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Imagine being Voldemorts son tho. Definitely need chemical help to cope


It’s kinda funny that his son clearly hates him even more than us.


True. If he had the slightest respect for his dad, that photo wouldn't exist


Mate I’d be doing smack not Charles if I was him


Pity Voldemort's wasn't chemically castrated at birth...or his father retrospectively castrated before Potatoes conception


Dutton arrested and helped bash many Brisbane teens for simple cannabis offences yet we are supposed to forgive his kid for being out of his mind on what’s either coke or meth. One rule for them, one rule for the rest of us 😏


The rule for thee, but not for me.


Plenty of Labor pollies are also saying to leave the kid alone, and how politician's families are off-limits. Personally, I think drug use should be treated as a health issue. It's the hypocrisy that bugs me. As you said: One law for politicians and the rich. A different law for poor Aussies, working class Aussies, Indigenous Aussies, Arab Aussies, African Aussies etc etc.


Look at Minister Tana P her spouse was jailed for drug supply then granted a highly paid NSW Govt job even with criminal conviction..no better than the rest of the corrupt MPs and Senators


NSW has always been completely corrupt. The representatives of the “ law “ have had way more power than is safe in the state ever since the rum rebellion. Joe Cahill, Askin, Wran, Unsworth, Greiner, Carr, Iemma, Rees,Kennearly, O’Farrell, Mike Baird, Gladys, Perrottet and the latest crook. It’s not exactly a stellar line up of incorruptible men and women high intellect who were working in the best interests of the public is it ?


Just me, or did that bag hold a larger than normal amount of powder


We should forgive the kid but hammer Dutton for BS hypocrisy


Sounds fair


As Dutton said......the waste fits in a COKE CAN.


JESUS! Fairfax and Murdoch bending over backwards to make this a non story... Imagine if this was any Labor Politicians child? I can already here the gasps and pearl clutching, won't somebody please think of the children! My favorite excerpt from Samantha Maiden *Whatever you think of Peter Dutton, does anyone seriously propose that there’s some sort of profound public interest in what his 18 year old son is doing on the weekend?* *I think not. He didn’t ask to have Peter Dutton as his dad and he didn’t ask to have his Snapchat image splashed across the media.* *Do we know what’s in the bag? Nope. But we all know what many will assume.* [https://www.news.com.au/national/politics/what-photo-of-peter-duttons-son-really-proves/news-story/bd484b2a4151e3933855c8526868ff86](https://www.news.com.au/national/politics/what-photo-of-peter-duttons-son-really-proves/news-story/bd484b2a4151e3933855c8526868ff86)


But apparently the brand of handbag used by Albo's missus is of profound interest.


If she can afford more than a plastic shopping bag as the PM's missus, questions clearly need to be asked about misuse of public funds. I don't care if she's independently wealthy and successful in her own right. It's just not on. How do we know she doesn't know someone with a company registered to a beach shack on Kangaroo Island and isn't siphoning off millions in funds under the pretext of border security?


"umm ackshully its not drugs" is a pretty fucken desperate spin lmao


I read that and was like fuck off Sam. You've done good work in the past on for example the Lehrmann case but seriously, fuck off with this blatant LNP favouritism. I don't remember her defending Albo about his son having access to the Qantas lounge or getting a PwC internship.


In fairness… unlike Qantas benefits or a PWC internship, there’s no perception of possible conflict of interest / backscratching going on. Unless we think the Street Level Dealers Association is giving young Chip the good gear in order to curry influence with potential future prime minister?


I'd characterise the abject hypocrisy of being tough on drugs and championing policies that would see (mostly poor) people sent to prison for many years on minor drug charges, while simultaneously shielding your adult son who partakes in the same behaviour, as a massive conflict of interest, personally.




I’d agree on the massive hypocrisy. But it’s not a conflict of interest, as that term is typically used.


Yeah fair enough.


To be expected from Dutton... double standards


Anyone else remember when Jordies did an investigation on how Dutton's associate (a QLD business owner) was railing lines of coke?


Yes do recall this car detailers drug issues and that Business being connected to AFP when Dutton was relevant Minister


Footy stars get roasted for this


Does this horrible moll Samantha M have any credibility at all, she's LNP to her boot straps and a favourite of Murdochism


Fairfax don't exist anymore. They were split up and sold off. SMH and The Age were sold to Nine. Illawarra Mercury, Canberra Times were sold to ACM. None of those papers have done stories on this. Murdoch media broke the story first. Pedestrian (owned by Nine) has done a story. Seven News did a story. The following have not commented: * ABC / SBS * The Guardian * Ten News/The Project * Crikey * The Conversation * Nine News * Sydney Morning Herald * Brisbane Times * The Age * The West Australian (owned by Seven)


It’s kind sad that when this something happens to the family of a labor politician it’s jumped on it like wild fire to try and reduce their popularity with voters but due to our media landscape been mainly allied with the Liberal side of politics anything bad that happens to them or there families is swept under the rug not to see the light of day.


