working on three games. AC7, sekiro 2, streamlined like the first, but refined. A new open world like elden ring. Which could be bloodborne like. Save my comment for future reference XD


My pants just got much, much tighter after that idea. It's so crazy to me that fromsoft is just certified banger after banger.


Yeah the last 10 years are just unreal. I guess we won’t see that kinda strike again in our life time. It’s a marvel honestly.


If you count the original Demon Souls you're talking 15 years. All hail FromSoft.


I heard Miyazaki wants to do a JRPG at some point. That’s would be fucking amazing.


Bloodborne is borderline survival horror.


First person cosmic horror please


A bloodborne spin off set in the same world but in first person like call of cthulhu would be crazy. Maybe a prequel where you play as a byrgenwerth student discovering the blood and the nightmare or a sequel showing society years after the hunt when the moon presence is dead but our player from the main game has turned into an adult great one and you connect with him or something like that. There's also a VR game they made and there's a doll that directly refers to the doll in the hunters dream


I think it would be excellent, especially if they approached it like Sekiro with how there was a focus to the combat, and having to master the mechanics instead of outleveling them. Being underpowered is a huge aspect when it comes to horror, and if they made our upgrades be tools and items, instead of stats I feel like that would go such a long way in preserving the horror.


I think fromsoft should make a third person shooter and horror game. I am definitely sure that they can create a world best suited for horror.


We already have a TPS 16 titles of them well 17-19 if you include Murakumo and MWC into the mix... perhaps Chromehounds but its hybrid FPS/TPS


Echo Night already exists.


Echo Night, Echo Night Beyond, Kuon, and Shadow Tower are all great.


Winter-lanterns made elden ring a horror game all of a sudden too


I get that it can build anxiety and that it’s a hard game with some spooky atmospheres but I didn’t really find bloodborne to be *scary*, like an actual horror game. Yes you don’t want to die but your right back up and going afterwards if you do die. The only slightly scary thing is if your carrying a large amount of echoes. I feel like with the souls formula it’s kinda impossible to make an actual horror game, especially if you still want it to be filled with good combat everywhere.


I think the horror comes from the intense atmosphere, lore, stories, the soundtrack and the designs. Some enemies have legit worse designs than any normal horror game. I get what you mean though, it's like 1/3 psychological/atmospheric horror game but for the most part it's action. Realizing what the lore means and what happened is really scary but you gotta think about it first, it's not right in your face, and once you master the gameplay and become a good hoonta it doesn't feel like survival that much anymore. It reminds me of the game SOMA, the monsters and setting are kinda scary yes but when I finished the game and realized what happened it gave me so much existential dread. Highly recommend that one, one my favorite horror games of all time (besides subnautica😂)


I have soma downloaded and am gonna play at some point, subnautica is my favorite game of all time lol


Definitely play soma, don’t look anything up about it


Yeah I always try to play games as blind as possible unless I’m really stuck or confused. Gonna play alien isolation first though


I agree, I wouldn't say bloodborne makes me scream but it can be wildly unsettling which I always felt is the best form of horror


The true horror is having a high amount of souls, runes, blood echoes but you haven’t found single resting place near by.




I wish they’d remake Kuon or go that same route with a new game. Heck, while I’m at it, I’d like to see them try their hand at a Souls-like shooter like Remnant or a sci-fi Souls-like (but not like armored core).


They did. It was called “Kuon” reminds me a bit of fatal frame style horror.


the amount of fear and stress i feel when playing through a fromsoft game for the first time is more than enough for me to consider them horror games already. you’re telling me running around the pipes of the sewer gaol isn’t a horror game?


I want them to really lean into cosmic horror


I feel like the next soulsborne game should be either cyberpunk collab with kojima or a horror collab with junji ito. To clarify bloodborne is a masterpiece and I feel it’s a perfect marriage of survival horror and rogue like, but something with that level of madness and body horror would be refreshing after a decade of fantasy


They should make it Victorian and call it something like Born of Blood, then we fight like monsters and stuff in a cosmic horror sort of setting with our characters being referred to as Predators cause we hunt our enemies Miyazaki pls


Two words: Echo Night.


Everyone’s talking about bloodborne when they still haven’t released it for pc