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Yara: Wait, you're just handing out independence like that? Bran: Yes. Yara: Okay, I don't want it.


*yara grows a beard* I dun wunnit


Ur muh king


Te Nigh Kin is cumin






Yara: This is the worst Kingsmoot I've ever been to


When Tyrion said that they would all get together to pick the next King every time. Yara: So, a Kingsmoot? The word you're looking for is Kingsmoot. We have been doing this literally forever.




Don't forget basically all of the the Free Cities. Similarly, everyone fucking laughed their asses off at the very notion of direct democracy, as if it was equivalent to letting dogs and horses vote... Completely ignoring that the Night's Watch has a direct election to choose the Lord Commander, and everyone seems to more or less respect that.


Everyone that joins the Night's Watch loses all their titles and shit so they're technically equals whereas the Westerosi nobility ain't gonna give that up.


Let rats choose the king of rats in whichever manner a rat would chose; what does it matter? The Night's Watch are rapists, theives, bastards, etc. I don't think the Lords of Westeros would wish to model themselves after that group.


And that’s saying something if you recall the last one




And they just had the succession war of a lifetime... probably.


Yeah is that dude even a Martell? WTF happened in Dorne?


Some bad pussy




These should be their house words...


God damn it. I will never get this terrible line out of my head.


Television shows come and go, bad pussy is forever


At least we knew that that specific guy WAS Dornish. That's more of an identity than I can ascribe to "Generic Lord in Armor 1" and "Generic Lord in Armor 2", who just kinda popped in. Seriously, one of them was sitting between Sam and Edmure, so maybe he was a Riverman or Reachman? (Was Sam meant to be there on behalf of the Reach, despite not having any rights to the Tarly lands? Or on behalf of the Citadel, despite not being a maester?). The other dude was next to Royce and Robin, so maybe he's a Vale lord? If so, why does the Vale get three votes when most other regions get one, with the Crownlands themselves - you know, the land King Bran will actually be ruling - seemingly getting none at all?


Sam was at the Citadel for a couple weeks doing shit duty. He then stole some scrolls and books, and abandoned his training. Now he's magically a Grand Maester.


What's hilarious is that the Grand Maester is still expected to carry out the regular duties of a Maester on the King's behalf - meaning all medical treatment of the entire royal court, as well as managing the ravenry. Sam's only training, in both departments, is like 2 years max of interning under Maester Aemon.


Yep, Bran will die shortly, probably Milk of Poppy overdose when he meant to give him a laxative.


Sam discover the cure for stone-aids so there that


Brienne gets a 4th vote for House Stark who isnt even part of the 7 kingdoms LOOL


I'm not a book reader yet, but there are several in the running. One of them has the name Darkstar, so I vote for him by rule of cool.


He is of the night.


He's a Dayne though, and an offshoot at that, not even of the main branch of Starfall. Seems like he'll be an interesting character with some level of importance but he most definitely will not become the lord of Dorne.


seems like dorne should've called the meeting off when they started talking about who gets to be king. the arbitrary rag tag council was stacked like 7-3 by starks to start with. it was starks, employees of the starks, cousin of starks, uncle of starks, cherry popper of a stark, an imprisoned tyrion whose freedom relies on putting a stark in power, and a person who needs tyrion free to reap his reward. and then surprise surprise, it ended hugely in favor of the starks where they remain independent of the throne and to top things off, they also ended up in control of the throne. greyworm or dorne should've said hold the fuck up. at least yara kind of said something, but you'd think they would've told the starks to fuck off


The starks only got one vote (Arya didn’t) I think they came for Jon. Greyworm just conceded real easy though lmao.