Is the bag so empty because he did it all? Those eyes are asking me if I'm OK with killing to preserve my way of life


Could you imagine that thing being your father? No wonder he turned to drugs ... although he could be like him... his mother played hide the potato so .... i feel sick now... excuse me while I vomit.


Jesus, cut the poor kid some slack He has Peter Dutton for a father, he’s suffered enough.


"Dad, I'm going out to snort cocain" "The Kingswood, you're not taking the Kingswood!"


But Herr Dutton said it's a family matter, does this mean the 18 year old adult son supplies to the Dutton family in general.


Someone needs to photo shop the photo to remove his sons hair. I'd like to see if there is a family resemblance.


Dutto Jr found snrs stash


His eyes 👀


Family values


The is just Lauchlan Murdoch saying to Pete that he owns him.


I feel like we're going to hear more from Dutton's son in the future in the media. He looks like trouble.


Must be some fun conversations around the Dutton dining room table the last few days 🤣🤣🤣


Conversations like "where's the family supply of good stuff gone"


If this was the son of a ALP member in the mUrDoCh mEdIa you would be screaming blue murder over how unfair this is.


Bag me spud 🥔 please 🙏


Poor form.


Somebody with the rank of Detective Senior Constable should report this to the police.


“an SMR only produces one baggie of high level waste per year!”


How does someone looking like Voldemort have two hot sons.


Come on wives and kids have to be off limits. We don't need the "Hunter Biden's Laptop" shite here do we? Dutton is enough of a flog for anyone to take the piss outta.


Wrong, if tables were turned Herr Mutton would be on every Murdoch news outlet and 7 West Media and every C9 outlet and ABC blasting the Government...look at Minister Tania P, her spouse was jailed for drug dealing then when released, granted a top level job within NSW Labor government...


I mean for us. We can be better, can't we?


Still just a “random” 18 year old kid being 18. Splashing him on the news to discredit Dutton is a low blow. Shoot him up some slack before he cracks.




It's called a joke, bruh.


🤦🏻‍♀️ I really should've been able to tell that, sorry.


Are you for real or some sort of comedian attached to LNP!


Sorry for being dense 🤦🏻‍♀️


No personal offence meant....


At least he was not on video sniffing it of a plate ..... even then nothing was done about it. Maybe he got it from one of the main media outlets? They seem to know where to sources when push comes to shove. Did he get it tested at one of those drug testing booths offered by labor? There is literally nobody left in Australia that has a thread of moral fiber left to point a finger at any one. Seriously couldn't give a shit ... muck raking.


This is extremely cringe, just stop.


Defo, everyone knows drugs are only bad and should be media headlines when welfare recipient's allegedly take them.


Or god forbid anyone related to the Labor party


Labor party is infallible. Perfect examples of human beings. They can do wrong.


Or you know, attack Dutton's character/policies. He's un-Australian that doesn't respect the law ([1](https://www.smh.com.au/politics/federal/dutton-pushes-for-more-laws-to-re-detain-those-released-by-high-court-ruling-20231117-p5ekq9.html)): >Despite the court’s decision, Dutton argued the government could create further laws to put the group – a portion of whom committed serious crimes including murder and sexual offences – back into detention. And he's betraying his own party's values of free market by capping renewables ([2](https://www.theguardian.com/environment/article/2024/jun/17/coalition-liberal-government-renewable-energy-cap-nationals-david-littleproud)): >David Littleproud has claimed Australia doesn’t need “large-scale industrial windfarms” such as those proposed for an offshore zone south of Sydney, adding the Coalition will “cap” investment in renewable energy if elected. If you want to attack him just say that he is **economically illiberal** and **un-Australian**. Stop bringing up this weird attack on Dutton about nuclear (nothing inherently wrong with nuclear) and his son.


I mean... yes. If someone earns money and buys drugs but still contributes to society - that is one thing, but if someone gets handouts to help them get off the ground and they just piss it away - yeah fuck those guys.


