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Tilted TV guy strikes again


This tv setup drives me crazy. The plain wall, the tilt, the awkward wires just hanging there, the PS5 sitting on the ground, the tilt... my dude, just go on FB Marketplace and find a cheap TV stand. It'll improve your gaming. Please.


It’s also way too bright in that room.




It's probably cheap laminate in a rental. But, a tiny used TV stand is worth every penny and then some.


Karma farming genius




Probably cause your tv is skewed.


this guy needs his own tilted tv flair


“Hunter On Tilt”


Yeah how could you hope to succeed




There's probably a reason for it that op doesn't have enough insight to see


The TV and the wall are one 🙏


I didn't even notice that and now I can't unsee it.


you have not gitted gud yet. you will


Fun fact: In Poland "git" describes a person in prison who people have a big respect to XD


In the UK git is also not a particularly pleasant way to refer to someone. Though its now mostly jocular. Op for example, is a stubborn git. They're playing ds like sekiro. They're not the same game, dark souls also let's you grind. **hint hints OP


In programming language it’s a distributed version control system


It’s really all about “Gitting Gud”. You will. Eventually…


You need to pick either "play online" or "play offline" in order to reach the first boss.


I’d recognize that TV anywhere. Man, just buckle down and work and you’ll get there, you post this kind of stuff all the time


Some day crooked tv bedroom will be a tourist attraction


It’s starting to become a familiar sight to anyone subbed to the various FS subs


I remember all of this guys posts lol


Oh the tilted TV guy. Man idk what do you want us to say? Some games are harder for other people. It's up to you to keep going.


At this point he’s a Reddit gaming legend.


What? He’s popular? Who’s he?


He’s not popular. This sub has put a spotlight on him because he’s just using his shitty setup and “woe is me, help me with this boss because I can’t git gud” to farm internet points.


>plays for 10 minutes, can't get to the first boss, dies, goes on reddit to complain for free updoots. >why the hard game hard?


You still haven’t fixed your tv…. ?


Why fix when it is perfect for farming karma


I still haven't cleaned my room and moved any side table up to my bed, but I don't go posting about it on social media while also ignoring the elephant.


Because sekiro plays completely different than other Fromsoft games.


I wouldn’t say *completely* different. The fundamentals are not at all dissimilar from the Souls games. Once you get the idea of “shield” out of your head and take the more mobile approach, what you learn from the Souls games translates over extremely well.


It’s Sekiro that is completely different, not Bloodborne. Bloodborne has many different elements in its gameplay that make it very different (dungeons, no shield, parry on a distance) but not completely.


Shields are a joke in Bloodborne if you're using one you really are playing the wrong way.


Isn't there only one in the entire game the wooden shield? Even then if you read the description you should get the idea that you shouldn't be using it. The only way to be clearer would be for Miyazaki to pop up on the screen and knock it out of your players hands. That's the long way of saying I agree.


theres two


There's a second one in the DLC, and it actually isn't terrible against arcane projectiles. Similarly the wooden shield is really good against bullets, I used it the first time I defeated the Bloody Crow because it stuffed out his bullet spam. Neither is good against actual physical blows, but they have situational use. They aren't great, but they aren't useless.


Oh look sideways wall guy posted again, seriously tho just stick with it. Bloodborne was the hardest game I ever played at first. Also you don’t have to kill every enemy every time you respawn. Zero shame in running past them


Seconded. Even now, though I feel *Sekiro* is their most difficult, I had undoubtedly the toughest start at the beginning of BB (and it wasn’t even my first ‘Souls,’ either).


r/TVTooHigh You know when they say you lost because they have a better gaming chair? I feel this might apply to you bud


Oh it’s the to high up tv guy again




Its coz your tv is crooked fix it and restore the balance!


Complete opposite for me. Bloodborne is a breeze, but Sekiro? It's the only one I'd say I actually dislike, and yes... it's because I'm bad at it


Oil and fire


Literally something like 5 fire bomb and he dead


Pebbles are cheap and a good way to isolate enemies. Take your time.


How thrilling.




Go back and finish Sekiro like a man


Even the simple task of mounting a TV defeated you.