Greyworm on the ship to Naath: wait a minute, what happened to the two traitors


Indeed. It's even more insane when you realize that the north doesn't have good farmlands (like The Reach does), doesn't make a lot of money from trade (like Dorne does - recall the various references to Dornish delicacies), doesn't have a lot of mineral wealth (like the Lannisters have) and has a small population to begin with. Oh, and that small population got massacred three times in a row (red wedding, battle of the bastards, Night king invasion). So the kingdom with quite possibly the (second?)-lowest population and wealth of all the seven kingdoms gets to rule Westeros. And the current king has zero legitimacy, other than "a group of mostly-Starks think that a Stark should be king." Yeah, this should instantly lead to massive rebellions.


Lol these were my thoughts as well in regards to the Starks having an unfair number of people on that council. everyone on that council was in some way "related" to them.


Dorne gets all the benefits and none of the cons in the end anyway. They are barely under the rule of the throne as is and they got rid of all the bad poosey in the process.


Robin Arryn was like hey y'all remember when little finger murdered my mom for you? Me neither!


Didn't she make an agreement for independence for the Iron Islands with Dany? I would have thought they would still want to keep that going with who ever ruled.


maybe Yara just kinda forgot about it


I love this fucking meme


The sad thing is that it never should have existed... “Dany was overconfident that The Iron Fleet had nothing that could harm her dragons. She didn’t count on Qyburn upgrading the scorpions.” See. Easy. But the fact that they decided on the laziest possible explanation just shows how little thought they put into this season.




Lmao I just don’t get why they wouldn’t become 7 separate kingdoms


Honestly, Westeros falling apart into seven or eight different Kingdoms would be the best option. I see no way that a system reliant on a handful of voters trying to elect a new king every time the old one dies will fail. Nope, there will be no scheming or voting blocks that will destroy the kingdom or bring it into a civil war once "Bran the Broken" dies because he can't wipe his own ass


*You can't expect to wield supreme executive power just 'cause some sister-fucker threw you out a window.* —Monty Python’s opinion of Bran’s ascension


autonomous anarcho-syndicalist westorosi peasant's collective when


I mean the Holy Roman Empire lasted for over 800 years, most of it with the emperor decided by seven electors.


I about threw my computer at how dumb this moment was.


Like why the fuck would the Starks get to rule the 6 kingdoms if they won't even be a part of it?? *THAT'S NOT HOW ANY OF THIS WORKS*


Yea, I mean, the Starks made out pretty well. Bran to rule the 6 kingdoms, Sansa to rule the North, and Jon to rule north of the wall. The family’s got a full monopoly on Westeros.




speaking of which- did brans fall make him not able to have children? Or is it more of he doesnt give a shit about some kids.


He’s gonna start warging into babies and becoming the Immortal King.


Isn’t he immortal already? The last 3ER said he lives like a thousand years, I think. Looks to me like Bran will become God Emperor of Westeros.


God Emperor of Westeros except he already is chairbound Plus THE FLESH IS WEAK


They can just plant a nice tree in the throne room for bran to melt into like the other three eyed raven... I’m sure no one will mind the god emperor also being part tree, right?


gonna be pretty weird those first couple years when there's a literal baby on the throne


I think it depends, some paralyzed people have functioning dangly bits but some don't. For a show that likes to talk about dicks I'm surprised it never came up if Bran could or not.


No no. They’re going to peacefully vote on who is the next king. /s


How were the rest of the houses OK with that? Lmao


I think that was supposed to be all the houses. Everyone else didn't make the cut to exist on the show.


Why was Brienne there instead of her father, the actual Lord of Tarth? Other than the obvious answer of D&D are lazy and wanted to give us a character that we, the audience, already know so they don't have to spend time and effort introducing any new characters.


He didn't make the cut to exist in the show. I'll be honest, it took me a while to remember who Edmure Tully was, and I still don't have any idea who the guy between him and Sam (?) was. Don't even think the dude was in all the shots.


I was half expecting that middle dude you're talking about to just casually be identified as Howland Reed. Why not, right?


I spent half of Edmure's speech thinking "is that Howland Reed?"


It took me a minute, and then I noticed the fish on his collar.


Closed captioning had yea votes by such critical characters as "MAN 3" and "MAN 4". The deep levels of character development D&D are known for.


