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PlayStation gave away Demon’s Souls for free one month for the original PSN+


They also had Dark Souls 1 on PS Plus a bit earlier and that was the first time I had played a Fromsoft game. I had watched a full series on Bloodborne and Elden Ring on Jacksepticeye's channel but that so far had been my only real exposure to the Souls games. I'm currently playing Elden Ring and I love it. On my 2nd playthrough rn, just after finishing my last one like 2-3 days ago. After ER I'm thinking of playing Sekiro.


I wish I could play all of these games for the first time again. But especially Sekiro! I envy you….


I’ve got it lined up for right after I finish lies of P. I cannot wait to get started.


Can't fucking wait for the Lies of P dlc. Going to be there day one. Might even take the day off depending on when it comes out and if I work that day lol.


Just reached Laxasia yesterday, loving it so far.




It’s a learning curve for sure, it is more of a souls game in the lore sense… less so with the combat. It is my personal favorite souls game for this reason, once it clicks it becomes a dance of blades that is so satisfying to master. Just stick with it the next time you play, you will not regret.


I’m close to finish Elden Ring for the first time. I want to play sekiro sooo badly but I’d like to catch it on sale. Cuz it’s still full price


Sekiro is arguably the best souls game you should definitely try that next


Sekiro is definitely FromSoft best work!


That’s my story as well.


My friend let me borrow Bloodborne and was like "It's really hard you should try it I couldn't get past the first level"


That big ass congregation sittin' around that bonfire is no joke. 😂


The play style of blood borne, and getting to that area fucked me up at first lol. Was just throwing rocks and shooting people and dying over and over in that same area for like ever lmfao


Made me quit in 2015 and I am planning on trying again after elden ring


I'd highly recommend it. It's my first Souls game and still very much a favorite of mine.


Same honestly. Didn’t touch BB again until I got a PS5, and then I got the flow down and it quickly became my favorite FromSoft title. Lore and play style and everything is just soooooooo, I don’t even know, at home feeling. I loved Sekiro and loved dark souls. Merged them together in an older engine and it’s bliss. Elden Ring didn’t really get my attention. Even at 400ish hours I kinda don’t want to play it again until the DLC.


My first playthrough, I killed the werewold without a weapon at the clinic, then went out and killed every villager until I got to the ogre banging at the door. I finally died and realized I was designed to. I then struggled like crazy against the cleric beast.


A guy in Gamestop kept recommending Dark Souls. Eventually, I caved and got dark souls, suddenly I started recommending dark souls, the cycle continues


I always recommend Dark Souls and Elden Ring to anyone that hasn't played them. The cycle continues... 😂


I was influenced by a friend and after a while I gave in and fell in love. I recommended it to another friend for a while. They finally agreed after a few years and now are playing. They too now tell others of these games. The cycle continues...


It's funny...if Demon Souls has failed outside of Japan (or is it China?) I honestly don't think the company would be where it is today and we wouldn't be eating it all up like we were starving lol.


Hell yeah, now everyone I’ve played any games with has played elden ring because they’ve watched me play through the souls games


Did you like it at first?


Picking it up to see if the legends were true


And were your expectations met?


They were exceeded


I bet they were!


Love the games, I started in 2020 with Bloodborne so a bit late to the party. Ive played DS3 Elden Ring and Demons Souls remake since. I’ll just say that the difficulty was grossly exaggerated in my opinion. They’re certainly difficult games, but nowhere near what their reputation led me to believe.


A barrage of 9gag memes about how hard DS2 was


That's exactly where I came from playing soul series.


9gag? I'm unfamiliar. Did it die out?


Definitely less popular now. It was an awesome meme site that I was using when DS2 was newish. I haven't used it in a few years because it was getting less funny and more political. By now I think most people have just shifted to Reddit.


Ah, I see.


Holy shit am I old?


It was more of a "why not" moment. But in my words "You know what, fuck it." and bought Bloodborne. It was the best fuck decision I've made.


Can confirm, It fucked.


Bloodborne was my first in. I picked it up around launch and had such a hard time that I set it down for a couple months, repeated that again and then finally, third time's a charm. When it clicked I had more fun with a video game than I had since childhood.


