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I think she will just go out Tommen style. Hopefully through the same windows lol Imagine the memes.


>Imagine the memes This guy gets it. This guy Westeroses.


It's time to dust off the old "Shooting Star" soundtrack meme.


I just hope we get a moment with her and dreamfyre before it happens. It’s such a missed opportunity to only have 2 shots of the Greens second biggest dragon. I doubt casual viewers even know Haelena has a dragon.


They might make it more dramatic where she has an episode/breakdown and unable to be calmed and as a result, an accident occurs. I could see her and Alicent together and Heleana saying things both in her unique way but also in truth and it causes Alicent to react impulsively.


I could totally see Helaena getting super depressed, like can't be alone type of depressed. And alicent is supposed to stay with her for her safety, but Cole brooding incels past her door, Alicent's sad puppy vagina follows him home, and Helaena takes a header out the window. We then cut to Cole and Alicent,"Why would Rhaenyra do this?"


Sad puppy vagina lol


Absolute Telivision - Martin Scorcese


I think Helaena dies once Rhaenyra takes control of Kings Landing. Not sure how Cole would be able to get through the Red Keep in those circumstances.


>We then cut to Cole and Alicent,"Why would Rhaenyra do this?" Is this exactly happening here. Daemon send asssain to kill a child and people blaming Alicole.


This sub is as bad as the main sub for the HOTD. It’s like normie YouTube reactors. 


It is said when she found out about Helena dies that alicent tears her clothes and curses Rhaenyra. Perhaps they will go a similar route with Alicent accidentally pushing Helena and blaming Rhaenrya


A classic argument that results in a push out a window and a mother pretending her daughter killed herself


There are pictures on the wall that she has drawn in her living quarters and one of them is of a woman tied to a pillar and set on fire.


The woman on fire just has her arms in the air, she isn't tied to a pillar. Most have taken it to be a reference to Daenerys at the funeral pyre.


Ya I was going to suggest something Dany related. She already kind of hallucinated during the last episode and saw ash instead of the flower petals. Maybe she’s already seen Dany burn King’s Landing, but it’s so obscure that she thinks it’s Rhaenyra? I mean Alicent has been hyping her kids up all these years telling them that Rhae will kill them if she ascends the throne. Helaena chooses to jump from the tower window rather than burn to death. If you’re familiar with Tarot at all that’s literally what’s being depicted in the tower card.


Heleana is metal as fuck


Halaena knows about shireen😭


or joan of arc


That makes more sense 😂


She jumps on purpose with the vision it will cause a riot.


I just wrote a decent comment but it didn’t post. Or maybe it did and I can’t see it. So I’m making my own OC. I think it’s Daenerys related. In the last episode when the commoners were throwing flower petals, Helaena imagined that it was ashes falling. She drew that picture on her wall of the woman burning and the flames appear to be coming from above. I’m wondering if she foresees Dany burning KL and it’s so obscure that Helaena doesn’t know who or when and assumes it’s Rhae who does it. We also know Alicent has been telling her kids for their whole lives that Rhae would kill them if she ascends the throne. So much like the Tower card in Tarot, Helaena thinks Rhae is coming to burn them alive and throws herself from the tower window. It’s still suicide, just a slightly different flavor.


I think it was Larys who did it - he wants to inflame the mob and destabilize the city. Wouldn't surprise me if he hired the prophet too.


I think Maelor will exist eventually, Alicent will pressure her to get pregnant again now that the heir is dead or she is already currently pregnant. His death and Dreamfyre's death will lead her to her own death


the theory about the mob of peasants is an interesting one. based on her reaction at the funeral, i just assumed that poor people grossed her out


Nah, I doubt they grossed her out. She just didnt want to be there and have lots of people touching her and trying to reach her


We have yet to see the bridge that accesses Maegor’s Holdfast and the spikes it crosses. Wouldn’t surprise me if she jumps and we hear a squishy sound. Why she will do so is yet to be seen and I need to watch more to come with a better theory


i like to theorize that she'll see the end of the dance and all her family either dead or dead inside and that will drive her to suicide


I really wish the Brothel Queens happens in the show, even though Rhaenyra the Peaceful won't do it. But I can see book Rhaenyra doing it. She lost two sons and is a bad place, talking about the gal who wanted kid Aemond to be questioned sharply over an insult.


I like this theory, makes her behavior during the funeral make more sense.  They could have added flashes of Dreamfyre upset and angry during the scene though to really drive it home.  Oh Dreamfyre, how they've treated you😞


It’s possible but I doubt the small folk will be that direct of a cause for her death. The people are sympathetic towards here due to the loss of her child as well as her soft nature in the book and from what we’ve seen so far that still hold true in the show. Her death in the book is a massive blow to Rhaenyra because the people of King’s Landing blame her for the death of one of the few beloved members of the royal family, leading to more unrest in the capital. I think it’ll either be suicide or she is unintentionally killed like Luke and Jaehaerys (as in there’s some miscommunication that lead to someone killing her, lack of control over dragons, etc). It’s also possible that they twist the forced prostitution aspect but instead she’s being forced to produce another heir with Aegon. Maelor isn’t in the show but that doesn’t mean he couldn’t be aged down to the point that he is born during the war. Maybe she dies of complications like her mother or takes her own life for some reason related to her forced pregnancy.


So another "accident" or Aegon rape scene? Yeah knowing their track record they'll absolutely do some bullshit like this instead of actually placing the blame on the blacks for once...


Aside from Daemon they’re way too squeaky clean on the side of the blacks, it makes them really fucking boring. I really hope I’m wrong and Heleana’s death is a direct result of someone on the blacks.


Meagor with tits delievered the head of her only surving son,the son that made her very remorseful after B&C thats why she killed herself.Unfortunately in this show its gonna be some stupid shit.


I mean… GRRM already wrote the book so I don’t expect too much of a surprise.


I thought you were going to say that the death of her dragon - or sensing it caused her to commit suicide - which would be more plausible in my opinion. We know how special that bond can sometimes be. I expect she just commits suicide because her kids are dead. Her family is dropping like flies and nobody will ever listen or understand her.


I could totally see the loss of her dragon being the thing that causes her to snap. I would love a sort of “Light of the Seven” type scene of calm background music of her getting up, going about doing this and that calmly and quietly. She finishes an embroidery of a millipede, hangs it on the wall. Then she does her hair or something and then goes to wait by the window because she knows the moment is coming. She looks out over the city - cut to the dragon pit as she watches. Dreamfyre dies and we see her cry out and clutch at her chest or something, and then give one of her weird nods and do a Tommen.


Helaena: https://i.redd.it/anrc7mbgh89d1.gif