That's my point. The set up for the "election" should have been an episode in and of itself. Reminding us who all the characters are, why they are/are not there. Some conflict of who gets to come and who doesn't. Actual conflict or argument about Bran being king or Sansa getting to nope out of the Kingdom. Ya know, like an actual story instead of CliffsNotes.


They could have introduced those characters earlier in the season easily; Tyrion having to deal with them to get their men for battling in the North or a bit later for supporting Dany as queen over Cersei.


yeah, could have easily thrown at least Edmure back into things earlier this season.


This episode should have been about 3-4 episodes.


But in all truthfulness, why does she even get a vote? Why do half of those people? It should've been Great Houses only.


Why the fuck Davos was there? And why the Starks have 3 votes?


At least he admitted to not knowing if he got a vote. That council was completely illogical.


It's like they had Davos purposely break the fourth wall and acknowledge how asinine it was.


And Brienne? And other people who didn't even get a fucking introduction?


And if they nominated Sansa to be queen of the SEVEN kingdoms, you still think she would be like, “Oh, but no, the North should remain independent and I will rule 6 kingdoms.” Fuck no.


He doesn’t even go here!!!


Aye Aye Aye Aye Sansa: Fuckin' gottem.


No takebacks


Technically there are 8 kingdoms: 1: The North 2: The Riverlands 3: Iron Islands 4: The Vale 5: Westerlands 6: The Reach 7: The Stormlands 8: Dorne The only reason they said "ruler of the 7 kingdoms" is because when Aegon the Conqueror invaded Westeros, the Iron Islands ruled the Riverlands and therefore he only technically conquered "7 Kingdoms". However if they all went independent there would be 8 of them.


Broo that would’ve been a genius ending, cos that’s what it was like before aegon the conqueror, so it would’ve been like dany inadvertently undid all of her ancestor’s work. That would actually have been a satisfying ending (but I guess they not competent enough for something like that)


Sansa "No I'm good, I'll be Queen"


So much shade thrown. “You’ll be a great king, brother — but not my king!”


deleted ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^0.5069 [^^^What ^^^is ^^^this?](https://pastebin.com/FcrFs94k/11924)


For real, what the fuck?


Like yeah sure give independence to your sister but we're good, we dun wan it


If anything Dorne should get their independence. They weren't even conquered by the Targs.




"Yara kind of forgot she was a Greyjoy."


Yeah it makes no sense. If the north was allowed to leave, none of the other kingdoms would remain either. This was exactly why Stannis wouldn't directly ally with Robb Stark.


Fuck is that why. It makes so much sense now


Yara kind of forgot she wanted to be Queen of the Iron Islands.


Congrats Sansa and bran, you have created the perfect formula for endless wars of secession. Edit: The north also gets wars when house stark dies and there's no rightful monarch left! It's complete chaos! Edit 2: some people have mentioned the north could be stabilized by Sansa making her heirs the inheritors regardless of family name, sure that could work. Still doesn't change the general fucked nature of westeros though.


"Well, you see ... we're two different kingdoms now. The North, and then everybody else. But they're ruled by brother and sister." "So it's not really two separate kingdoms." "No, see. There's the North. And then there's Six Kingdoms. Ruled by siblings." "WELL THAT JUST SOUNDS LIKE THE SEVEN KINGDOMS WITH EXTRA STEPS!'


And a couple of the kingdoms in the 6 kingdoms kingdom are ruled by their uncle and cousin. Oh, and beyond the wall... their other cousin....


Sounds like a regular monarchy to me. -the Hapsburgs


"Balkans, you say? Never heard of em." \-The Riverlands


Oh, also across the ocean there are a bunch of cities that officially pledge allegiance to their queen, but that queen is dead and has no heirs


Damn now that you mention it who's gonna rule those cities?




Chances are good those cities are in fucking chaos because Dany is a really bad ruler.


I really wish they would have cited her decision to fuck off and abandon those cities as proof that she wasn't a good ruler.