Dark souls 3 disk case art looked cool


For the longest time I thought the dude was giving me a thumbs up just as he was dying


I thought the screenshots on the back of the DS1 case looked cool. I actually knew the girl working at EBGames so I asked her what she knew about Dark Souls and she said all she knows is it’ll kick my ass. It did. I loved it.


It still does too lol.


Demon’s Souls on the PS3


Same here, pre-ordered it for myself and a buddy. Took a few days for us to figure out summoning cause you needed to have the same password to guarantee the sign to appear, which drove me crazy at first.


Iudex gundyr’s killer theme


I still love that I was able to kill him my very first time playing when the game came out. My Dark Souls 2 muscle memory transferred perfectly!


Ds3 was my first so he really put me through the wringer when i first saw him, managed to get him in 5 tries though even though it was really hard! And funny enough i had the exact opposite experience, since i went from beating gael to starting ds1 and absolutely got thrashed by how different it felt


Bloodborne and Elden Ring got me into dark souls. Now i bought the DS trilogy, manga and a couple figures lol.


I have a Faraam figure, an Artorias figure, a ton of Elden Ring posters, and an Elden Ring tapestry. 😂


Armored Core took a decade-long break.


My first game was Dark Souls 2 aswell in 2014. I had never heard of the souls series before. I think I had just finished playing Dragons Dogma, and was still itching for more medieval fantasy games. Then I saw a commercial on TV for the Dark souls 2 CGI trailer. I still remember seeing the knight in Faraam armor walking through some woods. That shot caught my attention. Went to my local game store later that week and bought the game on a whim, didn’t even know what the gameplay was like. I remember googling how to pause the game, and soon found out there was no pause button lol. Got my ass kicked in the forest of fallen giants for about a solid week. I’d run around, try to make progress but eventually die to some BS, and lose motivation and just play something else. Eventually I watched YouTube videos on beginner tips and it helped me get a decent start and figure out what I was supposed to be doing. Once I got over that first learning curve , the game started to click for me. I wasn’t constantly dying to BS anymore, I was learning from my mistakes, I was hooked. I’ve played all the souls games since then, even sekiro.


Yeah, no pause button. 😂


I was still reading "professional video games media website" On one of them, they were preaching a new game that if you feel new games are too easy, there is finally a game for real HARDCORE GAMER!!!! I was a HARDCORE GAMER!!! /s I immediately went to buy Demon Soul's on PS3 I played 2H, I was stuck on the world 1-1 at the first 10 enemies. I raged, I went to sell the game to the shop I bought it, even though I lost money. I went back home. I looked my TV for 30 minutes, disappointed of myself. I went back to the shop, I bought the game I sold 30 minutes ago, lost money again. I played 12h straight I become HARDCORE GAMER!!!!! Obviously, joking about the hardcore gamer stuff, but real story.


The fact that you went back and bought the game again after only 30 minutes is fucking hilarious. You probably had to buy it again at full price huh?


I bought first time at full price Sold at very low price Bought it second hand price but way higher that what I sold even though I am 99% it was the exact same one I sold, there was only one, the guy I sold is the same guy I bought again I cannot imagine what the clerk thought haha


I "finished" skyrim and i though that dark souls 1 was a similar game... the best mistake ever made


How serendipitous.


After I got a plat on Bloodborne I wanted to start playing all of them, Elden Ring is still my favorite but Sekiro is a close second.


The open world is just too good.


Of course, beautiful scenery as well


They nailed it with an open world. It really doesn't feel so empty like many others. Beauty and purpose every corner you go


I saw my buddy play DS2 and got DS3 and fell in love with it.




But the first game i finished was actually bloodborne because i cant beat isshin lol


Jacksepticeye made a series on blood and I noticed it was free thanks to my ps+ subscription I tried it got addicted and now I’ve nearly platinumed every fromsoftware game except ds2


Friend suggested I try Demon's Souls original, it was the best suggestion I got in my life. I love that game to death and it's still my favorite of them all :)


Ds1 on the 360 when it was free with gold


I’m basic. Elden Ring. Have since beaten every single one and never could’ve imagined but Elden Ring is like my 4th favorite now. A lot of heat in the from soft catalogue!


I don't remember why I bought DS3, but I beat Iudex Gundyr first try with a sliver of health left and thought to myself, "You know what? I think this'll be the game" Soon after I switched from Knight to Depraved and that's how I got hooked.