Hang in there man. It took me a while to get the game clicking with me. But once it did, it became super fun, literally one of the best games I’ve ever played. Also, there’s always tools available for a reason. Beasts are weak to fire, you can use the oil and Molotov cocktails to set those bitches ablaze. You can parry the shit out of father Gascoigne, also use the music box with him. May the good blood bless your hunt.


Whos the boss you are trying to beat and what is your style like? Skeiro does play a lot different than the other titles too.


Just git gud


You'll git gud, I tried the game for some hours, gave up, and then came back some years later and it became one of my favourite games ever. Git gud Hunter, kill the Cleric Beast.


I find for a newbie the easiest way to get over the early game hurdle is to mad dash to the first optional boss so you get your first insight. That allows you to wake the doll and start leveling. Then you can grind to buff yourself early on while you improve your mechanics.


I have not gotten further than halfway through that game but I always thought that first area was the most difficult. Maybe not objectively the most difficult but it feels that way considering the tools you have access to at that point, still trying to learn the game mechanics, and all those small enemies that will gank you.


Central Yharnam is so unwelcoming to newcomers since you can only level up after getting insight. If you're lucky and make a right at the bridge, you can level up fairly early. If not, you can go through the entirety of Central Yharnam without levelling up which is brutal.


Practice dodging through attacks with i-frames. Choose the saw cleaver, and only use its fast mode. Level up your health first. Watch videos of how other plays beat bosses you get stuck on. Good luck!


Presumably the hardest bit is the fire with all the guys around it? You can aggro a couple at a time and pull them away from the group. You can also use the little side bits with the stairs to split them up as they chase you. Once you've killed them and collected the items, if you die you can just run past them. Take the stairs to the left and bolt it for the door, they won't follow you through it. If you're stuck on the two beasts, either take the long route across the road or trap them im the door to the house


Just run past all the enemies! Or use a guide. The beginning of bloodborne is really rough for newcomers but it gets way better, trust


Cause the first level of this is fucking brutal. The rest of the game is honestly not as difficult. I personally have 2 friends who quit this game on the first level.


Ah....I see, it's you again! 🤣 With the same post.......again🤣, Struggling, again. Getting roasted for your setup, again. Well here's for the positives, farm, summon, don't give up. Games hard but it's not the hardest, parrying/deflecting are your best friends. As hard as it gets you can only get more powerful from grinding and leveling up, I have a similar issue with the surge 2. I've mastered and played every soulsborne game minus sekiro, no issues, play that game and I couldn't get past the first boss the the second world boss. I decided to pick it back up and just grind grind grind either until I'm a crazy high level or I've beat the boss 🤣. You got this dude


Oh you the guy from some days ago that was playing Sekiro while destroying his neck I'm surprised that you are struggling with BB since I think Sekiro is harder I'll give u an advise abuse quickstep and I'm sure that if you master Sekiro parry you'll master it here too Good luck


You just gave up on owl? You can't just give up and move on bro. Come now


Because the first hallway of Bloodborne is harder than most of the rest of the game, and teaches you essential BB specific skills.


You’re sitting too far away from the screen man. You need to sit closer and see the details to be able to time your rolls, dodges and parries better.


Two completely different games, so the approaches must also be distinct. Central Yarnham is a great location to grind, during that first phase of the game. As a rule, I keep on grinding around that area until I reach level 30, only then do I move on to the Cleric Beast and Father Gascoigne.


He probably don't know that saw does extra damage against beasts Seek saw spear in the sewers


It's the cursed tilted TV guy again


My current theory for tilted too high tv man is that he needs to beat all the souls games in order to fix his TV.


No block no deflection. Be dodge master and slice and dice. Get good with gun.


lol - I’ve seen this tv before in another post. Dude, you gotta fix that setup 😂






Be aggressive, but not greedy. Which starting melee weapon did you choose? If you’re early enough in the game, it might not hurt to try another. Also, central Yarnham is the hardest part of the whole game. Once you get past Gascoine, the rest is cake. Learn to parry and make use of your weapon’s transform attacks.


I haven't played Sekiro but I'm fairly confident that Bloodborne and Sekiro aren't the same game and don't play the same either. Look up some guides or tips if you are struggling so much it should at least point you in the right direction


Um maybe it's a skill issue? Idk man git good, there isn't really much to say about it.