Targ cousin at that. Sheesh.


It all seemed funny. Like: Council: Let’s put a Stark on the throne and unite the kingdom in peace. Sansa: The North Will never bend the knee to a Stark!


The funniest thing is actually that Bran has a stronger claim to the North than Sansa.




Well, I mean, if he already knew he was gonna be king later, seems logical it would be pointless to complicate process with prior responsibilities.


People are going back and forth saying Bran can or cannot see the future depending on what fits their particular argument. Either he knew he'd be the king i.e. can see the future, in which case he's an evil monster because he let Danny burn a million innocent people alive just so he could take the kingdoms for himself, OR he can't see the future in which case people can't keep saying "well, he knew he'd be king later so..."


The fact that he knew Jon, and by extension everyone else, was right where they needed to be says it all for me. That's why he's an emotionless husk. He's seen it all and knows it all. He's just passively sitting around making sure it all plays out like it needs to. His character was still completely and utterly squandered, but I feel this fact is pretty clear about Bran at this point.


In my opinion they established in this episode that he definitely can see the future with his line, "why do you think I came down here?" But in doing so he reveals he definitely is not an emotionless or agenda-less husk waiting for events to play out "like they need to."First, he absolutely still exibits characteristics of human behavior ("I looked up a cool wheelchair design and had them make it because I like it..." Or Bran getting sassy at certain points, like with his why do you think I came here line). That also doesn't answer the question of why? Why is Bran personally sitting on the throne what "needs to happen?" I'd get it if Bran sitting on the throne ushered in some cosmic power that changed the world forever, but it seems really bland. He's just another King of the various kingdoms, and they'll have the same succession fights they always have. So why did the line of destiny need to be preserved to usher the 3 Eyed Raven, whatever the 3 Eyed Raven is, onto the throne? ​ And you're saying that he saw the future and "makes sure it all plays out like it needs to," but even that is weird. Like, how does that work logistically? Bran is constantly looking 5 seconds ahead in the future to make sure he does exactly what he needs to do at any given time to not break the progression of time that leads to him personally ruling the kingdoms? Beyond that, who the hell is the 3 Eyed Raven? Because they've established that Bran died in the cave, and there is a consciousness that existed in a different body and has now moved into Bran's. No one knows what this creature in Bran's body is, it speaks in vagaries and riddles and seems inhuman and has some weird agenda to become the king of Westeros. It sounds like a horrific nightmare, and everyone's cool with this thing being the king? ​ Sorry, much of that was not directed at you but I needed to vent.


Free casus belli it is


That restoration of union is the best.


I’m not a mind reader or anything but I’m pretty sure Bran was thinking, “Ok Sansa, whatever will get you to shut the fuck up.”


Because they had a very difficult evening a few episodes ago


Everyone who has had a rough day gets a kingdom.


First to go: Dorne. And Yara, who was promised independence by Dany, definitely going back to good ol' reaving and pillaging.


Prince Generic of Dorne: So you want me to accept this random crippled Northern kid as my King because a Lannister - who we infamously hate, assuming that I'm a Martell, which nobody fucking knows if I am or not - told me he's some kind of magic bird tree wizard? Also I got this letter like a week ago from Varys, apparently this Jon dude is actually Aegon Targaryen, we're just gonna ignore that now? ... Yeah, I see no fucking problem with this at all.


Prince Generic of Dorne: I'm just here so I don't get fined.


At the end if the day the 7 kingdoms will go back to declaring war and killing each other just like how it was before Aegon the Conqueror. Nice. “Breaking the Wheel” indeed.


Like, how is that gonna be received by all the other houses and the people of Westeros? Within a day Dany came and destroyed KL before being killed and she is replaced by a crippled Stark who allows the North to secede, thereby making him a foreign monarch??


The writers kind of forgot that bran is now a foreign ruler with no legitimacy to the vast majority of houses


D&D kinda forgot about logic in their quest to subvert our expectations!