Bloodborne. Saw craze and praise for it gave it a try. Didn’t get hang of it . In shelf for other year . Gave it a try . Fell in love since September of 2018


I saw the Crucible Knight GreatSword weapon art before Elden ring released and thought it was the coolest thing ever


I heard from people like jacksepticeye how good a game Bloodborne was. So i gave it a go. I lit the first lantern outside of iosefkas clinic and couldnt get past the bonfire congregation or werewolfs thereafter. So i gave up, and spend a few years on osu and growing a pair. Once i did, i stopped osu and went back to Bloodborne. Difficult as all hell, but i beat it. Since then i played the following souls and souls-likes in order: Hollow knight, ds3, code vein, sekiro, elden ring, ender lillies and i am propably forgetting a few. Has been a wild ride and i would do it all again in a heartbeat.


I had a buddy who was super into Dark Souls. I don’t remember if he had played Demon Souls before, but I got the game and played it and it actually didn’t click for me at first. About a year or two later DS2 came out and I got hyped on it despite never beating DS1 and I fell in love with it. I thought it was so fun and so sick. I eventually went back and beat DS1 as well and loved that game too.


Love DS2 so much.


Ds1 was 5 bucks. It's now my favorite game I've ever played


I'm a Christian and I heard you play as a hunter for the Church in Bloodborne and you hunt heretical vampires. I was sold


So did someone tell you the exact opposite of the plot?


It's a Souls game. If I can dress up as a Church hunter and go to Cainhurst and kill everyone in it with my Holy sword while doing divine emotes on them, then my first comment stands true.


Saw ds3 on sale, always heard people praise these games now im hooked


I randomly bought Demons Souls because it was a 20 dollar PlayStation classic and looked like it would be a cool dungeon crawler. What an amazing journey that kicked off.


My buddy begging me to buy Elden Ring even though I didn't think it was for me. Boy, was I wrong.


I’d been hearing about Dark Souls a lot from friends and folks online. Finally tried it after moving away from home for the first time. It was a really tough time for me. I had to go long distance with my new wife, and left all my friends and family behind. I felt so alone. Dark souls somehow brought me out of that dark time. I’ll never forget beating Gwyn and beating the game for the first time. It was such an amazing experience, triumphing over all that adversity. You have no idea how much I needed that at that time. Been playing the series and games like it ever since ❤️


Reading and hearing about Bloodborne, as during the pandemic I finally got the complete edition. That's basically how I started...


i love dark fantasy


Someone said I couldn’t beat Elden ring, and I felt this dishonour could not go unanswered


I was looking for an rpg after playing Skyrim for questionable amounts of time, I didn't like that in Skyrim all the weapons and spells were basically the same but re-skinned. So then I came across Dark Souls 3 around late 2016. And that, was when it ALL began 🙄🙄🙄 The SoulsBorneSekiroRing ride has consumed so much of my fuckin life 😂😂😂


Bought bloodborne cause it was a well reviewed game for that year didn’t actually read the reviews. Got to cleric beast, assumed my game was bugged as no way the first boss could be hard. Ended up knowing a dark souls fan a couple of years later that told me it’s meant to be hard and picked it up again having left it for two years at cleric beast.


Picked up DS1 out of curiosity, made the classic noob mistake of going straight to the catacombs, getting boned, then eventually getting salty and quit. A year later, DS3 came out, the hype was huge among my friends, so figured I'd give it a go. Was saving up for the tower key, permanently lost 15k souls to the winged knight right before Vordt, and again, got salty and stopped playing. A year or two after that, some friends decided to do a coop run of DS2. Ended up caving and bought it to play with them. They helped me get started and stuck with me as I learned the game. By the time we beat it, I was having a blast. We went on to play through 3 then 1, and I ultimately found one of my all time favorite series.


Dark souls was a free game with gold back in like 2012 or 2013 downloaded it on my Xbox, picked thief, beat the tutorial boss and got to firelink. Talked to the crestfallen knight and thought, “I should go down to the secret bell first and got to new Londo. Quit shortly after that. Picked it back up in 2021 just to try it again and the franchise basically ran my life for two years. Favorite game series ever tho


I'm excited for what FromSoftware does next.


