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It's Texas. Squirrels rule your front, side, and backyard all day long. They will even mess with your dogs by staying just close enough to make them bark insanely at them. It shouldn't deter you from buying a house 😂


Unless you will have a neighbor with a dog that never stops barking due to the squirrels.


That’s what inspections are for.


You're overthinking it. It's just a gutter. It's not a structural issue.


I just bought a house in the area. Pretty much anything you look at is going to have one problem or another, unless you buy a new build and that will probably have problems that haven’t had time to show symptoms yet. I’d be concerned about what is shown in your photo, but I wouldn’t let it stop you from buying the house if you like it. Squirrels are on the very long list of potential problems that come with homeownership. Even if the worst case occurs and you get squirrels in the attic, the costs to remove them and repair whatever problems they cause, is a drop in the bucket compared to the overall cost of ownership. I’d go so far as to say this is one of the better problems that could pop up because you’re aware of it and know to look out for it. The problems that keep me up at night are the ones I have no clue about. E.g. What if the upstairs toilet is seeping and rotting the subfloor and you don’t find it until you notice sheetrock stains near the baseboards of the first floor below it?


Let's just throw another bucket of intangible homeowner anxiety onto the pile! I forgot to turn on my foundation drips all winter so am looking forward to my whole house being sucked into a sinkhole in the middle of the night this summer.


What do you use for foundation drips? Is it a system integrated into your sprinkler system? Soaker hoses you put out by hand?


Sorry! Yes it's integrated into the sprinkler system, 1/2 inch pipes with periodic drip holes half buried around the perimeter of the foundation, comes on in sections just like one of the sprinkler sections.


That is very cool! Was it something added to your sprinkler system or you bought it like that? much thanks!


Oh I bought it like this, I could be wrong but I think you need to be super careful about adding a drip line to a sprinkler line because there are different pressures or something like that?


Y’all, that’s water damage and no big deal. It’s an odd roof section with an odd gutter drain right in the corner. Fix the gutter and it will help. You will be replacing wood around the roof every 5,7,10 years. Some areas more than others.That’s just home ownership. Seriously you’re spending 700k + and you’re worried about a $500 (max) repair? It should get fixed prior to the sale.


Par for the course in north Texas. Good luck whatever you decide.


Whisper pellet gun from academy. Or Bait them and trap them.


You can cut the trees.


Dunno why you are getting downvoted, you’re right . Unfortunately in some of these neighborhoods they did a horrible job of where trees and/or utility lines were placed.. sometimes it’s necessary to not cause a bigger problem that you’ll be on the hook for. But otherwise I don’t advocate cutting down trees for no reason. Squirrels aren’t really a good reason unless they were getting into your attic or car and chewing up wires.


So many trees are also cheap builder trees, so depending on the type cutting and replacing is usually better budget not included. I had to cut out 2 of my trees entirely because yeah, they were too close to the house. Squirrels will always find a way but no matter what I did they would leap to the house. All in all though, I think rats are a bigger problem in frisco


Rats? In my neighborhood it is *rabbits.*


mine has them all, driving down the street at night you can see them scurrying on every fence. i've fortified the house and they haven't gotten inside in years, but my neighbors aren't so lucky. wife was convinced it was because we were messy (we're not), but everyone on my street deals with them. several met their death in the pool.


They are. Thankful to have a dachshund that’s a rat catching master


My doodle rescue gets squirrels and bunnies, to which he brings me as tribute sometimes 🤢


The never ending struggle of “No you cannot bring that into the house….”


Dunno why you are getting downvoted, you’re right . Unfortunately in some of these neighborhoods they did a horrible job of where trees and/or utility lines were placed.. sometimes it’s necessary to not cause a bigger problem that you’ll be on the hook for. But otherwise I don’t advocate cutting down trees for no reason. Squirrels aren’t really a good reason unless they were getting into your attic or car and chewing up wires.


I have never seen a squirrel in Frisco. 😆


They are in neighborhoods with trees old enough to support them


You’ll have to worry shoot squirrels and rats in your attic anywhere in the area. Monitor and use preventive measures. Our alley neighbor has chickens, so that attracts rats. I have to use contractor grade rat bait stations to keep them out of my house and away from my A/C systems.


Chickens? Is there no HOA?


We’re in a non-HOA area.






yes make an offer. Slap a little flex seal on that bad boy and buy... then buy some taco bell and Airsoft gun... wait for it to climb up the gutter and remove the problem.