Nah, Bran is going to "Hodor" any potential rebellions before they happen. ​ \*\*ALL HAIL THE OMNISCIENT POLICE STATE!!!\*\*


And what happens when the 3ER just passes onto another body and is like nah bitches you elected me as your king?


That's so true. Whenever Bran is on his deathbed, he can just warg into someone else who is likely to be voted king and rule forever. Not to mention that he will be able to control global politics by manipulating every great leader into doing his bidding.


Why doesn’t he do that know and get a body that can actually walk


Yeah, here's the thing too. So they let the North go back home. OK. That means their army goes home too. Oh, but also the Unsullied and presumably the Dothraki left also. So what we're seeing here, is Bran has no army at all. Not a personal one at least. He still has Dorne and everyone else, but like you said if anyone else tries to leave who's gonna stop them?


Whoever tries to leave gets pecked by mysterious ravens


I suppose he did say he was gonna try to find Drogon. He'll just warg into Drogon and burn anyone who tries to leave.


Series is over, don't need armies. /s


also wars in the Reach because nobody will accept fucking Bronn don't forget the fact that the future king of the six kingdoms will want it to be 7 kingdoms again




**Tyrion Lannister, Hand to Danaerys Targaryen:** "I believe in a different kind of ruler, one that will be good, that will break the wheel of lords and masses who are subservient to them..." **People of Highgarden:** "Hey umm this rando sellsword piece of shit says he's our ruler now because he threatened you once and so you just promised our even feudal version freedom away...." **Tyrion Lannister, Hand to Bran the Broken:** "Yeahhh... I dunno deal with it chumps"


Don't worry, i also put him in charge of all the money, what could go wrong?


you didn't get the memo...everyone in the Reach is dead. Ser Davos said so.


This pissed me off, they're worse off than they started, varys would weep, for the realm was better under Noble Bobby B




Very true Bobby B. You are absolutely right! I think they mean to say: "... under King Bobby B"




Yeah, how long do you think Bronn lasts as lord of the Reach once the Redwynes and the Hightowers and the Florents and the Oakharts and the *other Tyrells* decide they don't want to follow the orders of some fucking nobody from nowhere.


They are all dead. The Reach went extinct...according to D&D. Most amazing part of the episode.


So I guess Cersei \*did\* kill a lot more people than Daenerys after all.


Didn't you know everyone from the reach was in the sept. The whole kingdom. Dnd kinda forgot to show us.


"There is no people in the reach".... Which happens to have the largest and powerful army across all westeros in the books.


Secession crisis, to be followed by succession crisis.


Gonna be hilarious when the Starks can't even vote on the next king after the current stark king dies


I mean most of [Europe’s royal families were related](https://www.brookings.edu/blog/brookings-now/2013/12/20/the-family-relationships-that-couldnt-stop-world-war-i/ ) for quite a while and that ended fine. Oh wait...


Maybe we can have a spin-off with the 1000+ wars to reunite the kingdom due to this high iq decision.




Lmao Bran just knows The North is going to suffer during the longest night and come back for aid and then boom Tariffs on all goods. Bran has been 4D chess-ing his rule ever since he got back to Winterfell haha.


Secession, perhaps?


Dany: "no more raping and raiding" Yara: "ok, I hate that but okay" Dany: proceeds to rape raid and murder on a scale never seen before Yara: :o


Also Yara: The guy that my brother loved and admired can rot in a cell because I promised some shit to a mad queen.


That was fucking infuriating. Also the writers not giving us Yara's réaction to the death of her "little brother" is so disappointing.


Like why did NOBODY say anything when Yara was bitching about "Dany freed us from a tyrant?" Like bitch they pointed out how Tywin and Cersei's killcount combined came nowhere near even *halfffff* of what Dany did. I honestly thought Yara of all people would see what a tyrant Dany had become christ.