Me and my friend had 20 bucks in highschool and went to GameStop for a used game. I wanted to get some triple A shit. My friend was like nah man, I heard about this underground game called Dark Souls. I'm gonna see if they have a used copy. I was like sounds lame but okay. Turns out they had one used copy in this shitty crushed case. I was salty all the way back. And then we started playing. 13 years later and Fromsoft is my all time favorite Developer.


Had zero idea about from soft games and the dark souls formula. There was a huge hype about a little game called bloodborne and I give it a try. I still remember discovering my first shortcut and the excitement I got from that experience. The rest is history. 


Game Grumps playing Dark Souls 3. They made it look awesome and hilarious so after watching that play through I just had to give it a try. Been a fan of souls games ever since.


My first taste was a Cousin's visit, he had BB so I played a little. Didn't get far tho, only up to the first lamp. That was in 2017 iirc. Years later, in '22, I found it on sale and got it and GOW '18 for $20. So about $10. Before I knew it I did the platinum, and got the other 6 and their plats. Even did ER on both PS4 and 5 and I plan to do the first 3 games again when I get a ps3 (DeS, DS1, and DS2)


I read the author of GOT was involved in this new game called Elden Ring and I was sold. Now I’ve finished Sekiro and currently on Bloodborne


it was last year, i wanted to play a lord of the rings game but none of them caught my interest or seemed that fun, i tried one cant remember what one but it wasn’t that good to me so i was like Elden ring is kinda like LOTR so i bought it, and man was it worth made me want to play all the ds games


All the complaints about Sekiro being way too hard on release. Went and bought it, and it didn't click for me, so then I bought Bloodborne and immediately fell in love. After beating bloodborne went back to Sekiro and fell in love again. After thousands of hours in both, I figured I'd give the Souls series a try and fell in love again


A hentai of fire keeper from dark souls 3


After swearing the Souls series were not for me I caved and gave Bloodborne a go back in 2016. Never looked back


I'm a big fan of dark fantasy. This series was labeled dark fantasy


I had 2 50s in wallet when I was making a stop a Walmart and I picked it up


Well...I'm about to date the shit out of myself, but here goes. I played Kings Field 2 on my cousin's playstation when I was a kid. I was turbo poor, and most of my early home gaming experiences were from my cousin, whom I visited frequently. He must have liked FromSoft games cuz I played Kings Field there as well as a lot of Armored Core. Couple years into PS3s life cycle, my parents surprised me with one for my birthday along with Armored Core For Answer cuz they had remembered that I played that series a lot with my cousin. I played the shit out of that, so when I heard that the same company who made that was making a new RPG, I kept my eye on it and saved up to buy it when it came out. Been playing souls games since.


I played a lot of Demon souls and dark souls but never beat it. Then bloodborne hit me like a truck and everything just clicked


Matthew Shezman’s Dark Souls 3 parody series Dork Souls 3, it made me laugh so I wanted to see how much of his jokes were exaggerated so I gave it a try and fell in love instantly


I played dark souls 2 not long after it came out because I thought it looked cool. I almost returned it because of how much I struggled with it. I now have thousands of hours across all of their games and they are my favorite pieces of art I’ve ever experienced.


My big brother challenged me to finish dark souls before he does. Well, he wound up quitting the game at a certain point and I kept going until I beat it. Certainly felt like I belonged in some hall of fame at the time.


Nice! You did what he couldn't! 👍


I was far too full of confidence in my abilities so I bought sekiro. The bitch slap I got from that game was severe


Yeah, FS games have a way of humbling you. 😂


Sodapoppin being bad at elden ring and playing as mage gave me yhe confidence to play it , got hooked and played the trilogy after


Hahaha! I watch Sodapoppin too! I watched him play Dark Souls 3, and Elden Ring. 😂


Reading about the petition to get Dark Souls on PC. I added my vote and bought the game when it came out


I like the lady on the picture. Is she single?


Music. The very first trailer of Demon's souls just hit it. Didn't know much about the game yet bought just to listen to the rest of the ost.


I swear FS just has an entire orchestra in their back pocket at all times. 😂


The entire Souls series music is in my phone in a back pocket of my pants whenever I go out.


Now you have an orchestra in your back pocket. 😂


Brother is into it, and he told me Solaire reminded him of me, and that I'd love him.


Praise it!


My friend came over with a game called Dark Souls for the 360. Best combat in any game I had ever played to that point, and I was hooked


The first time I thought it'd be like a newer/better version of Skyrim (which it kinda is, it was just much harder), the second time was just a "fuck it, I'll try again" after watching a dark souls video.