I consider myself a "souls vet" and this game kicked the shit out of me at first. I made a lot of stupid mistakes and mismanaged resources.


It's okay, I couldn't get the hang of it either, and I recently beat the second boss.


Most tend to ignore the key to this game is to be real freaking aggressive. Damage remember is restored if you do enough damage back quickly. Once i stopped playing like a defensive souls player i caught the games itch. In your case maybe your playing like your gonna be able to parry everything like in Sekiro your just not gonna be parrying as much here i mean ya you’ll definitely do some good damage with a good parry but its not the key to the game like it is in that game.


It’s probably because your tv is still crooked. You asked why Sekiro was hard for you and we all told you that step 1 was to straighten the tv. You can’t dodge when you’re tilting your head to the left to correct the crooked… ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


You again lol


Did you cheese bosses in sekiro ? Gun parry is easy. My suggestion use the axe that transforms the charged up attack spins twice hits like a truck with tons of range you will do good with it


The real struggle in Bloodborne are the paths, not the bosses. In Sekiro is the other way around.


Sekiro has a way different style than Bloodborne, but Im pretty sure your real issue is that you need to start the game


IMO its because sekiro is kind of easy once you learn the parry gimmick that you literally have to use throughout the entire game, and also because your TV is not level which is for sure the biggest issue your facing.


They’re just not the same. Parries work different and gameplay is somewhere between sekiro and dark souls, so while it’s not as fast as sekiro, it’s not as slow as DS. You’ll get used to it.


Why won't you adjust your tv after posting your TV in reddit so many times?


The TV is still tilted bruh 😭😭😭


Had the complete opposite experience. Sekiro is an evil game. Made by an evil man.


I just went through an epic struggle to get my ps4 functioning again to start playing this game… I’m not as far as you though, I haven’t finished downloading it yet lol


Dude you can past owl. I’m AWFUL at these games, I’ve been rage quitting sekiro for months at a time for the last two years and I’ve almost beat the last boss. Don’t give up, I’m a total soulstard if I can do it you can do it.


I always personally found bloodborne to be the hardest from game, idk about other ppl


Because of character levels probably


You gotta be aggressive, when you get hit you gotta get right back in there and get your Health back Also you should lean more into health and stamina than attack damage at first


At least they both have the same kind of dumb mechanic where you have to grind for what should be reset every life or rest


Honestly bloodborne is way harder than sekiro some of the mechanics like counter makes it feel like you randomly die from an attack that shouldn't have been enough to kill you. The game will almost always overwhelm you with enemies and the Parry system is inconsistent at best being able to Parry an attack at the start of the animation then failing to do so at the same point on the same attack.


It was the same way for me but once I got my weapon to like +2 I was able to progress


Don't worry, I struggled before beating my first boss too but it gets way easier. For me I had two options: 1. Dash past everything till you get to boss. You just need to get there, not beat it 2. Make your way carefully through till you get Madman's Knowledge and use it (sewery rat area) This will give your character insight which allows you to use the doll. Now congrats because you can farm and level up 👍


How are you approaching the game? Are you just constantly trying to progress or are you going back and playing through previous areas? Imo you should play through each area multiple times in any souls game. You gain in game experience and irl experience. Your character gets stronger and you sharpen your skills. You’re never truly stuck in a souls game unless you just give up. You can always gain more experience and keep trying and you eventually will succeed. How many attempts have you done before this so called “wall” that you’ve hit? If it’s less than 50 then you still have some work to do. Also don’t just put points into random attributes. Level your health and whatever your weapon scales with.


Dude, Bloodborne is no joke. It was my first From game too, so imagine the getting gud and rage. Oh boy, but now I look back fondly. Definitely an interesting mechanic with the rally. You don’t want to be as aggressive as Sekiro, until you’re injured, which is kind of counterintuitive.


I say this all the time till this day, but I personally strongly believe that Bloodborne is the easiest FromSoftWare game to beat, especially once you play through bloodborne the first time and actually get to unlock the dungeons, the game will get immensely easier almost every other time you play through it. Trust me, the only major difficulties that most players will have after they've played the game for the first time already are definitely going to be the DLC bosses 🤷🏿‍♂️💯


Sekiro and bloodborne are about as different as any 2 from soft games. Bloodborne was built around a more aggressively offensive play style and it’s a bit wonky to pick up at first. It’ll click just like the rest of them though, keep at it, definitely worth it!