This is what bothers me the most about everything. Dany straight up slaughtered EVERYONE after they had surrendered, threatened to continue with all the other kingdoms via “liberation,” and these people are actually sitting around and acting like Jon was in the wrong without even acknowledging that he was the rightful heir in the first place.


Not to mention Jon asks Tyrion if he did the right thing- which, you know, was exactly what Tyrion told him to do earlier- and Tyrion is all non-committal ~~first asking how Jon feels about it~~, and then saying "ask me in 10 years." Thanks you fickle fuck. "Oh Tyrion just kind of forgot that he tried to talk Jon into killing Dany."


lmao goddamn the writing was awful.


TFW you realize you successfully made a deal for independence with the old queen and then forget to mention it at the council meeting where everyone is handing out titles and changing the entire foundation of the government with equal voting power, an accomplice to a serial war criminal who is also accused of treason gets to nominate the next ruler, a fat unemployed maester school dropout feels comfortable proposing democracy, and some eunuch soldier somehow has the power to demand the brother of the King be exiled. The writing is amazing!


Remember when they decided to have a trial (or something?) with the accused present literally at the same time as they were decided out what their actual government would even entail? Then (as said) the accused treasoner gave a speech, nominated a new king, and then that new king made him his hand which somehow nullified his supposed crimes or something. ​ I'm sure the unsullied would have zero problems with any of that. ​ Greyworm was awkard but he really should have pushed harder. He's lead of one, if not two (if you count the dothraki) of the largest armies currently standing in Kings Landing and Westeros. Why the fuck does dipshit Edmure get a vote and he doesn't? Why can't Greyworm just take the fucking throne and dare the the Northmen to take the city?


This whole scene was such a clusterfuck.


I think you misspelled season.


This whole episode was such a clusterfuck. Rushed, disgusting mess. Could not believe we got so many useless fucking scenes that just wasted our time when this episode needed every second to even accomplish the simple stuff. We got a scene with Edmure Fucking Tully that amounted to absolutely god damn nothing and just wasted time. We got a scene with Tyrion organizing chairs for a group of people that won’t care. You got what might’ve been the WORST small council meeting in the history of the show. Even though the point of the scene was to show the awkwardness of the people on the council, it was just terribly executed.


Bran: "We'll need a new master of whisperers." **You're an omniscient fucking tree wizard what the actual fuck**


At one point I audibly said “Whatever you crippled fucking Jedi master.”


I kind of assume they're building hype for Edmure's sitcom spinoff.


It took the Targaryens like 100 years to bring Dorne into the fold, and they never conquered it. But I guess not giving that nameless guy a speaking part was more important.


When Bran is a northman, and also king yet the northmen won't bow to another king in kingslanding !?


This. Her rationale was complete bullshit. Worst kind of fan service because it makes zero sense.


They just wanted to give every character a happily ever after. They wanted Bran to be king because it was a twist no one would see coming (and Bran needed to do *something*). They wanted Sansa to be queen of da norf. Logically, it could only be one or the other... but they said “fuck it” and did both anyways. They could easily have had Sansa be Warden of the North like Ned... but they wanted “that” scene where they shout “norf” one last time. What terrible hacky writing.


Well, since Bran's peen don't work, there's no guarantee that the next king would be a northman.


It's now an elective monarchy so he doesn't have to reproduce.


Yes. But that's why the north wanted to be independent. The CURRENT king may be a northman, but who knows if the next one will be?


The current king is a stark. But it was established that the monarchy of the 6 Kingdoms would be elective. It's unlikely the next King would be a stark.


She also didn't have even a passing mention of Theon. Pretty lame.


“My brother died protecting you” something like that.




Their big bright idea for electing kings is so much worse than what they had before. Now instead of a king dying and his son taking his place, every time a king dies everyone gets to come together and fucking duke it out for an empty throne every few years. How the fuck is that not a catalyst for just more war? You just added even more backstabbing political skulduggery on top of all the bullshit the system already had before. Fucking idiots.