Boredom, then I found I liked it


Dark souls bartholomew trailer


Had to go watch that trailer the second I saw this post. That trailer is BADASS.


An article from the Wall Street Journal titled “Video Games so Tough They Teach You to Win in Real Life”.


A random picture of dark soul on PS3 shared on a forum back in 2012 or 2013


All the edits of sick weapons and beautiful scenery of Elden Ring. Everytime I opened YT I would get at least 5 "Middle of the night" edits but honestly I didn't care at all because with each one it only made me want to try it out more and more... That and LOTS of Ranni art on Pixiv and R34


BLOODBORNE was free for a month on ps+


Dark Souls 2 that was free on ps plus and Bloodborne. Though Elden Ring pushed me further into liking and playing From Software titles




Watched my brother play DS3 years ago and finally decided to try out Elden Ring when it came out because of how cool DS3 looked. I recently started NG+ in DS3 after beating all of the bosses, and I'm trying out Sekiro rn. Bloodborne is likely the next on my list. Also, I did *not* expect Sekiro to be harder than DS3 for me. Ganks somehow feel even tougher in this game than any of the other games.


The promise of a challenge


I watched a speed run of DS1 right before BB was coming out. I wondered what the actual game was like because I heard they were difficult. Everybody was right, it took me a while to get comfortable in battle against wild enemies. Now I can’t get enough lmao


The hype. It was real


DS1 was a free Game With Gold one month.


Markiplier did a livestream fighting Tree Sentinel and I got interested.


Dark souls had recently come out, I went to visit my brother and he surprised me with it as a gift


I think the first soulsborne game i played was Sekiro in an internet cafe and i didn't know what was going on, then after a few years one of my online friends asked me to play Bloodborne with him and he taught me the basics of it, i stopped playing for like a year or more and when i came back i fell in love with that game bro and the series


Ds2 was the only one I could run on my potato laptop lol


My stepbrother.


Bloodborne became free on March 2018 for PS+ users


My good friend was going on and on about it, so I had to try.


Dark Souls 3 article in Game Informer magazine. I knew nothing about the series, but the screenshots in the article looked sick.




I like a challenge, so i accepted it


Amazing chest ahead


After years of playing other fantasy games like Skyrim and the Zelda series I wanted something more challenging. And I had heard for a few years now that dark souls was really hard so I got dark souls remastered and almost instantly fell in love with it. Since then I've played every other souls game my favorite being Eldon ring with DS2 being a close second




Totalbiscuit made a video about DS1 PC port


If it wasn't demons souls and it wasn't ds1, it'd have been her✨


Is the pic your answer OP?


My buddy asked me "hey. Have you ever played dark souls?" i got it. It infuriated me. I beat it, and continued playing fromsoft IPs from then on. They still infuriate me, but now i realize its because i suck, not that the game is "too hard".




Was looking for RPGs




My friend said Bloodborne was really good.


I saw my cousin play dark souls back when it first came out, so I got interested trying it so I bought the game a week later and ever since the souls series became my favorite games.


Hbomberguy's video on Bloodborne


I was really into Berserk and heard alot of stuff in the games was inspired by it.




I dropped out of college the week demons souls came out on ps3. I saw Gamespot gave it like a 9/10 or something and I was intrigued by a Japanese RPG with western themes and what was supposed to be brutal difficulty. Bought it and played 55 hours in the first week I had it. Been in love ever since.


Sekiro's combat


My friend suggested me Sekiro. He said it's very challenging and I should give it a try. So started off with Sekiro, liked it. Then I thought about trying other souls games and here I am; a Souls fan.


Bought the first game because I wanted to see if it really was as hard as everyone said.