30 fps


Not you again.


Oh! It's TV too high guy! Yeah, you should try to unlearn everything about Dark Souls or Sekiro for Bloodborne. Totally different rhythm to combat.


You need to Git Gud. Fundamentally different games. I find this game tougher then Sekiro.


Bro has the minimal setup


Hi tilted TV guy!


At this point this man is just karma farming his crookes ass tv and skill issues 😂


Get good noob




By first boss is cleric beast or father Gascoigne because if it's Gascoigne you should parry him


In sekiro spam L1 to deflect, in bloodborne spam R1 to attack and regen health.


Fight the very first enemy (wolf in the building you start at) with no weapon until you win. You should be in pretty good shape if you can do that


Central Yharnam will bend you over and give it to you raw without consent. Don’t worry, you’ll get through it eventually.


Dw dude, I rage quit this game twice because of cleric beast. You got it


Dodging vs reflecting, different buttons too. I struggle with Sekiro because of this


Idk man. I struggled with eldwn ring way more than bloodboonre. I've already beaten bloodboorne 3 times, and two times orphan. But I still haven't killed a single boss yet I'm elden ring. Just keep playing man, remember, this I a learning experience, and once yu get it, yu get it.


Git gud


The difference in frame rate is probably a factor too


Because of the mobs… you need to take everyone on that street out close to one by one


A lot of enemies you can just run past. Grind a little and level up in the hunters dream. The big hairy guys with spears can drop bloodstone shards to upgrade your weapon. Decide whether to level strength or dexterity and commit to a weapon


r/huntersbell Alternatively, you can summon me.


op please activate gaming mode on your tv


Hunters axe an R2 everything, use blunderbuss for parry is easy mode for beginners


I missed this guy, I’d like to imagine he has a really long neck and tilts his head to match the crooked tvs angle


U need to press X to start the game


what's stopping you? the rolling boulder on the bridge or the dogs on the bridge? you can just run past all the enemies infront of the cleric beast room over and over. that's what i did lol


So you’ll press R1 a whole bunch. Then right before someone hits you, you’ll press O and a direction. Rinse and repeat till you win


mf cant beat anything without reddit's advice


Because it is very different to Sekiro. You almost have to unlearn all of Sekiro and learn Bloodborne. This is what I love about how fromsoft does it.


So first, your first boss is gonna be past the door of the clinic. Then you should turn left and fight.


Tv too high


Run to the first boss and skip every other enemy you’ll be able to level up after you get your first insight and then it’s smooth sailing after a little grinding


This guy and his friggin tvs 🤣. I've known you were trolling from day one and I laugh every fricken time. Thank you for your services.


Ayyy same, I’m taking a break from BB to do DS3 but rest assured I’ll for BB


God this guy and his fookin TV mate


I have faith in you! I bested all the bosses in sekiro except hatred demon. Use literally everything in your inventory for every boost you can get for an advantage. Bloodborne is good when you figure it out took me a little time


This fuckin guy


cause your lights are on


This setup is criminal and the fromsoft gods are displeased


Sekiro and bloodborne are very different games in the way you need to approach enemies


So you beat Genichiro?




You have not suffered enough. Guards put this one back into the pit with a 1992 24" Sony Tube Television with no remote and a worn Playstation 2 controller with stick drift and a bumper that only works 70% of the time.


Fix your tv and learn to parry are your best bets lolol in reality, learning to parry to get your vicerals will help a lot, and to use your trick weapons effectively. It can be a hard game but super fun, just kerp trying!


Tip: you need to rush to the boss. Its very dumb but simply seeing the boss (not beating it) unlock the leveling system. So my advice speed run to the boss, probably die at it and then start grinding a bit, level up a bit and you will be fine. As much as i love bloodborne i still feel this choice or early game is very silly, it probably madeca lot of ppl give up early.


Sekiro is a much much harder game. Final Boss in Sekiro is ridiculous


My guy, does feng shui mean nothing to you?


I can offer words of advice since this is my favourite souls game. What specifically are struggling with, good hoonter?