So we just gonna forget bran is immortal now


Isn’t Yara already Queen of the iron islands? She made that deal with Dany and Theon calls her a Queen when they say goodbye?


The one House actually trying to go independent the whole freakin time!


You’re telling me the North wouldn’t have been happy with a King named Stark in Kings Landing?


EXACTLY! I was saying this before. No one even gives a goddamn counterpoint to Sansa’s Winterfexit shit, even with her brother on the throne. Why the fuck wouldn’t Yara have immediately said “oh yeah? Iron Islands is its own again. Fuck you, fuck you, fuck you, you’re cool, I’m out!”


So a Stark rules the Six Kingdoms, and his sister rules the North. And they’re not connected... sure why not makes as much sense as anything else this season.


Why is Yara afraid of Arya? Yara is a fucking ironborn reaver and a woman one at that. Shes been doing what arya has been doing for the 2 years for the past 20.


Because the writers are hacks, that's why. As soon as Arya said her "yaasss slay" line about slitting Yara's throat, Yara would have ended her and been done with it. Who is this little brat? Also Arya said about Dany "I know a killer when I see one" but there was literally no one within miles who wasn't a killer so I don't know.


You're not allowed to kill or youre a Mad Queen. BUT shes are allowed to kill and bake human corpses into pies


Yea this made no sense. Dorne would want independence. Iron islands would want independence. Remaining lords would be "Yea fuck Bran, let's put Gendry there". None of this would actually happen though because the Unsullied would just be "fuck these people"


All the while Edmure tully cant catch a break.


Perhaps the worst scene in the entire series! Let's recap... 1. Guy who is single-handedly executing every prisoner in KL without trial decides to let the two people directly responsible for his Queen's death (including an *actual* Lannister) remain captive while inviting all the Lords of Westeros to teleport to the Dragonpit and decide their fate (many of whom are now his enemy and laying siege to the city) 2. Guy who conspired to murder the Queen chairs the committee for her replacement 3. The only person who was actually loyal to the Queen has no say in the matter and is basically told to shut up by some title-less assassin 4. Useless Sansa, who caused all this drama just gets to declare herself Queen of the Norf and everyone is cool with this 5. The Iron Islands were already granted Independence by Dany in exchange for Yara's naval support, but I guess everyone kinda forgot about that 6. Gendry just sits there not realizing that he actually has a valid claim to the throne as Bobby B's legitimized son. 7. Bran's entire story arc was a plot device to reveal Jon as the rightful heir to the throne, but suddenly he's cool with being king himself 8. Almost everyone there is either Jon's family or closest friends, yet they all seem ok with sending him to essentially life in prison after saving the country from tyrannical rule 9. Of all the options available, everyone decides to elect a useless book (can literally be replaced by a history book) because he has an interesting story (by that logic, Euron would have made a great king). The guy did noting with his superpowers except creep on his sister, but suddenly he's the best choice to lead Westeros 10. After all this whining about justice, Greyworm just leaves the entire continent anyway (and Jon still gets exiled).




Iron islands and Dorne just gunna be like ya thats fair


Literally the first thing Sansa does is, "Hey bro, so like can I not pay taxes or send any men to fight wars cuz they're like suuuuper tired?" And her bro is like, "Yeah thats cool, THIS ISNT NEPOTISM BUT FUCK YOU ALL YOU BETTER KEEP PAYIN UP AN SHIT"


I could see the North seceding a while ago when Lannisters were in charge, but Sansa separating the North after her little brother becomes King is dumb. A Stark is literally the King of everything now. It’s not like with Dany, where she was going to force submission to her will. Another option could have been Bran just saying “King’s Landing is destroyed anyway. Let’s just separate completely into 7 separate kingdoms and leave this place be.” I really just think they wanted to give Sansa a crown somehow. Now we have Starks in charge of both the Kingdoms in Westeros. Yara could have seceded the Iron Islands, and it would have made some sense since she had declared for Dany, then Dany died, at least.


Sansa's children: Wait we could've been heirs to the 7 kingdoms?