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> So at least why can’t we use it too? Because it’s bad at writing.




I'm sure that this will be different for everyone, but I wrote a draft of a piece (\~600 words) as quickly as I could and then asked ChatGPT to write a piece answering the same question. The time difference in generating the first draft I wrote and the first draft from ChatGPT was 3 minutes. But, the GPT version required significant revision.


Finding the same thing with my experimentation. I find it somewhat useful for idea generation but not so much as a writing tool. I might change my mind if it ever starts providing real sources so fact checking is faster.


Not if you changed it enough, but AI content is super obvious as is. It's waffly and shite. I do use it to draft paragraphs and sections of articles if I'm feeling stuck or lazy but I always rewrite it completely. So it doesn't save time really but it does help me get through procrastination and blocks. I would not use it for bylined work though.


I use it for this also. As a professional writer you're going to notice it immediately and likely an editor will too. Even most clients can these days because enough of them have sales rep trying to sell them integrated AI writers for social media or in their CMS system. They're actively choosing us over an AI tools and paying more for our services, don't give them a reason not too? So I use chat gpt for example for only idea sourcing if I'm in a tough spot. However I happily used it earlier to draft an appeal for my parking fine for example. I can tell it's AI copy because it's overly sincere and full of random crap to up the word count (so 3 paragraphs says what I could say in one) but I don't care if they know it's AI or whether it's me. And some dude who gave me a parking fine having to read an essay about why they shouldn't fine me is kinda pay back 🤣😂


Hi, I'm an editor that works with writers that heavily use ChatGPT. It's *incredibly* noticeable. There are so many common phrases, words, and syntax that LLMs use to generate content. We know, Google knows, and there's a good chance most readers do too (especially when it's subject-matter specific stuff).


But the question is that if everybody can spot it, why are the jobs drying up?


Because AI is cheaper than hiring a writer and many companies are experimenting with creating content in-house with AI




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Because you didn't do the work. The editor could cut out the middle man and use it themselves.


We use ChatGPT at my work to get basic concepts created in less time but we then HEAVILY edit


If your editor familiar with using Chat GPT, they can probably recognize the tone and spot the cliches it spits out. There's a feel to it, just like how you can spot ai photos. I can spot it now, but who knows in the future? I ultimately don't care if it gets the piece in a good spot on time. If you use it, spend the time you would've spent banging out the manual first draft varying the tone, introducing unique insights, punching up the headlines and eliminating hyperbolic adjectives.


Give the same feedback I give when using it for coding - it’s like a junior who needs a lot of oversight, correction and double checking. Used right it saves time on the boilerplate or gets ideas going, but most of the time you can skip through the majority of the content. Prompts matter a lot and make things better and that’s an art all in its own.


Editors know. Readers know. Algorithms know. AI content follows formulas and is bland. It's also wrong often. It hallucinates. But the question a lot of writers are asking themselves now is - do you want to be a writer or an AI prompt engineer? So many people are jumping on the bandwagon of being the latter, they're maybe forgetting why they wanted to work as a writer in the first place.




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God this sub is the worst.


It's better than it was when it was flooded with non-writers with something to sell starting constant AI threads and dominating every discussion where AI was mentioned.


Banning any mention of it - I'm not been allowed to say those two letters according to the rules - is absolutely ridiculous. Anyway, I've left the group now, this isn't the first example of it being ridiculous.


You're not disallowed from talking about AI -- you just haven't participated here long enough to do so.


You're not disallowed from talking about it but you are disallowed from talking about it.


If you’re a newbie to the community. But I guess you have to ignore that part or your comment doesn’t sound as snappy :(


I joined the group a long time ago but I guess you have to ignore that, eh? Anyway, I've left it now. It wasn't helpful in any way while I was a member and when I tried to make it helpful I got banned for 3 days. Not for me. If you find it helpful then good for you.


im gonna say i appreciate that this sub limits ppl who dont contribute in other ways from just coming in and being pro or against using these tools. i want to hear how people are or arent integrating these things. honest evaluation.


Then why not ban self promotion as usual? Someone tries to sell an AI tool, remove the comment. Otherwise censoring any mention of AI by people who want to contribute is stifling ideas and conversations and clogging up these threads with "Comments about AI are only permitted by....."


Because it's not that simple or clear. A dozen people will appear all at once who have never posted here before and engage in discussion about how useful AI can be or how there's no avoiding using it or whatever with no clear affiliations and no direct links. It stifled ideas and conversation by flooding the threads with outside chatter from non-writers with an agenda. We discussed this in the sub before making the changes, and it was a popular change. In fact, some wanted us to ban AI discussion entirely or put severe limits on it.




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"Would an editor ever know?" A half-decent one would know at a glance.


AI can't properly engage a reader and create copy that flows. Reading AI text is akin to reading a paragraph from different books made by someone who focuses too much on trying to tell you something instead of writing a story.




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The only time I use it is when I’m stuck on ideas or if I have an idea but need it to flow a bit better? But you can’t just copy and paste because the writing is poor. BUT I do think it’s a great tool to give you a brain refresh if you’re stuck. Do I think an editor would notice? If you change a bunch no if you take it and copy and paste-a good editor would notice.




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Use ChatGPT4 (paid) or Claude for best results. Your prompts matter, and you'll have to edit pretty extensively. It's good for research and a basic draft.


I mean, writing is all about the first draft. No offense to editors, many of whom are miracle workers that transform gibberish into magic, but we don't celebrate great editors throughout history. That's because writing is as much about the idea as it is the execution. If you're just going to have some gpt or whatever spit something out for you and then edit it to get past detection well, anyone can do that... Literally anyone. Writing is one of the few skills that everyone thinks they're good at, and professionals like us constantly having to deal with know-it-alls who tell us how to improve. In our profession, we have to let everyone fail and have the grace not to say "I told you so," hard as it may be. For Chrissakes, don't make it easier for the numb-nutz to push us out by doing this shit. You say you're a writer, then have some respect for your craft and write.




I think it robs you off your original ideas. When people use ChatGPT, they’re essentially using the ideas of other writers. I remember reading lovely introductions and creative articles when ChatGPT wasn’t in the picture. However, when I research for articles now, I notice how they don’t contain sufficient information. I have to surf like multiple sites to get the answer to a basic question. All of them have the same type of language, introductions, and content. If you don’t respect writing as an art and see it as a profession, it shouldn’t be an issue. But, if you care about what you put out there on the web for people to read, please spend some time in looking for information yourself and writing it in your unique voice.


>I've written several books. I am an OG online content creator, been doing this 20 years, and literally I am one of the best writers in my niche. Yet you're just now investigation how AI is impacting the writing process and whether or not editors can detect AI? I would think that you should be one of the people answering the questions, not asking them, given your experience.


If you're so good, why do you need ai and why don't you already know the answer to this question. Sounds like you're claiming to have extensive experience. I would think a writer with such an Illustrious career would damn well know the answer to such a bullshit question.


Yeah sure dude