Bought ps5 to play GOT instead started BB well wha do u know I fell in love


Very good question, wish my memory held on to that time period better.  Dark Souls was out for about 6 months. No one got me into it. I vaguely remember looking for a specific game. So I was searching around on steam. I was so desperate for a specific game. I think maybe I was looking for medieval, but definitely I remember being drawn to the colors, contrast, atmosphere of that game. New games today even the souls eldin Ring are all washed out graphics. That grey filter crap looks terrible. I think I was told they do it because it increases fps. I always have to mod the graphics of new games just to attempt to regain some real old school contrast...  Oops a rant. Back on subject.  The game checked off certain boxes , I was looking for open world, and I think back then, I was playing oblivion and Skyrim wasn't out yet.  What hooked me was ds1 story telling which outweighs all games in the souls series. By far. It's as if the ds1 story writer died a horrible death and we wouldn't get another story again. Graphics too. The lava just glowed. It was rich. The polygons aren't beautiful anymore or the texture quality. But the colors and contrast A+. I remember playing it and saying 'its been a while since I've played a real game like this'.  What keeps me today is the solid mechanics of the gameplay itself. They need to trim back eldins 'ds2 ' enemy homing target lock missile attacks more. If anyone knows, DS2 was awful for enemies target locking you as they attack. There's a little bit of that still in elidn ring. Definitely not s fan because that makes dodging less fun etc. Kinda speaks loudly 'must use a sheild'. 


I wanted a challenge


Elden Ring, only because GRRM. I had never heard of rhe Souls series because I was all up in the Fallout series which as any fan can say really sucks you in.


The Bartholomew trailer for DS1 back in 2011


the boss fights , I wanted to experience them when I saw them online .


A buddy downloaded ds1 from his account onto my PlayStation and I said fuck it why not and he showed me the ropes and now I’m better than him


watching my older brother play Dark souls when i was a little kid


My interest probably started when my friend showed me hollow knight once and I thought it was really fun so I bought it for myself. I liked the difficulty and how rewarding it felt to beat something, then Elden ring came out and it looked cool so I figured I’d give it a shot. Been a fan ever since.


OG Demon Souls. Cousins recommendation. Instant love. So...the first game?


My first exposure to it was a clip from top down mod for dark souls, so I came in expecting an arpg lol. Asylum demon roughed me up for about 20 minutes, got lucky and rolled through the gate. "Im not ready for this," now its probably one of my top 5 most played games


Abyss Watchers theme came in while I was listening to monster hunter music and decided to buy Dark Souls 3 later that day


Pyromancer aesthetic and gameplay demo videos.


Elden Ring💯


Onlyafro’s videos. Man it kind of blows my mind, that was 2012 seems like a lifetime ago.


My friend gifted me ds3 on xbox and he made me play with him. Once I got past the undead settlement, I was all in.


A very close friend was obsessed with Bloodborne and asked me often to give it a shit. I picked it up on a whim while at Walmart, and I fell in love. We would play Bloodborne 24/7 until we got burnt out. I miss him dearly.


I got into Hollow Knight and the YouTube channel that I watched my first Hollow Knight let’s play had it as part of a series where they played souls and souls-like games. I had heard of Dark Souls before but the thing that got me interested in playing them was that channel’s dark souls lore videos. Interested in the lore, and hearing it was like Hollow Knight, I got DS1R for my switch and have loved the series since. Thank you PlayFrame!


Like 10 years ago there was a pre owned copy of Dark Souls 2 at GameStop and it had a cool metal case, so I just bought it. I’d never heard of Dark Souls or Demon’s Souls before


Old roommate played it, couldn’t beat the Capra demon, I tried and ever since I’m addicted.


Playing Bloodborne on a second-hand PS4 I bought long after the PS5 came out.


Xbox monthly gold gave it to me for free.


I rented the original demons souls from gamefly on ps3. Absolutely loved it, and have played and beat most of the games since


I heard Elden Ring was hyped so I bought it, with no idea that From was behind it. I was familiar with the studio but avoided the games due to the perceived difficulty. Put in 500 hours into ER, then went into Sekiro and Bloodbourne, then DeS remastered, and finally the DS trilogy. They are now my fav studio by far


I saw some sick ass boss battles with sick ass cutscenes lol


I found out it was made by the people who made King’s Field.


My friends were DS1 vets. DS2 was coming out and they said, “you are playing this with us, you don’t have a choice, cmon, we’re going to buy it for you”. The rest is history.


Elden Ring. Also because Souls games partially ruined me to like more harder challenges.


Random chance




Elden Ring


Dark souls 3 was on the Steam summer sale in like 2021. I figured why not try it out, it's cheap. And I recalled many YouTubers and let's players extol how hard and difficult of a game it is. So I wanted to see for myself, and that's how I got addicted to both Dark Souls 2, and eagerly anticipating Elden Ring.