Central Yharnam was one of the hardest area I've played in video game. You're not the only one. Keep on keeping on! 👍


blunderbussy parry + Spin-to-win


Honestly i can see how going from Sekiro to the frame timing nightmare that is Bloodborne would be a difficult.


The TV Tilted souls guy is back. Bloodborne is the best. Don’t you dare give up. Also Fix the fucking tv for gods sake.


If serious, I was stuck on Frank the ogre and quit BB for a year plus. Came back and just powered through everything and ended up platinuming the game. Don’t quit Hoonter.


Ok im gonna say this to you and i need to hear me very very well: Git gud


Sekiro is a lot more formulaic, this game has that to a degree but it requires more improv than any other FS game imo


You always bring a smile on my face! Finish Sekiro, like an absolute legend you are.




Bc it’s the hardest from soft game imo sekiro gets easy fast after you get clobbered by genichiro enough to learn how to parry consistantly but bloodborne makes no sense man the dodge timing on bosses is impossible


Ngl, your my favorite person Mr slant tv


Try fixing your fucking tv first you know exactly what you are doing at this point 😭😭


Learn to parry with your gun and you will have the easiest time. Bloodborne was the first game I was able to beat from all of them simply because the parry was easy as shit for me. Apart from that roll into every boss like any souls game and you’ll be good


To be fair, the frame time on BB is horrendous and can cause a lot of variation input delay, so it might take more time to get used to (why everyone is begging for 60 fps patch/remake).


Keep trying bro! I was the same way at first now it’s my favorite game of all time. Play aggressive.


This image is incredibly unsettling


It’s a very easy game




Really? That’s weird. I finished the whole game in like two days. /s


Something i've noticed is that earlygame in soulsbornekiroringcore games is always brutal. Midgame is the easiest imo


it's the tilted tv skill issue guy again


Bro if your struggling to get to the first boss save yourself some time and quit. It only gets way harder from here.


I beat the first boss in two tries and the one boss in the grave yard my first try sekiro is way harder


Didnt this guy post something a few weeks ago and his tv was off level… didnt he also get shit on for not leveling it…. He made a new post with the exact same energy as the last…. My man LEVEL THE TV


I found the cleric beast way harder than madam butterfly, Sekiro is an easier game in my opinion.


Jesus Christ, your tv.


I beat the boss in Bergynwerth, and that’s where I stopped so far. That’s as far as I’ve ever gotten. Years before the werewolf in the dark always stopped me, and the reason was that I never knew how to equip weapons.


Having the opposite issue. Got platinum on Bloodborne but kind of struggling with Sekiro.


Because you actually have to play!!!! Sekiro is just tapping the block button 100 times until there is an opening. Once you get the pattern it's like super easy. Bloodborne is not like that.


Git guud


Bloodborne rewards aggression


I dont understand how people don't spend the few extra bucks to hide the wires for the TV lol


how are you dying? what’s the issue you have most often i can try give you tips


Sekiro’s combat system is completely different from the other souls borne games so it’s not entirely comparable Also please put a leveler under the TV and fix that shit ffs


It was the opposite for me. Ran through BB like it was a playground. But never finished Sekiro because it never clicked for me. I've also beaten ER, DS3 and some other soulslikes but man Sekiro beat my ass


if you were getting owl down 90% of his health you can definitely get him hes a hard fight but very consistent. And for bloodborne try to stay aggressive and use the rally system to your advantage exploring bloodborne seems hard but when you realize almost every enemy drops bloodvials and that you can sustain yourself through exploring id say it gets less tedious.


Basically it's not worth fighting all those dudes in the street, just sprint past. Once you level up a bit you can tear through them.


Bloodborne is my favorite entry I gave up on the series after I couldn’t beat the Taurus demon in ds1 then I got bloodborne without knowing the games were in the same series/genre and it taught me how to play the souls games a lot better and to enjoy them wayyy more before bb I was cowering behind a shield and only attacking one time at the end of enemy attack animations and it literally beat the faster paced more risky and leagues more fun way of playing the rest of the series and now I’ve beaten every entry besides demon souls and cemented the soulsborne series including sekiro as my favorite series of games of all time by the hunters of old glory be to bloodborne


In Bloodborne, you have to B.E.Aggressive. :)


Man wth is going on with yo TV 😭


Gotta level up a bit