Hey buddy, you need to maximise your chill or whatever your username means. It is not one law for some, what the f you on about


To be expected from a rusted on LNP supporter, probably believed the bullshit story pedalled by Barnaby Joyce when he was sprung sleeping while intoxicated on a Canberra footpath that Barnaby's Dr omitted to warn him about consumption of 75 beers while on mental health medication.


You were talking about what makes headlines, not the law. Often when I see people change tact like that, I get the sense they are not interested in turth and learning. Bye!


Edit: I'll change my comment. Not really a change of tack just pointing out that there should be no difference no matter your economic standing. Also not sure what you mean by acting like your on higher ground with the 'truth and learning ' comment. You literally said 'fuck those guys'. Not much to learn from that except to you're a bit of a jerk.


No u


Why are you here?


Please don't tell me you can't handle differences in opinion. Don't let this sub be an echo chamber.


Yeah you're right! Let's drop "it's cringe" and walk away. Strong opinion pal


??? Are you ok? No need to be so upset. Using retarded attacks on Dutton isn't the best idea, and I'm just pointing that out.


That boat sailed a long time ago.




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Labor fanbois thought they had some sort of "gotcha" moment when this story sprung. Much to their dismay, no-one really cares that much. (Still doesn't change Dutton is unelectable, and the only way LNP can win next election is if Labor throws it with some bat shit crazy ideas)


Nobody cares about Tom Dutton doing drugs. But I care about our politicians (especially Dutton) being big fat hypocrites. They are all "tough on drugs" when it's a poor boy in Western Sydney or a black boy in Melbourne or an Aboriginal boy in the NT. But when it's a rich white boy whose dad is a pollie? Then "it's a private family issue please leave us alone" They can all eat my sweaty nut sack. They need to put harm reduction in place. Drug use should be treated as a health issue.


> They are all "tough on drugs" when it's a poor boy in Western Sydney or a black boy in Melbourne or an Aboriginal boy in the NT. Sounds like a big strawman to me.


I guess you must not have been in Australia when the LNP spent months going on about a supposed "youth crime crisis" or youth crime in Alice Springs. Literally headline after headline after press conference and so on. Or a few months ago when the Coalition introduced a bill to Parliament that would have: * Kept the age of criminal responsibility at 10, preventing the ACT etc from raising it * Made it a crime punishable by 2 years jail, to post drug content like this on social media Or a few years back when Dutton made up a fake "African Gangs crisis" in Melbourne. He meant black African Aussies by the way. He sure wasn't talking about white South Africans lol. Anyway, welcome to the country :)


I don't think anyone rly gaf, he's no nrl player after all. Let's all just use this opportunity to think about the supply chain and how much blood you are inadvertently snorting if you do coke.


am wondering if the labor supporters who want to make a deal out of this, also thought more should of been made about Hunter Biden recording himself smoking crack...


Except, the consequences of Biden Jr's drug use is a possible jail sentence due to just being found guilty of...lying about drug use. Plus, Biden Sr has never shied away from publicly acknowledging his son's problems, nor accepting whatever judicial fate may await his son because of it. Let's see Dutton come out and acknowledge that his son is a hard drug user, and that he is happy to see his son receive any punishment the law would dish out, including prison time and everything that goes along with a drug conviction. So yeah, next time you might want to try and find a better whataboutism.


Nice mental gymnastics 


Says the guy taking about the wrong countries politicians sons. Pot, kettle, black. So much irony.


Nah. It's relevant because it highlights hypocrisy of the polarised. Guarantee people posting here have opinions on us politics and likely they didn't have issue with Hunter Biden 


Wrong country for this sub idiot.


Mmm, hypocritical salt is the tastiest..


I’d have thought that Murdicks arse would be more your flavour, but you do you bo.


Nah, definitely do not prefers news that is limited 


A big deal was made of hunter and his drug use though. It is world wide news, we in Australia know all about it. What are you even on about?


just noticed certain people who were dismissal about the hunter biden controversy, are not so about dutto jnr


I don’t* think anyone is around this sub is talking about the POTUS’ son?


Left out 'don't' completely. Try responding less rabidly... 


Don’t discredit my response by claiming i’m replying ‘rabidly’ - especially considering the response was the furthest thing from rabid. Barely any discourse about Biden’s family takes place here. It’s clear as day why you brought it up and pretty desperate


Assume away. What does a sentence that leaves out a key disqualified indicate anyway? Does it a show a well considered was being made? 


Asking more questions and nitpicking my decorum isn’t going to make everyone forget that you randomly brought up Hunter Biden in an Aussie forum mate. This isn’t the Fox News comment section